
     1  import UseCasesLayout from '../../layouts/use-cases'
     2  import TextSplitWithImage from '@hashicorp/react-text-split-with-image'
     3  import FeaturedSliderSection from '../../components/featured-slider-section'
     5  export default function AutomatedServiceNetworkingWithConsulPage() {
     6    return (
     7      <UseCasesLayout
     8        title="Automated Service Networking with Consul"
     9        description="Nomad natively integrates with Consul to provide automated clustering, built-in service discovery, and service mesh for secure service-to-service communications."
    10      >
    11        <TextSplitWithImage
    12          textSplit={{
    13            heading: 'Automatic Clustering',
    14            content:
    15              'Automatically bootstrap Nomad clusters using existing Consul agents on the same hosts.',
    16            textSide: 'right',
    17            links: [
    18              {
    19                text: 'Read More',
    20                url:
    21                  '',
    22                type: 'outbound'
    23              }
    24            ]
    25          }}
    26          image={{
    27            url: require('./img/auto-clustering-with-consul.svg'),
    28            alt: ''
    29          }}
    30        />
    32        <div className="with-border">
    33          <TextSplitWithImage
    34            textSplit={{
    35              heading: 'Automated Service Discovery',
    36              content:
    37                'Built-in service discovery, registration, and health check monitoring for all applications deployed under Nomad.',
    38              textSide: 'left',
    39              links: [
    40                {
    41                  text: 'Read More',
    42                  url:
    43                    '/docs/integrations/consul-integration#service-discovery',
    44                  type: 'inbound'
    45                }
    46              ]
    47            }}
    48            image={{
    49              url: require('./img/automated-service-discovery-with-consul.png'),
    50              alt: ''
    51            }}
    52          />
    53        </div>
    55        <TextSplitWithImage
    56          textSplit={{
    57            heading: 'Secure Service-to-Service Communication',
    58            content:
    59              'Enable seamless deployments of sidecar proxies and segmented microservices through Consul Connect.',
    60            textSide: 'right',
    61            links: [
    62              {
    63                text: 'Learn More',
    64                url: '/docs/integrations/consul-connect',
    65                type: 'inbound'
    66              }
    67            ]
    68          }}
    69          image={{
    70            url: require('./img/auto-service-to-service-communications.svg'),
    71            alt: ''
    72          }}
    73        />
    75        <FeaturedSliderSection
    76          heading="Case Studies"
    77          features={[
    78            {
    79              logo: {
    80                url:
    81                  '',
    82                alt: 'Deluxe'
    83              },
    84              image: {
    85                url: require('./img/deluxe.png'),
    86                alt: 'Deluxe Case Study'
    87              },
    88              heading: 'Deluxe',
    89              content:
    90                'Disrupt the traditional media supply chain with a digital platform powered by Nomad, Consul and Vault.',
    91              link: {
    92                text: 'Learn More',
    93                url:
    94                  '',
    95                type: 'outbound'
    96              }
    97            },
    98            {
    99              logo: {
   100                url:
   101                  '',
   102                alt: 'SeatGeek'
   103              },
   104              image: {
   105                url: require('./img/seatgeek.png'),
   106                alt: 'Seat Geek Case Study'
   107              },
   108              heading: 'SeatGeek',
   109              content:
   110                'A team of 5 engineers built a infrastructure platform with Nomad, Consul, and Vault to provide tickets to millions of customers.',
   111              link: {
   112                text: 'Learn More',
   113                url:
   114                  '',
   115                type: 'outbound'
   116              }
   117            }
   118          ]}
   119        />
   120      </UseCasesLayout>
   121    )
   122  }