
     1  // Copyright 2016 Attic Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0:
     3  //
     5  package nbs
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"crypto/sha512"
    10  	"encoding/base32"
    11  	"encoding/binary"
    12  	"hash/crc32"
    13  	"io"
    14  	"sync"
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  /*
    20     An NBS Table stores N byte slices ("chunks") which are addressed by a 20-byte hash of their
    21     contents. The footer encodes N as well as the total bytes consumed by all contained chunks.
    22     An Index maps each address to the position of its corresponding chunk. Addresses are logically sorted within the Index, but the corresponding chunks need not be.
    24     Table:
    25     +----------------+----------------+-----+----------------+-------+--------+
    26     | Chunk Record 0 | Chunk Record 1 | ... | Chunk Record N | Index | Footer |
    27     +----------------+----------------+-----+----------------+-------+--------+
    29     Chunk Record:
    30     +---------------------------+----------------+
    31     | (Chunk Length) Chunk Data | (Uint32) CRC32 |
    32     +---------------------------+----------------+
    34     Index:
    35     +------------+---------+----------+
    36     | Prefix Map | Lengths | Suffixes |
    37     +------------+---------+----------+
    39     Prefix Map:
    40     +--------------+--------------+-----+----------------+
    41     | Prefix Tuple | Prefix Tuple | ... | Prefix Tuple N |
    42     +--------------+--------------+-----+----------------+
    44       -The Prefix Map contains N Prefix Tuples.
    45       -Each Prefix Tuple corresponds to a unique Chunk Record in the Table.
    46       -The Prefix Tuples are sorted in increasing lexicographic order within the Prefix Map.
    47       -NB: THE SAME PREFIX MAY APPEAR MULTIPLE TIMES, as distinct Hashes (referring to distinct Chunks) may share the same Prefix.
    49     Prefix Tuple:
    50     +-----------------+------------------+
    51     | (8) Hash Prefix | (Uint32) Ordinal |
    52     +-----------------+------------------+
    54       -First 8 bytes of a Chunk's Hash
    55       -Ordinal is the 0-based ordinal position of the associated record within the sequence of chunk records, the associated Length within Lengths, and the associated Hash Suffix within Suffixes.
    57     Lengths:
    58     +-----------------+-----------------+-----+-------------------+
    59     | (Uint32) Length | (Uint32) Length | ... | (Uint32) Length N |
    60     +-----------------+-----------------+-----+-------------------+
    62       - Each Length is the length of a Chunk Record in this Table.
    63       - Length M must correspond to Chunk Record M for 0 <= M <= N
    65     Suffixes:
    66     +------------------+------------------+-----+--------------------+
    67     | (12) Hash Suffix | (12) Hash Suffix | ... | (12) Hash Suffix N |
    68     +------------------+------------------+-----+--------------------+
    70       - Each Hash Suffix is the last 12 bytes of a Chunk in this Table.
    71       - Hash Suffix M must correspond to Chunk Record M for 0 <= M <= N
    73     Footer:
    74     +----------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------+
    75     | (Uint32) Chunk Count | (Uint64) Total Uncompressed Chunk Data | (8) Magic Number |
    76     +----------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------+
    78       -Total Uncompressed Chunk Data is the sum of the uncompressed byte lengths of all contained chunk byte slices.
    79       -Magic Number is the first 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash of "".
    81      NOTE: Unsigned integer quanities, hashes and hash suffix are all encoded big-endian
    84    Looking up Chunks in an NBS Table
    85    There are two phases to loading chunk data for a given Hash from an NBS Table: Checking for the chunk's presence, and fetching the chunk's bytes. When performing a has-check, only the first phase is necessary.
    87    Phase one: Chunk presence
    88    - Slice off the first 8 bytes of your Hash to create a Prefix
    89    - Since the Prefix Tuples in the Prefix Map are in lexicographic order, binary search the Prefix Map for the desired Prefix.
    90    - For all Prefix Tuples with a matching Prefix:
    91      - Load the Ordinal
    92      - Use the Ordinal to index into Suffixes
    93      - Check the Suffix of your Hash against the loaded Suffix
    94      - If they match, your chunk is in this Table in the Chunk Record indicated by Ordinal
    95      - If they don't match, continue to the next matching Prefix Tuple
    96    - If not found, your chunk is not in this Table.
    98    Phase two: Loading Chunk data
    99    - Take the Ordinal discovered in Phase one
   100    - Calculate the Offset of your desired Chunk Record: Sum(Lengths[0]...Lengths[Ordinal-1])
   101    - Load Lengths[Ordinal] bytes from Table[Offset]
   102    - Check the first 4 bytes of the loaded data against the last 4 bytes of your desired Hash. They should match, and the rest of the data is your Chunk data.
   103  */
   105  const (
   106  	addrSize           uint64 = 20
   107  	addrPrefixSize     uint64 = 8
   108  	addrSuffixSize            = addrSize - addrPrefixSize
   109  	uint64Size         uint64 = 8
   110  	uint32Size         uint64 = 4
   111  	ordinalSize        uint64 = uint32Size
   112  	lengthSize         uint64 = uint32Size
   113  	magicNumber               = "\xff\xb5\xd8\xc2\x24\x63\xee\x50"
   114  	magicNumberSize    uint64 = uint64(len(magicNumber))
   115  	footerSize                = uint32Size + uint64Size + magicNumberSize
   116  	prefixTupleSize           = addrPrefixSize + ordinalSize
   117  	checksumSize       uint64 = uint32Size
   118  	maxChunkLengthSize uint64 = binary.MaxVarintLen64
   119  	maxChunkSize       uint64 = 0xffffffff // Snappy won't compress slices bigger than this
   120  )
   122  var crcTable = crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli)
   124  func crc(b []byte) uint32 {
   125  	return crc32.Update(0, crcTable, b)
   126  }
   128  func computeAddrDefault(data []byte) addr {
   129  	r := sha512.Sum512(data)
   130  	h := addr{}
   131  	copy(h[:], r[:addrSize])
   132  	return h
   133  }
   135  var computeAddr = computeAddrDefault
   137  type addr [addrSize]byte
   139  var encoding = base32.NewEncoding("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv")
   141  func (a addr) String() string {
   142  	return encoding.EncodeToString(a[:])
   143  }
   145  func (a addr) Prefix() uint64 {
   146  	return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(a[:])
   147  }
   149  func (a addr) Checksum() uint32 {
   150  	return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(a[addrSize-checksumSize:])
   151  }
   153  func ParseAddr(b []byte) (h addr) {
   154  	encoding.Decode(h[:], b)
   155  	return
   156  }
   158  func ValidateAddr(s string) bool {
   159  	_, err := encoding.DecodeString(s)
   160  	return err == nil
   161  }
   163  type addrSlice []addr
   165  func (hs addrSlice) Len() int           { return len(hs) }
   166  func (hs addrSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(hs[i][:], hs[j][:]) < 0 }
   167  func (hs addrSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { hs[i], hs[j] = hs[j], hs[i] }
   169  type hasRecord struct {
   170  	a      *addr
   171  	prefix uint64
   172  	order  int
   173  	has    bool
   174  }
   176  type hasRecordByPrefix []hasRecord
   178  func (hs hasRecordByPrefix) Len() int           { return len(hs) }
   179  func (hs hasRecordByPrefix) Less(i, j int) bool { return hs[i].prefix < hs[j].prefix }
   180  func (hs hasRecordByPrefix) Swap(i, j int)      { hs[i], hs[j] = hs[j], hs[i] }
   182  type hasRecordByOrder []hasRecord
   184  func (hs hasRecordByOrder) Len() int           { return len(hs) }
   185  func (hs hasRecordByOrder) Less(i, j int) bool { return hs[i].order < hs[j].order }
   186  func (hs hasRecordByOrder) Swap(i, j int)      { hs[i], hs[j] = hs[j], hs[i] }
   188  type getRecord struct {
   189  	a      *addr
   190  	prefix uint64
   191  	found  bool
   192  }
   194  type getRecordByPrefix []getRecord
   196  func (hs getRecordByPrefix) Len() int           { return len(hs) }
   197  func (hs getRecordByPrefix) Less(i, j int) bool { return hs[i].prefix < hs[j].prefix }
   198  func (hs getRecordByPrefix) Swap(i, j int)      { hs[i], hs[j] = hs[j], hs[i] }
   200  type extractRecord struct {
   201  	a    addr
   202  	data []byte
   203  	err  interface{} // only set when there was a panic during extraction.
   204  }
   206  type chunkReader interface {
   207  	has(h addr) bool
   208  	hasMany(addrs []hasRecord) bool
   209  	get(h addr, stats *Stats) []byte
   210  	getMany(reqs []getRecord, foundChunks chan *chunks.Chunk, wg *sync.WaitGroup, stats *Stats) bool
   211  	count() uint32
   212  	uncompressedLen() uint64
   213  	extract(chunks chan<- extractRecord)
   214  }
   216  type chunkReadPlanner interface {
   217  	findOffsets(reqs []getRecord) (ors offsetRecSlice, remaining bool)
   218  	getManyAtOffsets(
   219  		reqs []getRecord,
   220  		offsetRecords offsetRecSlice,
   221  		foundChunks chan *chunks.Chunk,
   222  		wg *sync.WaitGroup,
   223  		stats *Stats,
   224  	) (remaining bool)
   225  }
   227  type chunkSource interface {
   228  	chunkReader
   229  	hash() addr
   230  	calcReads(reqs []getRecord, blockSize uint64) (reads int, remaining bool)
   232  	// opens a Reader to the first byte of the chunkData segment of this table.
   233  	reader() io.Reader
   234  	index() tableIndex
   235  }
   237  type chunkSources []chunkSource