(about) 1 package kube 2 3 const ( 4 // DefaultChartMuseumURL default URL for Jenkins X Charts 5 DefaultChartMuseumURL = "" 6 // DefaultChartMuseumJxRepoName default repo name for Jenkins X Charts 7 DefaultChartMuseumJxRepoName = "jenkins-x" 8 9 // ChartAmbassador the default chart for ambassador 10 ChartAmbassador = "datawire/ambassador" 11 12 // ChartAnchore the default chart for the Anchore plugin 13 ChartAnchore = "stable/anchore-engine" 14 15 // ChartExposecontrollerService the default name of the Exposecontroller Service chart for Edit environments 16 ChartExposecontrollerService = "jenkins-x/exposecontroller-service" 17 18 // ChartAnchore the default chart for the Anchore plugin 19 ChartPipelineEvent = "jenkins-x/pipeline-events-addon" 20 21 // ChartGitea the default name of the gitea chart 22 ChartGitea = "jenkins-x/gitea" 23 24 // ChartFlagger the default chart for the Flagger chart 25 ChartFlagger = "flagger/flagger" 26 ChartFlaggerGrafana = "flagger/grafana" 27 DefaultFlaggerReleaseName = "flagger" 28 29 // ChartIstio the default chart for the Istio chart 30 ChartIstio = "install/kubernetes/helm/istio" 31 32 // ChartKubeless the default chart for kubeless 33 ChartKubeless = "incubator/kubeless" 34 35 // ChartProw the default chart for Prow 36 ChartProw = "jenkins-x/prow" 37 38 // ChartKnative the default chart for knative 39 ChartKnativeBuild = "jenkins-x/knative-build" 40 41 // ChartBuildTemplates the build templates for Knative Build 42 ChartBuildTemplates = "jenkins-x/jx-build-templates" 43 44 // ChartTekton the default chart for tekton 45 ChartTekton = "jenkins-x/tekton" 46 47 // DefaultProwReleaseName the default helm release name for Prow 48 DefaultProwReleaseName = "jx-prow" 49 50 // DefaultKnativeBuildReleaseName the default helm release name for knative build 51 DefaultKnativeBuildReleaseName = "knative-build" 52 53 // DefaultTektonReleaseName the default helm release name for tekton 54 DefaultTektonReleaseName = "tekton" 55 56 // DefaultBuildTemplatesReleaseName the default helm release name for the knative build templates 57 DefaultBuildTemplatesReleaseName = "jx-build-templates" 58 59 // Charts Single Sign-On addon 60 ChartSsoOperator = "jenkins-x/sso-operator" 61 DefaultSsoOperatorReleaseName = "jx-sso-operator" 62 ChartSsoDex = "jenkins-x/dex" 63 DefaultSsoDexReleaseName = "jx-sso-dex" 64 65 // ChartVaultOperator the default chart for vault opeator 66 ChartVaultOperator = "jenkins-x/vault-operator" 67 DefaultVaultOperatorReleaseName = "vault-operator" 68 69 //ChartExternalDNS the default chart for external-dns 70 ChartOwnerExternalDNS = "bitnami" 71 ChartURLExternalDNS = "" 72 ChartExternalDNS = "bitnami/external-dns" 73 DefaultExternalDNSReleaseName = "external-dns" 74 DefaultExternalDNSTag = "1.5.2" 75 76 // SecretKaniko the name of the secret containing the kaniko service account 77 SecretKaniko = "kaniko-secret" 78 79 // SecretVelero the name of the secret containing the velero service account 80 SecretVelero = "velero-secret" // #nosec 81 82 // ServiceJenkins is the name of the Jenkins Service 83 ServiceJenkins = "jenkins" 84 85 // SecretJenkins is the name of the Jenkins secret 86 SecretJenkins = "jenkins" 87 88 // ServiceChartMuseum the service name of the Helm ChartMuseum service 89 ServiceChartMuseum = "jenkins-x-chartmuseum" 90 91 // ServiceKubernetesDashboard the Kubernetes dashboard 92 ServiceKubernetesDashboard = "jenkins-x-kubernetes-dashboard" 93 94 // SecretJenkinsChartMuseum the chart museum secret 95 SecretJenkinsChartMuseum = "jenkins-x-chartmuseum" 96 97 // SecretBucketRepo the bucket repo secret if using it as a chart repositoru 98 SecretBucketRepo = "jenkins-x-bucketrepo" 99 100 // SecretJenkinsReleaseGPG the GPG secrets for doing releases 101 SecretJenkinsReleaseGPG = "jenkins-release-gpg" 102 103 // SecretJenkinsPipelinePrefix prefix for a jenkins pipeline secret name 104 SecretJenkinsPipelinePrefix = "jx-pipeline-" 105 106 // SecretJenkinsPipelineAddonCredentials the chat credentials secret 107 SecretJenkinsPipelineAddonCredentials = "jx-pipeline-addon-" // #nosec 108 109 // SecretJenkinsPipelineChatCredentials the chat credentials secret 110 SecretJenkinsPipelineChatCredentials = "jx-pipeline-chat-" 111 112 // SecretJenkinsPipelineGitCredentials the git credentials secret 113 SecretJenkinsPipelineGitCredentials = "jx-pipeline-git-" // #nosec 114 115 // SecretJenkinsPipelineIssueCredentials the issue tracker credentials secret 116 SecretJenkinsPipelineIssueCredentials = "jx-pipeline-issues-" // #nosec 117 118 // ConfigMapExposecontroller the name of the ConfigMap with the Exposecontroller configuration 119 ConfigMapExposecontroller = "exposecontroller" 120 121 // ConfigMapIngressConfig the new name of the ConfigMap with the Exposecontroller configuration 122 ConfigMapIngressConfig = "ingress-config" 123 124 // ConfigMapJenkinsX the name of the ConfigMap with the Jenkins configuration 125 ConfigMapJenkinsX = "jenkins" 126 127 // ConfigMapJenkinsPodTemplates is the ConfigMap containing all the Pod Templates available 128 ConfigMapJenkinsPodTemplates = "jenkins-x-pod-templates" 129 130 // ConfigMapJenkinsTeamController is the ConfigMap containing the TeamController config files 131 ConfigMapJenkinsTeamController = "jenkins-x-team-controller" 132 133 // ConfigMapJenkinsDockerRegistry is the ConfigMap containing the Docker Registry configuration 134 ConfigMapJenkinsDockerRegistry = "jenkins-x-docker-registry" 135 136 // ConfigMapNameJXInstallConfig is the ConfigMap containing the jx installation's CA and server url. Used by jx login 137 ConfigMapNameJXInstallConfig = "jx-install-config" 138 139 // LocalHelmRepoName is the default name of the local chart repository where CI/CD releases go to 140 LocalHelmRepoName = "releases" 141 142 // DeploymentTektonController the name of the Deployment for the Tekton Pipeline controller 143 DeploymentTektonController = "tekton-pipelines-controller" 144 145 // DeploymentExposecontrollerService the name of the Deployment for the Exposecontroller Service 146 DeploymentExposecontrollerService = "exposecontroller-service" 147 148 // DeploymentProwBuild the name of the Deployment for the Prow webhook engine 149 DeploymentProwBuild = "prow-build" 150 151 DefaultEnvironmentGitRepoURL = "" 152 153 DefaultOrganisationGitRepoURL = "" 154 155 // AnnotationTitle the human readable name of a resource which can include mixed case, spaces and punctuation 156 AnnotationTitle = "title" 157 158 // AnnotationDescription the tooltip / texual description of an resource 159 AnnotationDescription = "description" 160 161 // LabelGitSync to indicate whether or not to sync this resource to GitOps 162 LabelGitSync = "" 163 164 // LabelKind to indicate the kind of auth, such as Git or Issue 165 LabelKind = "" 166 167 // ValueKindAddon an addon auth secret/credentials 168 ValueKindAddon = "addon" 169 170 // ValueKindChat a chat auth secret/credentials 171 ValueKindChat = "chat" 172 173 // ValueKindCVE an CVS App secret/credentials 174 ValueKindCVE = "cve" 175 176 // ValueKindEnvironmentRole to indicate a Role which maps to an EnvironmentRoleBinding 177 ValueKindEnvironmentRole = "EnvironmentRole" 178 179 // ValueKindGit a git auth secret/credentials 180 ValueKindGit = "git" 181 182 // ValueKindIssue an issue auth secret/credentials 183 ValueKindIssue = "issue" 184 185 // ValueKindChartmuseum a chartmuseum auth secret/credentials 186 ValueKindChartmuseum = "chartmuseum" 187 188 // ValueKindJenkins an Jenkins App secret/credentials 189 ValueKindJenkins = "jenkins" 190 191 // ValueKindCVE an addon auth PipelineEvent 192 ValueKindPipelineEvent = "PipelineEvent" 193 194 // ValueKindPodTemplate a PodTemplate in a ConfigMap 195 ValueKindPodTemplate = "podTemplate" 196 197 // ValueKindPodTemplateXML a PodTemplate XML in a ConfigMap 198 ValueKindPodTemplateXML = "podTemplateXml" 199 200 // ValueKindCVE an addon auth PipelineEvent 201 ValueKindRelease = "Release" 202 203 // ValueKindEditNamespace for edit namespace 204 ValueKindEditNamespace = "editspace" 205 206 // LabelServiceKind the label to indicate the auto Server's Kind 207 LabelServiceKind = "" 208 209 // LabelGithubAppOwner the label to indicate the owner of a repository for github app token secrets 210 LabelGithubAppOwner = "" 211 212 // LabelCreatedBy indicates the service that created this resource 213 LabelCreatedBy = "" 214 215 // LabelPodTemplate the name of the pod template for a DevPod 216 LabelPodTemplate = "" 217 218 // LabelDevPodName the name of a dev pod 219 LabelDevPodName = "" 220 221 // LabelDevPodUsername the user name owner of the DeVPod 222 LabelDevPodUsername = "" 223 224 // LabelDevPodGitPrefix used to label a devpod with the repository host, owner, repo 225 LabelDevPodGitPrefix = "" 226 227 // LabelUsername the user name owner of a namespace or resource 228 LabelUsername = "" 229 230 // ValueCreatedByJX for resources created by the Jenkins X CLI 231 ValueCreatedByJX = "jx" 232 233 // LabelCredentialsType the kind of jenkins credential for a secret 234 LabelCredentialsType = "" 235 236 // ValueCredentialTypeUsernamePassword for user password credential secrets 237 ValueCredentialTypeUsernamePassword = "usernamePassword" 238 239 // ValueCredentialTypeSecretFile for secret files 240 ValueCredentialTypeSecretFile = "secretFile" 241 242 // LabelTeam indicates the team name an environment belongs to 243 LabelTeam = "team" 244 245 // LabelEnvironment indicates the name of the environment 246 LabelEnvironment = "env" 247 248 // LabelValueDevEnvironment is the value of the LabelTeam label for Development environments (system namespace) 249 LabelValueDevEnvironment = "dev" 250 251 // LabelValueThisEnvironment is the value of the LabelTeam label for the current environment in remote clusters 252 LabelValueThisEnvironment = "this" 253 254 // LabelJobKind the kind of job 255 LabelJobKind = "" 256 257 // ValueJobKindPostPreview 258 ValueJobKindPostPreview = "post-preview-step" 259 260 // AnnotationURL indicates a service/server's URL 261 AnnotationURL = "" 262 263 // AnnotationExpose used to expose service using exposecontroller 264 AnnotationExpose = "" 265 266 // AnnotationIngress tells exposecontroller to annotate generated ingress rule with values 267 AnnotationIngress = "" 268 269 // AnnotationExposePort indicates to the exposecontroller which service port to expose 270 //in case a service has multiple prots 271 AnnotationExposePort = "" 272 273 // AnnotationName indicates a service/server's textual name (can be mixed case, contain spaces unlike Kubernetes resources) 274 AnnotationName = "" 275 276 // AnnotationCredentialsDescription the description text for a Credential on a Secret 277 AnnotationCredentialsDescription = "" 278 279 // AnnotationWorkingDir the working directory, such as for a DevPod 280 AnnotationWorkingDir = "" 281 // AnnotationLocalDir the local directory that is sync'd to the DevPod 282 AnnotationLocalDir = "" 283 // AnnotationGitURLs the newline separated list of git URLs of the DevPods 284 AnnotationGitURLs = "" 285 // AnnotationGitReportState used to annotate what state has been reported to git 286 AnnotationGitReportState = "" 287 // AnnotationGitReportRunningStages used to annotate what stages were last reported to git as running 288 AnnotationGitReportRunningStages = "" 289 290 // AnnotationIsDefaultStorageClass used to indicate a storageclass is default 291 AnnotationIsDefaultStorageClass = "" 292 293 // AnnotationReleaseName is the name of the annotation that stores the release name in the preview environment 294 AnnotationReleaseName = "" 295 296 // SecretDataUsername the username in a Secret/Credentials 297 SecretDataUsername = "username" 298 299 // SecretDataPassword the password in a Secret/Credentials 300 SecretDataPassword = "password" 301 302 // SecretBasicAuth the name for the Jenkins X basic auth secret 303 SecretBasicAuth = "jx-basic-auth" // #nosec 304 305 // JenkinsAdminApiToken the API token 306 JenkinsAdminApiToken = "jenkins-admin-api-token" 307 308 // JenkinsAdminUserField the admin user name 309 JenkinsAdminUserField = "jenkins-admin-user" 310 311 // JenkinsAdminPasswordField the password field 312 JenkinsAdminPasswordField = "jenkins-admin-password" 313 314 // JenkinsBearTokenField the bearer token 315 JenkinsBearTokenField = "jenkins-bearer-token" 316 317 AUTH = "auth" 318 319 // Region stores the cloud region the cluster is installed on 320 Region = "region" 321 322 // Zone stores the cloud zone of the install 323 Zone = "zone" 324 325 // ProjectID stores the project ID used to install the cluster (a GKE thing mostly) 326 ProjectID = "projectID" 327 328 // ClusterName stores the name of the cluster that is created 329 ClusterName = "clusterName" 330 331 // KubeProvider stores the kubernetes provider name 332 KubeProvider = "kubeProvider" 333 ) 334 335 var ( 336 AddonCharts = map[string]string{ 337 "ambassador": ChartAmbassador, 338 "anchore": ChartAnchore, 339 DefaultFlaggerReleaseName: ChartFlagger, 340 "gitea": ChartGitea, 341 "istio": ChartIstio, 342 "kubeless": ChartKubeless, 343 "prometheus": "stable/prometheus", 344 "grafana": "stable/grafana", 345 "jx-build-templates": "jenkins-x/jx-build-templates", 346 DefaultProwReleaseName: ChartProw, 347 DefaultKnativeBuildReleaseName: ChartKnativeBuild, 348 DefaultTektonReleaseName: ChartTekton, 349 DefaultSsoDexReleaseName: ChartSsoDex, 350 DefaultSsoOperatorReleaseName: ChartSsoOperator, 351 DefaultVaultOperatorReleaseName: ChartVaultOperator, 352 } 353 354 AddonServices = map[string]string{ 355 "anchore": "anchore-anchore-engine", 356 "pipeline-events": "jx-pipeline-events-elasticsearch-client", 357 "grafana": "grafana", 358 } 359 )