
     1  package cisetup
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	"strings"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  )
    13  const (
    14  	JenkinsDslFileName = "Jenkinsfile"
    15  	resolverIdTemplate = "%s_RESOLVER"
    16  	deployerIdTemplate = "%s_DEPLOYER"
    17  	homeEnv            = "%[1]s_HOME = '/full/path/to/%[1]s' // Set to the local %[1]s installation path."
    19  	jenkinsfileTemplate2 = `pipeline {
    21  	// More info about the Declarative Pipeline Syntax on
    22  	// Declarative syntax is available from version 3.0.0 of the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin.
    24  	agent any
    26  	%s
    28  	%s
    29  }`
    31  	environmentsTemplate = `
    32  	environment {
    33  		%s
    34  	}`
    36  	allStagesTemplate = `
    37  	stages {
    38  		%s
    39  	}`
    41  	stageTemplate = `
    42  		stage (%q) {
    43  			steps {%s
    44  			}
    45  		}
    46  `
    48  	cloneStepsTemplate = `
    49  				git branch: %q,
    50  				url: %q
    51  				// credentialsId: 'git_cred_id'. If cloning the code requires credentials, set the credentials to your git in Jenkins > Configure System > credentials > "username with password" > ID: "git-cred-id"`
    53  	rtConfigServerStepTemplate = `
    54  				rtServer (
    55  					id: %[1]q,
    56  					url: %[2]q,
    57  					credentialsId: 'rt-cred-id', // Set the credentials to your JFrog instance in Jenkins > Configure System > credentials > "username with password" > ID: "rt-cred-id"
    59   					// bypassProxy: true, (If Jenkins is configured to use an http proxy, you can bypass the proxy when using this Artifactory server)
    60  					// timeout: 300 , (Configure the connection timeout (in seconds). The default value (if not configured) is 300 seconds)
    61  				)
    62  				rt%[3]sDeployer (
    63  					id: %[4]q,
    64  					serverId: %[1]q,
    65  					%[5]s,
    67  					// threads: 6, (Optional - Attach custom properties to the published artifacts)
    68  					// properties: ['key1=value1', 'key2=value2'], (Optional - Attach custom properties to the published artifacts)
    69  				)
    70  				rt%[3]sResolver (
    71  					id: %[6]q,
    72  					serverId: %[1]q,
    73  					%[7]s
    74  				)`
    76  	mavenRepoTemplate = `releaseRepo: %q,
    77  					snapshotRepo: %q`
    79  	singleRepoTemplate = `repo: %q`
    81  	mavenRunStepTemplate = `
    82  				rtMavenRun (
    83  					pom: 'pom.xml', // path to pom.xml file
    84  					goals: %q,
    85  					resolverId: %q,
    86  					deployerId: %q,
    88  					// tool: {build installation name}, (Maven tool installation from jenkins from : Jenkins > Manage jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Maven installations)
    89  					// useWrapper: true, (Set to true if you'd like the build to use the Maven Wrapper.)
    90  					// opts: '-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m', (Optional - Maven options)
    91  				)`
    93  	gradleRunStepTemplate = `
    94  				rtGradleRun (
    95  					buildFile: 'build.gradle',
    96  					tasks: %q,
    97  					rootDir: "",
    98  					resolverId: %q,
    99  					deployerId: %q,
   101  					// tool: {build installation name}, // Jenkins > Gradle jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Gradle installations
   102  				)`
   104  	npmInstallStepTemplate = `
   105  				rtNpmInstall (
   106  					resolverId: %q,
   108  					// tool: {build installation name}, (Npm tool installation from jenkins from : Jenkins > Manage jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > NodeJS installations
   109  				)`
   111  	npmPublishStepTemplate = `
   112  				rtNpmPublish (
   113  					deployerId: %q,
   115  					// tool: {build installation name}, (Npm tool installation from jenkins from : Jenkins > Manage jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > NodeJS installations
   116  					// path: '',  (Optional path to the project root. If not set, the root of the workspace is assumed as the root project path.)
   117  					// javaArgs: '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005' , (Jenkins spawns a new java process during this step's execution. You have the option of passing any java args to this new process.)
   118  				)`
   120  	publishBuildInfoStepsTemplate = `
   121  				rtPublishBuildInfo (
   122  					serverId: %q,
   123  				)`
   124  )
   126  type JenkinsfileDslGenerator struct {
   127  	SetupData *CiSetupData
   128  }
   130  func (jg *JenkinsfileDslGenerator) GenerateDsl() (jenkinsfileBytes []byte, jenkinsfileName string, err error) {
   131  	serviceDetails, err := config.GetSpecificConfig(ConfigServerId, false, false)
   132  	if err != nil {
   133  		return nil, "", err
   134  	}
   135  	// Generate environments sections
   136  	environments := generateEnvironments(jg.SetupData.BuiltTechnology.Type)
   137  	// Generate Stages Section
   138  	cloneStage := generateStage("Clone", fmt.Sprintf(cloneStepsTemplate, jg.SetupData.GitBranch, jg.SetupData.VcsCredentials.Url))
   139  	rtConfigStage := generateStage("Artifactory configuration", generateRtConfigSteps(jg.SetupData.BuiltTechnology, serviceDetails.ArtifactoryUrl))
   140  	execBuildStage := generateBuildStages(jg.SetupData.GetBuildCmdForNativeStep(), jg.SetupData.BuiltTechnology.Type)
   141  	publishBuildInfoStage := generateStage("Publish build info", fmt.Sprintf(publishBuildInfoStepsTemplate, ConfigServerId))
   142  	// Combine all stages together
   143  	stagesString := generateAllStages(cloneStage, rtConfigStage, execBuildStage, publishBuildInfoStage)
   145  	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(jenkinsfileTemplate2, environments, stagesString)), JenkinsDslFileName, nil
   146  }
   148  func generateStage(stageName, steps string) (stageString string) {
   149  	return fmt.Sprintf(stageTemplate, stageName, steps)
   150  }
   152  func generateAllStages(stages ...string) (allStagesString string) {
   153  	allStagesString = ""
   154  	for _, stage := range stages {
   155  		allStagesString += stage
   156  	}
   157  	return fmt.Sprintf(allStagesTemplate, allStagesString)
   158  }
   160  func generateEnvironments(buildType coreutils.Technology) string {
   161  	envs := ""
   162  	switch buildType {
   163  	case coreutils.Maven:
   164  		fallthrough
   165  	case coreutils.Gradle:
   166  		envs += fmt.Sprintf(homeEnv, strings.ToUpper(buildType.String()))
   167  	default:
   168  		envs += ""
   169  	}
   170  	if envs == "" {
   171  		return ""
   172  	}
   173  	return fmt.Sprintf(environmentsTemplate, envs)
   174  }
   176  func generateRtConfigSteps(techInfo *TechnologyInfo, rtUrl string) string {
   177  	var deployerRepos string
   178  	var resolverRepos string
   179  	switch techInfo.Type {
   180  	case coreutils.Maven:
   181  		deployerRepos = fmt.Sprintf(mavenRepoTemplate, techInfo.LocalReleasesRepo, techInfo.LocalSnapshotsRepo)
   182  		resolverRepos = fmt.Sprintf(mavenRepoTemplate, techInfo.VirtualRepo, techInfo.VirtualRepo)
   183  	case coreutils.Gradle:
   184  		fallthrough
   185  	case coreutils.Npm:
   186  		deployerRepos = fmt.Sprintf(singleRepoTemplate, techInfo.LocalReleasesRepo)
   187  		resolverRepos = fmt.Sprintf(singleRepoTemplate, techInfo.VirtualRepo)
   188  	default:
   189  		deployerRepos = "//Build type is not supported at the moment"
   190  		resolverRepos = "//Build type is not supported at the moment"
   191  	}
   192  	buildType := string(techInfo.Type)
   193  	resolverId := fmt.Sprintf(resolverIdTemplate, strings.ToUpper(buildType))
   194  	deployerId := fmt.Sprintf(deployerIdTemplate, strings.ToUpper(buildType))
   195  	return fmt.Sprintf(rtConfigServerStepTemplate, ConfigServerId, rtUrl, cases.Title(language.Und, cases.NoLower).String(buildType), deployerId, deployerRepos, resolverId, resolverRepos)
   196  }
   198  func generateBuildStages(buildCmd string, buildType coreutils.Technology) (buildStages string) {
   199  	buildStages = ""
   200  	resolverId := fmt.Sprintf(resolverIdTemplate, strings.ToUpper(buildType.String()))
   201  	deployerId := fmt.Sprintf(deployerIdTemplate, strings.ToUpper(buildType.String()))
   202  	switch buildType {
   203  	case coreutils.Maven:
   204  		buildStages += generateStage("Exec Maven", fmt.Sprintf(mavenRunStepTemplate, buildCmd, resolverId, deployerId))
   205  	case coreutils.Gradle:
   206  		buildStages += generateStage("Exec Gradle", fmt.Sprintf(gradleRunStepTemplate, buildCmd, resolverId, deployerId))
   207  	case coreutils.Npm:
   208  		buildStages += generateStage("Exec Npm install", fmt.Sprintf(npmInstallStepTemplate, resolverId))
   209  		buildStages += generateStage("Exec Npm publish", fmt.Sprintf(npmPublishStepTemplate, deployerId))
   210  	default:
   211  		buildStages = "//Build type is not supported at the moment"
   212  	}
   213  	return buildStages
   214  }