
     1  // +build unit
     3  package kube_test
     5  import (
     6  	"testing"
     8  	expect ""
     9  	jenkinsio_v1 ""
    10  	versiond_mocks ""
    11  	cmd_mocks ""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	v1 ""
    19  	git_mocks ""
    20  	. ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	k8sv1 ""
    24  	apiextentions_mocks ""
    25  	metav1 ""
    26  	kube_mocks ""
    27  )
    29  func init() {
    30  	// disable color output for all prompts to simplify testing
    31  	core.DisableColor = true
    32  }
    34  func TestSortEnvironments(t *testing.T) {
    35  	t.Parallel()
    36  	environments := []jenkinsio_v1.Environment{
    37  		{
    38  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    39  				Name: "c",
    40  			},
    41  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
    42  				Order: 100,
    43  			},
    44  		},
    45  		{
    46  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    47  				Name: "z",
    48  			},
    49  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
    50  				Order: 5,
    51  			},
    52  		},
    53  		{
    54  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    55  				Name: "d",
    56  			},
    57  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
    58  				Order: 100,
    59  			},
    60  		},
    61  		{
    62  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    63  				Name: "a",
    64  			},
    65  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
    66  				Order: 150,
    67  			},
    68  		},
    69  	}
    71  	kube.SortEnvironments(environments)
    73  	assert.Equal(t, "z", environments[0].Name, "Environment 0")
    74  	assert.Equal(t, "c", environments[1].Name, "Environment 1")
    75  	assert.Equal(t, "d", environments[2].Name, "Environment 2")
    76  	assert.Equal(t, "a", environments[3].Name, "Environment 3")
    77  }
    79  func TestSortEnvironments2(t *testing.T) {
    80  	t.Parallel()
    81  	environments := []jenkinsio_v1.Environment{
    82  		{
    83  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    84  				Name: "dev",
    85  			},
    86  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
    87  				Order: 0,
    88  			},
    89  		},
    90  		{
    91  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    92  				Name: "prod",
    93  			},
    94  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
    95  				Order: 200,
    96  			},
    97  		},
    98  		{
    99  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   100  				Name: "staging",
   101  			},
   102  			Spec: jenkinsio_v1.EnvironmentSpec{
   103  				Order: 100,
   104  			},
   105  		},
   106  	}
   108  	kube.SortEnvironments(environments)
   110  	assert.Equal(t, "dev", environments[0].Name, "Environment 0")
   111  	assert.Equal(t, "staging", environments[1].Name, "Environment 1")
   112  	assert.Equal(t, "prod", environments[2].Name, "Environment 2")
   113  }
   115  func TestReplaceMakeVariable(t *testing.T) {
   116  	t.Parallel()
   117  	lines := []string{"FOO", "NAMESPACE:=\"abc\"", "BAR", "NAMESPACE := \"abc\""}
   119  	actual := append([]string{}, lines...)
   120  	expectedValue := "\"changed\""
   121  	kube.ReplaceMakeVariable(actual, "NAMESPACE", expectedValue)
   123  	assert.Equal(t, "FOO", actual[0], "line 0")
   124  	assert.Equal(t, "NAMESPACE := "+expectedValue, actual[1], "line 1")
   125  	assert.Equal(t, "BAR", actual[2], "line 2")
   126  	assert.Equal(t, "NAMESPACE := "+expectedValue, actual[3], "line 3")
   127  }
   129  func TestGetDevNamespace(t *testing.T) {
   130  	namespace := &k8sv1.Namespace{
   131  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   132  			Name:      "jx-testing",
   133  			Namespace: "jx-testing",
   134  		},
   135  	}
   136  	kubernetesInterface := kube_mocks.NewSimpleClientset(namespace)
   137  	testNS := "jx-testing"
   138  	testEnv := ""
   140  	ns, env, err := kube.GetDevNamespace(kubernetesInterface, testNS)
   142  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Should not error")
   143  	assert.Equal(t, testNS, ns)
   144  	assert.Equal(t, testEnv, env)
   145  }
   147  func TestCreateEnvironmentSurvey(t *testing.T) {
   148  	tests.SkipForWindows(t, "go-expect does not work on Windows. ")
   149  	// namespace fixture
   150  	namespace := &v1.Namespace{
   151  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   152  			Name:      "jx-testing",
   153  			Namespace: "jx-testing",
   154  		},
   155  	}
   156  	// mock factory
   157  	factory := cmd_mocks.NewMockFactory()
   159  	// mock Kubernetes interface
   160  	kubernetesInterface := kube_mocks.NewSimpleClientset(namespace)
   161  	// Override CreateKubeClient to return mock Kubernetes interface
   162  	When(factory.CreateKubeClient()).ThenReturn(kubernetesInterface, "jx-testing", nil)
   164  	// mock versiond interface
   165  	versiondInterface := versiond_mocks.NewSimpleClientset()
   166  	// Override CreateJXClient to return mock versiond interface
   167  	When(factory.CreateJXClient()).ThenReturn(versiondInterface, "jx-testing", nil)
   169  	// mock apiExtensions interface
   170  	apiextensionsInterface := apiextentions_mocks.NewSimpleClientset()
   171  	// Override CreateApiExtensionsClient to return mock apiextensions interface
   172  	When(factory.CreateApiExtensionsClient()).ThenReturn(apiextensionsInterface, nil)
   174  	console := tests.NewTerminal(t, nil)
   175  	defer console.Cleanup()
   177  	donec := make(chan struct{})
   178  	go func() {
   179  		defer close(donec)
   180  		console.ExpectString("Name:")
   181  		console.SendLine("staging")
   182  		console.ExpectString("Label:")
   183  		console.SendLine("Staging")
   184  		console.ExpectString("Namespace:")
   185  		console.SendLine("jx-testing")
   186  		console.ExpectString("Environment in separate cluster to Dev Environment:")
   187  		console.SendLine("n")
   188  		console.ExpectString("Promotion Strategy:")
   189  		console.SendLine("A")
   190  		console.ExpectString("Order:")
   191  		console.SendLine("1")
   192  		console.ExpectString("We will now create a Git repository to store your staging environment, ok? :")
   193  		console.SendLine("N")
   194  		console.ExpectString("Git URL for the Environment source code:")
   195  		console.SendLine("")
   196  		console.ExpectString("Git branch for the Environment source code:")
   197  		console.SendLine("master")
   198  		console.ExpectEOF()
   199  	}()
   201  	batchMode := false
   202  	authConfigSvc := tests.CreateAuthConfigService()
   203  	devEnv := jenkinsio_v1.Environment{}
   204  	data := jenkinsio_v1.Environment{}
   205  	conf := jenkinsio_v1.Environment{}
   206  	forkEnvGitURL := ""
   207  	ns := "jx-testing"
   208  	envDir := ""
   209  	gitRepoOptions := gits.GitRepositoryOptions{}
   210  	helmValues := config.HelmValuesConfig{
   211  		ExposeController: &config.ExposeController{
   212  			Config: config.ExposeControllerConfig{
   213  				Domain: "",
   214  			},
   215  		},
   216  	}
   217  	prefix := ""
   218  	gitter := git_mocks.NewMockGitter()
   219  	handles := util.IOFileHandles{
   220  		Err: console.Err,
   221  		In:  console.In,
   222  		Out: console.Out,
   223  	}
   225  	_, err := kube.CreateEnvironmentSurvey(
   226  		batchMode,
   227  		authConfigSvc,
   228  		&devEnv,
   229  		&data,
   230  		&conf,
   231  		true,
   232  		forkEnvGitURL,
   233  		ns,
   234  		versiondInterface,
   235  		kubernetesInterface,
   236  		envDir,
   237  		&gitRepoOptions,
   238  		helmValues,
   239  		prefix,
   240  		gitter,
   241  		nil,
   242  		handles,
   243  	)
   244  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Should not error")
   246  	// Close the worker end of the pty, and read the remaining bytes from the master end.
   247  	// Dump the terminal's screen.
   248  	t.Log(expect.StripTrailingEmptyLines(console.CurrentState()))
   249  	console.Close()
   250  	<-donec
   251  }
   253  func TestGetPreviewEnvironmentReleaseName(t *testing.T) {
   254  	t.Parallel()
   256  	tests := []struct {
   257  		env                 *jenkinsio_v1.Environment
   258  		expectedReleaseName string
   259  	}{
   260  		{
   261  			env:                 nil,
   262  			expectedReleaseName: "",
   263  		},
   264  		{
   265  			env:                 &jenkinsio_v1.Environment{},
   266  			expectedReleaseName: "",
   267  		},
   268  		{
   269  			env:                 kube.NewPreviewEnvironment("test"),
   270  			expectedReleaseName: "",
   271  		},
   272  		{
   273  			env: func() *jenkinsio_v1.Environment {
   274  				env := kube.NewPreviewEnvironment("test")
   275  				if env.Annotations == nil {
   276  					env.Annotations = map[string]string{}
   277  				}
   278  				env.Annotations[kube.AnnotationReleaseName] = "release-name"
   279  				return env
   280  			}(),
   281  			expectedReleaseName: "release-name",
   282  		},
   283  	}
   285  	for i, test := range tests {
   286  		releaseName := kube.GetPreviewEnvironmentReleaseName(test.env)
   287  		if releaseName != test.expectedReleaseName {
   288  			t.Errorf("[%d] Expected release name %s but got %s", i, test.expectedReleaseName, releaseName)
   289  		}
   290  	}
   291  }