
     1  ---
     2  layout: docs
     3  page_title: consul Stanza - Agent Configuration
     4  sidebar_title: consul
     5  description: |-
     6    The "consul" stanza configures the Nomad agent's communication with
     7    Consul for service discovery and key-value integration. When
     8    configured, tasks can register themselves with Consul, and the Nomad cluster
     9    can automatically bootstrap itself.
    10  ---
    12  # `consul` Stanza
    14  <Placement groups={['consul']} />
    16  The `consul` stanza configures the Nomad agent's communication with
    17  [Consul][consul] for service discovery and key-value integration. When
    18  configured, tasks can register themselves with Consul, and the Nomad cluster can
    19  [automatically bootstrap][bootstrap] itself.
    21  ```hcl
    22  consul {
    23    address = ""
    24    auth    = "admin:password"
    25    token   = "abcd1234"
    26  }
    27  ```
    29  A default `consul` stanza is automatically merged with all Nomad agent
    30  configurations. These sane defaults automatically enable Consul integration if
    31  Consul is detected on the system. This allows for seamless bootstrapping of the
    32  cluster with zero configuration. To put it another way: if you have a Consul
    33  agent running on the same host as the Nomad agent with the default
    34  configuration, Nomad will automatically connect and configure with Consul.
    36  ~> An important requirement is that each Nomad agent talks to a unique Consul
    37  agent. Nomad agents should be configured to talk to Consul agents and not
    38  Consul servers. If you are observing flapping services, you may have
    39  multiple Nomad agents talking to the same Consul agent. As such avoid
    40  configuring Nomad to talk to Consul via DNS such as consul.service.consul
    42  ## `consul` Parameters
    44  - `address` `(string: "")` - Specifies the address to the local
    45    Consul agent, given in the format `host:port`. Supports Unix sockets with the
    46    format: `unix:///tmp/consul/consul.sock`. Will default to the
    47    `CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR` environment variable if set.
    49  - `allow_unauthenticated` `(bool: true)` - Specifies if users submitting jobs to
    50    the Nomad server should be required to provide their own Consul token, proving
    51    they have access to the service identity policies required by the Consul Connect
    52    enabled services listed in the job. This option should be
    53    disabled in an untrusted environment.
    55  - `auth` `(string: "")` - Specifies the HTTP Basic Authentication information to
    56    use for access to the Consul Agent, given in the format `username:password`.
    58  - `auto_advertise` `(bool: true)` - Specifies if Nomad should advertise its
    59    services in Consul. The services are named according to `server_service_name`
    60    and `client_service_name`. Nomad servers and clients advertise their
    61    respective services, each tagged appropriately with either `http` or `rpc`
    62    tag. Nomad servers also advertise a `serf` tagged service.
    64  - `ca_file` `(string: "")` - Specifies an optional path to the CA certificate
    65    used for Consul communication. This defaults to the system bundle if
    66    unspecified. Will default to the `CONSUL_CACERT` environment variable if set.
    68  - `cert_file` `(string: "")` - Specifies the path to the certificate used for
    69    Consul communication. If this is set then you need to also set `key_file`.
    71  - `checks_use_advertise` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Consul health checks
    72    should bind to the advertise address. By default, this is the bind address.
    74  - `client_auto_join` `(bool: true)` - Specifies if the Nomad clients should
    75    automatically discover servers in the same region by searching for the Consul
    76    service name defined in the `server_service_name` option. The search occurs if
    77    the client is not registered with any servers or it is unable to heartbeat to
    78    the leader of the region, in which case it may be partitioned and searches for
    79    other servers.
    81  - `client_service_name` `(string: "nomad-client")` - Specifies the name of the
    82    service in Consul for the Nomad clients.
    84  - `client_http_check_name` `(string: "Nomad Client HTTP Check")` - Specifies the
    85    HTTP health check name in Consul for the Nomad clients.
    87  - `key_file` `(string: "")` - Specifies the path to the private key used for
    88    Consul communication. If this is set then you need to also set `cert_file`.
    90  - `server_service_name` `(string: "nomad")` - Specifies the name of the service
    91    in Consul for the Nomad servers.
    93  - `server_http_check_name` `(string: "Nomad Server HTTP Check")` - Specifies the
    94    HTTP health check name in Consul for the Nomad servers.
    96  - `server_serf_check_name` `(string: "Nomad Server Serf Check")` - Specifies
    97    the Serf health check name in Consul for the Nomad servers.
    99  - `server_rpc_check_name` `(string: "Nomad Server RPC Check")` - Specifies
   100    the RPC health check name in Consul for the Nomad servers.
   102  - `server_auto_join` `(bool: true)` - Specifies if the Nomad servers should
   103    automatically discover and join other Nomad servers by searching for the
   104    Consul service name defined in the `server_service_name` option. This search
   105    only happens if the server does not have a leader.
   107  - `ssl` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if the transport scheme should use HTTPS to
   108    communicate with the Consul agent. Will default to the `CONSUL_HTTP_SSL`
   109    environment variable if set.
   111  - `tags` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies optional Consul tags to be
   112    registered with the Nomad server and agent services.
   114  - `token` `(string: "")` - Specifies the token used to provide a per-request ACL
   115    token. This option overrides the Consul Agent's default token. If the token is
   116    not set here or on the Consul agent, it will default to Consul's anonymous policy,
   117    which may or may not allow writes.
   119  - `verify_ssl` `(bool: true)`- Specifies if SSL peer verification should be used
   120    when communicating to the Consul API client over HTTPS. Will default to the
   121    `CONSUL_HTTP_SSL_VERIFY` environment variable if set.
   123  If the local Consul agent is configured and accessible by the Nomad agents, the
   124  Nomad cluster will [automatically bootstrap][bootstrap] provided
   125  `server_auto_join`, `client_auto_join`, and `auto_advertise` are all enabled
   126  (which is the default).
   128  ## `consul` Examples
   130  ### Default
   132  This example shows the default Consul integration:
   134  ```hcl
   135  consul {
   136    address             = ""
   137    server_service_name = "nomad"
   138    client_service_name = "nomad-client"
   139    auto_advertise      = true
   140    server_auto_join    = true
   141    client_auto_join    = true
   142  }
   143  ```
   145  ### Custom Address and Port
   147  This example shows pointing the Nomad agent at a different Consul address. Note
   148  that you should **never** point directly at a Consul server; always point to a
   149  local client. In this example, the Consul server is bound and listening on the
   150  node's private IP address instead of localhost, so we use that:
   152  ```hcl
   153  consul {
   154    address = ""
   155  }
   156  ```
   158  ### Custom SSL
   160  This example shows configuring custom SSL certificates to communicate with
   161  the Consul agent. The Consul agent should be configured to accept certificates
   162  similarly, but that is not discussed here:
   164  ```hcl
   165  consul {
   166    ssl       = true
   167    ca_file   = "/var/ssl/bundle/ca.bundle"
   168    cert_file = "/etc/ssl/consul.crt"
   169    key_file  = "/etc/ssl/consul.key"
   170  }
   171  ```
   173  [consul]: 'Consul by HashiCorp'
   174  [bootstrap]: 'Automatic Bootstrapping'