
     1  # Default values for Maven projects.
     2  # This is a YAML-formatted file.
     3  # Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
     4  replicaCount: 1
     5  image:
     6    repository: draft
     7    tag: dev
     8    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
     9  anotherImage:
    10    repository: anotherImageRepoValue
    11    tag: anotherImageTagValue
    12    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    13  service:
    14    name: demo118
    15    type: ClusterIP
    16    externalPort: 80
    17    internalPort: 8080
    18    annotations:
    19 "true"
    20 " nginx"
    21  resources:
    22    limits:
    23      cpu: 500m
    24      memory: 512Mi
    25    requests:
    26      cpu: 400m
    27      memory: 512Mi
    28  probePath: /actuator/health
    29  livenessProbe:
    30    initialDelaySeconds: 60
    31    periodSeconds: 10
    32    successThreshold: 1
    33    timeoutSeconds: 1
    34  readinessProbe:
    35    periodSeconds: 10
    36    successThreshold: 1
    37    timeoutSeconds: 1
    38  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10