(about) 1 cf/actors/push.go:106::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function (PushActorImpl).GatherFiles() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 2 cf/actors/push.go:55::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function (PushActorImpl).ProcessPath() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 3 cf/actors/routes.go:191::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (routeActor).FindAndBindRoute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 4 cf/actors/services.go:67::warning: cyclomatic complexity 15 of function (ServiceHandler).buildBrokersVisibleFromOrg() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 5 cf/actors/services_plans.go:194::warning: cyclomatic complexity 23 of function (ServicePlanHandler).FindServiceAccess() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 6 cf/api/buildpack_bits.go:100::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function normalizeBuildpackArchive() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 7 cf/api/resources/applications.go:124::warning: cyclomatic complexity 19 of function (ApplicationResource).ToFields() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 8 cf/api_versions.go:5:1:warning: _ is unused (deadcode) 9 cf/appfiles/app_files.go:165::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function (ApplicationFiles).WalkAppFiles() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 10 cf/appfiles/zipper.go:139::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function writeZipFile() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 11 cf/appfiles/zipper.go:77::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (ApplicationZipper).Unzip() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 12 cf/cmd/cmd.go:32::warning: cyclomatic complexity 15 of function Main() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 13 cf/commands/application/app.go:102::warning: cyclomatic complexity 19 of function (*ShowApp).ShowApp() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 14 cf/commands/application/copy_source.go:86::warning: cyclomatic complexity 13 of function (*CopySource).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 15 cf/commands/application/push.go:180::warning: cyclomatic complexity 26 of function (*Push).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 16 cf/commands/application/push.go:347::warning: cyclomatic complexity 19 of function (*Push).updateRoutes() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 17 cf/commands/application/push.go:607::warning: cyclomatic complexity 13 of function (*Push).createAppSetFromContextAndManifest() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 18 cf/commands/application/push.go:676::warning: cyclomatic complexity 28 of function (*Push).getAppParamsFromContext() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 19 cf/commands/application/scale.go:77::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (*Scale).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 20 cf/commands/application/start.go:239::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function (*Start).TailStagingLogs() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 21 cf/commands/buildpack/update_buildpack.go:70::warning: cyclomatic complexity 19 of function (*UpdateBuildpack).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 22 cf/commands/config.go:53::warning: cyclomatic complexity 16 of function (*ConfigCommands).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 23 cf/commands/create_app_manifest.go:119::warning: cyclomatic complexity 16 of function (*CreateAppManifest).createManifest() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 24 cf/commands/curl.go:79::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function (*Curl).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 25 cf/commands/help.go:48::warning: cyclomatic complexity 13 of function (*Help).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 26 cf/commands/login.go:184::warning: cyclomatic complexity 16 of function (Login).authenticate() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 27 cf/commands/organization/create_org.go:74::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function (*CreateOrg).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 28 cf/commands/organization/org.go:68::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (*ShowOrg).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 29 cf/commands/plugin/install_plugin.go:192::warning: cyclomatic complexity 16 of function (*PluginInstall).ensurePluginIsSafeForInstallation() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 30 cf/commands/plugin/install_plugin.go:28:6:warning: type name will be used as plugin.PluginInstall by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this Install (golint) 31 cf/commands/plugin/uninstall_plugin.go:102:1:warning: error should be the last type when returning multiple items (golint) 32 cf/commands/plugin/uninstall_plugin.go:19:6:warning: type name will be used as plugin.PluginUninstall by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this Uninstall (golint) 33 cf/commands/pluginrepo/add_plugin_repo.go:62::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function (*AddPluginRepo).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 34 cf/commands/quota/create_quota.go:87::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function (*CreateQuota).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 35 cf/commands/quota/update_quota.go:89::warning: cyclomatic complexity 17 of function (*UpdateQuota).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 36 cf/commands/route/create_route.go:68::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (*CreateRoute).Requirements() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 37 cf/commands/route/map_route.go:63::warning: cyclomatic complexity 13 of function (*MapRoute).Requirements() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 38 cf/commands/service/migrate_service_instances.go:68::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (*MigrateServiceInstances).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 39 cf/commands/serviceaccess/service_access.go:69::warning: cyclomatic complexity 15 of function (*ServiceAccess).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 40 cf/commands/space/create_space.go:81::warning: cyclomatic complexity 13 of function (*CreateSpace).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 41 cf/commands/space/space.go:72::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (*ShowSpace).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 42 cf/commands/spacequota/create_space_quota.go:89::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function (*CreateSpaceQuota).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 43 cf/commands/spacequota/update_space_quota.go:86::warning: cyclomatic complexity 17 of function (*UpdateSpaceQuota).Execute() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 44 cf/flags/flags.go:244::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function (*flagContext).setDefaultFlagValueIfAny() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 45 cf/flags/flags.go:65::warning: cyclomatic complexity 20 of function (*flagContext).Parse() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 46 cf/manifest/manifest.go:101::warning: cyclomatic complexity 15 of function expandProperties() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 47 cf/models/application.go:118::warning: cyclomatic complexity 26 of function (*AppParams).Merge() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 48 cf/ssh/ssh.go:209::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function (*secureShell).InteractiveSession() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 49 cf/ssh/terminal/helper.go:11:6:warning: type name will be used as terminal.TerminalHelper by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this Helper (golint) 50 plugin/cli_connection.go:161:25:warning: method UserGuid should be UserGUID (golint) 51 plugin/cli_connection.go:221:25:warning: method ApiEndpoint should be APIEndpoint (golint) 52 plugin/cli_connection.go:241:25:warning: method ApiVersion should be APIVersion (golint) 53 plugin/plugin.go:53:6:warning: type name will be used as plugin.PluginMetadata by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this Metadata (golint) 54 plugin/plugin_shim.go:9:1:warning: comment on exported function Start should be of the form "Start ..." (golint) 55 plugin/rpc/call_command_registry.go:23:81:warning: method parameter pluginApiCall should be pluginAPICall (golint) 56 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:234:23:warning: method UserGuid should be UserGUID (golint) 57 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:270:23:warning: method ApiEndpoint should be APIEndpoint (golint) 58 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:282:23:warning: method ApiVersion should be APIVersion (golint) 59 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:31:6:warning: type CliRpcService should be CliRPCService (golint) 60 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:35:2:warning: struct field RpcCmd should be RPCCmd (golint) 61 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:39:6:warning: type CliRpcCmd should be CliRPCCmd (golint) 62 plugin/rpc/cli_rpc_server.go:64:6:warning: func NewRpcService should be NewRPCService (golint) 63 plugin_examples/test_rpc_server_example/test_rpc_server_example.go:55::warning: cyclomatic complexity 13 of function (*DemoCmd).Run() is high (> 10) (gocyclo) 64 testhelpers/net/server.go:72::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function (*TestHandler).ServeHTTP() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)