
     1  {{title pathWithLeadingSlash " -  Task " " filesystem"}}
     2  {{task-subnav task=task}}
     3  <section class="section is-closer {{if isFile "full-width-section"}}">
     4    {{#if task.isRunning}}
     5      {{#if isFile}}
     6        {{#task-file allocation=task.allocation task=task file=path stat=stat class="fs-explorer"}}
     7          {{fs-breadcrumbs task=task path=path}}
     8        {{/task-file}}
     9      {{else}}
    10        <div class="fs-explorer boxed-section">
    11          <div class="boxed-section-head">
    12            {{fs-breadcrumbs task=task path=path}}
    13          </div>
    14          {{#if directoryEntries}}
    15            {{#list-table
    16              source=sortedDirectoryEntries
    17              sortProperty=sortProperty
    18              sortDescending=sortDescending
    19              class="boxed-section-body is-full-bleed is-compact" as |t|}}
    20              {{#t.head}}
    21                {{#t.sort-by prop="Name" class="is-two-thirds"}}Name{{/t.sort-by}}
    22                {{#t.sort-by prop="Size" class="has-text-right"}}File Size{{/t.sort-by}}
    23                {{#t.sort-by prop="ModTime" class="has-text-right"}}Last Modified{{/t.sort-by}}
    24              {{/t.head}}
    25              {{#t.body as |row|}}
    26                {{fs-directory-entry path=path task=task entry=row.model}}
    27              {{/t.body}}
    28            {{/list-table}}
    29          {{else}}
    30            <div class="boxed-section-body">
    31              <div data-test-empty-directory class="empty-message">
    32                <h3 data-test-empty-directory-headline class="empty-message-headline">No Files</h3>
    33                <p data-test-empty-directory-body class="empty-message-body">
    34                  Directory is currently empty.
    35                </p>
    36              </div>
    37            </div>
    38          {{/if}}
    39        </div>
    40      {{/if}}
    41    {{else}}
    42      <div data-test-not-running class="empty-message">
    43        <h3 data-test-not-running-headline class="empty-message-headline">Task is not Running</h3>
    44        <p data-test-not-running-body class="empty-message-body">
    45          Cannot access files of a task that is not running.
    46        </p>
    47      </div>
    48    {{/if}}
    49  </section>