
     1  // Code generated by piper's step-generator. DO NOT EDIT.
     3  package cmd
     5  import (
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  type gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions struct {
    19  	Username             string `json:"username,omitempty"`
    20  	Password             string `json:"password,omitempty"`
    21  	Host                 string `json:"host,omitempty"`
    22  	Repository           string `json:"repository,omitempty"`
    23  	Client               string `json:"client,omitempty"`
    24  	AUnitTest            bool   `json:"aUnitTest,omitempty"`
    25  	AtcCheck             bool   `json:"atcCheck,omitempty"`
    26  	AtcVariant           string `json:"atcVariant,omitempty"`
    27  	Scope                string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
    28  	Commit               string `json:"commit,omitempty"`
    29  	Workspace            string `json:"workspace,omitempty"`
    30  	AtcResultsFileName   string `json:"atcResultsFileName,omitempty"`
    31  	AUnitResultsFileName string `json:"aUnitResultsFileName,omitempty"`
    32  }
    34  // GctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksCommand Runs ABAP unit tests and ATC (ABAP Test Cockpit) checks for a specified object scope.
    35  func GctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksCommand() *cobra.Command {
    36  	const STEP_NAME = "gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecks"
    38  	metadata := gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksMetadata()
    39  	var stepConfig gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions
    40  	var startTime time.Time
    41  	var logCollector *log.CollectorHook
    42  	var splunkClient *splunk.Splunk
    43  	telemetryClient := &telemetry.Telemetry{}
    45  	var createGctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksCmd = &cobra.Command{
    46  		Use:   STEP_NAME,
    47  		Short: "Runs ABAP unit tests and ATC (ABAP Test Cockpit) checks for a specified object scope.",
    48  		Long: `This step executes ABAP unit test and ATC checks for a specified scope of objects that exist in a local Git repository on an ABAP system.
    49  Depending on your use case, you can specify a scope of objects for which you want to execute the checks. In addition, you can choose whether you want to execute only ABAP units tests, or only ATC checks, or both.
    50  By default, both checks are executed.
    51  <br/>
    52  The results of the checks are stored in a [Checkstyle]( format. With the help of the Jenkins [Warnings-Next-Generation]( Plugin), you can view the issues found, and navigate to the exact line of the source code where the issue occurred.
    53  To make the findings visible in the Jenkins plug-in, you need to use the ` + "`" + `recordIssues` + "`" + ` step, as displayed in the ` + "`" + `Example` + "`" + ` section below.
    54  <br/>
    55  You can use this step as of SAP S/4HANA 2020 with SAP Note [3159798]( implemented.`,
    56  		PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
    57  			startTime = time.Now()
    58  			log.SetStepName(STEP_NAME)
    59  			log.SetVerbose(GeneralConfig.Verbose)
    61  			GeneralConfig.GitHubAccessTokens = ResolveAccessTokens(GeneralConfig.GitHubTokens)
    63  			path, _ := os.Getwd()
    64  			fatalHook := &log.FatalHook{CorrelationID: GeneralConfig.CorrelationID, Path: path}
    65  			log.RegisterHook(fatalHook)
    67  			err := PrepareConfig(cmd, &metadata, STEP_NAME, &stepConfig, config.OpenPiperFile)
    68  			if err != nil {
    69  				log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration)
    70  				return err
    71  			}
    72  			log.RegisterSecret(stepConfig.Username)
    73  			log.RegisterSecret(stepConfig.Password)
    75  			if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SentryConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
    76  				sentryHook := log.NewSentryHook(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SentryConfig.Dsn, GeneralConfig.CorrelationID)
    77  				log.RegisterHook(&sentryHook)
    78  			}
    80  			if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
    81  				splunkClient = &splunk.Splunk{}
    82  				logCollector = &log.CollectorHook{CorrelationID: GeneralConfig.CorrelationID}
    83  				log.RegisterHook(logCollector)
    84  			}
    86  			validation, err := validation.New(validation.WithJSONNamesForStructFields(), validation.WithPredefinedErrorMessages())
    87  			if err != nil {
    88  				return err
    89  			}
    90  			if err = validation.ValidateStruct(stepConfig); err != nil {
    91  				log.SetErrorCategory(log.ErrorConfiguration)
    92  				return err
    93  			}
    95  			return nil
    96  		},
    97  		Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
    98  			stepTelemetryData := telemetry.CustomData{}
    99  			stepTelemetryData.ErrorCode = "1"
   100  			handler := func() {
   101  				config.RemoveVaultSecretFiles()
   102  				stepTelemetryData.Duration = fmt.Sprintf("%v", time.Since(startTime).Milliseconds())
   103  				stepTelemetryData.ErrorCategory = log.GetErrorCategory().String()
   104  				stepTelemetryData.PiperCommitHash = GitCommit
   105  				telemetryClient.SetData(&stepTelemetryData)
   106  				telemetryClient.Send()
   107  				if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
   108  					splunkClient.Send(telemetryClient.GetData(), logCollector)
   109  				}
   110  			}
   111  			log.DeferExitHandler(handler)
   112  			defer handler()
   113  			telemetryClient.Initialize(GeneralConfig.NoTelemetry, STEP_NAME)
   114  			if len(GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn) > 0 {
   115  				splunkClient.Initialize(GeneralConfig.CorrelationID,
   116  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Dsn,
   117  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Token,
   118  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.Index,
   119  					GeneralConfig.HookConfig.SplunkConfig.SendLogs)
   120  			}
   121  			gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecks(stepConfig, &stepTelemetryData)
   122  			stepTelemetryData.ErrorCode = "0"
   123  			log.Entry().Info("SUCCESS")
   124  		},
   125  	}
   127  	addGctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksFlags(createGctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksCmd, &stepConfig)
   128  	return createGctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksCmd
   129  }
   131  func addGctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, stepConfig *gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksOptions) {
   132  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Username, "username", os.Getenv("PIPER_username"), "User that authenticates to the ABAP system. Note - Don´t provide this parameter directly. Either set it in the environment, or in the Jenkins credentials store, and provide the ID as value of the `abapCredentialsId` parameter.")
   133  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Password, "password", os.Getenv("PIPER_password"), "Password of the ABAP user that authenticates to the ABAP system. Note - Don´t provide this parameter directly. Either set it in the environment, or in the Jenkins credentials store, and provide the ID as value of the `abapCredentialsId` parameter.")
   134  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Host, "host", os.Getenv("PIPER_host"), "Protocol and host of the ABAP system, including the port. Please provide it in the format `<protocol>://<host>:<port>`. Supported protocols are `http` and `https`.")
   135  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Repository, "repository", os.Getenv("PIPER_repository"), "Name (ID) of the local repository on the ABAP system")
   136  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Client, "client", os.Getenv("PIPER_client"), "Client of the ABAP system in which you want to execute the checks")
   137  	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&stepConfig.AUnitTest, "aUnitTest", true, "Indication whether you want to execute the ABAP Unit tests. If the ABAP Unit tests fail, the results are mapped as follows to the statuses available in the Jenkins plugin. (Successful ABAP unit test results are not displayed.)\n<br/>\n- Failed with severity `fatal` is displayed as an `Error`.\n<br/>\n- Failed with severity `critical` is displayed as an `Error`.\n<br/>\n- Failed with severity `warning` is displayed as a `Warning`.\n")
   138  	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&stepConfig.AtcCheck, "atcCheck", true, "Indication whether you want to execute the ATC checks. If the ATC checks result in errors with priorities 1 and 2, they are considered as failed. The results are mapped as follows to the statuses available in the Jenkins plugin. (Successful ATC check results are not displayed.)\n<br/>\n- Priorities 1 and 2 are displayed as an `Error`.\n<br/>\n- Priority 3 is displayed as a `Warning`.\n")
   139  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.AtcVariant, "atcVariant", `DEFAULT`, "Variant for ATC checks")
   140  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Scope, "scope", `repository`, "Scope of objects for which you want to execute the checks:\n<br/>\n- `localChangedObjects`: The object scope is derived from the last activity in the local repository. The checks are executed for the individual objects.\n<br/>\n- `remoteChangedObjects`: The object scope is the delta between the commit that triggered the pipeline and the current commit in the remote repository. The checks are executed for the individual objects.\n<br/>\n- `localChangedPackages`: The object scope is derived from the last activity in the local repository. All objects are resolved into packages. The checks are executed for the packages.\n<br/>\n- `remoteChangedPackages`: The object scope is the delta between the commit that triggered the pipeline and the current commit in the remote repository. All objects are resolved into packages. The checks are executed for the packages.\n<br/>\n- `repository`: The object scope comprises all objects that are part of the local repository. The checks are executed for the individual objects. Packages (DEVC) are excluded. This is the default scope.\n<br/>\n- `packages`: The object scope comprises all packages that are part of the local repository. The checks are executed for the packages.\n")
   141  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Commit, "commit", os.Getenv("PIPER_commit"), "ID of the commit that triggered the pipeline or any other commit used to calculate the object scope. Specifying a commit is mandatory for the `remoteChangedObjects` and `remoteChangedPackages` scopes.")
   142  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.Workspace, "workspace", os.Getenv("PIPER_workspace"), "Absolute path to the directory that contains the source code that your CI/CD tool checks out. For example, in Jenkins, the workspace parameter is `/var/jenkins_home/workspace/<jobName>/`. As an alternative, you can use Jenkins's predefined environmental variable `WORKSPACE`.")
   143  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.AtcResultsFileName, "atcResultsFileName", `ATCResults.xml`, "Specifies an output file name for the results of the ATC checks.")
   144  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&stepConfig.AUnitResultsFileName, "aUnitResultsFileName", `AUnitResults.xml`, "Specifies an output file name for the results of the ABAP Unit tests.")
   146  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("username")
   147  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("password")
   148  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("host")
   149  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("repository")
   150  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("client")
   151  	cmd.MarkFlagRequired("workspace")
   152  }
   154  // retrieve step metadata
   155  func gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecksMetadata() config.StepData {
   156  	var theMetaData = config.StepData{
   157  		Metadata: config.StepMetadata{
   158  			Name:        "gctsExecuteABAPQualityChecks",
   159  			Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   160  			Description: "Runs ABAP unit tests and ATC (ABAP Test Cockpit) checks for a specified object scope.",
   161  		},
   162  		Spec: config.StepSpec{
   163  			Inputs: config.StepInputs{
   164  				Secrets: []config.StepSecrets{
   165  					{Name: "abapCredentialsId", Description: "ID taken from the Jenkins credentials store containing user name and password of the user that authenticates to the ABAP system on which you want to execute the checks.", Type: "jenkins"},
   166  				},
   167  				Parameters: []config.StepParameters{
   168  					{
   169  						Name: "username",
   170  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{
   171  							{
   172  								Name:  "abapCredentialsId",
   173  								Param: "username",
   174  								Type:  "secret",
   175  							},
   176  						},
   177  						Scope:     []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   178  						Type:      "string",
   179  						Mandatory: true,
   180  						Aliases:   []config.Alias{},
   181  						Default:   os.Getenv("PIPER_username"),
   182  					},
   183  					{
   184  						Name: "password",
   185  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{
   186  							{
   187  								Name:  "abapCredentialsId",
   188  								Param: "password",
   189  								Type:  "secret",
   190  							},
   191  						},
   192  						Scope:     []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   193  						Type:      "string",
   194  						Mandatory: true,
   195  						Aliases:   []config.Alias{},
   196  						Default:   os.Getenv("PIPER_password"),
   197  					},
   198  					{
   199  						Name:        "host",
   200  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   201  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   202  						Type:        "string",
   203  						Mandatory:   true,
   204  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   205  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_host"),
   206  					},
   207  					{
   208  						Name:        "repository",
   209  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   210  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   211  						Type:        "string",
   212  						Mandatory:   true,
   213  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   214  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_repository"),
   215  					},
   216  					{
   217  						Name:        "client",
   218  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   219  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   220  						Type:        "string",
   221  						Mandatory:   true,
   222  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   223  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_client"),
   224  					},
   225  					{
   226  						Name:        "aUnitTest",
   227  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   228  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   229  						Type:        "bool",
   230  						Mandatory:   false,
   231  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   232  						Default:     true,
   233  					},
   234  					{
   235  						Name:        "atcCheck",
   236  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   237  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   238  						Type:        "bool",
   239  						Mandatory:   false,
   240  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   241  						Default:     true,
   242  					},
   243  					{
   244  						Name:        "atcVariant",
   245  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   246  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   247  						Type:        "string",
   248  						Mandatory:   false,
   249  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   250  						Default:     `DEFAULT`,
   251  					},
   252  					{
   253  						Name:        "scope",
   254  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   255  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   256  						Type:        "string",
   257  						Mandatory:   false,
   258  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   259  						Default:     `repository`,
   260  					},
   261  					{
   262  						Name:        "commit",
   263  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   264  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   265  						Type:        "string",
   266  						Mandatory:   false,
   267  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   268  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_commit"),
   269  					},
   270  					{
   271  						Name:        "workspace",
   272  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   273  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   274  						Type:        "string",
   275  						Mandatory:   true,
   276  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   277  						Default:     os.Getenv("PIPER_workspace"),
   278  					},
   279  					{
   280  						Name:        "atcResultsFileName",
   281  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   282  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   283  						Type:        "string",
   284  						Mandatory:   false,
   285  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   286  						Default:     `ATCResults.xml`,
   287  					},
   288  					{
   289  						Name:        "aUnitResultsFileName",
   290  						ResourceRef: []config.ResourceReference{},
   291  						Scope:       []string{"PARAMETERS", "STAGES", "STEPS"},
   292  						Type:        "string",
   293  						Mandatory:   false,
   294  						Aliases:     []config.Alias{},
   295  						Default:     `AUnitResults.xml`,
   296  					},
   297  				},
   298  			},
   299  		},
   300  	}
   301  	return theMetaData
   302  }