
     1  ---
     2  apiVersion:
     3  kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  metadata:
     5    annotations:
     6 v0.13.0
     7    name:
     8  spec:
     9    group:
    10    names:
    11      kind: Network
    12      listKind: NetworkList
    13      plural: networks
    14      singular: network
    15    scope: Namespaced
    16    versions:
    17    - additionalPrinterColumns:
    18      - description: The type of the network provider for this resource.
    19        jsonPath: .spec.type
    20        name: Type
    21        type: string
    22      - description: The CIDR that will be used for pods.
    23        jsonPath: .spec.podCIDR
    24        name: Pod CIDR
    25        type: string
    26      - description: The CIDR that will be used for services.
    27        jsonPath: .spec.serviceCIDR
    28        name: Service CIDR
    29        type: string
    30      - description: Status of network resource.
    31        jsonPath: .status.lastOperation.state
    32        name: Status
    33        type: string
    34      - description: creation timestamp
    35        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    36        name: Age
    37        type: date
    38      name: v1alpha1
    39      schema:
    40        openAPIV3Schema:
    41          description: Network is the specification for cluster networking.
    42          properties:
    43            apiVersion:
    44              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    45                of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    46                internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:'
    47              type: string
    48            kind:
    49              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    50                object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    51                submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
    52              type: string
    53            metadata:
    54              type: object
    55            spec:
    56              description: Specification of the Network. If the object's deletion timestamp
    57                is set, this field is immutable.
    58              properties:
    59                ipFamilies:
    60                  description: IPFamilies specifies the IP protocol versions to use
    61                    for shoot networking. This field is immutable. See
    62                  items:
    63                    description: IPFamily is a type for specifying an IP protocol version
    64                      to use in Gardener clusters.
    65                    type: string
    66                  type: array
    67                podCIDR:
    68                  description: PodCIDR defines the CIDR that will be used for pods.
    69                    This field is immutable.
    70                  type: string
    71                providerConfig:
    72                  description: ProviderConfig is the provider specific configuration.
    73                  type: object
    74                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
    75                serviceCIDR:
    76                  description: ServiceCIDR defines the CIDR that will be used for services.
    77                    This field is immutable.
    78                  type: string
    79                type:
    80                  description: Type contains the instance of the resource's kind.
    81                  type: string
    82              required:
    83              - podCIDR
    84              - serviceCIDR
    85              - type
    86              type: object
    87            status:
    88              description: NetworkStatus is the status for an Network resource.
    89              properties:
    90                conditions:
    91                  description: Conditions represents the latest available observations
    92                    of a Seed's current state.
    93                  items:
    94                    description: Condition holds the information about the state of
    95                      a resource.
    96                    properties:
    97                      codes:
    98                        description: Well-defined error codes in case the condition
    99                          reports a problem.
   100                        items:
   101                          description: ErrorCode is a string alias.
   102                          type: string
   103                        type: array
   104                      lastTransitionTime:
   105                        description: Last time the condition transitioned from one status
   106                          to another.
   107                        format: date-time
   108                        type: string
   109                      lastUpdateTime:
   110                        description: Last time the condition was updated.
   111                        format: date-time
   112                        type: string
   113                      message:
   114                        description: A human readable message indicating details about
   115                          the transition.
   116                        type: string
   117                      reason:
   118                        description: The reason for the condition's last transition.
   119                        type: string
   120                      status:
   121                        description: Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
   122                        type: string
   123                      type:
   124                        description: Type of the condition.
   125                        type: string
   126                    required:
   127                    - lastTransitionTime
   128                    - lastUpdateTime
   129                    - message
   130                    - reason
   131                    - status
   132                    - type
   133                    type: object
   134                  type: array
   135                lastError:
   136                  description: LastError holds information about the last occurred error
   137                    during an operation.
   138                  properties:
   139                    codes:
   140                      description: Well-defined error codes of the last error(s).
   141                      items:
   142                        description: ErrorCode is a string alias.
   143                        type: string
   144                      type: array
   145                    description:
   146                      description: A human readable message indicating details about
   147                        the last error.
   148                      type: string
   149                    lastUpdateTime:
   150                      description: Last time the error was reported
   151                      format: date-time
   152                      type: string
   153                    taskID:
   154                      description: ID of the task which caused this last error
   155                      type: string
   156                  required:
   157                  - description
   158                  type: object
   159                lastOperation:
   160                  description: LastOperation holds information about the last operation
   161                    on the resource.
   162                  properties:
   163                    description:
   164                      description: A human readable message indicating details about
   165                        the last operation.
   166                      type: string
   167                    lastUpdateTime:
   168                      description: Last time the operation state transitioned from one
   169                        to another.
   170                      format: date-time
   171                      type: string
   172                    progress:
   173                      description: The progress in percentage (0-100) of the last operation.
   174                      format: int32
   175                      type: integer
   176                    state:
   177                      description: Status of the last operation, one of Aborted, Processing,
   178                        Succeeded, Error, Failed.
   179                      type: string
   180                    type:
   181                      description: Type of the last operation, one of Create, Reconcile,
   182                        Delete, Migrate, Restore.
   183                      type: string
   184                  required:
   185                  - description
   186                  - lastUpdateTime
   187                  - progress
   188                  - state
   189                  - type
   190                  type: object
   191                observedGeneration:
   192                  description: ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed
   193                    for this resource.
   194                  format: int64
   195                  type: integer
   196                providerStatus:
   197                  description: ProviderStatus contains provider-specific status.
   198                  type: object
   199                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   200                resources:
   201                  description: Resources holds a list of named resource references that
   202                    can be referred to in the state by their names.
   203                  items:
   204                    description: NamedResourceReference is a named reference to a resource.
   205                    properties:
   206                      name:
   207                        description: Name of the resource reference.
   208                        type: string
   209                      resourceRef:
   210                        description: ResourceRef is a reference to a resource.
   211                        properties:
   212                          apiVersion:
   213                            description: apiVersion is the API version of the referent
   214                            type: string
   215                          kind:
   216                            description: 'kind is the kind of the referent; More info:
   217                    '
   218                            type: string
   219                          name:
   220                            description: 'name is the name of the referent; More info:
   221                    '
   222                            type: string
   223                        required:
   224                        - kind
   225                        - name
   226                        type: object
   227                        x-kubernetes-map-type: atomic
   228                    required:
   229                    - name
   230                    - resourceRef
   231                    type: object
   232                  type: array
   233                state:
   234                  description: State can be filled by the operating controller with
   235                    what ever data it needs.
   236                  type: object
   237                  x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
   238              type: object
   239          required:
   240          - spec
   241          type: object
   242      served: true
   243      storage: true
   244      subresources:
   245        status: {}