(about) 1 # ASG example 2 3 This example shows how to launch instances using Auto Scaling Groups. 4 5 This creates a security group, launch configuration, auto scaling group and an ELB. The user data for launch configuration installs nginx and it listens on port 80. 6 7 The example uses latest Ubuntu AMIs. 8 9 Make sure you change the list of availability zones that is applicable to your account and region. 10 11 To run, configure your AWS provider as described in 12 13 Running the example 14 15 For planning phase 16 17 terraform plan -var 'key_name={your_key_name}}' 18 19 For apply phase 20 21 terraform apply -var 'key_name={your_key_name}}' 22 23 Once the stack is created, wait for few minutes and test the stack by launching a browser with ELB url. 24 25 To remove the stack 26 27 terraform destroy -var 'key_name={your_key_name}}' 28