
     1  ---
     2  title: Creating a resource from template
     3  linkTitle: Resource from Template
     4  description: Hugo Pipes allows the creation of a resource from an asset file using Go Template.
     5  date: 2018-07-14
     6  publishdate: 2018-07-14
     7  lastmod: 2018-07-14
     8  categories: [asset management]
     9  keywords: []
    10  menu:
    11    docs:
    12      parent: "pipes"
    13      weight: 80
    14  weight: 80
    15  sections_weight: 80
    16  draft: false
    17  ---
    19  In order to use Hugo Pipes function on an asset file containing Go Template magic the function `resources.ExecuteAsTemplate` must be used.
    21  The function takes three arguments, the resource object, the resource target path and the template context.
    23  ```go-html-template
    24  // assets/sass/template.scss
    25  $backgroundColor: {{ .Param "backgroundColor" }};
    26  $textColor: {{ .Param "textColor" }};
    27  body{
    28  	background-color:$backgroundColor;
    29  	color: $textColor;
    30  }
    31  // [...]
    32  ```
    35  ```go-html-template
    36  {{ $sassTemplate := resources.Get "sass/template.scss" }}
    37  {{ $style := $sassTemplate | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "main.scss" . | resources.ToCSS }}
    38  ```