
     1  package npm
     3  import (
     4  	"os"
     5  	"path/filepath"
     6  	"strings"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  func TestPrepareConfigData(t *testing.T) {
    13  	currentDir, err := os.Getwd()
    14  	assert.NoError(t, err)
    15  	testdataPath := filepath.Join(currentDir, "artifactory", "commands", "testdata")
    16  	testdataPath, err = filepath.Abs(testdataPath)
    17  	assert.NoError(t, err)
    18  	configBefore := []byte(
    19  		"json=true\n" +
    20  			"user-agent=npm/5.5.1 node/v8.9.1 darwin x64\n" +
    21  			"metrics-registry=http://somebadregistry\nscope=\n" +
    22  			"//reg=ddddd\n" +
    23  			"@jfrog:registry=http://somebadregistry\n" +
    24  			"registry=http://somebadregistry\n" +
    25  			"email=ddd@dd.dd\n" +
    26  			"allow-same-version=false\n" +
    27  			"cache-lock-retries=10")
    29  	expectedConfig :=
    30  		[]string{
    31  			"json = true",
    32  			"allow-same-version=false",
    33  			"user-agent=npm/5.5.1 node/v8.9.1 darwin x64",
    34  			"@jfrog:registry = http://goodRegistry",
    35  			"email=ddd@dd.dd",
    36  			"cache-lock-retries=10",
    37  			"registry = http://goodRegistry",
    38  			"_auth = YWRtaW46QVBCN1ZkZFMzN3NCakJiaHRGZThVb0JlZzFl"}
    40  	npmi := NpmCommandArgs{registry: "http://goodRegistry", jsonOutput: true, npmAuth: "_auth = YWRtaW46QVBCN1ZkZFMzN3NCakJiaHRGZThVb0JlZzFl"}
    41  	configAfter, err := npmi.prepareConfigData(configBefore)
    42  	if err != nil {
    43  		t.Error(err)
    44  	}
    45  	actualConfigArray := strings.Split(string(configAfter), "\n")
    46  	for _, eConfig := range expectedConfig {
    47  		found := false
    48  		for _, aConfig := range actualConfigArray {
    49  			if aConfig == eConfig {
    50  				found = true
    51  				break
    52  			}
    53  		}
    54  		if !found {
    55  			t.Errorf("The expected config: %s is missing from the actual configuration list:\n %s", eConfig, actualConfigArray)
    56  		}
    57  	}
    58  }
    60  func TestPrepareConfigDataTypeRestriction(t *testing.T) {
    61  	var typeRestrictions = map[string]typeRestriction{
    62  		"production=\"true\"":          prodOnly,
    63  		"production=true":              prodOnly,
    64  		"only = prod":                  prodOnly,
    65  		"only=production":              prodOnly,
    66  		"only = development":           devOnly,
    67  		"only=dev":                     devOnly,
    68  		"only=":                        defaultRestriction,
    69  		"omit = [\"dev\"]\ndev = true": prodOnly,
    70  		"omit = [\"abc\"]\ndev = true": all,
    71  		"only=dev\nomit = [\"abc\"]":   all,
    72  		"dev=true\nomit = [\"dev\"]":   prodOnly,
    73  		"kuku=true":                    defaultRestriction}
    75  	for json, typeRestriction := range typeRestrictions {
    76  		npmi := NpmCommandArgs{}
    77  		npmi.prepareConfigData([]byte(json))
    78  		if npmi.typeRestriction != typeRestriction {
    79  			t.Errorf("Type restriction was supposed to be %d but set to: %d when using the json:\n%s", typeRestriction, npmi.typeRestriction, json)
    80  		}
    81  	}
    82  }
    84  func TestParseDependencies(t *testing.T) {
    85  	dependenciesJsonList, err := os.ReadFile("../testdata/dependenciesList.json")
    86  	if err != nil {
    87  		t.Error(err)
    88  	}
    90  	expectedDependenciesList := []struct {
    91  		Key        string
    92  		pathToRoot [][]string
    93  	}{
    94  		{"underscore:1.4.4", [][]string{{"binary-search-tree:0.2.4", "nedb:1.0.2", "root"}}},
    95  		{"@jfrog/npm_scoped:1.0.0", [][]string{{"root"}}},
    96  		{"xml:1.0.1", [][]string{{"root"}}},
    97  		{"xpm:0.1.1", [][]string{{"@jfrog/npm_scoped:1.0.0", "root"}}},
    98  		{"binary-search-tree:0.2.4", [][]string{{"nedb:1.0.2", "root"}}},
    99  		{"nedb:1.0.2", [][]string{{"root"}}},
   100  		{"@ilg/es6-promisifier:0.1.9", [][]string{{"@ilg/cli-start-options:0.1.19", "xpm:0.1.1", "@jfrog/npm_scoped:1.0.0", "root"}}},
   101  		{"wscript-avoider:3.0.2", [][]string{{"@ilg/cli-start-options:0.1.19", "xpm:0.1.1", "@jfrog/npm_scoped:1.0.0", "root"}}},
   102  		{"yaml:0.2.3", [][]string{{"root"}}},
   103  		{"@ilg/cli-start-options:0.1.19", [][]string{{"xpm:0.1.1", "@jfrog/npm_scoped:1.0.0", "root"}}},
   104  		{"async:0.2.10", [][]string{{"nedb:1.0.2", "root"}}},
   105  		{"find:0.2.7", [][]string{{"root"}}},
   106  		{"jquery:3.2.0", [][]string{{"root"}}},
   107  		{"nub:1.0.0", [][]string{{"find:0.2.7", "root"}, {"root"}}},
   108  		{"shopify-liquid:1.d7.9", [][]string{{"xpm:0.1.1", "@jfrog/npm_scoped:1.0.0", "root"}}},
   109  	}
   110  	npmi := NpmCommandArgs{}
   111  	npmi.dependencies = make(map[string]*dependency)
   112  	err = npmi.parseDependencies([]byte(dependenciesJsonList), "myScope", []string{"root"})
   113  	if err != nil {
   114  		t.Error(err)
   115  	}
   116  	if len(expectedDependenciesList) != len(npmi.dependencies) {
   117  		t.Error("The expected dependencies list length is", len(expectedDependenciesList), "and should be:\n", expectedDependenciesList,
   118  			"\nthe actual dependencies list length is", len(npmi.dependencies), "and the list is:\n", npmi.dependencies)
   119  		t.Error("The expected dependencies list length is", len(expectedDependenciesList), "and should be:\n", expectedDependenciesList,
   120  			"\nthe actual dependencies list length is", len(npmi.dependencies), "and the list is:\n", npmi.dependencies)
   121  	}
   122  	for _, eDependency := range expectedDependenciesList {
   123  		found := false
   124  		for aDependency, v := range npmi.dependencies {
   125  			if aDependency == eDependency.Key && assert.ElementsMatch(t, v.pathToRoot, eDependency.pathToRoot) {
   126  				found = true
   127  				break
   128  			}
   129  		}
   130  		if !found {
   131  			t.Error("The expected dependency:", eDependency, "is missing from the actual dependencies list:\n", npmi.dependencies)
   132  		}
   133  	}
   134  }