
     1  ---
     2  layout: docs
     3  page_title: telemetry Stanza - Agent Configuration
     4  sidebar_title: telemetry
     5  description: |-
     6    The "telemetry" stanza configures Nomad's publication of metrics and telemetry
     7    to third-party systems.
     8  ---
    10  # `telemetry` Stanza
    12  <Placement groups={['telemetry']} />
    14  The `telemetry` stanza configures Nomad's publication of metrics and telemetry
    15  to third-party systems.
    17  ```hcl
    18  telemetry {
    19    publish_allocation_metrics = true
    20    publish_node_metrics       = true
    21  }
    22  ```
    24  This section of the documentation only covers the configuration options for
    25  `telemetry` stanza. To understand the architecture and metrics themselves,
    26  please see the [Telemetry guide](/docs/telemetry).
    28  ## `telemetry` Parameters
    30  Due to the number of configurable parameters to the `telemetry` stanza,
    31  parameters on this page are grouped by the telemetry provider.
    33  ### Common
    35  The following options are available on all telemetry configurations.
    37  - `disable_hostname` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if gauge values should be
    38    prefixed with the local hostname.
    40  - `collection_interval` `(duration: 1s)` - Specifies the time interval at which
    41    the Nomad agent collects telemetry data.
    43  - `use_node_name` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if gauge values should be
    44    prefixed with the name of the node, instead of the hostname. If set it will
    45    override [disable_hostname](#disable_hostname) value.
    47  - `publish_allocation_metrics` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad should
    48    publish runtime metrics of allocations.
    50  - `publish_node_metrics` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad should publish
    51    runtime metrics of nodes.
    53  - `backwards_compatible_metrics` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad should
    54    publish metrics that are backwards compatible with versions below 0.7, as
    55    post version 0.7, Nomad emits tagged metrics. All new metrics will
    56    only be added to tagged metrics. Note that this option is used to transition
    57    monitoring to tagged metrics and will eventually be deprecated.
    59  - `disable_tagged_metrics` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad should not emit
    60    tagged metrics and only emit metrics compatible with versions below Nomad
    61    0.7. Note that this option is used to transition monitoring to tagged
    62    metrics and will eventually be deprecated.
    64  - `filter_default` `(bool: true)` - This controls whether to allow metrics that
    65    have not been specified by the filter. Defaults to true, which will allow all
    66    metrics when no filters are provided. When set to false with no filters, no
    67    metrics will be sent.
    69  - `prefix_filter` `(list: [])` - This is a list of filter rules to apply for
    70    allowing/blocking metrics by prefix. A leading "<b>+</b>" will enable any
    71    metrics with the given prefix, and a leading "<b>-</b>" will block them. If
    72    there is overlap between two rules, the more specific rule will take
    73    precedence. Blocking will take priority if the same prefix is listed multiple
    74    times.
    76  ```python
    77  ['-nomad.raft', '+nomad.raft.apply', '-nomad.memberlist']
    78  ```
    80  - `disable_dispatched_job_summary_metrics` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if Nomad
    81    should ignore jobs dispatched from a parameterized job when publishing job
    82    summary statistics. Since each job has a small memory overhead for tracking
    83    summary statistics, it is sometimes desired to trade these statistics for
    84    more memory when dispatching high volumes of jobs.
    86  ### `statsite`
    88  These `telemetry` parameters apply to
    89  [statsite](
    91  - `statsite_address` `(string: "")` - Specifies the address of a statsite server
    92    to forward metrics data to.
    94  ```hcl
    95  telemetry {
    96    statsite_address = ""
    97  }
    98  ```
   100  ### `statsd`
   102  These `telemetry` parameters apply to
   103  [statsd](
   105  - `statsd_address` `(string: "")` - Specifies the address of a statsd server to
   106    forward metrics to.
   108  ```hcl
   109  telemetry {
   110    statsd_address = ""
   111  }
   112  ```
   114  ### `datadog`
   116  These `telemetry` parameters apply to
   117  [DataDog statsd](
   119  - `datadog_address` `(string: "")` - Specifies the address of a DataDog statsd
   120    server to forward metrics to.
   122  - `datadog_tags` `(list: [])` - Specifies a list of global tags that will be
   123    added to all telemetry packets sent to DogStatsD. It is a list of strings,
   124    where each string looks like "my_tag_name:my_tag_value".
   126  ```hcl
   127  telemetry {
   128    datadog_address = ""
   129    datadog_tags = ["my_tag_name:my_tag_value"]
   130  }
   131  ```
   133  ### `prometheus`
   135  These `telemetry` parameters apply to [Prometheus](
   137  - `prometheus_metrics` `(bool: false)` - Specifies whether the agent should
   138    make Prometheus formatted metrics available at `/v1/metrics?format=prometheus`.
   140  ### `circonus`
   142  These `telemetry` parameters apply to
   143  [Circonus](
   145  - `circonus_api_token` `(string: "")` - Specifies a valid Circonus API Token
   146    used to create/manage check. If provided, metric management is enabled.
   148  - `circonus_api_app` `(string: "nomad")` - Specifies a valid app name associated
   149    with the API token.
   151  - `circonus_api_url` `(string: "")` - Specifies the
   152    base URL to use for contacting the Circonus API.
   154  - `circonus_submission_interval` `(string: "10s")` - Specifies the interval at
   155    which metrics are submitted to Circonus.
   157  - `circonus_submission_url` `(string: "")` - Specifies the
   158    `check.config.submission_url` field, of a Check API object, from a previously
   159    created HTTPTRAP check.
   161  - `circonus_check_id` `(string: "")` - Specifies the Check ID (**not check
   162    bundle**) from a previously created HTTPTRAP check. The numeric portion of the
   163    `check._cid` field in the Check API object.
   165  - `circonus_check_force_metric_activation` `(bool: false)` - Specifies if force
   166    activation of metrics which already exist and are not currently active. If
   167    check management is enabled, the default behavior is to add new metrics as
   168    they are encountered. If the metric already exists in the check, it will
   169    not be activated. This setting overrides that behavior.
   171  - `circonus_check_instance_id` `(string: "<hostname>:<application>")` - Serves
   172    to uniquely identify the metrics coming from this _instance_. It can be used
   173    to maintain metric continuity with transient or ephemeral instances as they
   174    move around within an infrastructure. By default, this is set to
   175    hostname:application name (e.g. "host123:nomad").
   177  - `circonus_check_search_tag` `(string: <service>:<application>)` - Specifies a
   178    special tag which, when coupled with the instance id, helps to narrow down the
   179    search results when neither a Submission URL or Check ID is provided. By
   180    default, this is set to service:app (e.g. "service:nomad").
   182  - `circonus_check_display_name` `(string: "")` - Specifies a name to give a
   183    check when it is created. This name is displayed in the Circonus UI Checks
   184    list.
   186  - `circonus_check_tags` `(string: "")` - Comma separated list of additional
   187    tags to add to a check when it is created.
   189  - `circonus_broker_id` `(string: "")` - Specifies the ID of a specific Circonus
   190    Broker to use when creating a new check. The numeric portion of `broker._cid`
   191    field in a Broker API object. If metric management is enabled and neither a
   192    Submission URL nor Check ID is provided, an attempt will be made to search for
   193    an existing check using Instance ID and Search Tag. If one is not found, a new
   194    HTTPTRAP check will be created. By default, this is a random
   195    Enterprise Broker is selected, or, the default Circonus Public Broker.
   197  - `circonus_broker_select_tag` `(string: "")` - Specifies a special tag which
   198    will be used to select a Circonus Broker when a Broker ID is not provided. The
   199    best use of this is to as a hint for which broker should be used based on
   200    _where_ this particular instance is running (e.g. a specific geographic location or
   201    datacenter, dc:sfo).