
     1  ---
     2  layout: docs
     3  page_title: service Stanza - Job Specification
     4  sidebar_title: service
     5  description: |-
     6    The "service" stanza instructs Nomad to register the task as a service using
     7    the service discovery integration.
     8  ---
    10  # `service` Stanza
    12  <Placement
    13    groups={[
    14      ['job', 'group', 'service'],
    15      ['job', 'group', 'task', 'service']
    16    ]}
    17  />
    19  The `service` stanza instructs Nomad to register a service with Consul. This
    20  section of the documentation will discuss the configuration, but please also
    21  read the [Nomad service discovery documentation][service-discovery] for more
    22  detailed information about the integration.
    24  ```hcl
    25  job "docs" {
    26    group "example" {
    27      task "server" {
    28        service {
    29          tags = ["leader", "mysql"]
    31          port = "db"
    33          meta {
    34            meta = "for your service"
    35          }
    37          check {
    38            type     = "tcp"
    39            port     = "db"
    40            interval = "10s"
    41            timeout  = "2s"
    42          }
    44          check {
    45            type     = "script"
    46            name     = "check_table"
    47            command  = "/usr/local/bin/check_mysql_table_status"
    48            args     = ["--verbose"]
    49            interval = "60s"
    50            timeout  = "5s"
    52            check_restart {
    53              limit = 3
    54              grace = "90s"
    55              ignore_warnings = false
    56            }
    57          }
    58        }
    59      }
    60    }
    61  }
    62  ```
    64  This section of the documentation only cover the job file fields and stanzas
    65  for service discovery. For more details on using Nomad with Consul please see
    66  the [Consul integration documentation][service-discovery].
    68  Nomad 0.10 also allows specifying the `service` stanza at the task group level.
    69  This enables services in the same task group to opt into [Consul
    70  Connect][connect] integration.
    72  ## `service` Parameters
    74  - `check` <code>([Check](#check-parameters): nil)</code> - Specifies a health
    75    check associated with the service. This can be specified multiple times to
    76    define multiple checks for the service. At this time, Nomad supports the
    77    `grpc`, `http`, `script`<sup><small>1</small></sup>, and `tcp` checks.
    79  - `connect` - Configures the [Consul Connect][connect] integration. Only
    80    available on group services.
    82  - `name` `(string: "<job>-<group>-<task>")` - Specifies the name this service
    83    will be advertised as in Consul. If not supplied, this will default to the
    84    name of the job, group, and task concatenated together with a dash, like
    85    `"docs-example-server"`. Each service must have a unique name within the
    86    cluster. Names must adhere to [RFC-1123
    87    §2.1]( and are limited to
    88    alphanumeric and hyphen characters (i.e. `[a-z0-9\-]`), and be less than 64
    89    characters in length.
    91    In addition to the standard [Nomad interpolation][interpolation], the
    92    following keys are also available:
    94    - `${JOB}` - the name of the job
    95    - `${GROUP}` - the name of the group
    96    - `${TASK}` - the name of the task
    97    - `${BASE}` - shorthand for `${JOB}-${GROUP}-${TASK}`
    99    Validation of the name occurs in two parts. When the job is registered, an initial validation pass checks that
   100    the service name adheres to RFC-1123 §2.1 and the length limit, excluding any variables requiring interpolation.
   101    Once the client receives the service and all interpretable values are available, the service name will be
   102    interpolated and revalidated. This can cause certain service names to pass validation at submit time but fail
   103    at runtime.
   105  - `port` `(string: <optional>)` - Specifies the port to advertise for this
   106    service. The value of `port` depends on which [`address_mode`](#address_mode)
   107    is being used:
   109    - `driver` - Advertise the port determined by the driver (eg Docker or rkt).
   110      The `port` may be a numeric port or a port label specified in the driver's
   111      `port_map`.
   113    - `host` - Advertise the host port for this service. `port` must match a port
   114      _label_ specified in the [`network`][network] stanza.
   116  - `tags` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies the list of tags to associate with
   117    this service. If this is not supplied, no tags will be assigned to the service
   118    when it is registered.
   120  - `canary_tags` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies the list of tags to associate with
   121    this service when the service is part of an allocation that is currently a
   122    canary. Once the canary is promoted, the registered tags will be updated to
   123    those specified in the `tags` parameter. If this is not supplied, the
   124    registered tags will be equal to that of the `tags` parameter.
   126  - `enable_tag_override` `(bool: false)` - Enables users of Consul's Catalog API
   127    to make changes to the tags of a service without having those changes be
   128    overwritten by Consul's anti-entropy mechanism. See Consul
   129    [documentation](
   130    for more information.
   132  - `address_mode` `(string: "auto")` - Specifies what address (host or
   133    driver-specific) this service should advertise. This setting is supported in
   134    Docker since Nomad 0.6 and rkt since Nomad 0.7. See [below for
   135    examples.](#using-driver-address-mode) Valid options are:
   137    - `auto` - Allows the driver to determine whether the host or driver address
   138      should be used. Defaults to `host` and only implemented by Docker. If you
   139      use a Docker network plugin such as weave, Docker will automatically use
   140      its address.
   142    - `driver` - Use the IP specified by the driver, and the port specified in a
   143      port map. A numeric port may be specified since port maps aren't required
   144      by all network plugins. Useful for advertising SDN and overlay network
   145      addresses. Task will fail if driver network cannot be determined. Only
   146      implemented for Docker and rkt.
   148    - `host` - Use the host IP and port.
   150  - `meta` <code>([Meta][]: nil)</code> - Specifies a key-value map that annotates
   151    the Consul service with user-defined metadata.
   153  - `canary_meta` <code>([Meta][]: nil)</code> - Specifies a key-value map that
   154    annotates the Consul service with user-defined metadata when the service is
   155    part of an allocation that is currently a canary. Once the canary is
   156    promoted, the registered meta will be updated to those specified in the
   157    `meta` parameter. If this is not supplied, the registered meta will be set to
   158    that of the `meta` parameter.
   160  ### `check` Parameters
   162  Note that health checks run inside the task. If your task is a Docker container,
   163  the script will run inside the Docker container. If your task is running in a
   164  chroot, it will run in the chroot. Please keep this in mind when authoring check
   165  scripts.
   167  - `address_mode` `(string: "host")` - Same as `address_mode` on `service`.
   168    Unlike services, checks do not have an `auto` address mode as there's no way
   169    for Nomad to know which is the best address to use for checks. Consul needs
   170    access to the address for any HTTP or TCP checks. Added in Nomad 0.7.1. See
   171    [below for details.](#using-driver-address-mode) Unlike `port`, this setting
   172    is _not_ inherited from the `service`.
   174  - `args` `(array<string>: [])` - Specifies additional arguments to the
   175    `command`. This only applies to script-based health checks.
   177  - `check_restart` - See [`check_restart` stanza][check_restart_stanza].
   179  - `command` `(string: <varies>)` - Specifies the command to run for performing
   180    the health check. The script must exit: 0 for passing, 1 for warning, or any
   181    other value for a failing health check. This is required for script-based
   182    health checks.
   184    ~> **Caveat:** The command must be the path to the command on disk, and no
   185    shell exists by default. That means operators like `||` or `&&` are not
   186    available. Additionally, all arguments must be supplied via the `args`
   187    parameter. To achieve the behavior of shell operators, specify the command
   188    as a shell, like `/bin/bash` and then use `args` to run the check.
   190  - `grpc_service` `(string: <optional>)` - What service, if any, to specify in
   191    the gRPC health check. gRPC health checks require Consul 1.0.5 or later.
   193  - `grpc_use_tls` `(bool: false)` - Use TLS to perform a gRPC health check. May
   194    be used with `tls_skip_verify` to use TLS but skip certificate verification.
   196  - `initial_status` `(string: <enum>)` - Specifies the originating status of the
   197    service. Valid options are the empty string, `passing`, `warning`, and
   198    `critical`.
   200  - `interval` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the frequency of the health checks
   201    that Consul will perform. This is specified using a label suffix like "30s"
   202    or "1h". This must be greater than or equal to "1s"
   204  - `method` `(string: "GET")` - Specifies the HTTP method to use for HTTP
   205    checks.
   207  - `name` `(string: "service: <name> check")` - Specifies the name of the health
   208    check. If the name is not specified Nomad generates one based on the service name.
   209    If you have more than one check you must specify the name.
   211  - `path` `(string: <varies>)` - Specifies the path of the HTTP endpoint which
   212    Consul will query to query the health of a service. Nomad will automatically
   213    add the IP of the service and the port, so this is just the relative URL to
   214    the health check endpoint. This is required for http-based health checks.
   216  - `expose` `(bool: false)` - Specifies whether an [Expose Path](/docs/job-specification/expose#path-parameters)
   217    should be automatically generated for this check. Only compatible with
   218    Connect-enabled task-group services using the default Connect proxy. Check
   219    must be of [`type`][type] `http` or `grpc`.
   221  - `port` `(string: <varies>)` - Specifies the label of the port on which the
   222    check will be performed. Note this is the _label_ of the port and not the port
   223    number unless `address_mode = driver`. The port label must match one defined
   224    in the [`network`][network] stanza. If a port value was declared on the
   225    `service`, this will inherit from that value if not supplied. If supplied,
   226    this value takes precedence over the `service.port` value. This is useful for
   227    services which operate on multiple ports. `grpc`, `http`, and `tcp` checks
   228    require a port while `script` checks do not. Checks will use the host IP and
   229    ports by default. In Nomad 0.7.1 or later numeric ports may be used if
   230    `address_mode="driver"` is set on the check.
   232  - `protocol` `(string: "http")` - Specifies the protocol for the http-based
   233    health checks. Valid options are `http` and `https`.
   235  - `task` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the task associated with this
   236    check. Scripts are executed within the task's environment, and
   237    `check_restart` stanzas will apply to the specified task. For `checks` on group
   238    level `services` only.
   240  - `timeout` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies how long Consul will wait for a
   241    health check query to succeed. This is specified using a label suffix like
   242    "30s" or "1h". This must be greater than or equal to "1s"
   244  - `type` `(string: <required>)` - This indicates the check types supported by
   245    Nomad. Valid options are `grpc`, `http`, `script`, and `tcp`. gRPC health
   246    checks require Consul 1.0.5 or later.
   248  - `tls_skip_verify` `(bool: false)` - Skip verifying TLS certificates for HTTPS
   249    checks. Requires Consul >= 0.7.2.
   251  #### `header` Stanza
   253  HTTP checks may include a `header` stanza to set HTTP headers. The `header`
   254  stanza parameters have lists of strings as values. Multiple values will cause
   255  the header to be set multiple times, once for each value.
   257  ```hcl
   258  service {
   259    # ...
   260    check {
   261      type     = "http"
   262      port     = "lb"
   263      path     = "/_healthz"
   264      interval = "5s"
   265      timeout  = "2s"
   266      header {
   267        Authorization = ["Basic ZWxhc3RpYzpjaGFuZ2VtZQ=="]
   268      }
   269    }
   270  }
   271  ```
   273  ## `service` Lifecycle
   275  Nomad manages registering, updating, and deregistering services with Consul. It
   276  is important to understand when each of these steps happens and how they can be
   277  customized.
   279  **Registration**: Nomad will register `group` services and checks *before*
   280  starting any tasks. Services and checks for a specific `task` are registered
   281  *after* the task has started.
   283  **Updating**: If a service or check definition is updated, Nomad will update
   284  the service in Consul as well. Consul is updated without restarting a task.
   286  **Deregistering**: If a running task with a service stanza exits, the services
   287  and checks are immediately deregistered from Consul without delay. If however
   288  Nomad needs to kill a running task, the task is killed in the following order:
   290  1. Immediately remove the services and checks from Consul. This stops new
   291     traffic from being routed to the task that is being killed.
   292  2. If [`shutdown_delay`][shutdowndelay] is set, wait the configured duration
   293     before proceeding to step 3. Setting a [`shutdown_delay`][shutdowndelay] can
   294     be useful if the application itself doesn't handle graceful shutdowns based
   295     on the [`kill_signal`][killsignal]. The configured delay will provide a
   296     period of time in which the service is no longer registered in Consul, and
   297     thus is not receiving additional requests, but hasn't been signalled to
   298     shutdown. This allows the application time to complete the requests and
   299     become idle.
   300  3. Send the [`kill_signal`][killsignal] to the task and wait for the task to
   301     exit. The task should use this time to gracefully drain and finish any
   302     existing requests.
   303  4. If the task has not exited after the [`kill_timeout`][killtimeout], Nomad
   304     will force kill the application.
   306  ## `service` Examples
   308  The following examples only show the `service` stanzas. Remember that the
   309  `service` stanza is only valid in the placements listed above.
   311  ### Basic Service
   313  This example registers a service named "load-balancer" with no health checks.
   315  ```hcl
   316  service {
   317    name = "load-balancer"
   318    port = "lb"
   319  }
   320  ```
   322  This example must be accompanied by a [`network`][network] stanza which defines
   323  a static or dynamic port labeled "lb". For example:
   325  ```hcl
   326  resources {
   327    network {
   328      mbits = 10
   329      port "lb" {}
   330    }
   331  }
   332  ```
   334  ### Script Checks with Shells
   336  This example shows a service with a script check that is evaluated and interpolated in a shell; it
   337  tests whether a file is present at `${HEALTH_CHECK_FILE}` environment variable:
   339  ```hcl
   340  service {
   341    check {
   342      type    = "script"
   343      command = "/bin/bash"
   344      args    = ["-c", "test -f ${HEALTH_CHECK_FILE}"]
   345    }
   346  }
   347  ```
   349  Using `/bin/bash` (or another shell) is required here to interpolate the `${HEALTH_CHECK_FILE}` value.
   351  The following examples of `command` fields **will not work**:
   353  ```hcl
   354  # invalid because command is not a path
   355  check {
   356    type    = "script"
   357    command = "test -f /tmp/file.txt"
   358  }
   360  # invalid because path will not be interpolated
   361  check {
   362    type    = "script"
   363    command = "/bin/test"
   364    args    = ["-f", "${HEALTH_CHECK_FILE}"]
   365  }
   366  ```
   368  ### HTTP Health Check
   370  This example shows a service with an HTTP health check. This will query the
   371  service on the IP and port registered with Nomad at `/_healthz` every 5 seconds,
   372  giving the service a maximum of 2 seconds to return a response, and include an
   373  Authorization header. Any non-2xx code is considered a failure.
   375  ```hcl
   376  service {
   377    check {
   378      type     = "http"
   379      port     = "lb"
   380      path     = "/_healthz"
   381      interval = "5s"
   382      timeout  = "2s"
   383      header {
   384        Authorization = ["Basic ZWxhc3RpYzpjaGFuZ2VtZQ=="]
   385      }
   386    }
   387  }
   388  ```
   390  ### Multiple Health Checks
   392  This example shows a service with multiple health checks defined. All health
   393  checks must be passing in order for the service to register as healthy.
   395  ```hcl
   396  service {
   397    check {
   398      name     = "HTTP Check"
   399      type     = "http"
   400      port     = "lb"
   401      path     = "/_healthz"
   402      interval = "5s"
   403      timeout  = "2s"
   404    }
   406    check {
   407      name     = "HTTPS Check"
   408      type     = "http"
   409      protocol = "https"
   410      port     = "lb"
   411      path     = "/_healthz"
   412      interval = "5s"
   413      timeout  = "2s"
   414      method   = "POST"
   415    }
   417    check {
   418      name     = "Postgres Check"
   419      type     = "script"
   420      command  = "/usr/local/bin/pg-tools"
   421      args     = ["verify", "database", "prod", "up"]
   422      interval = "5s"
   423      timeout  = "2s"
   424    }
   425  }
   426  ```
   428  ### gRPC Health Check
   430  gRPC health checks use the same host and port behavior as `http` and `tcp`
   431  checks, but gRPC checks also have an optional gRPC service to health check. Not
   432  all gRPC applications require a service to health check. gRPC health checks
   433  require Consul 1.0.5 or later.
   435  ```hcl
   436  service {
   437    check {
   438      type            = "grpc"
   439      port            = "rpc"
   440      interval        = "5s"
   441      timeout         = "2s"
   442      grpc_service    = "example.Service"
   443      grpc_use_tls    = true
   444      tls_skip_verify = true
   445    }
   446  }
   447  ```
   449  In this example Consul would health check the `example.Service` service on the
   450  `rpc` port defined in the task's [network resources][network] stanza. See
   451  [Using Driver Address Mode](#using-driver-address-mode) for details on address
   452  selection.
   454  ### Using Driver Address Mode
   456  The [Docker](/docs/drivers/docker#network_mode) and
   457  [rkt](/docs/drivers/rkt#net) drivers support the `driver` setting for the
   458  `address_mode` parameter in both `service` and `check` stanzas. The driver
   459  address mode allows advertising and health checking the IP and port assigned to
   460  a task by the driver. This way if you're using a network plugin like Weave with
   461  Docker, you can advertise the Weave address in Consul instead of the host's
   462  address.
   464  For example if you were running the example Redis job in an environment with
   465  Weave but Consul was running on the host you could use the following
   466  configuration:
   468  ```hcl
   469  job "example" {
   470    datacenters = ["dc1"]
   471    group "cache" {
   473      task "redis" {
   474        driver = "docker"
   476        config {
   477          image = "redis:3.2"
   478          network_mode = "weave"
   479          port_map {
   480            db = 6379
   481          }
   482        }
   484        resources {
   485          cpu    = 500 # 500 MHz
   486          memory = 256 # 256MB
   487          network {
   488            mbits = 10
   489            port "db" {}
   490          }
   491        }
   493        service {
   494          name = "weave-redis"
   495          port = "db"
   496          check {
   497            name     = "host-redis-check"
   498            type     = "tcp"
   499            interval = "10s"
   500            timeout  = "2s"
   501          }
   502        }
   503      }
   504    }
   505  }
   506  ```
   508  No explicit `address_mode` required!
   510  Services default to the `auto` address mode. When a Docker network mode other
   511  than "host" or "bridge" is used, services will automatically advertise the
   512  driver's address (in this case Weave's). The service will advertise the
   513  container's port: 6379.
   515  However since Consul is often run on the host without access to the Weave
   516  network, `check` stanzas default to `host` address mode. The TCP check will run
   517  against the host's IP and the dynamic host port assigned by Nomad.
   519  Note that the `check` still inherits the `service` stanza's `db` port label,
   520  but each will resolve the port label according to their address mode.
   522  If Consul has access to the Weave network the job could be configured like
   523  this:
   525  ```hcl
   526  job "example" {
   527    datacenters = ["dc1"]
   528    group "cache" {
   530      task "redis" {
   531        driver = "docker"
   533        config {
   534          image = "redis:3.2"
   535          network_mode = "weave"
   536          # No port map required!
   537        }
   539        resources {
   540          cpu    = 500 # 500 MHz
   541          memory = 256 # 256MB
   542          network {
   543            mbits = 10
   544          }
   545        }
   547        service {
   548          name = "weave-redis"
   549          port = 6379
   550          address_mode = "driver"
   551          check {
   552            name     = "host-redis-check"
   553            type     = "tcp"
   554            interval = "10s"
   555            timeout  = "2s"
   556            port     = 6379
   558            address_mode = "driver"
   559          }
   560        }
   561      }
   562    }
   563  }
   564  ```
   566  In this case Nomad doesn't need to assign Redis any host ports. The `service`
   567  and `check` stanzas can both specify the port number to advertise and check
   568  directly since Nomad isn't managing any port assignments.
   570  ### IPv6 Docker containers
   572  The [Docker](/docs/drivers/docker#advertise_ipv6_address) driver supports the
   573  `advertise_ipv6_address` parameter in its configuration.
   575  Services will automatically advertise the IPv6 address when `advertise_ipv6_address`
   576  is used.
   578  Unlike services, checks do not have an `auto` address mode as there's no way
   579  for Nomad to know which is the best address to use for checks. Consul needs
   580  access to the address for any HTTP or TCP checks.
   582  So you have to set `address_mode` parameter in the `check` stanza to `driver`.
   584  For example using `auto` address mode:
   586  ```hcl
   587  job "example" {
   588    datacenters = ["dc1"]
   589    group "cache" {
   591      task "redis" {
   592        driver = "docker"
   594        config {
   595          image = "redis:3.2"
   596          advertise_ipv6_address = true
   597          port_map {
   598            db = 6379
   599          }
   600        }
   602        resources {
   603          cpu    = 500 # 500 MHz
   604          memory = 256 # 256MB
   605          network {
   606            mbits = 10
   607            port "db" {}
   608          }
   609        }
   611        service {
   612          name = "ipv6-redis"
   613          port = "db"
   614          check {
   615            name     = "ipv6-redis-check"
   616            type     = "tcp"
   617            interval = "10s"
   618            timeout  = "2s"
   619            port     = "db"
   620            address_mode = "driver"
   621          }
   622        }
   623      }
   624    }
   625  }
   626  ```
   628  Or using `address_mode=driver` for `service` and `check` with numeric ports:
   630  ```hcl
   631  job "example" {
   632    datacenters = ["dc1"]
   633    group "cache" {
   635      task "redis" {
   636        driver = "docker"
   638        config {
   639          image = "redis:3.2"
   640          advertise_ipv6_address = true
   641          # No port map required!
   642        }
   644        resources {
   645          cpu    = 500 # 500 MHz
   646          memory = 256 # 256MB
   647          network {
   648            mbits = 10
   649          }
   650        }
   652        service {
   653          name = "ipv6-redis"
   654          port = 6379
   655          address_mode = "driver"
   656          check {
   657            name     = "ipv6-redis-check"
   658            type     = "tcp"
   659            interval = "10s"
   660            timeout  = "2s"
   661            port     = 6379
   662            address_mode = "driver"
   663          }
   664        }
   665      }
   666    }
   667  }
   668  ```
   670  The `service` and `check` stanzas can both specify the port number to
   671  advertise and check directly since Nomad isn't managing any port assignments.
   673  ---
   675  <sup>
   676    <small>1</small>
   677  </sup>
   678  <small>
   679    {' '}
   680    Script checks are not supported for the [qemu driver][qemu] since the Nomad
   681    client does not have access to the file system of a task for that driver.
   682  </small>
   684  [check_restart_stanza]: /docs/job-specification/check_restart 'check_restart stanza'
   685  [consul_grpc]:
   686  [service-discovery]: /docs/integrations/consul-integration#service-discovery 'Nomad Service Discovery'
   687  [interpolation]: /docs/runtime/interpolation 'Nomad Runtime Interpolation'
   688  [network]: /docs/job-specification/network 'Nomad network Job Specification'
   689  [qemu]: /docs/drivers/qemu 'Nomad qemu Driver'
   690  [restart_stanza]: /docs/job-specification/restart 'restart stanza'
   691  [connect]: /docs/job-specification/connect 'Nomad Consul Connect Integration'
   692  [type]: /docs/job-specification/service#type
   693  [shutdowndelay]: /docs/job-specification/task#shutdown_delay
   694  [killsignal]: /docs/job-specification/task#kill_signal
   695  [killtimeout]: /docs/job-specification/task#kill_timeout