
     1  package config
     3  import (
     4  	"time"
     6  	""
     7  	vault ""
     8  )
    10  const (
    11  	// DefaultVaultConnectRetryIntv is the retry interval between trying to
    12  	// connect to Vault
    13  	DefaultVaultConnectRetryIntv = 30 * time.Second
    14  )
    16  // VaultConfig contains the configuration information necessary to
    17  // communicate with Vault in order to:
    18  //
    19  // - Renew Vault tokens/leases.
    20  //
    21  // - Pass a token for the Nomad Server to derive sub-tokens.
    22  //
    23  // - Create child tokens with policy subsets of the Server's token.
    24  type VaultConfig struct {
    26  	// Enabled enables or disables Vault support.
    27  	Enabled *bool `hcl:"enabled"`
    29  	// Token is the Vault token given to Nomad such that it can
    30  	// derive child tokens. Nomad will renew this token at half its lease
    31  	// lifetime.
    32  	Token string `hcl:"token"`
    34  	// Role sets the role in which to create tokens from. The Token given to
    35  	// Nomad does not have to be created from this role but must have "update"
    36  	// capability on "auth/token/create/<create_from_role>". If this value is
    37  	// unset and the token is created from a role, the value is defaulted to the
    38  	// role the token is from.
    39  	Role string `hcl:"create_from_role"`
    41  	// Namespace sets the Vault namespace used for all calls against the
    42  	// Vault API. If this is unset, then Nomad does not use Vault namespaces.
    43  	Namespace string `mapstructure:"namespace"`
    45  	// AllowUnauthenticated allows users to submit jobs requiring Vault tokens
    46  	// without providing a Vault token proving they have access to these
    47  	// policies.
    48  	AllowUnauthenticated *bool `hcl:"allow_unauthenticated"`
    50  	// TaskTokenTTL is the TTL of the tokens created by Nomad Servers and used
    51  	// by the client.  There should be a minimum time value such that the client
    52  	// does not have to renew with Vault at a very high frequency
    53  	TaskTokenTTL string `hcl:"task_token_ttl"`
    55  	// Addr is the address of the local Vault agent. This should be a complete
    56  	// URL such as ""
    57  	Addr string `hcl:"address"`
    59  	// ConnectionRetryIntv is the interval to wait before re-attempting to
    60  	// connect to Vault.
    61  	ConnectionRetryIntv time.Duration
    63  	// TLSCaFile is the path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the
    64  	// Vault server SSL certificate.
    65  	TLSCaFile string `hcl:"ca_file"`
    67  	// TLSCaFile is the path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to
    68  	// verify the Vault server SSL certificate.
    69  	TLSCaPath string `hcl:"ca_path"`
    71  	// TLSCertFile is the path to the certificate for Vault communication
    72  	TLSCertFile string `hcl:"cert_file"`
    74  	// TLSKeyFile is the path to the private key for Vault communication
    75  	TLSKeyFile string `hcl:"key_file"`
    77  	// TLSSkipVerify enables or disables SSL verification
    78  	TLSSkipVerify *bool `hcl:"tls_skip_verify"`
    80  	// TLSServerName, if set, is used to set the SNI host when connecting via TLS.
    81  	TLSServerName string `hcl:"tls_server_name"`
    82  }
    84  // DefaultVaultConfig() returns the canonical defaults for the Nomad
    85  // `vault` configuration.
    86  func DefaultVaultConfig() *VaultConfig {
    87  	return &VaultConfig{
    88  		Addr:                 "https://vault.service.consul:8200",
    89  		ConnectionRetryIntv:  DefaultVaultConnectRetryIntv,
    90  		AllowUnauthenticated: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
    91  	}
    92  }
    94  // IsEnabled returns whether the config enables Vault integration
    95  func (a *VaultConfig) IsEnabled() bool {
    96  	return a.Enabled != nil && *a.Enabled
    97  }
    99  // AllowsUnauthenticated returns whether the config allows unauthenticated
   100  // access to Vault
   101  func (a *VaultConfig) AllowsUnauthenticated() bool {
   102  	return a.AllowUnauthenticated != nil && *a.AllowUnauthenticated
   103  }
   105  // Merge merges two Vault configurations together.
   106  func (a *VaultConfig) Merge(b *VaultConfig) *VaultConfig {
   107  	result := *a
   109  	if b.Token != "" {
   110  		result.Token = b.Token
   111  	}
   112  	if b.Namespace != "" {
   113  		result.Namespace = b.Namespace
   114  	}
   115  	if b.Role != "" {
   116  		result.Role = b.Role
   117  	}
   118  	if b.TaskTokenTTL != "" {
   119  		result.TaskTokenTTL = b.TaskTokenTTL
   120  	}
   121  	if b.Addr != "" {
   122  		result.Addr = b.Addr
   123  	}
   124  	if b.ConnectionRetryIntv.Nanoseconds() != 0 {
   125  		result.ConnectionRetryIntv = b.ConnectionRetryIntv
   126  	}
   127  	if b.TLSCaFile != "" {
   128  		result.TLSCaFile = b.TLSCaFile
   129  	}
   130  	if b.TLSCaPath != "" {
   131  		result.TLSCaPath = b.TLSCaPath
   132  	}
   133  	if b.TLSCertFile != "" {
   134  		result.TLSCertFile = b.TLSCertFile
   135  	}
   136  	if b.TLSKeyFile != "" {
   137  		result.TLSKeyFile = b.TLSKeyFile
   138  	}
   139  	if b.TLSServerName != "" {
   140  		result.TLSServerName = b.TLSServerName
   141  	}
   142  	if b.AllowUnauthenticated != nil {
   143  		result.AllowUnauthenticated = b.AllowUnauthenticated
   144  	}
   145  	if b.TLSSkipVerify != nil {
   146  		result.TLSSkipVerify = b.TLSSkipVerify
   147  	}
   148  	if b.Enabled != nil {
   149  		result.Enabled = b.Enabled
   150  	}
   152  	return &result
   153  }
   155  // ApiConfig() returns a usable Vault config that can be passed directly to
   156  // hashicorp/vault/api.
   157  func (c *VaultConfig) ApiConfig() (*vault.Config, error) {
   158  	conf := vault.DefaultConfig()
   159  	tlsConf := &vault.TLSConfig{
   160  		CACert:        c.TLSCaFile,
   161  		CAPath:        c.TLSCaPath,
   162  		ClientCert:    c.TLSCertFile,
   163  		ClientKey:     c.TLSKeyFile,
   164  		TLSServerName: c.TLSServerName,
   165  	}
   166  	if c.TLSSkipVerify != nil {
   167  		tlsConf.Insecure = *c.TLSSkipVerify
   168  	} else {
   169  		tlsConf.Insecure = false
   170  	}
   172  	if err := conf.ConfigureTLS(tlsConf); err != nil {
   173  		return nil, err
   174  	}
   176  	conf.Address = c.Addr
   177  	return conf, nil
   178  }
   180  // Copy returns a copy of this Vault config.
   181  func (c *VaultConfig) Copy() *VaultConfig {
   182  	if c == nil {
   183  		return nil
   184  	}
   186  	nc := new(VaultConfig)
   187  	*nc = *c
   188  	return nc
   189  }
   191  // IsEqual compares two Vault configurations and returns a boolean indicating
   192  // if they are equal.
   193  func (a *VaultConfig) IsEqual(b *VaultConfig) bool {
   194  	if a == nil && b != nil {
   195  		return false
   196  	}
   197  	if a != nil && b == nil {
   198  		return false
   199  	}
   201  	if a.Token != b.Token {
   202  		return false
   203  	}
   204  	if a.Role != b.Role {
   205  		return false
   206  	}
   207  	if a.TaskTokenTTL != b.TaskTokenTTL {
   208  		return false
   209  	}
   210  	if a.Addr != b.Addr {
   211  		return false
   212  	}
   213  	if a.ConnectionRetryIntv.Nanoseconds() != b.ConnectionRetryIntv.Nanoseconds() {
   214  		return false
   215  	}
   216  	if a.TLSCaFile != b.TLSCaFile {
   217  		return false
   218  	}
   219  	if a.TLSCaPath != b.TLSCaPath {
   220  		return false
   221  	}
   222  	if a.TLSCertFile != b.TLSCertFile {
   223  		return false
   224  	}
   225  	if a.TLSKeyFile != b.TLSKeyFile {
   226  		return false
   227  	}
   228  	if a.TLSServerName != b.TLSServerName {
   229  		return false
   230  	}
   231  	if a.AllowUnauthenticated != b.AllowUnauthenticated {
   232  		return false
   233  	}
   234  	if a.TLSSkipVerify != b.TLSSkipVerify {
   235  		return false
   236  	}
   237  	if a.Enabled != b.Enabled {
   238  		return false
   239  	}
   240  	return true
   241  }