
     1  // Copyright (c) 2015 HPE Software Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // Copyright (c) 2013 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved.
     4  package tail
     6  import (
     7  	"bufio"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"io"
    11  	"io/ioutil"
    12  	"log"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"sync"
    16  	"time"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  var (
    25  	ErrStop = errors.New("tail should now stop")
    26  )
    28  type Line struct {
    29  	Text string
    30  	Time time.Time
    31  	Err  error // Error from tail
    32  }
    34  // NewLine returns a Line with present time.
    35  func NewLine(text string) *Line {
    36  	return &Line{text, time.Now(), nil}
    37  }
    39  // SeekInfo represents arguments to `os.Seek`
    40  type SeekInfo struct {
    41  	Offset int64
    42  	Whence int // os.SEEK_*
    43  }
    45  type logger interface {
    46  	Fatal(v ...interface{})
    47  	Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{})
    48  	Fatalln(v ...interface{})
    49  	Panic(v ...interface{})
    50  	Panicf(format string, v ...interface{})
    51  	Panicln(v ...interface{})
    52  	Print(v ...interface{})
    53  	Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
    54  	Println(v ...interface{})
    55  }
    57  // Config is used to specify how a file must be tailed.
    58  type Config struct {
    59  	// File-specifc
    60  	Location    *SeekInfo // Seek to this location before tailing
    61  	ReOpen      bool      // Reopen recreated files (tail -F)
    62  	MustExist   bool      // Fail early if the file does not exist
    63  	Poll        bool      // Poll for file changes instead of using inotify
    64  	Pipe        bool      // Is a named pipe (mkfifo)
    65  	RateLimiter *ratelimiter.LeakyBucket
    67  	// Generic IO
    68  	Follow      bool // Continue looking for new lines (tail -f)
    69  	MaxLineSize int  // If non-zero, split longer lines into multiple lines
    71  	// Logger, when nil, is set to tail.DefaultLogger
    72  	// To disable logging: set field to tail.DiscardingLogger
    73  	Logger logger
    74  }
    76  type Tail struct {
    77  	Filename string
    78  	Lines    chan *Line
    79  	Config
    81  	file   *os.File
    82  	reader *bufio.Reader
    84  	watcher watch.FileWatcher
    85  	changes *watch.FileChanges
    87  	tomb.Tomb // provides: Done, Kill, Dying
    89  	lk sync.Mutex
    90  }
    92  var (
    93  	// DefaultLogger is used when Config.Logger == nil
    94  	DefaultLogger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
    95  	// DiscardingLogger can be used to disable logging output
    96  	DiscardingLogger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
    97  )
    99  // TailFile begins tailing the file. Output stream is made available
   100  // via the `Tail.Lines` channel. To handle errors during tailing,
   101  // invoke the `Wait` or `Err` method after finishing reading from the
   102  // `Lines` channel.
   103  func TailFile(filename string, config Config) (*Tail, error) {
   104  	if config.ReOpen && !config.Follow {
   105  		util.Fatal("cannot set ReOpen without Follow.")
   106  	}
   108  	t := &Tail{
   109  		Filename: filename,
   110  		Lines:    make(chan *Line),
   111  		Config:   config,
   112  	}
   114  	// when Logger was not specified in config, use default logger
   115  	if t.Logger == nil {
   116  		t.Logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
   117  	}
   119  	if t.Poll {
   120  		t.watcher = watch.NewPollingFileWatcher(filename)
   121  	} else {
   122  		t.watcher = watch.NewInotifyFileWatcher(filename)
   123  	}
   125  	if t.MustExist {
   126  		var err error
   127  		t.file, err = OpenFile(t.Filename)
   128  		if err != nil {
   129  			return nil, err
   130  		}
   131  	}
   133  	go t.tailFileSync()
   135  	return t, nil
   136  }
   138  // Return the file's current position, like stdio's ftell().
   139  // But this value is not very accurate.
   140  // it may readed one line in the chan(tail.Lines),
   141  // so it may lost one line.
   142  func (tail *Tail) Tell() (offset int64, err error) {
   143  	if tail.file == nil {
   144  		return
   145  	}
   146  	offset, err = tail.file.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
   147  	if err != nil {
   148  		return
   149  	}
   152  	defer
   153  	if tail.reader == nil {
   154  		return
   155  	}
   157  	offset -= int64(tail.reader.Buffered())
   158  	return
   159  }
   161  // Stop stops the tailing activity.
   162  func (tail *Tail) Stop() error {
   163  	tail.Kill(nil)
   164  	return tail.Wait()
   165  }
   167  // StopAtEOF stops tailing as soon as the end of the file is reached.
   168  func (tail *Tail) StopAtEOF() error {
   169  	tail.Kill(errStopAtEOF)
   170  	return tail.Wait()
   171  }
   173  var errStopAtEOF = errors.New("tail: stop at eof")
   175  func (tail *Tail) close() {
   176  	close(tail.Lines)
   177  	tail.closeFile()
   178  }
   180  func (tail *Tail) closeFile() {
   181  	if tail.file != nil {
   182  		tail.file.Close()
   183  		tail.file = nil
   184  	}
   185  }
   187  func (tail *Tail) reopen() error {
   188  	tail.closeFile()
   189  	for {
   190  		var err error
   191  		tail.file, err = OpenFile(tail.Filename)
   192  		if err != nil {
   193  			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   194  				tail.Logger.Printf("Waiting for %s to appear...", tail.Filename)
   195  				if err := tail.watcher.BlockUntilExists(&tail.Tomb); err != nil {
   196  					if err == tomb.ErrDying {
   197  						return err
   198  					}
   199  					return fmt.Errorf("Failed to detect creation of %s: %s", tail.Filename, err)
   200  				}
   201  				continue
   202  			}
   203  			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to open file %s: %s", tail.Filename, err)
   204  		}
   205  		break
   206  	}
   207  	return nil
   208  }
   210  func (tail *Tail) readLine() (string, error) {
   212  	line, err := tail.reader.ReadString('\n')
   214  	if err != nil {
   215  		// Note ReadString "returns the data read before the error" in
   216  		// case of an error, including EOF, so we return it as is. The
   217  		// caller is expected to process it if err is EOF.
   218  		return line, err
   219  	}
   221  	line = strings.TrimRight(line, "\n")
   223  	return line, err
   224  }
   226  func (tail *Tail) tailFileSync() {
   227  	defer tail.Done()
   228  	defer tail.close()
   230  	if !tail.MustExist {
   231  		// deferred first open.
   232  		err := tail.reopen()
   233  		if err != nil {
   234  			if err != tomb.ErrDying {
   235  				tail.Kill(err)
   236  			}
   237  			return
   238  		}
   239  	}
   241  	// Seek to requested location on first open of the file.
   242  	if tail.Location != nil {
   243  		_, err := tail.file.Seek(tail.Location.Offset, tail.Location.Whence)
   244  		tail.Logger.Printf("Seeked %s - %+v\n", tail.Filename, tail.Location)
   245  		if err != nil {
   246  			tail.Killf("Seek error on %s: %s", tail.Filename, err)
   247  			return
   248  		}
   249  	}
   251  	tail.openReader()
   253  	var offset int64
   254  	var err error
   256  	// Read line by line.
   257  	for {
   258  		// do not seek in named pipes
   259  		if !tail.Pipe {
   260  			// grab the position in case we need to back up in the event of a half-line
   261  			offset, err = tail.Tell()
   262  			if err != nil {
   263  				tail.Kill(err)
   264  				return
   265  			}
   266  		}
   268  		line, err := tail.readLine()
   270  		// Process `line` even if err is EOF.
   271  		if err == nil {
   272  			cooloff := !tail.sendLine(line)
   273  			if cooloff {
   274  				// Wait a second before seeking till the end of
   275  				// file when rate limit is reached.
   276  				msg := ("Too much log activity; waiting a second " +
   277  					"before resuming tailing")
   278  				tail.Lines <- &Line{msg, time.Now(), errors.New(msg)}
   279  				select {
   280  				case <-time.After(time.Second):
   281  				case <-tail.Dying():
   282  					return
   283  				}
   284  				if err := tail.seekEnd(); err != nil {
   285  					tail.Kill(err)
   286  					return
   287  				}
   288  			}
   289  		} else if err == io.EOF {
   290  			if !tail.Follow {
   291  				if line != "" {
   292  					tail.sendLine(line)
   293  				}
   294  				return
   295  			}
   297  			if tail.Follow && line != "" {
   298  				// this has the potential to never return the last line if
   299  				// it's not followed by a newline; seems a fair trade here
   300  				err := tail.seekTo(SeekInfo{Offset: offset, Whence: 0})
   301  				if err != nil {
   302  					tail.Kill(err)
   303  					return
   304  				}
   305  			}
   307  			// When EOF is reached, wait for more data to become
   308  			// available. Wait strategy is based on the `tail.watcher`
   309  			// implementation (inotify or polling).
   310  			err := tail.waitForChanges()
   311  			if err != nil {
   312  				if err != ErrStop {
   313  					tail.Kill(err)
   314  				}
   315  				return
   316  			}
   317  		} else {
   318  			// non-EOF error
   319  			tail.Killf("Error reading %s: %s", tail.Filename, err)
   320  			return
   321  		}
   323  		select {
   324  		case <-tail.Dying():
   325  			if tail.Err() == errStopAtEOF {
   326  				continue
   327  			}
   328  			return
   329  		default:
   330  		}
   331  	}
   332  }
   334  // waitForChanges waits until the file has been appended, deleted,
   335  // moved or truncated. When moved or deleted - the file will be
   336  // reopened if ReOpen is true. Truncated files are always reopened.
   337  func (tail *Tail) waitForChanges() error {
   338  	if tail.changes == nil {
   339  		pos, err := tail.file.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
   340  		if err != nil {
   341  			return err
   342  		}
   343  		tail.changes, err = tail.watcher.ChangeEvents(&tail.Tomb, pos)
   344  		if err != nil {
   345  			return err
   346  		}
   347  	}
   349  	select {
   350  	case <-tail.changes.Modified:
   351  		return nil
   352  	case <-tail.changes.Deleted:
   353  		tail.changes = nil
   354  		if tail.ReOpen {
   355  			// XXX: we must not log from a library.
   356  			tail.Logger.Printf("Re-opening moved/deleted file %s ...", tail.Filename)
   357  			if err := tail.reopen(); err != nil {
   358  				return err
   359  			}
   360  			tail.Logger.Printf("Successfully reopened %s", tail.Filename)
   361  			tail.openReader()
   362  			return nil
   363  		} else {
   364  			tail.Logger.Printf("Stopping tail as file no longer exists: %s", tail.Filename)
   365  			return ErrStop
   366  		}
   367  	case <-tail.changes.Truncated:
   368  		// Always reopen truncated files (Follow is true)
   369  		tail.Logger.Printf("Re-opening truncated file %s ...", tail.Filename)
   370  		if err := tail.reopen(); err != nil {
   371  			return err
   372  		}
   373  		tail.Logger.Printf("Successfully reopened truncated %s", tail.Filename)
   374  		tail.openReader()
   375  		return nil
   376  	case <-tail.Dying():
   377  		return ErrStop
   378  	}
   379  	panic("unreachable")
   380  }
   382  func (tail *Tail) openReader() {
   383  	if tail.MaxLineSize > 0 {
   384  		// add 2 to account for newline characters
   385  		tail.reader = bufio.NewReaderSize(tail.file, tail.MaxLineSize+2)
   386  	} else {
   387  		tail.reader = bufio.NewReader(tail.file)
   388  	}
   389  }
   391  func (tail *Tail) seekEnd() error {
   392  	return tail.seekTo(SeekInfo{Offset: 0, Whence: os.SEEK_END})
   393  }
   395  func (tail *Tail) seekTo(pos SeekInfo) error {
   396  	_, err := tail.file.Seek(pos.Offset, pos.Whence)
   397  	if err != nil {
   398  		return fmt.Errorf("Seek error on %s: %s", tail.Filename, err)
   399  	}
   400  	// Reset the read buffer whenever the file is re-seek'ed
   401  	tail.reader.Reset(tail.file)
   402  	return nil
   403  }
   405  // sendLine sends the line(s) to Lines channel, splitting longer lines
   406  // if necessary. Return false if rate limit is reached.
   407  func (tail *Tail) sendLine(line string) bool {
   408  	now := time.Now()
   409  	lines := []string{line}
   411  	// Split longer lines
   412  	if tail.MaxLineSize > 0 && len(line) > tail.MaxLineSize {
   413  		lines = util.PartitionString(line, tail.MaxLineSize)
   414  	}
   416  	for _, line := range lines {
   417  		tail.Lines <- &Line{line, now, nil}
   418  	}
   420  	if tail.Config.RateLimiter != nil {
   421  		ok := tail.Config.RateLimiter.Pour(uint16(len(lines)))
   422  		if !ok {
   423  			tail.Logger.Printf("Leaky bucket full (%v); entering 1s cooloff period.\n",
   424  				tail.Filename)
   425  			return false
   426  		}
   427  	}
   429  	return true
   430  }
   432  // Cleanup removes inotify watches added by the tail package. This function is
   433  // meant to be invoked from a process's exit handler. Linux kernel may not
   434  // automatically remove inotify watches after the process exits.
   435  func (tail *Tail) Cleanup() {
   436  	watch.Cleanup(tail.Filename)
   437  }