
     1  ---
     2  layout: docs
     3  page_title: 'Commands: agent-info'
     4  sidebar_title: agent-info
     5  description: |
     6    Display information and status of a running agent.
     7  ---
     9  # Command: agent-info
    11  The `agent-info` command dumps metrics and status information of a running
    12  agent. The information displayed pertains to the specific agent the CLI
    13  is connected to. This is useful for troubleshooting and performance monitoring.
    15  ## Usage
    17  ```plaintext
    18  nomad agent-info [options]
    19  ```
    21  ## General Options
    23  @include 'general_options.mdx'
    25  ## Output
    27  Depending on the agent queried, information from different subsystems is
    28  returned. These subsystems are described below:
    30  - client - Status of the local Nomad client
    31  - nomad - Status of the local Nomad server
    32  - serf - Gossip protocol metrics and information
    33  - raft - Status information about the Raft consensus protocol
    34  - runtime - Various metrics from the runtime environment
    36  ## Examples
    38  ```shell-sessionnomad agent-info
    39  raft
    40    commit_index = 0
    41    fsm_pending = 0
    42    last_contact = never
    43    last_snapshot_term = 0
    44    state = Follower
    45    term = 0
    46    applied_index = 0
    47    last_log_index = 0
    48    last_log_term = 0
    49    last_snapshot_index = 0
    50    num_peers = 0
    51  runtime
    52    cpu_count = 4
    53    goroutines = 43
    54 = darwin
    55    max_procs = 4
    56    version = go1.5
    57    arch = amd64
    58  serf
    59    intent_queue = 0
    60    member_time = 1
    61    query_queue = 0
    62    event_time = 1
    63    event_queue = 0
    64    failed = 0
    65    left = 0
    66    members = 1
    67    query_time = 1
    68    encrypted = false
    69  client
    70    heartbeat_ttl = 0
    71    known_servers = 0
    72    last_heartbeat = 9223372036854775807
    73    num_allocations = 0
    74  nomad
    75    bootstrap = false
    76    known_regions = 1
    77    leader = false
    78    server = true
    79  ```