
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     2  package hashicorp.nomad.plugins.shared.structs;
     3  option go_package = "proto";
     5  import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
     7  // StatObject is a collection of statistics either exposed at the top
     8  // level or via nested StatObjects.
     9  message StatObject {
    10    // nested is a mapping of object name to a nested stats object.
    11    map<string, StatObject> nested = 1;
    13    // attributes is a mapping of statistic name to its value.
    14    map<string, StatValue> attributes  = 2;
    15  }
    17  // StatValue exposes the values of a particular statistic. The value may
    18  // be of type double, integer, string or boolean. Numeric types can be
    19  // exposed as a single value or as a fraction.
    20  message StatValue {
    21    // float_numerator_val exposes a floating point value. If denominator
    22    // is set it is assumed to be a fractional value, otherwise it is a
    23    // scalar.
    24    google.protobuf.DoubleValue float_numerator_val = 1;
    25    google.protobuf.DoubleValue float_denominator_val = 2;
    27    // int_numerator_val exposes a int value. If denominator
    28    // is set it is assumed to be a fractional value, otherwise it is a
    29    // scalar.
    30    google.protobuf.Int64Value int_numerator_val = 3;
    31    google.protobuf.Int64Value int_denominator_val = 4;
    33    // string_val exposes a string value. These are likely annotations.
    34    google.protobuf.StringValue string_val = 5;
    36    // bool_val exposes a boolean statistic.
    37    google.protobuf.BoolValue bool_val = 6;
    39    // unit gives the unit type: °F, %, MHz, MB, etc.
    40    string unit = 7;
    42    // desc provides a human readable description of the statistic.
    43    string desc = 8;
    44  }