
     1  package importcmd
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io/ioutil"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"path/filepath"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"time"
    11  	jenkinsio ""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	gojenkins ""
    19  	v1 ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	gitcfg ""
    41  	metav1 ""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  // CallbackFn callback function
    46  type CallbackFn func() error
    48  // ImportOptions options struct for jx import
    49  type ImportOptions struct {
    50  	*opts.CommonOptions
    52  	RepoURL string
    54  	Dir                     string
    55  	Organisation            string
    56  	Repository              string
    57  	Credentials             string
    58  	AppName                 string
    59  	GitHub                  bool
    60  	DryRun                  bool
    61  	SelectAll               bool
    62  	DisableDraft            bool
    63  	DisableJenkinsfileCheck bool
    64  	DisableWebhooks         bool
    65  	SelectFilter            string
    66  	Jenkinsfile             string
    67  	BranchPattern           string
    68  	GitRepositoryOptions    gits.GitRepositoryOptions
    69  	ImportGitCommitMessage  string
    70  	ListDraftPacks          bool
    71  	DraftPack               string
    72  	DockerRegistryOrg       string
    73  	GitDetails              gits.CreateRepoData
    74  	DeployKind              string
    75  	DeployOptions           v1.DeployOptions
    76  	SchedulerName           string
    78  	DisableDotGitSearch   bool
    79  	InitialisedGit        bool
    80  	Jenkins               gojenkins.JenkinsClient
    81  	GitConfDir            string
    82  	GitServer             *auth.AuthServer
    83  	GitUserAuth           *auth.UserAuth
    84  	GitProvider           gits.GitProvider
    85  	PostDraftPackCallback CallbackFn
    86  	DisableMaven          bool
    87  	PipelineUserName      string
    88  	PipelineServer        string
    89  	ImportMode            string
    90  	UseDefaultGit         bool
    91  	GithubAppInstalled    bool
    92  	PreviewNamespace      string
    93  	reporter              ImportReporter
    94  }
    96  var (
    97  	importLong = templates.LongDesc(`
    98  		Imports a local folder or Git repository into Jenkins X.
   100  		If you specify no other options or arguments then the current directory is imported.
   101  	    Or you can use '--dir' to specify a directory to import.
   103  	    You can specify the git URL as an argument.
   105  		For more documentation see: [](
   107  ` + helper.SeeAlsoText("jx create project"))
   109  	importExample = templates.Examples(`
   110  		# Import the current folder
   111  		jx import
   113  		# Import a different folder
   114  		jx import /foo/bar
   116  		# Import a Git repository from a URL
   117  		jx import --url
   119          # Select a number of repositories from a GitHub organisation
   120  		jx import --github --org myname 
   122          # Import all repositories from a GitHub organisation selecting ones to not import
   123  		jx import --github --org myname --all 
   125          # Import all repositories from a GitHub organisation which contain the text foo
   126  		jx import --github --org myname --all --filter foo 
   127  		`)
   129  	deployKinds = []string{opts.DeployKindKnative, opts.DeployKindDefault}
   131  	removeSourceRepositoryAnnotations = []string{"", ""}
   132  )
   134  // NewCmdImport the cobra command for jx import
   135  func NewCmdImport(commonOpts *opts.CommonOptions) *cobra.Command {
   136  	cmd, _ := NewCmdImportAndOptions(commonOpts)
   137  	return cmd
   138  }
   140  // NewCmdImportAndOptions creates the cobra command for jx import and the options
   141  func NewCmdImportAndOptions(commonOpts *opts.CommonOptions) (*cobra.Command, *ImportOptions) {
   142  	options := &ImportOptions{
   143  		CommonOptions: commonOpts,
   144  	}
   145  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
   146  		Use:     "import",
   147  		Short:   "Imports a local project or Git repository into Jenkins",
   148  		Long:    importLong,
   149  		Example: importExample,
   150  		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
   151  			options.Cmd = cmd
   152  			options.Args = args
   153  			err := options.Run()
   154  			helper.CheckErr(err)
   155  		},
   156  	}
   157  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.RepoURL, "url", "u", "", "The git clone URL to clone into the current directory and then import")
   158  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.GitHub, "github", "", false, "If you wish to pick the repositories from GitHub to import")
   159  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.SelectAll, "all", "", false, "If selecting projects to import from a Git provider this defaults to selecting them all")
   160  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.SelectFilter, "filter", "", "", "If selecting projects to import from a Git provider this filters the list of repositories")
   161  	options.AddImportFlags(cmd, false)
   162  	options.Cmd = cmd
   163  	return cmd, options
   164  }
   166  func (options *ImportOptions) AddImportFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, createProject bool) {
   167  	notCreateProject := func(text string) string {
   168  		if createProject {
   169  			return ""
   170  		}
   171  		return text
   172  	}
   173  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Organisation, "org", "", "", "Specify the Git provider organisation to import the project into (if it is not already in one)")
   174  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Repository, "name", "", notCreateProject("n"), "Specify the Git repository name to import the project into (if it is not already in one)")
   175  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Credentials, "credentials", notCreateProject("c"), "", "The Jenkins credentials name used by the job")
   176  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Jenkinsfile, "jenkinsfile", notCreateProject("j"), "", "The name of the Jenkinsfile to use. If not specified then 'Jenkinsfile' will be used")
   177  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.DryRun, "dry-run", "", false, "Performs local changes to the repo but skips the import into Jenkins X")
   178  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.DisableDraft, "no-draft", "", false, "Disable Draft from trying to default a Dockerfile and Helm Chart")
   179  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.DisableJenkinsfileCheck, "no-jenkinsfile", "", false, "Disable defaulting a Jenkinsfile if its missing")
   180  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.ImportGitCommitMessage, "import-commit-message", "", "", "Specifies the initial commit message used when importing the project")
   181  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.BranchPattern, "branches", "", "", "The branch pattern for branches to trigger CI/CD pipelines on")
   182  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.ListDraftPacks, "list-packs", "", false, "list available draft packs")
   183  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.DraftPack, "pack", "", "", "The name of the pack to use")
   184  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.SchedulerName, "scheduler", "", "", "The name of the Scheduler configuration to use for ChatOps when using Prow")
   185  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.DockerRegistryOrg, "docker-registry-org", "", "", "The name of the docker registry organisation to use. If not specified then the Git provider organisation will be used")
   186  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.ExternalJenkinsBaseURL, "external-jenkins-url", "", "", "The jenkins url that an external git provider needs to use")
   187  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.DisableMaven, "disable-updatebot", "", false, "disable updatebot-maven-plugin from attempting to fix/update the maven pom.xml")
   188  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.ImportMode, "import-mode", "m", "", fmt.Sprintf("The import mode to use. Should be one of %s", strings.Join(v1.ImportModeStrings, ", ")))
   189  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.UseDefaultGit, "use-default-git", "", false, "use default git account")
   190  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.DeployKind, "deploy-kind", "", "", fmt.Sprintf("The kind of deployment to use for the project. Should be one of %s", strings.Join(deployKinds, ", ")))
   191  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.DeployOptions.Canary, opts.OptionCanary, "", false, "should we use canary rollouts (progressive delivery) by default for this application. e.g. using a Canary deployment via flagger. Requires the installation of flagger and istio/gloo in your cluster")
   192  	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&options.DeployOptions.HPA, opts.OptionHPA, "", false, "should we enable the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for this application.")
   193  	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.PreviewNamespace, "preview-namespace", "", "", "The namespace to deploy application previews into")
   195  	opts.AddGitRepoOptionsArguments(cmd, &options.GitRepositoryOptions)
   196  }
   198  // Run executes the command
   199  func (options *ImportOptions) Run() error {
   200  	if options.ListDraftPacks {
   201  		packs, err := options.allDraftPacks()
   202  		if err != nil {
   203  			log.Logger().Error(err.Error())
   204  			return err
   205  		}
   206  		log.Logger().Info("Available draft packs:")
   207  		for i := 0; i < len(packs); i++ {
   208  			log.Logger().Infof(packs[i])
   209  		}
   210  		return nil
   211  	}
   213  	options.SetBatchMode(options.BatchMode)
   215  	var err error
   216  	isProw := false
   217  	jxClient, ns, err := options.JXClientAndDevNamespace()
   218  	if err != nil {
   219  		return err
   220  	}
   221  	if !options.DryRun {
   222  		_, err = options.KubeClient()
   223  		if err != nil {
   224  			return err
   225  		}
   227  		isProw, err = options.IsProw()
   228  		if err != nil {
   229  			return err
   230  		}
   232  		if !isProw {
   233  			options.Jenkins, err = options.JenkinsClient()
   234  			if err != nil {
   235  				return err
   236  			}
   237  		}
   238  	}
   239  	err = options.DefaultsFromTeamSettings()
   240  	if err != nil {
   241  		return err
   242  	}
   244  	var userAuth *auth.UserAuth
   245  	if options.GitProvider == nil {
   246  		authConfigSvc, err := options.GitLocalAuthConfigService()
   247  		if err != nil {
   248  			return err
   249  		}
   250  		config := authConfigSvc.Config()
   251  		var server *auth.AuthServer
   252  		if options.RepoURL != "" {
   253  			gitInfo, err := gits.ParseGitURL(options.RepoURL)
   254  			if err != nil {
   255  				return err
   256  			}
   257  			serverURL := gitInfo.HostURLWithoutUser()
   258  			server = config.GetOrCreateServer(serverURL)
   259  		} else {
   260  			server, err = config.PickOrCreateServer(gits.GitHubURL, options.GitRepositoryOptions.ServerURL, "Which Git service do you wish to use", options.BatchMode, options.GetIOFileHandles())
   261  			if err != nil {
   262  				return err
   263  			}
   264  		}
   266  		if options.UseDefaultGit {
   267  			userAuth = config.CurrentUser(server, options.CommonOptions.InCluster())
   268  		} else if options.GitRepositoryOptions.Username != "" {
   269  			userAuth = config.GetOrCreateUserAuth(server.URL, options.GitRepositoryOptions.Username)
   270  			options.GetReporter().UsingGitUserName(options.GitRepositoryOptions.Username)
   271  		} else {
   272  			// Get the org in case there is more than one user auth on the server and batchMode is true
   273  			org := options.getOrganisationOrCurrentUser()
   274  			userAuth, err = config.PickServerUserAuth(server, "Git user name:", options.BatchMode, org, options.GetIOFileHandles())
   275  			if err != nil {
   276  				return err
   277  			}
   278  		}
   279  		if server.Kind == "" {
   280  			server.Kind, err = options.GitServerHostURLKind(server.URL)
   281  			if err != nil {
   282  				return err
   283  			}
   284  		}
   285  		if userAuth.IsInvalid() {
   286  			f := func(username string) error {
   287  				options.Git().PrintCreateRepositoryGenerateAccessToken(server, username, options.Out)
   288  				return nil
   289  			}
   290  			if options.GitRepositoryOptions.ApiToken != "" {
   291  				userAuth.ApiToken = options.GitRepositoryOptions.ApiToken
   292  			}
   293  			err = config.EditUserAuth(server.Label(), userAuth, userAuth.Username, false, options.BatchMode, f, options.GetIOFileHandles())
   294  			if err != nil {
   295  				return err
   296  			}
   298  			// TODO lets verify the auth works?
   299  			if userAuth.IsInvalid() {
   300  				return fmt.Errorf("Authentication has failed for user %v. Please check the user's access credentials and try again", userAuth.Username)
   301  			}
   302  		}
   303  		err = authConfigSvc.SaveUserAuth(server.URL, userAuth)
   304  		if err != nil {
   305  			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to store git auth configuration %s", err)
   306  		}
   308  		options.GitServer = server
   309  		options.GitUserAuth = userAuth
   310  		options.GitProvider, err = gits.CreateProvider(server, userAuth, options.Git())
   311  		if err != nil {
   312  			return err
   313  		}
   314  	}
   316  	if options.GitHub {
   317  		return options.ImportProjectsFromGitHub()
   318  	}
   320  	if options.Dir == "" {
   321  		args := options.Args
   322  		if len(args) > 0 {
   323  			options.Dir = args[0]
   324  		} else {
   325  			dir, err := os.Getwd()
   326  			if err != nil {
   327  				return err
   328  			}
   329  			options.Dir = dir
   330  		}
   331  	}
   333  	checkForJenkinsfile := options.Jenkinsfile == "" && !options.DisableJenkinsfileCheck
   334  	shouldClone := checkForJenkinsfile || !options.DisableDraft
   336  	if options.RepoURL != "" {
   337  		if shouldClone {
   338  			// Use the git user auth to clone the repo (needed for private repos etc)
   339  			if options.GitUserAuth == nil {
   340  				userAuth := options.GitProvider.UserAuth()
   341  				options.GitUserAuth = &userAuth
   342  			}
   343  			options.RepoURL, err = options.Git().CreateAuthenticatedURL(options.RepoURL, options.GitUserAuth)
   344  			if err != nil {
   345  				return err
   346  			}
   347  			err = options.CloneRepository()
   348  			if err != nil {
   349  				return err
   350  			}
   351  		}
   352  	} else {
   353  		err = options.DiscoverGit()
   354  		if err != nil {
   355  			return err
   356  		}
   358  		if options.RepoURL == "" {
   359  			err = options.DiscoverRemoteGitURL()
   360  			if err != nil {
   361  				return err
   362  			}
   363  		}
   364  	}
   366  	if options.AppName == "" {
   367  		if options.RepoURL != "" {
   368  			info, err := gits.ParseGitURL(options.RepoURL)
   369  			if err != nil {
   370  				log.Logger().Warnf("Failed to parse git URL %s : %s", options.RepoURL, err)
   371  			} else {
   372  				options.Organisation = info.Organisation
   373  				options.AppName = info.Name
   374  			}
   375  		}
   376  	}
   377  	if options.AppName == "" {
   378  		dir, err := filepath.Abs(options.Dir)
   379  		if err != nil {
   380  			return err
   381  		}
   382  		_, options.AppName = filepath.Split(dir)
   383  	}
   384  	options.AppName = naming.ToValidName(strings.ToLower(options.AppName))
   386  	if !options.DisableDraft {
   387  		err = options.DraftCreate()
   388  		if err != nil {
   389  			return err
   390  		}
   391  	}
   392  	err = options.fixDockerIgnoreFile()
   393  	if err != nil {
   394  		return err
   395  	}
   397  	err = options.fixMaven()
   398  	if err != nil {
   399  		return err
   400  	}
   402  	err = options.setPreviewNamespace()
   403  	if err != nil {
   404  		return err
   405  	}
   407  	if options.RepoURL == "" {
   408  		if !options.DryRun {
   409  			err = options.CreateNewRemoteRepository()
   410  			if err != nil {
   411  				if !options.DisableDraft {
   412  					log.Logger().Warn("Remote repository creation failed. In order to retry consider adding '--no-draft' option.")
   413  				}
   414  				return err
   415  			}
   416  		}
   417  	} else {
   418  		if shouldClone {
   419  			err = options.Git().Push(options.Dir, "origin", false, "HEAD")
   420  			if err != nil {
   421  				return err
   422  			}
   423  			options.GetReporter().PushedGitRepository(options.RepoURL)
   424  		}
   426  		err = options.AddBotAsCollaborator()
   427  		if err != nil {
   428  			return err
   429  		}
   430  	}
   432  	if options.DryRun {
   433  		log.Logger().Info("dry-run so skipping import to Jenkins X")
   434  		return nil
   435  	}
   437  	if !isProw {
   438  		err = options.checkChartmuseumCredentialExists()
   439  		if err != nil {
   440  			return err
   441  		}
   442  	}
   444  	_, err = kube.GetOrCreateSourceRepository(jxClient, ns, options.AppName, options.Organisation, gits.SourceRepositoryProviderURL(options.GitProvider))
   445  	if err != nil {
   446  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "creating application resource for %s", util.ColorInfo(options.AppName))
   447  	}
   449  	if !options.GithubAppInstalled {
   450  		githubAppMode, err := options.IsGitHubAppMode()
   451  		if err != nil {
   452  			return err
   453  		}
   455  		if githubAppMode {
   456  			githubApp := &github.GithubApp{
   457  				Factory: options.GetFactory(),
   458  			}
   460  			installed, err := githubApp.Install(options.Organisation, options.Repository, options.GetIOFileHandles(), false)
   461  			if err != nil {
   462  				return err
   463  			}
   464  			options.GithubAppInstalled = installed
   465  		}
   466  	}
   468  	return options.doImport()
   469  }
   471  // ImportProjectsFromGitHub import projects from github
   472  func (options *ImportOptions) ImportProjectsFromGitHub() error {
   473  	repos, err := gits.PickRepositories(options.GitProvider, options.Organisation, "Which repositories do you want to import", options.SelectAll, options.SelectFilter, options.GetIOFileHandles())
   474  	if err != nil {
   475  		return err
   476  	}
   478  	log.Logger().Info("Selected repositories")
   479  	for _, r := range repos {
   480  		o2 := ImportOptions{
   481  			CommonOptions:           options.CommonOptions,
   482  			Dir:                     options.Dir,
   483  			RepoURL:                 r.CloneURL,
   484  			Organisation:            options.Organisation,
   485  			Repository:              r.Name,
   486  			Jenkins:                 options.Jenkins,
   487  			GitProvider:             options.GitProvider,
   488  			DisableJenkinsfileCheck: options.DisableJenkinsfileCheck,
   489  			DisableDraft:            options.DisableDraft,
   490  		}
   491  		log.Logger().Infof("Importing repository %s", util.ColorInfo(r.Name))
   492  		err = o2.Run()
   493  		if err != nil {
   494  			return err
   495  		}
   496  	}
   497  	return nil
   498  }
   500  // GetReporter returns the reporter interface
   501  func (options *ImportOptions) GetReporter() ImportReporter {
   502  	if options.reporter == nil {
   503  		options.reporter = &LogImportReporter{}
   504  	}
   505  	return options.reporter
   506  }
   508  // SetReporter overrides the reporter interface
   509  func (options *ImportOptions) SetReporter(reporter ImportReporter) {
   510  	options.reporter = reporter
   511  }
   513  // DraftCreate creates a draft
   514  func (options *ImportOptions) DraftCreate() error {
   515  	// TODO this is a workaround of this draft issue:
   516  	//
   517  	dir := options.Dir
   518  	var err error
   520  	defaultJenkinsfileName := jenkinsfile.Name
   521  	jenkinsfile := defaultJenkinsfileName
   522  	withRename := false
   523  	if options.Jenkinsfile != "" && options.Jenkinsfile != defaultJenkinsfileName {
   524  		jenkinsfile = options.Jenkinsfile
   525  		withRename = true
   526  	}
   527  	defaultJenkinsfile := filepath.Join(dir, defaultJenkinsfileName)
   528  	if !filepath.IsAbs(jenkinsfile) {
   529  		jenkinsfile = filepath.Join(dir, jenkinsfile)
   530  	}
   531  	args := &opts.InvokeDraftPack{
   532  		Dir:                     dir,
   533  		CustomDraftPack:         options.DraftPack,
   534  		Jenkinsfile:             jenkinsfile,
   535  		DefaultJenkinsfile:      defaultJenkinsfile,
   536  		WithRename:              withRename,
   537  		InitialisedGit:          options.InitialisedGit,
   538  		DisableJenkinsfileCheck: options.DisableJenkinsfileCheck,
   539  	}
   540  	options.DraftPack, err = options.InvokeDraftPack(args)
   541  	if err != nil {
   542  		return err
   543  	}
   545  	// lets rename the chart to be the same as our app name
   546  	err = options.renameChartToMatchAppName()
   547  	if err != nil {
   548  		return err
   549  	}
   551  	err = options.modifyDeployKind()
   552  	err = options.modifyDeployKind()
   553  	if err != nil {
   554  		return err
   555  	}
   557  	if options.PostDraftPackCallback != nil {
   558  		err = options.PostDraftPackCallback()
   559  		if err != nil {
   560  			return err
   561  		}
   562  	}
   564  	gitServerName, err := gits.GetHost(options.GitProvider)
   565  	if err != nil {
   566  		return err
   567  	}
   569  	if options.GitUserAuth == nil {
   570  		userAuth := options.GitProvider.UserAuth()
   571  		options.GitUserAuth = &userAuth
   572  	}
   574  	options.Organisation = options.GetOrganisation()
   575  	if options.Organisation == "" {
   576  		gitUsername := options.GitUserAuth.Username
   577  		options.Organisation, err = gits.GetOwner(options.BatchMode, options.GitProvider, gitUsername, options.GetIOFileHandles())
   578  		if err != nil {
   579  			return err
   580  		}
   581  	}
   583  	if options.AppName == "" {
   584  		dir := options.Dir
   585  		_, defaultRepoName := filepath.Split(dir)
   587  		options.AppName, err = gits.GetRepoName(options.BatchMode, false, options.GitProvider, defaultRepoName, options.Organisation, options.GetIOFileHandles())
   588  		if err != nil {
   589  			return err
   590  		}
   591  	}
   593  	dockerRegistryOrg := options.getDockerRegistryOrg()
   594  	err = options.ReplacePlaceholders(gitServerName, dockerRegistryOrg)
   595  	if err != nil {
   596  		return err
   597  	}
   599  	// Create Prow owners file
   600  	err = options.CreateProwOwnersFile()
   601  	if err != nil {
   602  		return err
   603  	}
   604  	err = options.CreateProwOwnersAliasesFile()
   605  	if err != nil {
   606  		return err
   607  	}
   609  	err = options.Git().Add(dir, "*")
   610  	if err != nil {
   611  		return err
   612  	}
   613  	err = options.Git().CommitIfChanges(dir, "Draft create")
   614  	if err != nil {
   615  		return err
   616  	}
   618  	options.GetReporter().DraftCreated(options.DraftPack)
   619  	return nil
   620  }
   622  func (options *ImportOptions) getDockerRegistryOrg() string {
   623  	dockerRegistryOrg := options.DockerRegistryOrg
   624  	if dockerRegistryOrg == "" {
   625  		dockerRegistryOrg = options.getOrganisationOrCurrentUser()
   626  	}
   627  	return strings.ToLower(dockerRegistryOrg)
   628  }
   630  func (options *ImportOptions) getOrganisationOrCurrentUser() string {
   631  	org := options.GetOrganisation()
   632  	if org == "" {
   633  		org = options.getCurrentUser()
   634  	}
   635  	return org
   636  }
   638  func (options *ImportOptions) getCurrentUser() string {
   639  	//walk through every file in the given dir and update the placeholders
   640  	var currentUser string
   641  	if options.GitServer != nil {
   642  		currentUser = options.GitServer.CurrentUser
   643  		if currentUser == "" {
   644  			if options.GitProvider != nil {
   645  				currentUser = options.GitProvider.CurrentUsername()
   646  			}
   647  		}
   648  	}
   649  	if currentUser == "" {
   650  		log.Logger().Warn("No username defined for the current Git server!")
   651  		currentUser = options.GitRepositoryOptions.Username
   652  	}
   653  	return currentUser
   654  }
   656  // GetOrganisation gets the organisation from the RepoURL (if in the github format of It will
   657  // do this in preference to the Organisation field (if set). If the repo URL does not implicitly specify an organisation
   658  // then the Organisation specified in the options is used.
   659  func (options *ImportOptions) GetOrganisation() string {
   660  	org := ""
   661  	gitInfo, err := gits.ParseGitURL(options.RepoURL)
   662  	if err == nil && gitInfo.Organisation != "" {
   663  		org = gitInfo.Organisation
   664  		if options.Organisation != "" && org != options.Organisation {
   665  			log.Logger().Warnf("organisation %s detected from URL %s. '--org %s' will be ignored", org, options.RepoURL, options.Organisation)
   666  		}
   667  	} else {
   668  		org = options.Organisation
   669  	}
   670  	return org
   671  }
   673  // CreateNewRemoteRepository creates a new remote repository
   674  func (options *ImportOptions) CreateNewRemoteRepository() error {
   675  	authConfigSvc, err := options.GitLocalAuthConfigService()
   676  	if err != nil {
   677  		return err
   678  	}
   680  	dir := options.Dir
   681  	_, defaultRepoName := filepath.Split(dir)
   683  	options.GitRepositoryOptions.Owner = options.GetOrganisation()
   684  	details := &options.GitDetails
   685  	if details.RepoName == "" {
   686  		details, err = gits.PickNewGitRepository(options.BatchMode, authConfigSvc, defaultRepoName, &options.GitRepositoryOptions,
   687  			options.GitServer, options.GitUserAuth, options.Git(), options.GetIOFileHandles())
   688  		if err != nil {
   689  			return err
   690  		}
   691  	}
   693  	repo, err := details.CreateRepository()
   694  	if err != nil {
   695  		return err
   696  	}
   697  	options.GitProvider = details.GitProvider
   699  	options.RepoURL = repo.CloneURL
   700  	pushGitURL, err := options.Git().CreateAuthenticatedURL(repo.CloneURL, details.User)
   701  	if err != nil {
   702  		return err
   703  	}
   704  	err = options.Git().AddRemote(dir, "origin", pushGitURL)
   705  	if err != nil {
   706  		return err
   707  	}
   708  	err = options.Git().PushMaster(dir)
   709  	if err != nil {
   710  		return err
   711  	}
   712  	repoURL := repo.HTMLURL
   713  	options.GetReporter().PushedGitRepository(repoURL)
   715  	return options.AddBotAsCollaborator()
   716  }
   718  // AddBotAsCollaborator adds the pipeline bot as collaborator to the repository
   719  func (options *ImportOptions) AddBotAsCollaborator() error {
   720  	githubAppMode, err := options.IsGitHubAppMode()
   721  	if err != nil {
   722  		return err
   723  	}
   725  	if !githubAppMode {
   726  		// If the user creating the repo is not the pipeline user, add the pipeline user as a contributor to the repo
   727  		if options.PipelineUserName != options.GitUserAuth.Username && options.GitProvider.ServerURL() == options.PipelineServer {
   728  			// Make the invitation
   729  			err := options.GitProvider.AddCollaborator(options.PipelineUserName, options.Organisation, options.AppName)
   730  			if err != nil {
   731  				return err
   732  			}
   734  			authConfigSvc, err := options.GitAuthConfigService()
   735  			if err != nil {
   736  				return err
   737  			}
   739  			authConfig := authConfigSvc.Config()
   740  			pipelineServerAuth, pipelineUserAuth := authConfig.GetPipelineAuth()
   741  			pipelineUserProvider, err := gits.CreateProvider(pipelineServerAuth, pipelineUserAuth, options.Git())
   742  			if err != nil {
   743  				return err
   744  			}
   746  			// Get all invitations for the pipeline user
   747  			// Wrapped in retry to not immediately fail the quickstart creation if APIs are flaky.
   748  			f := func() error {
   749  				invites, _, err := pipelineUserProvider.ListInvitations()
   750  				if err != nil {
   751  					return err
   752  				}
   753  				for _, x := range invites {
   754  					// Accept all invitations for the pipeline user
   755  					_, err = pipelineUserProvider.AcceptInvitation(*x.ID)
   756  					if err != nil {
   757  						return err
   758  					}
   759  				}
   760  				return nil
   761  			}
   762  			exponentialBackOff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
   763  			timeout := 20 * time.Second
   764  			exponentialBackOff.MaxElapsedTime = timeout
   765  			exponentialBackOff.Reset()
   766  			err = backoff.Retry(f, exponentialBackOff)
   767  			if err != nil {
   768  				return err
   769  			}
   770  		}
   771  	}
   772  	return nil
   773  }
   775  // CloneRepository clones a repository
   776  func (options *ImportOptions) CloneRepository() error {
   777  	url := options.RepoURL
   778  	if url == "" {
   779  		return fmt.Errorf("no Git repository URL defined")
   780  	}
   781  	gitInfo, err := gits.ParseGitURL(url)
   782  	if err != nil {
   783  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Git URL %s due to: %s", url, err)
   784  	}
   785  	if gitInfo.Host == gits.GitHubHost && strings.HasPrefix(gitInfo.Scheme, "http") {
   786  		if !strings.HasSuffix(url, ".git") {
   787  			url += ".git"
   788  		}
   789  		options.RepoURL = url
   790  	}
   791  	cloneDir, err := util.CreateUniqueDirectory(options.Dir, gitInfo.Name, util.MaximumNewDirectoryAttempts)
   792  	if err != nil {
   793  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create unique directory for '%s'", options.Dir)
   794  	}
   795  	err = options.Git().Clone(url, cloneDir)
   796  	if err != nil {
   797  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to clone in directory '%s'", cloneDir)
   798  	}
   799  	options.GetReporter().ClonedGitRepository(url)
   800  	options.Dir = cloneDir
   801  	return nil
   802  }
   804  // DiscoverGit checks if there is a git clone or prompts the user to import it
   805  func (options *ImportOptions) DiscoverGit() error {
   806  	surveyOpts := survey.WithStdio(options.In, options.Out, options.Err)
   807  	if !options.DisableDotGitSearch {
   808  		root, gitConf, err := options.Git().FindGitConfigDir(options.Dir)
   809  		if err != nil {
   810  			return err
   811  		}
   812  		if root != "" {
   813  			if root != options.Dir {
   814  				options.GetReporter().Trace("Importing from directory %s as we found a .git folder there", root)
   815  			}
   816  			options.Dir = root
   817  			options.GitConfDir = gitConf
   818  			return nil
   819  		}
   820  	}
   822  	dir := options.Dir
   823  	if dir == "" {
   824  		return fmt.Errorf("no directory specified")
   825  	}
   827  	// lets prompt the user to initialise the Git repository
   828  	if !options.BatchMode {
   829  		options.GetReporter().Trace("The directory %s is not yet using git", util.ColorInfo(dir))
   830  		flag := false
   831  		prompt := &survey.Confirm{
   832  			Message: "Would you like to initialise git now?",
   833  			Default: true,
   834  		}
   835  		err := survey.AskOne(prompt, &flag, nil, surveyOpts)
   836  		if err != nil {
   837  			return err
   838  		}
   839  		if !flag {
   840  			return fmt.Errorf("please initialise git yourself then try again")
   841  		}
   842  	}
   843  	options.InitialisedGit = true
   844  	err := options.Git().Init(dir)
   845  	if err != nil {
   846  		return err
   847  	}
   848  	options.GitConfDir = filepath.Join(dir, ".git", "config")
   849  	err = options.DefaultGitIgnore()
   850  	if err != nil {
   851  		return err
   852  	}
   853  	err = options.Git().Add(dir, ".gitignore")
   854  	if err != nil {
   855  		return err
   856  	}
   857  	err = options.Git().Add(dir, "*")
   858  	if err != nil {
   859  		return err
   860  	}
   862  	err = options.Git().Status(dir)
   863  	if err != nil {
   864  		return err
   865  	}
   867  	message := options.ImportGitCommitMessage
   868  	if message == "" {
   869  		if options.BatchMode {
   870  			message = "Initial import"
   871  		} else {
   872  			messagePrompt := &survey.Input{
   873  				Message: "Commit message: ",
   874  				Default: "Initial import",
   875  			}
   876  			err = survey.AskOne(messagePrompt, &message, nil, surveyOpts)
   877  			if err != nil {
   878  				return err
   879  			}
   880  		}
   881  	}
   882  	err = options.Git().CommitIfChanges(dir, message)
   883  	if err != nil {
   884  		return err
   885  	}
   886  	options.GetReporter().GitRepositoryCreated()
   887  	return nil
   888  }
   890  // DefaultGitIgnore creates a default .gitignore
   891  func (options *ImportOptions) DefaultGitIgnore() error {
   892  	name := filepath.Join(options.Dir, ".gitignore")
   893  	exists, err := util.FileExists(name)
   894  	if err != nil {
   895  		return err
   896  	}
   897  	if !exists {
   898  		data := []byte(opts.DefaultGitIgnoreFile)
   899  		err = ioutil.WriteFile(name, data, util.DefaultWritePermissions)
   900  		if err != nil {
   901  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write %s due to %s", name, err)
   902  		}
   903  	}
   904  	return nil
   905  }
   907  // DiscoverRemoteGitURL finds the git url by looking in the directory
   908  // and looking for a .git/config file
   909  func (options *ImportOptions) DiscoverRemoteGitURL() error {
   910  	gitConf := options.GitConfDir
   911  	if gitConf == "" {
   912  		return fmt.Errorf("no GitConfDir defined")
   913  	}
   914  	cfg := gitcfg.NewConfig()
   915  	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(gitConf)
   916  	if err != nil {
   917  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s due to %s", gitConf, err)
   918  	}
   920  	err = cfg.Unmarshal(data)
   921  	if err != nil {
   922  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal %s due to %s", gitConf, err)
   923  	}
   924  	remotes := cfg.Remotes
   925  	if len(remotes) == 0 {
   926  		return nil
   927  	}
   928  	url := options.Git().GetRemoteUrl(cfg, "origin")
   929  	if url == "" {
   930  		url = options.Git().GetRemoteUrl(cfg, "upstream")
   931  		if url == "" {
   932  			url, err = options.PickGitRemoteURL(cfg)
   933  			if err != nil {
   934  				return err
   935  			}
   936  		}
   937  	}
   938  	if url != "" {
   939  		options.RepoURL = url
   940  	}
   941  	return nil
   942  }
   944  func (options *ImportOptions) doImport() error {
   945  	gitURL := options.RepoURL
   946  	gitProvider := options.GitProvider
   947  	if gitProvider == nil {
   948  		p, err := options.GitProviderForURL(gitURL, "user name to register webhook")
   949  		if err != nil {
   950  			return err
   951  		}
   952  		gitProvider = p
   953  	}
   955  	authConfigSvc, err := options.GitLocalAuthConfigService()
   956  	if err != nil {
   957  		return err
   958  	}
   959  	defaultJenkinsfileName := jenkinsfile.Name
   960  	jenkinsfile := options.Jenkinsfile
   961  	if jenkinsfile == "" {
   962  		jenkinsfile = defaultJenkinsfileName
   963  	}
   965  	dockerfileLocation := ""
   966  	if options.Dir != "" {
   967  		dockerfileLocation = filepath.Join(options.Dir, "Dockerfile")
   968  	} else {
   969  		dockerfileLocation = "Dockerfile"
   970  	}
   971  	dockerfileExists, err := util.FileExists(dockerfileLocation)
   972  	if err != nil {
   973  		return err
   974  	}
   976  	if dockerfileExists {
   977  		err = options.ensureDockerRepositoryExists()
   978  		if err != nil {
   979  			return err
   980  		}
   981  	}
   983  	isProw, err := options.IsProw()
   984  	if err != nil {
   985  		return err
   986  	}
   988  	githubAppMode, err := options.IsGitHubAppMode()
   989  	if err != nil {
   990  		return err
   991  	}
   993  	if isProw {
   994  		if !options.DisableWebhooks && !githubAppMode {
   995  			// register the webhook
   996  			err = options.CreateWebhookProw(gitURL, gitProvider)
   997  			if err != nil {
   998  				return err
   999  			}
  1000  		}
  1001  		return options.addProwConfig(gitURL, gitProvider.Kind())
  1002  	}
  1004  	return options.ImportProject(gitURL, options.Dir, jenkinsfile, options.BranchPattern, options.Credentials, false, gitProvider, authConfigSvc, false, options.BatchMode)
  1005  }
  1007  func (options *ImportOptions) addProwConfig(gitURL string, gitKind string) error {
  1008  	gitInfo, err := gits.ParseGitURL(gitURL)
  1009  	if err != nil {
  1010  		return err
  1011  	}
  1012  	repo := gitInfo.Organisation + "/" + gitInfo.Name
  1013  	client, err := options.KubeClient()
  1014  	if err != nil {
  1015  		return err
  1016  	}
  1017  	devEnv, settings, err := options.DevEnvAndTeamSettings()
  1018  	if err != nil {
  1019  		return err
  1020  	}
  1021  	_, currentNamespace, err := options.KubeClientAndNamespace()
  1022  	if err != nil {
  1023  		return err
  1024  	}
  1026  	gha, err := options.IsGitHubAppMode()
  1027  	if err != nil {
  1028  		return err
  1029  	}
  1031  	if settings.IsSchedulerMode() {
  1032  		jxClient, _, err := options.JXClient()
  1033  		if err != nil {
  1034  			return err
  1035  		}
  1036  		callback := func(sr *v1.SourceRepository) {
  1037  			u := gitInfo.URLWithoutUser()
  1038  			sr.Spec.ProviderKind = gitKind
  1039  			sr.Spec.URL = u
  1040  			if sr.Spec.URL == "" {
  1041  				sr.Spec.URL = gitInfo.HttpsURL()
  1042  			}
  1043  			if sr.Spec.HTTPCloneURL == "" {
  1044  				sr.Spec.HTTPCloneURL = gits.HttpCloneURL(gitInfo, gitKind)
  1045  			}
  1046  			if sr.Spec.SSHCloneURL == "" {
  1047  				sr.Spec.SSHCloneURL = gitInfo.SSHURL
  1048  			}
  1049  		}
  1050  		sr, err := kube.GetOrCreateSourceRepositoryCallback(jxClient, currentNamespace, gitInfo.Name, gitInfo.Organisation, gitInfo.HostURLWithoutUser(), callback)
  1051  		log.Logger().Debugf("have SourceRepository: %s\n", sr.Name)
  1053  		// lets update the Scheduler if one is specified and its different to the default
  1054  		schedulerName := options.SchedulerName
  1055  		if schedulerName != "" && schedulerName != sr.Spec.Scheduler.Name {
  1056  			sr.Spec.Scheduler.Name = schedulerName
  1057  			_, err = jxClient.JenkinsV1().SourceRepositories(currentNamespace).Update(sr)
  1058  			if err != nil {
  1059  				log.Logger().Warnf("failed to update the SourceRepository %s to add the Scheduler name %s due to: %s\n", sr.Name, schedulerName, err.Error())
  1060  			}
  1061  		}
  1063  		sourceGitURL, err := kube.GetRepositoryGitURL(sr)
  1064  		if err != nil {
  1065  			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get the git URL for SourceRepository %s", sr.Name)
  1066  		}
  1068  		devGitURL := devEnv.Spec.Source.URL
  1069  		if devGitURL != "" && !gha {
  1070  			// lets generate a PR
  1071  			base := devEnv.Spec.Source.Ref
  1072  			if base == "" {
  1073  				base = "master"
  1074  			}
  1075  			pro := &pr.StepCreatePrOptions{
  1076  				SrcGitURL:  sourceGitURL,
  1077  				GitURLs:    []string{devGitURL},
  1078  				Base:       base,
  1079  				Fork:       true,
  1080  				BranchName: sr.Name,
  1081  			}
  1082  			pro.CommonOptions = options.CommonOptions
  1084  			changeFn := func(dir string, gitInfo *gits.GitRepository) ([]string, error) {
  1085  				return nil, writeSourceRepoToYaml(dir, sr)
  1086  			}
  1088  			err := pro.CreatePullRequest("resource", changeFn)
  1089  			if err != nil {
  1090  				return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create Pull Request on the development environment git repository %s", devGitURL)
  1091  			}
  1092  			prURL := ""
  1093  			if pro.Results != nil && pro.Results.PullRequest != nil {
  1094  				prURL = pro.Results.PullRequest.URL
  1095  			}
  1096  			options.GetReporter().CreatedDevRepoPullRequest(prURL, devGitURL)
  1097  		}
  1099  		err = options.GenerateProwConfig(currentNamespace, devEnv)
  1100  		if err != nil {
  1101  			return err
  1102  		}
  1103  	} else {
  1104  		err = prow.AddApplication(client, []string{repo}, currentNamespace, options.DraftPack, settings)
  1105  		if err != nil {
  1106  			return err
  1107  		}
  1108  	}
  1110  	if !gha {
  1111  		startBuildOptions := start.StartPipelineOptions{
  1112  			CommonOptions: options.CommonOptions,
  1113  		}
  1114  		startBuildOptions.Args = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", gitInfo.Organisation, gitInfo.Name, opts.MasterBranch)}
  1115  		err = startBuildOptions.Run()
  1116  		if err != nil {
  1117  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to start pipeline build: %s", err)
  1118  		}
  1119  	}
  1121  	options.LogImportedProject(false, gitInfo)
  1123  	return nil
  1124  }
  1126  // writeSourceRepoToYaml marshals a SourceRepository to the given directory, making sure it can be loaded by boot.
  1127  func writeSourceRepoToYaml(dir string, sr *v1.SourceRepository) error {
  1128  	outDir := filepath.Join(dir, "repositories", "templates")
  1129  	err := os.MkdirAll(outDir, util.DefaultWritePermissions)
  1130  	if err != nil {
  1131  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to make directories %s", outDir)
  1132  	}
  1134  	fileName := filepath.Join(outDir, sr.Name+"-sr.yaml")
  1135  	// lets clear the fields we don't need to save
  1136  	clearSourceRepositoryMetadata(&sr.ObjectMeta)
  1137  	// Ensure it has the type information it needs
  1138  	sr.APIVersion = jenkinsio.GroupAndVersion
  1139  	sr.Kind = "SourceRepository"
  1141  	data, err := yaml.Marshal(&sr)
  1142  	if err != nil {
  1143  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal SourceRepository %s to yaml", sr.Name)
  1144  	}
  1146  	err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, data, util.DefaultWritePermissions)
  1147  	if err != nil {
  1148  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to save SourceRepository file %s", fileName)
  1149  	}
  1150  	return nil
  1151  }
  1153  // clearSourceRepositoryMetadata clears unnecessary data
  1154  func clearSourceRepositoryMetadata(meta *metav1.ObjectMeta) {
  1155  	meta.CreationTimestamp.Time = time.Time{}
  1156  	meta.Namespace = ""
  1157  	meta.OwnerReferences = nil
  1158  	meta.Finalizers = nil
  1159  	meta.Generation = 0
  1160  	meta.GenerateName = ""
  1161  	meta.SelfLink = ""
  1162  	meta.UID = ""
  1163  	meta.ResourceVersion = ""
  1165  	for _, k := range removeSourceRepositoryAnnotations {
  1166  		delete(meta.Annotations, k)
  1167  	}
  1168  }
  1170  // ensureDockerRepositoryExists for some kinds of container registry we need to pre-initialise its use such as for ECR
  1171  func (options *ImportOptions) ensureDockerRepositoryExists() error {
  1172  	orgName := options.getOrganisationOrCurrentUser()
  1173  	appName := options.AppName
  1174  	if orgName == "" {
  1175  		log.Logger().Warnf("Missing organisation name!")
  1176  		return nil
  1177  	}
  1178  	if appName == "" {
  1179  		log.Logger().Warnf("Missing application name!")
  1180  		return nil
  1181  	}
  1182  	kubeClient, curNs, err := options.KubeClientAndNamespace()
  1183  	if err != nil {
  1184  		return err
  1185  	}
  1186  	ns, _, err := kube.GetDevNamespace(kubeClient, curNs)
  1187  	if err != nil {
  1188  		return err
  1189  	}
  1191  	region, _ := kube.ReadRegion(kubeClient, ns)
  1192  	cm, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(ns).Get(kube.ConfigMapJenkinsDockerRegistry, metav1.GetOptions{})
  1193  	if err != nil {
  1194  		return fmt.Errorf("Could not find ConfigMap %s in namespace %s: %s", kube.ConfigMapJenkinsDockerRegistry, ns, err)
  1195  	}
  1196  	if cm.Data != nil {
  1197  		dockerRegistry := cm.Data["docker.registry"]
  1198  		if dockerRegistry != "" {
  1199  			if strings.HasSuffix(dockerRegistry, "") && strings.Index(dockerRegistry, ".ecr.") > 0 {
  1200  				return amazon.LazyCreateRegistry(kubeClient, ns, region, dockerRegistry, options.getDockerRegistryOrg(), appName)
  1201  			}
  1202  		}
  1203  	}
  1204  	return nil
  1205  }
  1207  // ReplacePlaceholders replaces app name, git server name, git org, and docker registry org placeholders
  1208  func (options *ImportOptions) ReplacePlaceholders(gitServerName, dockerRegistryOrg string) error {
  1209  	options.Organisation = naming.ToValidName(strings.ToLower(options.Organisation))
  1210  	options.GetReporter().Trace("replacing placeholders in directory %s", options.Dir)
  1211  	options.GetReporter().Trace("app name: %s, git server: %s, org: %s, Docker registry org: %s", options.AppName, gitServerName, options.Organisation, dockerRegistryOrg)
  1213  	ignore, err := gitignore.NewRepository(options.Dir)
  1214  	if err != nil {
  1215  		return err
  1216  	}
  1218  	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(
  1219  		util.PlaceHolderAppName, strings.ToLower(options.AppName),
  1220  		util.PlaceHolderGitProvider, strings.ToLower(gitServerName),
  1221  		util.PlaceHolderOrg, strings.ToLower(options.Organisation),
  1222  		util.PlaceHolderDockerRegistryOrg, strings.ToLower(dockerRegistryOrg))
  1224  	pathsToRename := []string{} // Renaming must be done post-Walk
  1225  	if err := filepath.Walk(options.Dir, func(f string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
  1226  		if skip, err := options.skipPathForReplacement(f, fi, ignore); skip {
  1227  			return err
  1228  		}
  1229  		if strings.Contains(filepath.Base(f), util.PlaceHolderPrefix) {
  1230  			// Prepend so children are renamed before their parents
  1231  			pathsToRename = append([]string{f}, pathsToRename...)
  1232  		}
  1233  		if !fi.IsDir() {
  1234  			if err := replacePlaceholdersInFile(replacer, f); err != nil {
  1235  				return err
  1236  			}
  1237  		}
  1238  		return nil
  1240  	}); err != nil {
  1241  		return fmt.Errorf("error replacing placeholders %v", err)
  1242  	}
  1244  	for _, path := range pathsToRename {
  1245  		if err := replacePlaceholdersInPathBase(replacer, path); err != nil {
  1246  			return err
  1247  		}
  1248  	}
  1249  	return nil
  1250  }
  1252  func (options *ImportOptions) skipPathForReplacement(path string, fi os.FileInfo, ignore gitignore.GitIgnore) (bool, error) {
  1253  	relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(options.Dir, path)
  1254  	match := ignore.Relative(relPath, fi.IsDir())
  1255  	matchIgnore := match != nil && match.Ignore() //Defaults to including if match == nil
  1256  	if fi.IsDir() {
  1257  		if matchIgnore || fi.Name() == ".git" {
  1258  			options.GetReporter().Trace("skipping directory %q", path)
  1259  			return true, filepath.SkipDir
  1260  		}
  1261  	} else if matchIgnore {
  1262  		options.GetReporter().Trace("skipping ignored file %q", path)
  1263  		return true, nil
  1264  	}
  1265  	// Don't process nor follow symlinks
  1266  	if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) == os.ModeSymlink {
  1267  		options.GetReporter().Trace("skipping symlink file %q", path)
  1268  		return true, nil
  1269  	}
  1270  	return false, nil
  1271  }
  1273  func replacePlaceholdersInFile(replacer viper.StringReplacer, file string) error {
  1274  	input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
  1275  	if err != nil {
  1276  		log.Logger().Errorf("failed to read file %s: %v", file, err)
  1277  		return err
  1278  	}
  1280  	lines := string(input)
  1281  	if strings.Contains(lines, util.PlaceHolderPrefix) { // Avoid unnecessarily rewriting files
  1282  		output := replacer.Replace(lines)
  1283  		err = ioutil.WriteFile(file, []byte(output), 0600)
  1284  		if err != nil {
  1285  			log.Logger().Errorf("failed to write file %s: %v", file, err)
  1286  			return err
  1287  		}
  1288  	}
  1290  	return nil
  1291  }
  1293  func replacePlaceholdersInPathBase(replacer viper.StringReplacer, path string) error {
  1294  	base := filepath.Base(path)
  1295  	newBase := replacer.Replace(base)
  1296  	if newBase != base {
  1297  		newPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), newBase)
  1298  		if err := os.Rename(path, newPath); err != nil {
  1299  			log.Logger().Errorf("failed to rename %q to %q: %v", path, newPath, err)
  1300  			return err
  1301  		}
  1302  	}
  1303  	return nil
  1304  }
  1306  func (options *ImportOptions) addAppNameToGeneratedFile(filename, field, value string) error {
  1307  	dir := filepath.Join(options.Dir, "charts", options.AppName)
  1308  	file := filepath.Join(dir, filename)
  1309  	exists, err := util.FileExists(file)
  1310  	if err != nil {
  1311  		return err
  1312  	}
  1313  	if !exists {
  1314  		// no file so lets ignore this
  1315  		return nil
  1316  	}
  1317  	input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
  1318  	if err != nil {
  1319  		return err
  1320  	}
  1322  	lines := strings.Split(string(input), "\n")
  1324  	for i, line := range lines {
  1325  		if strings.Contains(line, field) {
  1326  			lines[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", field, value)
  1327  		}
  1328  	}
  1329  	output := strings.Join(lines, "\n")
  1330  	err = ioutil.WriteFile(file, []byte(output), 0600)
  1331  	if err != nil {
  1332  		return err
  1333  	}
  1334  	return nil
  1335  }
  1337  func (options *ImportOptions) checkChartmuseumCredentialExists() error {
  1338  	client, devNamespace, err := options.KubeClientAndDevNamespace()
  1339  	if err != nil {
  1340  		return err
  1341  	}
  1342  	name := jenkins.DefaultJenkinsCredentialsPrefix + jenkins.Chartmuseum
  1343  	secret, err := client.CoreV1().Secrets(devNamespace).Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{})
  1344  	if err != nil {
  1345  		return fmt.Errorf("error getting %s secret %v", name, err)
  1346  	}
  1348  	data := secret.Data
  1349  	username := string(data["BASIC_AUTH_USER"])
  1350  	password := string(data["BASIC_AUTH_PASS"])
  1352  	if secret.Labels != nil && secret.Labels[kube.LabelCredentialsType] == kube.ValueCredentialTypeUsernamePassword {
  1353  		// no need to create a credential as this will be done via the kubernetes credential provider plugin
  1354  		return nil
  1355  	}
  1357  	_, err = options.Jenkins.GetCredential(name)
  1358  	if err != nil {
  1359  		err = options.Retry(3, 10*time.Second, func() (err error) {
  1360  			return options.Jenkins.CreateCredential(name, username, password)
  1361  		})
  1363  		if err != nil {
  1364  			return fmt.Errorf("error creating Jenkins credential %s %v", name, err)
  1365  		}
  1366  	}
  1367  	return nil
  1368  }
  1370  func (options *ImportOptions) renameChartToMatchAppName() error {
  1371  	var oldChartsDir string
  1372  	dir := options.Dir
  1373  	chartsDir := filepath.Join(dir, "charts")
  1374  	exists, err := util.DirExists(chartsDir)
  1375  	if err != nil {
  1376  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to check if the charts directory exists %s", chartsDir)
  1377  	}
  1378  	if !exists {
  1379  		return nil
  1380  	}
  1381  	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(chartsDir)
  1382  	if err != nil {
  1383  		return fmt.Errorf("error matching a Jenkins X draft pack name with chart folder %v", err)
  1384  	}
  1385  	for _, fi := range files {
  1386  		if fi.IsDir() {
  1387  			name := fi.Name()
  1388  			// TODO we maybe need to try check if the sub dir named after the build pack matches first?
  1389  			if name != "preview" && name != ".git" {
  1390  				oldChartsDir = filepath.Join(chartsDir, name)
  1391  				break
  1392  			}
  1393  		}
  1394  	}
  1395  	if oldChartsDir != "" {
  1396  		// chart expects folder name to be the same as app name
  1397  		newChartsDir := filepath.Join(dir, "charts", options.AppName)
  1399  		exists, err := util.DirExists(oldChartsDir)
  1400  		if err != nil {
  1401  			return err
  1402  		}
  1403  		if exists && oldChartsDir != newChartsDir {
  1404  			err = util.RenameDir(oldChartsDir, newChartsDir, false)
  1405  			if err != nil {
  1406  				if os.IsExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
  1407  					isChartDir, e := util.FileExists(filepath.Join(newChartsDir, "Chart.yaml"))
  1408  					if e != nil {
  1409  						return fmt.Errorf("error checking %s chart dir: %w", options.AppName, e)
  1410  					}
  1411  					if !isChartDir {
  1412  						return fmt.Errorf("directory %s already exists but is not a helm chart", newChartsDir)
  1413  					}
  1414  					os.RemoveAll(oldChartsDir)
  1415  					log.Logger().Warnf("Failed to apply the build pack in %s: %s", dir, err)
  1416  				} else {
  1417  					return fmt.Errorf("error renaming %s to %s, %v", oldChartsDir, newChartsDir, err)
  1418  				}
  1419  			}
  1420  			_, err = os.Stat(newChartsDir)
  1421  			if err != nil {
  1422  				return err
  1423  			}
  1424  		}
  1425  		// now update the chart.yaml
  1426  		err = options.addAppNameToGeneratedFile("Chart.yaml", "name: ", options.AppName)
  1427  		if err != nil {
  1428  			return err
  1429  		}
  1430  	}
  1431  	return nil
  1432  }
  1434  func (options *ImportOptions) fixDockerIgnoreFile() error {
  1435  	filename := filepath.Join(options.Dir, ".dockerignore")
  1436  	exists, err := util.FileExists(filename)
  1437  	if err == nil && exists {
  1438  		data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
  1439  		if err != nil {
  1440  			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to load %s: %s", filename, err)
  1441  		}
  1442  		lines := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")
  1443  		for i, line := range lines {
  1444  			if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "Dockerfile" {
  1445  				lines = append(lines[:i], lines[i+1:]...)
  1446  				text := strings.Join(lines, "\n")
  1447  				err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(text), util.DefaultWritePermissions)
  1448  				if err != nil {
  1449  					return err
  1450  				}
  1451  				options.GetReporter().Trace("Removed old `Dockerfile` entry from %s", util.ColorInfo(filename))
  1452  			}
  1453  		}
  1454  	}
  1455  	return nil
  1456  }
  1458  // CreateProwOwnersFile creates an OWNERS file in the root of the project assigning the current Git user as an approver and a reviewer. If the file already exists, does nothing.
  1459  func (options *ImportOptions) CreateProwOwnersFile() error {
  1460  	filename := filepath.Join(options.Dir, "OWNERS")
  1461  	exists, err := util.FileExists(filename)
  1462  	if err != nil {
  1463  		return err
  1464  	}
  1465  	if exists {
  1466  		return nil
  1467  	}
  1468  	if options.GitUserAuth != nil && options.GitUserAuth.Username != "" {
  1469  		data := prow.Owners{
  1470  			[]string{options.GitUserAuth.Username},
  1471  			[]string{options.GitUserAuth.Username},
  1472  		}
  1473  		yaml, err := yaml.Marshal(&data)
  1474  		if err != nil {
  1475  			return err
  1476  		}
  1477  		err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, yaml, 0600)
  1478  		if err != nil {
  1479  			return err
  1480  		}
  1481  		return nil
  1482  	}
  1483  	return errors.New("GitUserAuth.Username not set")
  1484  }
  1486  // CreateProwOwnersAliasesFile creates an OWNERS_ALIASES file in the root of the project assigning the current Git user as an approver and a reviewer.
  1487  func (options *ImportOptions) CreateProwOwnersAliasesFile() error {
  1488  	filename := filepath.Join(options.Dir, "OWNERS_ALIASES")
  1489  	exists, err := util.FileExists(filename)
  1490  	if err != nil {
  1491  		return err
  1492  	}
  1493  	if exists {
  1494  		return nil
  1495  	}
  1496  	if options.GitUserAuth == nil {
  1497  		return errors.New("option GitUserAuth not set")
  1498  	}
  1499  	gitUser := options.GitUserAuth.Username
  1500  	if gitUser != "" {
  1501  		data := prow.OwnersAliases{
  1502  			[]string{gitUser},
  1503  			[]string{gitUser},
  1504  			[]string{gitUser},
  1505  		}
  1506  		yaml, err := yaml.Marshal(&data)
  1507  		if err != nil {
  1508  			return err
  1509  		}
  1510  		return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, yaml, 0600)
  1511  	}
  1512  	return errors.New("GitUserAuth.Username not set")
  1513  }
  1515  func (options *ImportOptions) setPreviewNamespace() error {
  1516  	jxClient, ns, err := options.JXClientAndDevNamespace()
  1517  	if err != nil {
  1518  		return err
  1519  	}
  1520  	envsList, err := jxClient.JenkinsV1().Environments(ns).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
  1521  	if err != nil {
  1522  		return err
  1523  	}
  1524  	var previewNamespaceName string
  1525  	if options.PreviewNamespace == "" {
  1526  		if options.BatchMode {
  1527  			return nil
  1528  		}
  1529  		surveyOpts := survey.WithStdio(options.In, options.Out, options.Err)
  1530  		prompt := &survey.Confirm{
  1531  			Message: "Would you like to define a different preview namespace?",
  1532  			Default: false,
  1533  		}
  1534  		var modifyPreviewNamespace bool
  1535  		err := survey.AskOne(prompt, &modifyPreviewNamespace, nil, surveyOpts)
  1536  		if err != nil {
  1537  			return err
  1538  		}
  1540  		if !modifyPreviewNamespace {
  1541  			return nil
  1542  		}
  1544  		nsNamePrompt := &survey.Input{
  1545  			Message: "Enter the name for the preview namespace: ",
  1546  			Default: "jx-previews",
  1547  		}
  1549  		err = survey.AskOne(nsNamePrompt, &previewNamespaceName, func(ans interface{}) error {
  1550  			return isValidPreviewNamespace(ans, envsList)
  1551  		}, surveyOpts)
  1552  		if err != nil {
  1553  			return err
  1554  		}
  1555  	} else {
  1556  		if err := isValidPreviewNamespace(options.PreviewNamespace, envsList); err == nil {
  1557  			previewNamespaceName = options.PreviewNamespace
  1558  		} else {
  1559  			// We don't want to error at this point, we'll not define a custom namespace and ask users to modify it later in the repos
  1560  			log.Logger().Warnf("%s - will use the default preview namespace pattern", err.Error())
  1561  		}
  1562  	}
  1564  	previewsValuesFilePath := filepath.Join(options.Dir, "charts", "preview", opts.ValuesFile)
  1565  	exists, err := util.FileExists(previewsValuesFilePath)
  1566  	if err != nil {
  1567  		return err
  1568  	}
  1569  	if exists && previewNamespaceName != "" {
  1570  		log.Logger().Debugf("Modifying the default previews namespace to %s", previewNamespaceName)
  1571  		err = options.modifyApplicationPreviewNamespace(previewsValuesFilePath, previewNamespaceName)
  1572  		if err != nil {
  1573  			return errors.Wrap(err, "there was a problem modifying the preview chart to add a different preview namespace")
  1574  		}
  1575  	}
  1576  	return nil
  1577  }
  1578  func (options *ImportOptions) fixMaven() error {
  1579  	if options.DisableMaven {
  1580  		return nil
  1581  	}
  1582  	dir := options.Dir
  1583  	pomName := filepath.Join(dir, "pom.xml")
  1584  	exists, err := util.FileExists(pomName)
  1585  	if err != nil {
  1586  		return err
  1587  	}
  1588  	if exists {
  1589  		err = maven.InstallMavenIfRequired()
  1590  		if err != nil {
  1591  			return err
  1592  		}
  1594  		// lets ensure the mvn plugins are ok
  1595  		out, err := options.GetCommandOutput(dir, "mvn", "io.jenkins.updatebot:updatebot-maven-plugin:RELEASE:plugin", "-Dartifact=maven-deploy-plugin", "-Dversion="+opts.MinimumMavenDeployVersion)
  1596  		if err != nil {
  1597  			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update maven deploy plugin: %s output: %s", err, out)
  1598  		}
  1599  		out, err = options.GetCommandOutput(dir, "mvn", "io.jenkins.updatebot:updatebot-maven-plugin:RELEASE:plugin", "-Dartifact=maven-surefire-plugin", "-Dversion=3.0.0-M1")
  1600  		if err != nil {
  1601  			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update maven surefire plugin: %s output: %s", err, out)
  1602  		}
  1603  		if !options.DryRun {
  1604  			err = options.Git().Add(dir, "pom.xml")
  1605  			if err != nil {
  1606  				return err
  1607  			}
  1608  			err = options.Git().CommitIfChanges(dir, "fix:(plugins) use a better version of maven plugins")
  1609  			if err != nil {
  1610  				return err
  1611  			}
  1612  		}
  1614  		// lets ensure the probe paths are ok
  1615  		out, err = options.GetCommandOutput(dir, "mvn", "io.jenkins.updatebot:updatebot-maven-plugin:RELEASE:chart")
  1616  		if err != nil {
  1617  			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update chart: %s output: %s", err, out)
  1618  		}
  1619  		if !options.DryRun {
  1620  			exists, err := util.DirExists(filepath.Join(dir, "charts"))
  1621  			if err != nil {
  1622  				return err
  1623  			}
  1624  			if exists {
  1625  				err = options.Git().Add(dir, "charts")
  1626  				if err != nil {
  1627  					return err
  1628  				}
  1629  				err = options.Git().CommitIfChanges(dir, "fix:(chart) fix up the probe path")
  1630  				if err != nil {
  1631  					return err
  1632  				}
  1633  			}
  1634  		}
  1635  	}
  1636  	return nil
  1637  }
  1639  func (options *ImportOptions) DefaultsFromTeamSettings() error {
  1640  	settings, err := options.TeamSettings()
  1641  	if err != nil {
  1642  		return err
  1643  	}
  1644  	return options.DefaultValuesFromTeamSettings(settings)
  1645  }
  1647  // DefaultValuesFromTeamSettings defaults the repository options from the given team settings
  1648  func (options *ImportOptions) DefaultValuesFromTeamSettings(settings *v1.TeamSettings) error {
  1649  	if options.DeployKind == "" {
  1650  		options.DeployKind = settings.DeployKind
  1651  	}
  1653  	// lets override any deploy options from the team settings if they are not specified
  1654  	teamDeployOptions := settings.GetDeployOptions()
  1655  	if !options.FlagChanged(opts.OptionCanary) {
  1656  		options.DeployOptions.Canary = teamDeployOptions.Canary
  1657  	}
  1658  	if !options.FlagChanged(opts.OptionHPA) {
  1659  		options.DeployOptions.HPA = teamDeployOptions.HPA
  1660  	}
  1661  	if options.Organisation == "" {
  1662  		options.Organisation = settings.Organisation
  1663  	}
  1664  	if options.GitRepositoryOptions.Owner == "" {
  1665  		options.GitRepositoryOptions.Owner = settings.Organisation
  1666  	}
  1667  	if options.DockerRegistryOrg == "" {
  1668  		options.DockerRegistryOrg = settings.DockerRegistryOrg
  1669  	}
  1670  	if options.GitRepositoryOptions.ServerURL == "" {
  1671  		options.GitRepositoryOptions.ServerURL = settings.GitServer
  1672  	}
  1673  	options.GitRepositoryOptions.Public = settings.GitPublic || options.GitRepositoryOptions.Public
  1674  	options.PipelineServer = settings.GitServer
  1675  	options.PipelineUserName = settings.PipelineUsername
  1676  	return nil
  1677  }
  1679  func (options *ImportOptions) allDraftPacks() ([]string, error) {
  1680  	// lets make sure we have the latest draft packs
  1681  	initOpts := initcmd.InitOptions{
  1682  		CommonOptions: options.CommonOptions,
  1683  	}
  1684  	log.Logger().Debug("Getting latest packs ...")
  1685  	dir, _, err := initOpts.InitBuildPacks(nil)
  1686  	if err != nil {
  1687  		return nil, err
  1688  	}
  1690  	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
  1691  	if err != nil {
  1692  		return nil, err
  1693  	}
  1694  	result := make([]string, 0)
  1695  	for _, f := range files {
  1696  		if f.IsDir() {
  1697  			result = append(result, f.Name())
  1698  		}
  1699  	}
  1700  	return result, err
  1702  }
  1704  // ConfigureImportOptions updates the import options struct based on values from the create repo struct
  1705  func (options *ImportOptions) ConfigureImportOptions(repoData *gits.CreateRepoData) {
  1706  	// configure the import options based on previous answers
  1707  	options.AppName = repoData.RepoName
  1708  	options.GitProvider = repoData.GitProvider
  1709  	options.Organisation = repoData.Organisation
  1710  	options.Repository = repoData.RepoName
  1711  	options.GitDetails = *repoData
  1712  	options.GitServer = repoData.GitServer
  1713  }
  1715  // GetGitRepositoryDetails determines the git repository details to use during the import command
  1716  func (options *ImportOptions) GetGitRepositoryDetails() (*gits.CreateRepoData, error) {
  1717  	err := options.DefaultsFromTeamSettings()
  1718  	if err != nil {
  1719  		return nil, err
  1720  	}
  1721  	authConfigSvc, err := options.GitLocalAuthConfigService()
  1722  	if err != nil {
  1723  		return nil, err
  1724  	}
  1725  	//config git repositoryoptions parameters: Owner and RepoName
  1726  	options.GitRepositoryOptions.Owner = options.Organisation
  1727  	options.GitRepositoryOptions.RepoName = options.Repository
  1728  	details, err := gits.PickNewOrExistingGitRepository(options.BatchMode, authConfigSvc,
  1729  		"", &options.GitRepositoryOptions, nil, nil, options.Git(), false, options.GetIOFileHandles())
  1730  	if err != nil {
  1731  		return nil, err
  1732  	}
  1733  	return details, nil
  1734  }
  1736  // modifyDeployKind lets modify the deployment kind if the team settings or CLI settings are different
  1737  func (options *ImportOptions) modifyDeployKind() error {
  1738  	deployKind := options.DeployKind
  1739  	if deployKind == "" {
  1740  		return nil
  1741  	}
  1742  	dopts := options.DeployOptions
  1744  	copy := *options.CommonOptions
  1745  	cmd, eo := edit.NewCmdEditDeployKindAndOption(&copy)
  1746  	eo.Dir = options.Dir
  1748  	// lets parse the CLI arguments so that the flags are marked as specified to force them to be overridden
  1749  	err := cmd.Flags().Parse(edit.ToDeployArguments(opts.OptionKind, deployKind, dopts.Canary, dopts.HPA))
  1750  	if err != nil {
  1751  		return err
  1752  	}
  1753  	err = eo.Run()
  1754  	if err != nil {
  1755  		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to modify the deployment kind to %s", deployKind)
  1756  	}
  1757  	return nil
  1758  }
  1760  func isValidPreviewNamespace(ns interface{}, envs *v1.EnvironmentList) error {
  1761  	for _, env := range envs.Items {
  1762  		if ns == env.Spec.Namespace && env.Spec.Kind.IsPermanent() {
  1763  			return fmt.Errorf("can't use a permanent environment namespace for previews")
  1764  		}
  1765  	}
  1766  	return nil
  1767  }
  1769  func (options *ImportOptions) modifyApplicationPreviewNamespace(previewsValuesFilePath string, previewNamespaceName string) error {
  1770  	values, err := ioutil.ReadFile(previewsValuesFilePath)
  1771  	if err != nil {
  1772  		return errors.Wrap(err, "there was a problem reading the previews values file")
  1773  	}
  1774  	var valuesMap map[string]interface{}
  1775  	err = yaml.Unmarshal(values, &valuesMap)
  1776  	if err != nil {
  1777  		return errors.Wrap(err, "there was a problem unmarshalling the previews values file")
  1778  	}
  1779  	if v, valExists := valuesMap["preview"]; valExists {
  1780  		v.(map[string]interface{})["namespace"] = previewNamespaceName
  1781  	}
  1782  	valuesB, err := yaml.Marshal(valuesMap)
  1783  	if err != nil {
  1784  		return errors.Wrap(err, "there was a problem marshalling the modified previews values file")
  1785  	}
  1786  	log.Logger().Debugf("Resulting previews values.yaml file:")
  1787  	log.Logger().Debugf(util.ColorStatus(string(valuesB)))
  1789  	err = ioutil.WriteFile(previewsValuesFilePath, valuesB, util.DefaultWritePermissions)
  1790  	if err != nil {
  1791  		return errors.Wrap(err, "there was a problem writing the values file")
  1792  	}
  1794  	err = options.Git().Add(options.Dir, "*")
  1795  	if err != nil {
  1796  		return err
  1797  	}
  1798  	err = options.Git().CommitIfChanges(options.Dir, "Add customized preview namespace")
  1799  	if err != nil {
  1800  		return err
  1801  	}
  1802  	return nil
  1803  }