
     1  ---
     2  layout: docs
     3  page_title: Variable Interpolation
     4  sidebar_title: Variable Interpolation
     5  description: Learn about the Nomad's interpolation and interpreted variables.
     6  ---
     8  # Variable Interpolation
    10  Nomad supports interpreting two classes of variables: node attributes and
    11  runtime environment variables. Node attributes are interpretable in constraints,
    12  task environment variables, and certain driver fields. Runtime environment
    13  variables are not interpretable in constraints because they are only defined
    14  once the scheduler has placed them on a particular node.
    16  The syntax for interpreting variables is `${variable}`. An example and a
    17  comprehensive list of interpretable fields can be seen below:
    19  ```hcl
    20  task "docs" {
    21    driver = "docker"
    23    # Drivers support interpreting node attributes and runtime environment
    24    # variables
    25    config {
    26      image = "my-app"
    28      # Interpret runtime variables to inject the address to bind to and the
    29      # location to write logs to.
    30      args = [
    31        "--bind", "${NOMAD_ADDR_RPC}",
    32        "--logs", "${NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR}/logs",
    33      ]
    35      port_map {
    36        RPC = 6379
    37      }
    38    }
    40    # Constraints only support node attributes as runtime environment variables
    41    # are only defined after the task is placed on a node.
    42    constraint {
    43      attribute = "${}"
    44      value     = "linux"
    45    }
    47    # Environment variables are interpreted and can contain both runtime and
    48    # node attributes. These environment variables are passed into the task.
    49    env {
    50      "DC"      = "Running on datacenter ${node.datacenter}"
    51      "VERSION" = "Version ${NOMAD_META_VERSION}"
    52    }
    54    # Meta keys are also interpretable.
    55    meta {
    56      VERSION = "v0.3"
    57    }
    58  }
    59  ```
    61  ## Node Variables ((#interpreted_node_vars, #node-variables-))
    63  Below is a full listing of node attributes that are interpretable. These
    64  attributes are interpreted by **both** constraints and within the task and
    65  driver.
    67  <table>
    68    <thead>
    69      <tr>
    70        <th>Variable</th>
    71        <th>Description</th>
    72        <th>Example Value</th>
    73      </tr>
    74    </thead>
    75    <tbody>
    76      <tr>
    77        <td>
    78          <code>{'${}'}</code>
    79        </td>
    80        <td>36 character unique client identifier</td>
    81        <td>
    82          <code>9afa5da1-8f39-25a2-48dc-ba31fd7c0023</code>
    83        </td>
    84      </tr>
    85      <tr>
    86        <td>
    87          <code>{'${node.region}'}</code>
    88        </td>
    89        <td>Client's region</td>
    90        <td>
    91          <code>global</code>
    92        </td>
    93      </tr>
    94      <tr>
    95        <td>
    96          <code>{'${node.datacenter}'}</code>
    97        </td>
    98        <td>Client's datacenter</td>
    99        <td>
   100          <code>dc1</code>
   101        </td>
   102      </tr>
   103      <tr>
   104        <td>
   105          <code>{'${}'}</code>
   106        </td>
   107        <td>Client's name</td>
   108        <td>
   109          <code>nomad-client-10-1-2-4</code>
   110        </td>
   111      </tr>
   112      <tr>
   113        <td>
   114          <code>{'${node.class}'}</code>
   115        </td>
   116        <td>Client's class</td>
   117        <td>
   118          <code>linux-64bit</code>
   119        </td>
   120      </tr>
   121      <tr>
   122        <td>
   123          <code>
   124            ${'{'}attr.&lt;property&gt;{'}'}
   125          </code>
   126        </td>
   127        <td>
   128          Property given by <code>property</code> on the client
   129        </td>
   130        <td>
   131          <code>{'${attr.cpu.arch} => amd64'}</code>
   132        </td>
   133      </tr>
   134      <tr>
   135        <td>
   136          <code>
   137            ${'{'}meta.&lt;key&gt;{'}'}
   138          </code>
   139        </td>
   140        <td>
   141          Metadata value given by <code>key</code> on the client
   142        </td>
   143        <td>
   144          <code>{'${} => bar'}</code>
   145        </td>
   146      </tr>
   147    </tbody>
   148  </table>
   150  Below is a table documenting common node properties:
   152  <table>
   153    <thead>
   154      <tr>
   155        <th>Property</th>
   156        <th>Description</th>
   157      </tr>
   158    </thead>
   159    <tbody>
   160      <tr>
   161        <td>
   162          <code>{'${attr.cpu.arch}'}</code>
   163        </td>
   164        <td>
   165          CPU architecture of the client (e.g. <code>amd64</code>,{' '}
   166          <code>386</code>)
   167        </td>
   168      </tr>
   169      <tr>
   170        <td>
   171          <code>{'${attr.cpu.numcores}'}</code>
   172        </td>
   173        <td>Number of CPU cores on the client</td>
   174      </tr>
   175      <tr>
   176        <td>
   177          <code>{'${attr.cpu.totalcompute}'}</code>
   178        </td>
   179        <td>
   180          <code>cpu.frequency &times; cpu.numcores</code> but may be overridden by{' '}
   181          <code>client.cpu_total_compute</code>
   182        </td>
   183      </tr>
   184      <tr>
   185        <td>
   186          <code>{'${attr.consul.datacenter}'}</code>
   187        </td>
   188        <td>The Consul datacenter of the client (if Consul is found)</td>
   189      </tr>
   190      <tr>
   191        <td>
   192          <code>
   193            ${'{'}attr.driver.&lt;property&gt;{'}'}
   194          </code>
   195        </td>
   196        <td>
   197          See the <a href="/docs/drivers">task drivers</a> for property
   198          documentation
   199        </td>
   200      </tr>
   201      <tr>
   202        <td>
   203          <code>{'${attr.unique.hostname}'}</code>
   204        </td>
   205        <td>Hostname of the client</td>
   206      </tr>
   207      <tr>
   208        <td>
   209          <code>{'${}'}</code>
   210        </td>
   211        <td>
   212          The IP address fingerprinted by the client and from which task ports are
   213          allocated
   214        </td>
   215      </tr>
   216      <tr>
   217        <td>
   218          <code>{'${}'}</code>
   219        </td>
   220        <td>
   221          Kernel of the client (e.g. <code>linux</code>, <code>darwin</code>)
   222        </td>
   223      </tr>
   224      <tr>
   225        <td>
   226          <code>{'${attr.kernel.version}'}</code>
   227        </td>
   228        <td>
   229          Version of the client kernel (e.g. <code>3.19.0-25-generic</code>,{' '}
   230          <code>15.0.0</code>)
   231        </td>
   232      </tr>
   233      <tr>
   234        <td>
   235          <code>{'${}'}</code>
   236        </td>
   237        <td>AMI ID of the client (if on AWS EC2)</td>
   238      </tr>
   239      <tr>
   240        <td>
   241          <code>{'${}'}</code>
   242        </td>
   243        <td>Instance type of the client (if on AWS EC2)</td>
   244      </tr>
   245      <tr>
   246        <td>
   247          <code>{'${}'}</code>
   248        </td>
   249        <td>
   250          Operating system of the client (e.g. <code>ubuntu</code>,{' '}
   251          <code>windows</code>, <code>darwin</code>)
   252        </td>
   253      </tr>
   254      <tr>
   255        <td>
   256          <code>{'${attr.os.version}'}</code>
   257        </td>
   258        <td>Version of the client OS</td>
   259      </tr>
   260    </tbody>
   261  </table>
   263  Here are some examples of using node attributes and properties in a job file:
   265  ```hcl
   266  job "docs" {
   267    # This will constrain this job to only run on 64-bit clients.
   268    constraint {
   269      attribute = "${attr.cpu.arch}"
   270      value     = "amd64"
   271    }
   273    # This will restrict the job to only run on clients with 4 or more cores.
   274    # Note: you may also declare a resource requirement for CPU for a task.
   275    constraint {
   276      attribute = "${cpu.numcores}"
   277      operator  = ">="
   278      value     = "4"
   279    }
   281    # Only run this job on a memory-optimized AWS EC2 instance.
   282    constraint {
   283      attribute = "${}"
   284      value     = "m4.xlarge"
   285    }
   286  }
   287  ```
   289  ## Environment Variables ((#interpreted_env_vars))
   291  The following are runtime environment variables that describe the environment
   292  the task is running in. These are only defined once the task has been placed on
   293  a particular node and as such can not be used in constraints.
   295  Environment variables should be enclosed in brackets `${...}` for
   296  interpolation.
   298  ### Dots in Variables ((#dots_in_vars))
   300  Starting in Nomad 0.9, task configuration interpolation requires variables to
   301  be valid identifiers. While this does not affect default variables or common
   302  custom variables, it is possible to define a variable that is not a valid
   303  identifier:
   305  ```hcl
   306  env {
   307    ""     = "ok"
   308    "" = "not a valid identifier"
   309  }
   310  ```
   312  The environment variable `` cannot be interpolated using the
   313  standard `"${}"` syntax. The dots will be interpreted as object
   314  notation so multiple consecutive dots are invalid.
   316  To continue supporting all user environment variables Nomad 0.9 added a new
   317  `env` variable which allows accessing any environment variable through index
   318  syntax:
   320  ```hcl
   321  task "redis" {
   322    driver = "docker"
   323    config {
   324      image  = "redis:3.2"
   325      labels {
   326        label1 = "${env[""]}"
   327        label2 = "${env[""]}"
   328      }
   329    }
   330  }
   331  ```
   333  @include 'envvars.mdx'