(about) 1 SET GOPATH=%CD%\cf-release-repo 2 SET GATSPATH=%GOPATH%\src\\cloudfoundry\cf-acceptance-tests 3 4 SET PATH=C:\Go\bin;%PATH% 5 SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\;%PATH% 6 SET PATH=%CD%\cf-release-repo\bin;%PATH% 7 SET PATH=C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;%PATH% 8 SET PATH=C:\Program Files\cURL\bin;%PATH% 9 SET PATH=%CD%;%PATH% 10 11 SET /p DOMAIN=<%CD%\bosh-lite-lock\name 12 call %CD%\cli\ci\cli\tasks\create-cats-config.bat 13 SET CONFIG=%CD%\config.json 14 15 go get -v 16 17 pushd %CD%\cf-cli-binaries 18 gzip -d cf-cli-binaries.tgz 19 tar -xvf cf-cli-binaries.tar 20 MOVE %CD%\cf-cli_winx64.exe ..\cf.exe 21 dir .. 22 popd 23 24 go get -v 25 26 cd %GATSPATH% 27 ginkgo.exe -r -slowSpecThreshold=120 -skipPackage="logging,services,v3,routing_api,routing,backend_compatibility,ssh" -skip="NO_DEA_SUPPORT|go makes the app reachable via its bound route|SSO|takes effect after a restart, not requiring a push|doesn't die when printing 32MB|exercises basic loggregator|firehose data|Downloads the droplet for the app" -nodes=2