
     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: Pod
     3  metadata:
     4    annotations:
     5 "false"
     6    creationTimestamp: 2018-11-01T08:58:47Z
     7    generateName: 57be1dc2-ddb4-11e8-8ea8-0a580a300275-
     8    labels:
     9      build-name: 57be1dc2-ddb4-11e8-8ea8-0a580a300275
    10    name: 57be1dc2-ddb4-11e8-8ea8-0a580a300275-h59fj
    11    namespace: jx
    12    ownerReferences:
    13    - apiVersion:
    14      blockOwnerDeletion: true
    15      controller: true
    16      kind: Build
    17      name: 57be1dc2-ddb4-11e8-8ea8-0a580a300275
    18      uid: 57c0960f-ddb4-11e8-8332-42010a840008
    19    resourceVersion: "1167356"
    20    selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/jx/pods/57be1dc2-ddb4-11e8-8ea8-0a580a300275-h59fj
    21    uid: 57c4170a-ddb4-11e8-8332-42010a840008
    22  spec:
    23    containers:
    24    - args:
    25      - Nothing to push
    26      command:
    27      - /bin/echo
    28      image: busybox
    29      imagePullPolicy: Always
    30      name: nop
    31      resources: {}
    32      terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    33      terminationMessagePolicy: File
    34      volumeMounts:
    35      - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
    36        name: jenkins-token-gws9t
    37        readOnly: true
    38    dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
    39    initContainers:
    40    - env:
    41      - name: HOME
    42        value: /builder/home
    43      image:
    44      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    45      name: build-step-credential-initializer
    46      resources: {}
    47      terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    48      terminationMessagePolicy: File
    49      volumeMounts:
    50      - mountPath: /workspace
    51        name: workspace
    52      - mountPath: /builder/home
    53        name: home
    54      - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
    55        name: jenkins-token-gws9t
    56        readOnly: true
    57      workingDir: /workspace
    58    - args:
    59      - -url
    60      -
    61      - -revision
    62      - b662eb177fdd4252220399aa8da809411d87b8ed
    63      env:
    64      - name: HOME
    65        value: /builder/home
    66      image:
    67      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    68      name: build-step-git-source
    69      resources: {}
    70      terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    71      terminationMessagePolicy: File
    72      volumeMounts:
    73      - mountPath: /workspace
    74        name: workspace
    75      - mountPath: /builder/home
    76        name: home
    77      - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
    78        name: jenkins-token-gws9t
    79        readOnly: true
    80      workingDir: /workspace
    81    - env:
    82      - name: HOME
    83        value: /builder/home
    84      - name: GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL
    85        value:
    86      - name: GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
    87        value:
    88      - name: GIT_AUTHOR_NAME
    89        value: jenkins-x-bot
    90      - name: GIT_COMMITTER_NAME
    91        value: jenkins-x-bot
    92      - name: XDG_CONFIG_HOME
    93        value: /home/jenkins
    94      - name: DOCKER_CONFIG
    95        value: /home/jenkins/.docker/
    96      - name: DOCKER_REGISTRY
    97        valueFrom:
    98          configMapKeyRef:
    99            key: docker.registry
   100            name: jenkins-x-docker-registry
   101      - name: REPO_OWNER
   102        value: jenkins-x
   103      - name: PULL_BASE_REF
   104        value: master
   105      - name: PULL_PULL_SHA
   106        value: b662eb177fdd4252220399aa8da809411d87b8ed
   107      - name: BUILD_ID
   108        value: "1"
   109      - name: BRANCH_NAME
   110        value: PR-52
   111      - name: PULL_REFS
   112        value: master:0c5bd46c849b88a376a90715235a05fbd92dd899,52:b662eb177fdd4252220399aa8da809411d87b8ed
   113      - name: PULL_NUMBER
   114        value: "52"
   115      - name: JX_BUILD_NUMBER
   116        value: "6"
   117      - name: JOB_NAME
   118        value: serverless-jenkins
   119      - name: JOB_TYPE
   120        value: presubmit
   121      - name: SOURCE_URL
   122        value:
   123      - name: REPO_NAME
   124        value: jenkins-x-serverless
   125      - name: PULL_BASE_SHA
   126        value: 0c5bd46c849b88a376a90715235a05fbd92dd899
   127      - name: CLONE_URI
   128      image: jenkinsxio/jenkins-cwp:0.1.33
   129      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   130      name: build-step-jenkins
   131      resources:
   132        limits:
   133          cpu: "3"
   134          memory: 4Gi
   135        requests:
   136          cpu: "1"
   137          memory: 1Gi
   138      terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
   139      terminationMessagePolicy: File
   140      volumeMounts:
   141      - mountPath: /home/jenkins/.docker
   142        name: jenkins-docker-cfg
   143      - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
   144        name: docker-sock-volume
   145      - mountPath: /workspace
   146        name: workspace
   147      - mountPath: /builder/home
   148        name: home
   149      - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
   150        name: jenkins-token-gws9t
   151        readOnly: true
   152      workingDir: /workspace
   153    nodeName: gke-jenkins-x-infra-prod-default-pool-3ed69cc8-3m24
   154    restartPolicy: Never
   155    schedulerName: default-scheduler
   156    securityContext: {}
   157    serviceAccount: jenkins
   158    serviceAccountName: jenkins
   159    terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
   160    tolerations:
   161    - effect: NoExecute
   162      key:
   163      operator: Exists
   164      tolerationSeconds: 300
   165    - effect: NoExecute
   166      key:
   167      operator: Exists
   168      tolerationSeconds: 300
   169    volumes:
   170    - name: jenkins-docker-cfg
   171      secret:
   172        defaultMode: 420
   173        secretName: jenkins-docker-cfg
   174    - hostPath:
   175        path: /var/run/docker.sock
   176        type: ""
   177      name: docker-sock-volume
   178    - emptyDir: {}
   179      name: workspace
   180    - emptyDir: {}
   181      name: home
   182    - name: jenkins-token-gws9t
   183      secret:
   184        defaultMode: 420
   185        secretName: jenkins-token-gws9t
   186  status:
   187    conditions:
   188    - lastProbeTime: null
   189      lastTransitionTime: 2018-11-01T08:58:47Z
   190      message: 'containers with incomplete status: [build-step-jenkins]'
   191      reason: ContainersNotInitialized
   192      status: "False"
   193      type: Initialized
   194    - lastProbeTime: null
   195      lastTransitionTime: 2018-11-01T08:58:47Z
   196      message: 'containers with unready status: [nop]'
   197      reason: ContainersNotReady
   198      status: "False"
   199      type: Ready
   200    - lastProbeTime: null
   201      lastTransitionTime: 2018-11-01T08:58:47Z
   202      status: "True"
   203      type: PodScheduled
   204    containerStatuses:
   205    - image: busybox
   206      imageID: ""
   207      lastState: {}
   208      name: nop
   209      ready: false
   210      restartCount: 0
   211      state:
   212        waiting:
   213          reason: PodInitializing
   214    hostIP:
   215    initContainerStatuses:
   216    - containerID: docker://eae4614a1cc49d1faf2c3e236fd38742dfd67552d237ac02c46286306da4c415
   217      image:
   218      imageID: docker-pullable://
   219      lastState: {}
   220      name: build-step-credential-initializer
   221      ready: true
   222      restartCount: 0
   223      state:
   224        terminated:
   225          containerID: docker://eae4614a1cc49d1faf2c3e236fd38742dfd67552d237ac02c46286306da4c415
   226          exitCode: 0
   227          finishedAt: 2018-11-01T08:58:49Z
   228          reason: Completed
   229          startedAt: 2018-11-01T08:58:49Z
   230    - containerID: docker://d561df9f7b80df33998b063eb783c21c0eeccc973b3c8e6385948a47d057370a
   231      image:
   232      imageID: docker-pullable://
   233      lastState: {}
   234      name: build-step-git-source
   235      ready: true
   236      restartCount: 0
   237      state:
   238        terminated:
   239          containerID: docker://d561df9f7b80df33998b063eb783c21c0eeccc973b3c8e6385948a47d057370a
   240          exitCode: 0
   241          finishedAt: 2018-11-01T08:58:50Z
   242          reason: Completed
   243          startedAt: 2018-11-01T08:58:49Z
   244    - containerID: docker://a6b867c1bdf00612d3b0508da194f6330c16f972ce1b35394ac73662157f1753
   245      image: jenkinsxio/jenkins-cwp:0.1.33
   246      imageID: docker-pullable://jenkinsxio/jenkins-cwp@sha256:74f0398c69ef90f8c794713a6a2fde6003ec349da29d214f90e00a01c5d704c9
   247      lastState: {}
   248      name: build-step-jenkins
   249      ready: false
   250      restartCount: 0
   251      state:
   252        running:
   253          startedAt: 2018-11-01T08:59:41Z
   254    phase: Pending
   255    podIP:
   256    qosClass: BestEffort
   257    startTime: 2018-11-01T08:58:47Z