
     1  ---
     2  layout: docs
     3  page_title: Agent Configuration
     4  sidebar_title: Configuration
     5  description: Learn about the configuration options available for the Nomad agent.
     6  ---
     8  # Nomad Configuration
    10  Nomad agents have a variety of parameters that can be specified via
    11  configuration files or command-line flags. Configuration files are written in
    12  [HCL][hcl]. Nomad can read and combine parameters from multiple configuration
    13  files or directories to configure the Nomad agent.
    15  ## Load Order and Merging
    17  The Nomad agent supports multiple configuration files, which can be provided
    18  using the `-config` CLI flag. The flag can accept either a file or folder. In
    19  the case of a folder, any `.hcl` and `.json` files in the folder will be loaded
    20  and merged in lexicographical order. Directories are not loaded recursively.
    22  For example:
    24  ```shell-sessionnomad agent -config=server.conf -config=/etc/nomad -config=extra.json
    26  ```
    28  This will load configuration from `server.conf`, from `.hcl` and `.json` files
    29  under `/etc/nomad`, and finally from `extra.json`.
    31  As each file is processed, its contents are merged into the existing
    32  configuration. When merging, any non-empty values from the latest config file
    33  will append or replace parameters in the current configuration. An empty value
    34  means `""` for strings, `0` for integer or float values, and `false` for
    35  booleans. Since empty values are ignored you cannot disable a parameter like
    36  `server` mode once you've enabled it.
    38  Here is an example Nomad agent configuration that runs in both client and server
    39  mode.
    41  ```hcl
    42  data_dir  = "/var/lib/nomad"
    44  bind_addr = "" # the default
    46  advertise {
    47    # Defaults to the first private IP address.
    48    http = ""
    49    rpc  = ""
    50    serf = "" # non-default ports may be specified
    51  }
    53  server {
    54    enabled          = true
    55    bootstrap_expect = 3
    56  }
    58  client {
    59    enabled       = true
    60    network_speed = 10
    61  }
    63  plugin "raw_exec" {
    64    config {
    65      enabled = true
    66    }
    67  }
    69  consul {
    70    address = ""
    71  }
    73  ```
    75  ~> Note that it is strongly recommended **not** to operate a node as both
    76  `client` and `server`, although this is supported to simplify development and
    77  testing.
    79  ## General Parameters
    81  - `acl` `(`[`ACL`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration which is specific to ACLs.
    83  - `addresses` `(Addresses: see below)` - Specifies the bind address for
    84    individual network services. Any values configured in this stanza take
    85    precedence over the default [bind_addr](#bind_addr).
    86    The values support [go-sockaddr/template format][go-sockaddr/template].
    88    - `http` - The address the HTTP server is bound to. This is the most common
    89      bind address to change.
    91    - `rpc` - The address to bind the internal RPC interfaces to. Should be
    92      exposed only to other cluster members if possible.
    94    - `serf` - The address used to bind the gossip layer to. Both a TCP and UDP
    95      listener will be exposed on this address. Should be exposed only to other
    96      cluster members if possible.
    98  - `advertise` `(Advertise: see below)` - Specifies the advertise address for
    99    individual network services. This can be used to advertise a different address
   100    to the peers of a server or a client node to support more complex network
   101    configurations such as NAT. This configuration is optional, and defaults to
   102    the bind address of the specific network service if it is not provided. Any
   103    values configured in this stanza take precedence over the default
   104    [bind_addr](#bind_addr).
   106    If the bind address is `` then the address
   107    private IP found is advertised. You may advertise an alternate port as well.
   108    The values support [go-sockaddr/template format][go-sockaddr/template].
   110    - `http` - The address to advertise for the HTTP interface. This should be
   111      reachable by all the nodes from which end users are going to use the Nomad
   112      CLI tools.
   114    - `rpc` - The address advertised to Nomad client nodes. This allows
   115      advertising a different RPC address than is used by Nomad Servers such that
   116      the clients can connect to the Nomad servers if they are behind a NAT.
   118    - `serf` - The address advertised for the gossip layer. This address must be
   119      reachable from all server nodes. It is not required that clients can reach
   120      this address. Nomad servers will communicate to each other over RPC using
   121      the advertised Serf IP and advertised RPC Port.
   123  - `audit` `(`[`Audit`]`: nil)` - Enterprise-only. Specifies audit logging
   124    configuration.
   126  - `bind_addr` `(string: "")` - Specifies which address the Nomad
   127    agent should bind to for network services, including the HTTP interface as
   128    well as the internal gossip protocol and RPC mechanism. This should be
   129    specified in IP format, and can be used to easily bind all network services to
   130    the same address. It is also possible to bind the individual services to
   131    different addresses using the [addresses](#addresses) configuration option.
   132    Dev mode (`-dev`) defaults to localhost.
   133    The value supports [go-sockaddr/template format][go-sockaddr/template].
   135  - `client` `(`[`Client`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration which is specific
   136    to the Nomad client.
   138  - `consul` `(`[`Consul`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration for
   139    connecting to Consul.
   141  - `datacenter` `(string: "dc1")` - Specifies the data center of the local agent.
   142    All members of a datacenter should share a local LAN connection.
   144  - `data_dir` `(string: required)` - Specifies a local directory used to store
   145    agent state. Client nodes use this directory by default to store temporary
   146    allocation data as well as cluster information. Server nodes use this
   147    directory to store cluster state, including the replicated log and snapshot
   148    data. This must be specified as an absolute path.
   150    ~> **WARNING**: This directory **must not** be set to a directory that is
   151    [included in the chroot](/docs/drivers/exec#chroot) if you use the
   152    [`exec`](/docs/drivers/exec) driver.
   154  - `disable_anonymous_signature` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad should
   155    provide an anonymous signature for de-duplication with the update check.
   157  - `disable_update_check` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad should not check
   158    for updates and security bulletins.
   160  - `enable_debug` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if the debugging HTTP endpoints
   161    should be enabled. These endpoints can be used with profiling tools to dump
   162    diagnostic information about Nomad's internals.
   164  - `enable_syslog` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if the agent should log to syslog.
   165    This option only works on Unix based systems.
   167  - `http_api_response_headers` `(map<string|string>: nil)` - Specifies
   168    user-defined headers to add to the HTTP API responses.
   170  - `leave_on_interrupt` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if the agent should
   171    gracefully leave when receiving the interrupt signal. By default, the agent
   172    will exit forcefully on any signal. This value should only be set to true on
   173    server agents if it is expected that a terminated server instance will never
   174    join the cluster again.
   176  - `leave_on_terminate` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if the agent should
   177    gracefully leave when receiving the terminate signal. By default, the agent
   178    will exit forcefully on any signal. This value should only be set to true on
   179    server agents if it is expected that a terminated server instance will never
   180    join the cluster again.
   182  - `limits` - Available in Nomad 0.10.3 and later, this is a nested object that
   183    configures limits that are enforced by the agent. The following parameters
   184    are available:
   186    - `https_handshake_timeout` `(string: "5s")` - Configures the limit for how
   187      long the HTTPS server in both client and server agents will wait for a
   188      client to complete a TLS handshake. This should be kept conservative as it
   189      limits how many connections an unauthenticated attacker can open if
   190      [`tls.http = true`][tls] is being used (strongly recommended in
   191      production). Default value is `5s`. `0` disables HTTP handshake timeouts.
   193    - `http_max_conns_per_client` `(int: 100)` - Configures a limit of how many
   194      concurrent TCP connections a single client IP address is allowed to open to
   195      the agent's HTTP server. This affects the HTTP servers in both client and
   196      server agents. Default value is `100`. `0` disables HTTP connection limits.
   198    - `rpc_handshake_timeout` `(string: "5s")` - Configures the limit for how
   199      long servers will wait after a client TCP connection is established before
   200      they complete the connection handshake. When TLS is used, the same timeout
   201      applies to the TLS handshake separately from the initial protocol
   202      negotiation. All Nomad clients should perform this immediately on
   203      establishing a new connection. This should be kept conservative as it
   204      limits how many connections an unauthenticated attacker can open if
   205      TLS is being using to authenticate clients (strongly recommended in
   206      production). When `tls.rpc` is true on servers, this limits how long the
   207      connection and associated goroutines will be held open before the client
   208      successfully authenticates. Default value is `5s`. `0` disables RPC handshake
   209      timeouts.
   211    - `rpc_max_conns_per_client` `(int: 100)` - Configures a limit of how
   212      many concurrent TCP connections a single source IP address is allowed
   213      to open to a single server. Client agents do not accept RPC TCP connections
   214      directly and therefore are not affected. It affects both clients connections
   215      and other server connections. Nomad clients multiplex many RPC calls over a
   216      single TCP connection, except for streaming endpoints such as [log
   217      streaming][log-api] which require their own connection when routed through
   218      servers. A server needs at least 2 TCP connections (1 Raft, 1 RPC) per peer
   219      server locally and in any federated region. Servers also need a TCP connection
   220      per routed streaming endpoint concurrently in use. Only operators use streaming
   221      endpoints; as of 0.10.3 Nomad client code does not. A reasonably low limit
   222      significantly reduces the ability of an unauthenticated attacker to consume
   223      unbounded resources by holding open many connections. You may need to
   224      increase this if WAN federated servers connect via proxies or NAT gateways
   225      or similar causing many legitimate connections from a single source IP.
   226      Default value is `100` which is designed to support the majority of users.
   227      `0` disables RPC connection limits. `26` is the minimum as `20` connections
   228      are always reserved for non-streaming connections (Raft and RPC) to ensure
   229      streaming RPCs do not prevent normal server operation. This minimum may be
   230      lowered in the future when streaming RPCs no longer require their own TCP
   231      connection.
   233  - `log_level` `(string: "INFO")` - Specifies the verbosity of logs the Nomad
   234    agent will output. Valid log levels include `WARN`, `INFO`, or `DEBUG` in
   235    increasing order of verbosity.
   237  - `log_json` `(bool: false)` - Output logs in a JSON format.
   239  - `log_file` `(string: "")` - Specifies the path for logging. If the path
   240    does not includes a filename, the filename defaults to "nomad-{timestamp}.log".
   241    This setting can be combined with `log_rotate_bytes` and `log_rotate_duration`
   242    for a fine-grained log rotation control.
   244  - `log_rotate_bytes` `(int: 0)` - Specifies the number of bytes that should be
   245    written to a log before it needs to be rotated. Unless specified, there is no
   246    limit to the number of bytes that can be written to a log file.
   248  - `log_rotate_duration` `(duration: "24h")` - Specifies the maximum duration a
   249    log should be written to before it needs to be rotated. Must be a duration
   250    value such as 30s.
   252  - `log_rotate_max_files` `(int: 0)` - Specifies the maximum number of older log
   253    file archives to keep. If 0 no files are ever deleted.
   255  - `name` `(string: [hostname])` - Specifies the name of the local node. This
   256    value is used to identify individual agents. When specified on a server, the
   257    name must be unique within the region.
   259  - `plugin_dir` `(string: "[data_dir]/plugins")` - Specifies the directory to
   260    use for looking up plugins. By default, this is the top-level
   261    [data_dir](#data_dir) suffixed with "plugins", like `"/opt/nomad/plugins"`.
   262    This must be an absolute path.
   264  - `plugin` `(`[`Plugin`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration for a
   265    specific plugin. The plugin stanza may be repeated, once for each plugin being
   266    configured. The key of the stanza is the plugin's executable name relative to
   267    the [plugin_dir](#plugin_dir).
   269  - `ports` `(Port: see below)` - Specifies the network ports used for different
   270    services required by the Nomad agent.
   272    - `http` - The port used to run the HTTP server.
   274    - `rpc` - The port used for internal RPC communication between
   275      agents and servers, and for inter-server traffic for the consensus algorithm
   276      (raft).
   278    - `serf` - The port used for the gossip protocol for cluster
   279      membership. Both TCP and UDP should be routable between the server nodes on
   280      this port.
   282      The default values are:
   284      ```hcl
   285      ports {
   286        http = 4646
   287        rpc  = 4647
   288        serf = 4648
   289      }
   290      ```
   292  - `region` `(string: "global")` - Specifies the region the Nomad agent is a
   293    member of. A region typically maps to a geographic region, for example `us`,
   294    with potentially multiple zones, which map to [datacenters](#datacenter) such
   295    as `us-west` and `us-east`.
   297  - `sentinel` `(`[`Sentinel`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration for Sentinel
   298    policies.
   300  - `server` `(`[`Server`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration which is specific
   301    to the Nomad server.
   303  - `syslog_facility` `(string: "LOCAL0")` - Specifies the syslog facility to
   304    write to. This has no effect unless `enable_syslog` is true.
   306  - `tls` `(`[`TLS`][tls]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration for TLS.
   308  - `vault` `(`[`Vault`]`: nil)` - Specifies configuration for
   309    connecting to Vault.
   311  ## Examples
   313  ### Custom Region and Datacenter
   315  This example shows configuring a custom region and data center for the Nomad
   316  agent:
   318  ```hcl
   319  region     = "europe"
   320  datacenter = "ams"
   321  ```
   323  ### Enable CORS
   325  This example shows how to enable CORS on the HTTP API endpoints:
   327  ```hcl
   328  http_api_response_headers {
   329    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" = "*"
   330  }
   331  ```
   333  [`acl`]: /docs/configuration/acl 'Nomad Agent ACL Configuration'
   334  [`audit`]: /docs/configuration/audit 'Nomad Agent Audit Logging Configuration'
   335  [`client`]: /docs/configuration/client 'Nomad Agent client Configuration'
   336  [`consul`]: /docs/configuration/consul 'Nomad Agent consul Configuration'
   337  [`plugin`]: /docs/configuration/plugin 'Nomad Agent Plugin Configuration'
   338  [`sentinel`]: /docs/configuration/sentinel 'Nomad Agent sentinel Configuration'
   339  [`server`]: /docs/configuration/server 'Nomad Agent server Configuration'
   340  [tls]: /docs/configuration/tls 'Nomad Agent tls Configuration'
   341  [`vault`]: /docs/configuration/vault 'Nomad Agent vault Configuration'
   342  [go-sockaddr/template]:
   343  [log-api]: /api-docs/client#stream-logs
   344  [hcl]: 'HashiCorp Configuration Language'