
     1  JXBasicAuth: admin:{SHA}6f5R+U6tq/VNvy+71XGIuavuQ24=
     2  chartmuseum:
     3    env:
     4      secret:
     5        BASIC_AUTH_USER: admin
     6        BASIC_AUTH_PASS: mysecret
     7  grafana:
     8    server:
     9      adminUser: admin
    10      adminPassword: mysecret
    11  jenkins:
    12    Master:
    13      AdminPassword: mysecret
    14  nexus:
    15    defaultAdminPassword: mysecret
    16  PipelineSecrets:
    17    MavenSettingsXML: |
    18      <settings>
    19            <!-- sets the local maven repository outside of the ~/.m2 folder for easier mounting of secrets and repo -->
    20            <localRepository>${user.home}/.mvnrepository</localRepository>
    21            <!-- lets disable the download progress indicator that fills up logs -->
    22            <interactiveMode>false</interactiveMode>
    23            <mirrors>
    24                <mirror>
    25                    <id>nexus</id>
    26                    <mirrorOf>external:*</mirrorOf>
    27                    <url>http://nexus/repository/maven-group/</url>
    28                </mirror>
    29            </mirrors>
    30            <servers>
    31                <server>
    32                    <id>nexus</id>
    33                    <username>admin</username>
    34                    <password>mysecret</password>
    35                </server>
    36            </servers>
    37            <profiles>
    38                <profile>
    39                    <id>nexus</id>
    40                    <properties>
    41                        <altDeploymentRepository>nexus::default::http://nexus/repository/maven-snapshots/</altDeploymentRepository>
    42                        <altReleaseDeploymentRepository>nexus::default::http://nexus/repository/maven-releases/</altReleaseDeploymentRepository>
    43                        <altSnapshotDeploymentRepository>nexus::default::http://nexus/repository/maven-snapshots/</altSnapshotDeploymentRepository>
    44                    </properties>
    45                </profile>
    46                <profile>
    47                    <id>release</id>
    48                    <properties>
    49                        <gpg.executable>gpg</gpg.executable>
    50                        <gpg.passphrase>mysecretpassphrase</gpg.passphrase>
    51                    </properties>
    52                </profile>
    53            </profiles>
    54            <activeProfiles>
    55                <!--make the profile active all the time -->
    56                <activeProfile>nexus</activeProfile>
    57            </activeProfiles>
    58        </settings>
    59  KanikoSecret:
    60    Data: kanikosecret