
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"crypto/tls"
     6  	"encoding/csv"
     7  	"encoding/json"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	"io"
    13  	"net"
    14  	"net/http"
    15  	"net/url"
    16  	"os"
    17  	"os/exec"
    18  	"path"
    19  	"path/filepath"
    20  	"reflect"
    21  	"sort"
    22  	"strconv"
    23  	"strings"
    24  	"testing"
    25  	"time"
    27  	""
    28  	coretests ""
    30  	""
    31  	gofrogio ""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	cliproxy ""
    40  	""
    41  	accessServices ""
    42  	""
    43  	rtutils ""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	clientutils ""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  )
    56  // JFrog CLI for Artifactory commands
    57  var artifactoryCli *tests.JfrogCli
    59  // JFrog CLI for config command only (doesn't pass the --ssh-passphrase flag)
    60  var configCli *tests.JfrogCli
    62  var serverDetails *config.ServerDetails
    63  var artAuth auth.ServiceDetails
    64  var artHttpDetails httputils.HttpClientDetails
    66  func InitArtifactoryTests() {
    67  	initArtifactoryCli()
    68  	cleanUpOldBuilds()
    69  	cleanUpOldRepositories()
    70  	cleanUpOldUsers()
    71  	tests.AddTimestampToGlobalVars()
    72  	createRequiredRepos()
    73  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
    74  }
    76  func authenticate(configCli bool) string {
    77  	serverDetails = &config.ServerDetails{ArtifactoryUrl: clientutils.AddTrailingSlashIfNeeded(*tests.RtUrl), SshKeyPath: *tests.RtSshKeyPath, SshPassphrase: *tests.RtSshPassphrase}
    78  	var cred string
    79  	if configCli {
    80  		cred += "--artifactory-url=" + *tests.RtUrl
    81  	} else {
    82  		cred += "--url=" + *tests.RtUrl
    83  	}
    84  	if !fileutils.IsSshUrl(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl) {
    85  		if *tests.RtApiKey != "" {
    86  			serverDetails.ApiKey = *tests.RtApiKey
    87  		} else if *tests.RtAccessToken != "" {
    88  			serverDetails.AccessToken = *tests.RtAccessToken
    89  		} else {
    90  			serverDetails.User = *tests.RtUser
    91  			serverDetails.Password = *tests.RtPassword
    92  		}
    93  	}
    94  	cred += getArtifactoryTestCredentials()
    95  	var err error
    96  	if artAuth, err = serverDetails.CreateArtAuthConfig(); err != nil {
    97  		coreutils.ExitOnErr(errors.New("Failed while attempting to authenticate with Artifactory: " + err.Error()))
    98  	}
    99  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = artAuth.GetUrl()
   100  	serverDetails.SshUrl = artAuth.GetSshUrl()
   101  	serverDetails.AccessUrl = clientutils.AddTrailingSlashIfNeeded(*tests.AccessUrl)
   102  	artHttpDetails = artAuth.CreateHttpClientDetails()
   103  	return cred
   104  }
   106  // A Jfrog CLI to be used to execute a config task.
   107  // Removed the ssh-passphrase flag that cannot be passed to with a config command
   108  func createConfigJfrogCLI(cred string) *tests.JfrogCli {
   109  	if strings.Contains(cred, " --ssh-passphrase=") {
   110  		cred = strings.Replace(cred, " --ssh-passphrase="+*tests.RtSshPassphrase, "", -1)
   111  	}
   112  	return tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog config", cred)
   113  }
   115  func getArtifactoryTestCredentials() string {
   116  	if fileutils.IsSshUrl(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl) {
   117  		return getSshCredentials()
   118  	}
   119  	if *tests.RtApiKey != "" {
   120  		return " --apikey=" + *tests.RtApiKey
   121  	}
   122  	if *tests.RtAccessToken != "" {
   123  		return " --access-token=" + *tests.RtAccessToken
   124  	}
   125  	return " --user=" + *tests.RtUser + " --password=" + *tests.RtPassword
   126  }
   128  func getSshCredentials() string {
   129  	cred := ""
   130  	if *tests.RtSshKeyPath != "" {
   131  		cred += " --ssh-key-path=" + *tests.RtSshKeyPath
   132  	}
   133  	if *tests.RtSshPassphrase != "" {
   134  		cred += " --ssh-passphrase=" + *tests.RtSshPassphrase
   135  	}
   136  	return cred
   137  }
   139  func TestArtifactorySimpleUploadSpec(t *testing.T) {
   140  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   141  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadFlatRecursive)
   142  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   143  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
   144  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
   145  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   146  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
   147  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   148  }
   150  func TestArtifactorySimpleUploadWithWildcardSpec(t *testing.T) {
   151  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   152  	// Init tmp dir
   153  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadTempWildcard)
   154  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   155  	err = fileutils.CopyDir(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"cache", filepath.Dir(specFile), true, nil)
   156  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   157  	// Upload
   158  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
   159  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
   160  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   161  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleWildcardUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
   162  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   163  }
   165  // This test is similar to TestArtifactorySimpleUploadSpec but using "--server-id" flag
   166  func TestArtifactorySimpleUploadSpecUsingConfig(t *testing.T) {
   167  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   168  	passphrase, err := createServerConfigAndReturnPassphrase()
   169  	defer deleteServerConfig()
   170  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   171  	artifactoryCommandExecutor := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", "")
   172  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadFlatRecursive)
   173  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   174  	artifactoryCommandExecutor.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile, "--server-id="+tests.RtServerId, passphrase)
   176  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
   177  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   178  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
   179  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   180  }
   182  func TestArtifactoryUploadPathWithSpecialCharsAsNoRegex(t *testing.T) {
   183  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   184  	filePath := getSpecialCharFilePath()
   186  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1)
   187  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
   188  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   190  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
   191  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   192  }
   194  func TestArtifactoryEmptyBuild(t *testing.T) {
   195  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   196  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
   197  	buildNumber := "5"
   199  	// Try to upload with non existent pattern
   200  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "*.notExist", tests.RtRepo1, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumber)
   201  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   203  	// Try to download with non existent pattern
   204  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/*.notExist", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumber)
   205  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   207  	// Publish empty build info
   208  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumber)
   209  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   211  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
   212  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   213  }
   215  func TestArtifactoryDownloadFromVirtual(t *testing.T) {
   216  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   218  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false")
   219  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtVirtualRepo+"/testdata/(*)", tests.Out+"/"+"{1}", "--flat=true")
   221  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   222  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(tests.GetVirtualDownloadExpected(), paths, t)
   224  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   225  }
   227  func TestArtifactoryDownloadPathWithSpecialChars(t *testing.T) {
   228  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   229  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", getSpecialCharFilePath(), tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false")
   230  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/c#/", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false")
   232  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/a$+~&^a#/a*", tests.Out+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--flat=true")
   233  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/c#/", tests.Out+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--flat=true")
   235  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   236  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, ""), filepath.Join(tests.Out, "")}, paths, t)
   238  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   239  }
   241  func TestArtifactoryDownloadPatternWithUnicodeChars(t *testing.T) {
   242  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   243  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/unicode/", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false")
   245  	// Verify files exist
   246  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   247  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   248  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetDownloadUnicode(), specFile, t)
   250  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/unicode/(dirλrectory)/", filepath.Join(tests.Out, "{1}")+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--flat=true")
   252  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   253  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical([]string{
   254  		tests.Out,
   255  		filepath.Join(tests.Out, "dirλrectory"),
   256  		filepath.Join(tests.Out, "dirλrectory", "文件.in"),
   257  		filepath.Join(tests.Out, "dirλrectory", "aȩ.ȥ1"),
   258  	}, paths)
   259  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   261  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   262  }
   264  func TestArtifactoryConcurrentDownload(t *testing.T) {
   265  	testArtifactoryDownload(cliutils.DownloadMinSplitKb*1000, t)
   266  }
   268  func TestArtifactoryBulkDownload(t *testing.T) {
   269  	testArtifactoryDownload(cliutils.DownloadMinSplitKb*1000-1, t)
   270  }
   272  func testArtifactoryDownload(fileSize int, t *testing.T) {
   273  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   274  	err := fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   275  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   276  	randFile, err := gofrogio.CreateRandFile(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "randFile"), fileSize)
   277  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   278  	localFileDetails, err := fileutils.GetFileDetails(randFile.Name())
   279  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   281  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", randFile.Name(), tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/", "--flat=true")
   282  	randFile.File.Close()
   283  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   284  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/", tests.Out+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--flat=true")
   286  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   287  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   288  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, "randFile")}, paths, t)
   289  	tests.ValidateChecksums(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "randFile"), localFileDetails.Checksum, t)
   290  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   291  }
   293  func TestArtifactoryDownloadWildcardInRepo(t *testing.T) {
   294  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   295  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   297  	// Upload a file to repo1 and another one to repo2
   298  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/")
   299  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo2+"/path/")
   301  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadWildcardRepo)
   302  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   304  	// Verify the 2 files exist using `*` in the repository name
   305  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetDownloadWildcardRepo(), specFile, t)
   307  	// Download the 2 files with `*` in the repository name
   308  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", "--spec="+specFile)
   309  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   310  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   311  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, ""), filepath.Join(tests.Out, "")}, paths, t)
   312  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   313  }
   315  func TestArtifactoryDownloadPlaceholderInRepo(t *testing.T) {
   316  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   317  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   319  	// Upload a file to repo1 and another one to repo2
   320  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/")
   321  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo2+"/path/")
   323  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadWildcardRepo)
   324  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   326  	// Verify the 2 files exist
   327  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetDownloadWildcardRepo(), specFile, t)
   329  	// Download the 2 files with placeholders in the repository name
   330  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1And2Placeholder, tests.Out+"/a/{1}/", "--flat=true")
   331  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   332  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   333  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, "a", "1", ""), filepath.Join(tests.Out, "a", "2", "")}, paths, t)
   334  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   335  }
   337  func TestArtifactoryCopySingleFileNonFlat(t *testing.T) {
   338  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   339  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   341  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/")
   342  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path/", tests.RtRepo2)
   343  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   344  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   345  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopy(), searchPath, t)
   346  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   347  }
   349  func TestArtifactoryCopyPrefixFilesFlat(t *testing.T) {
   350  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   352  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/prefix/(*)", tests.RtRepo1+"/prefix/prefix-{1}")
   353  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/prefix/*", tests.RtRepo2, "--flat")
   354  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   355  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   356  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetPrefixFilesCopy(), searchPath, t)
   357  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   358  }
   360  func TestAqlFindingItemOnRoot(t *testing.T) {
   361  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   362  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   364  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   365  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/someFile", "--flat=true")
   366  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", tests.RtRepo2)
   367  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   368  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   369  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAnyItemCopy(), searchPath, t)
   370  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo2+"/*")
   371  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo1+"/*")
   372  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/")
   373  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/someFile", "--flat=true")
   374  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*/", tests.RtRepo2)
   375  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopy(), searchPath, t)
   376  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   377  }
   379  func TestExitCode(t *testing.T) {
   380  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   382  	// Upload dummy file in order to test move and copy commands
   383  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "a", ""), tests.RtRepo1)
   385  	// Discard output logging to prevent negative logs
   386  	previousLogger := tests.RedirectLogOutputToNil()
   387  	defer log.SetLogger(previousLogger)
   389  	// Test upload commands
   390  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "DummyText", tests.RtRepo1, "--fail-no-op=true")
   391  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeError, err)
   392  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "a", ""), "DummyTargetPath")
   393  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeError, err)
   394  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/(*.dummyExt)", tests.RtRepo1+"/{1}.in", "--fail-no-op=true")
   395  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   397  	// Test download command
   398  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", "DummyFolder", "--fail-no-op=true")
   399  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   401  	// Test move commands
   402  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("move", tests.RtRepo1, "DummyTargetPath")
   403  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeError, err)
   404  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("move", "DummyText", tests.RtRepo1, "--fail-no-op=true")
   405  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   407  	// Test copy commands
   408  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("copy", tests.RtRepo1, "DummyTargetPath")
   409  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeError, err)
   410  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("copy", "DummyText", tests.RtRepo1, "--fail-no-op=true")
   411  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   413  	// Test delete command
   414  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", "DummyText", "--fail-no-op=true")
   415  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   417  	// Test search command
   418  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("s", "DummyText", "--fail-no-op=true")
   419  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   421  	// Test props commands
   422  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", "DummyText", "prop=val;key=value", "--fail-no-op=true")
   423  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   424  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("delp", "DummyText", "prop=val;key=value", "--fail-no-op=true")
   425  	checkExitCode(t, coreutils.ExitCodeFailNoOp, err)
   427  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   428  }
   430  func checkExitCode(t *testing.T, expected coreutils.ExitCode, er error) {
   431  	switch underlyingType := er.(type) {
   432  	case coreutils.CliError:
   433  		assert.Equal(t, expected, underlyingType.ExitCode)
   434  	default:
   435  		assert.Fail(t, "Exit code expected error code %v, got %v", expected.Code, er)
   436  	}
   437  }
   438  func TestArtifactoryDirectoryCopy(t *testing.T) {
   439  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   440  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   442  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/")
   443  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path/", tests.RtRepo2)
   444  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   445  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   446  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopy(), searchPath, t)
   447  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   448  }
   450  func TestArtifactoryDirectoryCopyUsingWildcard(t *testing.T) {
   451  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   452  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   454  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/")
   455  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*/", tests.RtRepo2)
   456  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   457  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   458  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopy(), searchPath, t)
   459  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   460  }
   462  func TestArtifactoryCopyFilesNameWithParentheses(t *testing.T) {
   463  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   465  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/b/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false")
   466  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(/(.in", tests.RtRepo2)
   467  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(b/(", tests.RtRepo2)
   468  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/b(/b(.in", tests.RtRepo2)
   469  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/b)/b).in", tests.RtRepo2)
   470  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(b)/(b).in", tests.RtRepo2)
   471  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/)b/)", tests.RtRepo2)
   472  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/)b)/)b).in", tests.RtRepo2)
   473  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(b/(", tests.RtRepo2+"/()/", "--flat=true")
   474  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(b)/(b).in", tests.RtRepo2+"/()/")
   475  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/b(/b(.in", tests.RtRepo2+"/(/", "--flat=true")
   476  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(/(*.in)", tests.RtRepo2+"/c/{1}.zip", "--flat=true")
   477  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/(/(*.in)", tests.RtRepo2+"/(/{1}.zip")
   478  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/b(/(b*.in)", tests.RtRepo2+"/(/{1}-up", "--flat=true")
   479  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/testdata/b/b(/(*).(*)", tests.RtRepo2+"/(/{2}-{1}", "--flat=true")
   481  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   482  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   483  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetCopyFileNameWithParentheses(), searchPath, t)
   485  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   486  }
   488  func TestArtifactoryCreateUsers(t *testing.T) {
   489  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   490  	usersCSVPath := "testdata/usersmanagement/users.csv"
   491  	randomUsersCSVPath, err := tests.ReplaceTemplateVariables(usersCSVPath, "")
   492  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   493  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("users-create", "--csv="+randomUsersCSVPath)
   494  	// Clean up
   495  	defer func() {
   496  		err = artifactoryCli.Exec("users-delete", "--csv="+randomUsersCSVPath)
   497  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   498  		cleanArtifactoryTest()
   499  	}()
   500  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   502  	verifyUsersExistInArtifactory(randomUsersCSVPath, t)
   503  }
   505  func verifyUsersExistInArtifactory(csvFilePath string, t *testing.T) {
   506  	// Parse input CSV
   507  	content, err := os.Open(csvFilePath)
   508  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   509  	csvReader := csv.NewReader(content)
   510  	// Ignore the header
   511  	csvReader.Read()
   512  	for {
   513  		// Read each record from csv
   514  		record, err := csvReader.Read()
   515  		if err == io.EOF {
   516  			break
   517  		}
   518  		user, password := record[0], record[1]
   519  		err = tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", "--url="+serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl+" --user="+user+" --password="+password).Exec("ping")
   520  		assert.NoError(t, err)
   521  	}
   523  }
   525  func TestArtifactoryUploadFilesNameWithParenthesis(t *testing.T) {
   526  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   528  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadFileWithParenthesesSpec)
   529  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   530  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
   532  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   533  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   534  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadFileNameWithParentheses(), searchPath, t)
   536  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   537  }
   539  func TestArtifactoryDownloadFilesNameWithParenthesis(t *testing.T) {
   540  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   542  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/b/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false")
   543  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1), tests.Out+"/")
   545  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   546  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   547  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(tests.GetFileWithParenthesesDownload(), paths, t)
   549  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   550  }
   551  func TestArtifactoryDownloadDotAsTarget(t *testing.T) {
   552  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   553  	assert.NoError(t, fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out))
   554  	randFile, err := gofrogio.CreateRandFile(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "DownloadDotAsTarget"), 100000)
   555  	randFile.File.Close()
   556  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/p-modules/", "--flat=true"))
   557  	assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(tests.Out))
   558  	assert.NoError(t, fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out))
   560  	wd, err := os.Getwd()
   561  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   562  	os.Chdir(tests.Out)
   564  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/p-modules/DownloadDotAsTarget", "."))
   565  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(wd))
   567  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   568  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   569  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{tests.Out, filepath.Join(tests.Out, "p-modules"), filepath.Join(tests.Out, "p-modules", "DownloadDotAsTarget")}, paths, t)
   570  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   571  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   572  }
   574  func TestArtifactoryDirectoryCopyUsingWildcardFlat(t *testing.T) {
   575  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   576  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   578  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   579  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner", tests.RtRepo2, "--flat=true")
   580  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   581  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   583  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleDirectoryCopyFlat(), searchPath, t)
   584  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   585  }
   587  func TestArtifactoryCopyPathsTwice(t *testing.T) {
   588  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   589  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   590  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   592  	log.Info("Copy Folder to root twice")
   593  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path", tests.RtRepo2)
   594  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   595  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   597  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopyFullPath(), searchPath, t)
   598  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path", tests.RtRepo2)
   599  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopyFullPath(), searchPath, t)
   600  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo2)
   602  	log.Info("Copy to from repo1/path to repo2/path twice")
   603  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path", tests.RtRepo2+"/path")
   604  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleFileCopyFullPath(), searchPath, t)
   605  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path", tests.RtRepo2+"/path")
   606  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetFolderCopyTwice(), searchPath, t)
   607  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo2)
   609  	log.Info("Copy to from repo1/path/ to repo2/path/ twice")
   610  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path/", tests.RtRepo2+"/path/")
   611  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleInnerFileCopyFullPath(), searchPath, t)
   612  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path/", tests.RtRepo2+"/path/")
   613  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSingleInnerFileCopyFullPath(), searchPath, t)
   614  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo2)
   616  	log.Info("Copy to from repo1/path/ to repo2/path/ twice")
   617  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path", tests.RtRepo2+"/path/")
   618  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetFolderCopyIntoFolder(), searchPath, t)
   619  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path", tests.RtRepo2+"/path/")
   620  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetFolderCopyIntoFolder(), searchPath, t)
   621  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo2)
   623  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   624  }
   626  func TestArtifactoryDirectoryCopyPatternEndsWithSlash(t *testing.T) {
   627  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   628  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   630  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   631  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/path/", tests.RtRepo2, "--flat=true")
   632  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   633  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   634  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAnyItemCopyUsingSpec(), searchPath, t)
   635  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   636  }
   638  func TestArtifactoryCopyAnyItemUsingWildcardFlat(t *testing.T) {
   639  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   640  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   642  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   643  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/someFile", "--flat=true")
   644  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", tests.RtRepo2)
   645  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   646  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   648  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAnyItemCopy(), searchPath, t)
   649  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   650  }
   652  func TestArtifactoryCopyAnyItemRecursive(t *testing.T) {
   653  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   654  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   656  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/a/b/")
   657  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/aFile", "--flat=true")
   658  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a*", tests.RtRepo2, "--recursive=true")
   659  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   660  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   661  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAnyItemCopyRecursive(), searchPath, t)
   662  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   663  }
   665  func TestArtifactoryCopyAndRenameFolder(t *testing.T) {
   666  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   667  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   669  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   670  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", tests.RtRepo2+"/newPath")
   671  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   672  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   673  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetCopyFolderRename(), searchPath, t)
   674  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   675  }
   677  func TestArtifactoryCopyAnyItemUsingSpec(t *testing.T) {
   678  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   679  	var filePath = getSpecialCharFilePath()
   681  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyItemsSpec)
   682  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   683  	searchPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
   684  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   685  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/path/inner/")
   686  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1+"/someFile", "--flat=true")
   687  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", "--spec="+specFile)
   688  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAnyItemCopyUsingSpec(), searchPath, t)
   689  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   690  }
   692  func getSpecialCharFilePath() string {
   693  	return "testdata/a$+~&^a#/a*"
   694  }
   696  func getAntPatternFilePath() string {
   697  	return "testdata/cache/downloa?/**/*.in"
   698  }
   700  func TestArtifactoryCopyNoSpec(t *testing.T) {
   701  	testCopyMoveNoSpec("cp", tests.GetBuildBeforeCopyExpected(), tests.GetBuildCopyExpected(), t)
   702  }
   704  func TestArtifactoryCopyExcludeByCli(t *testing.T) {
   705  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   707  	// Upload files
   708  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
   709  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   710  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
   711  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   712  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
   713  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
   715  	// Copy by pattern
   716  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", tests.RtRepo2+"/", "--exclude-patterns=*b*;*c*")
   718  	// Validate files are moved by build number
   719  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
   720  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   721  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildCopyExclude(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
   723  	// Cleanup
   724  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   725  }
   727  func TestArtifactoryCopyExcludeBySpec(t *testing.T) {
   728  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   730  	// Upload files
   731  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
   732  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   733  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
   734  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   735  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
   736  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
   738  	// Copy by spec
   739  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.MoveCopySpecExclude)
   740  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   741  	artifactoryCli.Exec("cp", "--spec="+specFile)
   742  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
   743  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   745  	// Validate files are moved by build number
   746  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildCopyExclude(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
   748  	// Cleanup
   749  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   750  }
   752  func TestArtifactoryUploadDebian(t *testing.T) {
   753  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   754  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DebianUploadSpec)
   755  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   756  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile, "--deb=bionic/main/i386")
   757  	verifyExistInArtifactoryByProps(tests.GetUploadDebianExpected(), tests.RtDebianRepo+"/*", "deb.distribution=bionic;deb.component=main;deb.architecture=i386", t)
   758  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile, "--deb=cosmic/main\\/18.10/amd64")
   759  	verifyExistInArtifactoryByProps(tests.GetUploadDebianExpected(), tests.RtDebianRepo+"/*", "deb.distribution=cosmic;deb.component=main/18.10;deb.architecture=amd64", t)
   760  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   761  }
   763  func TestArtifactoryUploadAndExplode(t *testing.T) {
   764  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   765  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filepath.Join("testdata", "archives", ""), tests.RtRepo1, "--explode=true")
   766  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
   767  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   768  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetExplodeUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
   769  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   770  }
   772  func TestArtifactoryUploadAndSyncDelete(t *testing.T) {
   773  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   774  	// Upload all testdata/a/
   775  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "a", "*"), tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--flat=false")
   776  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   777  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   778  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadExpectedRepo1SyncDeleteStep1(), searchFilePath, t)
   779  	// Upload testdata/a/b/* and sync syncDir/testdata/a/b/
   780  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "a", "b", "*"), tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--sync-deletes="+tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/testdata/a/b/", "--flat=false")
   781  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   782  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   783  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadExpectedRepo1SyncDeleteStep2(), searchFilePath, t)
   784  	// Upload testdata/archives/* and sync syncDir/
   785  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "archives", "*"), tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--sync-deletes="+tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/")
   786  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   787  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   788  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadExpectedRepo1SyncDeleteStep3(), searchFilePath, t)
   789  	// Upload testdata/b/ and sync syncDir/testdata/b/b
   790  	// Noticed that testdata/c/ includes sub folders with special chars like '-' and '#'
   791  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "c", "*"), tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--sync-deletes="+tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--flat=false")
   792  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   793  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   794  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadExpectedRepo1SyncDeleteStep4(), searchFilePath, t)
   796  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   797  }
   799  func TestArtifactoryDownloadAndExplode(t *testing.T) {
   800  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   801  	err := fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   802  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   804  	randFile, err := gofrogio.CreateRandFile(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "randFile"), 100000)
   805  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   807  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{randFile.Name()}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, "concurrent.tar.gz"))
   808  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   809  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{randFile.Name()}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, "bulk.tar"))
   810  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   811  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{randFile.Name()}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, ""))
   812  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   813  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=true")
   814  	randFile.File.Close()
   815  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   816  	// Download 'concurrent.tar.gz' as 'concurrent' file name and explode it.
   817  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "concurrent.tar.gz"), tests.Out+"/concurrent", "--explode=true"))
   818  	// Download 'concurrent.tar.gz' and explode it.
   819  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "concurrent.tar.gz"), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true"))
   820  	// Download 'concurrent.tar.gz' without explode it.
   821  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "concurrent.tar.gz"), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=false"))
   822  	// Try to explode the archive that already been downloaded.
   823  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "concurrent.tar.gz"), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true"))
   824  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   825  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "randFile"), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true"))
   826  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "concurrent.tar.gz"), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=false"))
   827  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "bulk.tar"), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true"))
   828  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, ""), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true"))
   829  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownload)
   831  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   832  }
   834  func TestArtifactoryDownloadAndExplodeCurDirAsTarget(t *testing.T) {
   835  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   836  	err := fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   837  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   839  	randFile, err := gofrogio.CreateRandFile(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "DownloadAndExplodeCurDirTarget"), 100000)
   840  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   842  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{randFile.Name()}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, "curDir.tar.gz"))
   843  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   845  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=true")
   846  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/p-modules/", "--flat=true"))
   847  	randFile.File.Close()
   848  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   850  	// Change working dir to tests temp "out" dir
   851  	assert.NoError(t, fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out))
   852  	wd, err := os.Getwd()
   853  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   854  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(tests.Out))
   856  	// Dot as target
   857  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/p-modules/curDir.tar.gz", ".", "--explode=true"))
   858  	// Changing current working dir to "out" dir
   859  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(wd))
   860  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadCurDir)
   861  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(tests.Out))
   863  	// No target
   864  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/p-modules/curDir.tar.gz", "--explode=true"))
   865  	// Changing working dir for testing
   866  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(wd))
   867  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadCurDir)
   868  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(tests.Out))
   870  	assert.NoError(t, os.Chdir(wd))
   871  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   872  }
   874  func TestArtifactoryDownloadAndExplodeFlat(t *testing.T) {
   875  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   876  	err := fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   877  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   879  	file1, err := gofrogio.CreateRandFile(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "file1"), 100000)
   880  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   882  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{file1.Name()}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, "flat.tar"))
   883  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   884  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{tests.Out + "/flat.tar"}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, ""))
   885  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   887  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/checkFlat/dir/")
   888  	file1.File.Close()
   889  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   890  	assert.NoError(t, fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out))
   892  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "checkFlat", "dir", "flat.tar"), tests.Out+"/checkFlat/", "--explode=true", "--flat=true", "--min-split=50"))
   893  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "checkFlat", "dir", ""), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true", "--flat=false"))
   894  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadFlatFalse)
   895  	// Explode 'flat.tar' while the file exists in the file system using --flat
   896  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "checkFlat", "dir", ""), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true", "--flat=false"))
   897  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "checkFlat", "dir", "flat.tar"), tests.Out+"/checkFlat/dir/", "--explode=true", "--flat", "--min-split=50"))
   898  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadTarFileFlatFalse)
   900  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   901  }
   903  func TestArtifactoryDownloadAndExplodeConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
   904  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   905  	err := fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   906  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   908  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "archives", ""), tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=true")
   909  	assert.NoError(t, fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out))
   910  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, ""), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true", "--min-split=50"))
   911  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadConcurrent)
   912  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, ""), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=false", "--min-split=50"))
   913  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetArchiveConcurrent)
   914  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, ""), tests.Out+"/", "--explode=true", "--split-count=15", "--min-split=50"))
   915  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadConcurrent)
   917  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   918  }
   920  func TestArtifactoryDownloadAndExplodeSpecialChars(t *testing.T) {
   921  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   922  	err := fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   923  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   924  	file1, err := gofrogio.CreateRandFile(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "file $+~&^a#1"), 1000)
   925  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   926  	err = archiver.Archive([]string{file1.Name()}, filepath.Join(tests.Out, "a$+~&^a#.tar"))
   927  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   929  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/dir/", "--flat=true")
   930  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   931  	err = fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out)
   932  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   933  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/dir/a$+~&^a#.tar", tests.Out+"/dir $+~&^a# test/", "--flat=true", "--explode")
   934  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/dir/a$+~&^a#.tar", tests.Out+"/dir $+~&^a# test/", "--flat=false", "--explode")
   935  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadTarFileSpecialChars)
   936  	// Concurrently download
   937  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/dir/a$+~&^a#.tar", tests.Out+"/dir $+~&^a# test/", "--flat=true", "--explode", "--min-split=50")
   938  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/dir/a$+~&^a#.tar", tests.Out+"/dir $+~&^a# test/", "--flat=false", "--explode", "--min-split=50")
   939  	verifyExistAndCleanDir(t, tests.GetExtractedDownloadTarFileSpecialChars)
   940  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   941  }
   943  func verifyExistAndCleanDir(t *testing.T, GetExtractedDownload func() []string) {
   944  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   945  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   946  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(GetExtractedDownload(), paths, t)
   947  	os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
   948  	assert.NoError(t, fileutils.CreateDirIfNotExist(tests.Out))
   949  }
   951  func TestArtifactoryUploadAsArchive(t *testing.T) {
   952  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   954  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadAsArchive)
   955  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   956  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
   957  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   958  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadAsArchive(), searchFilePath, t)
   960  	// Verify the properties are valid
   961  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchAllRepo1)
   962  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems))
   963  	for _, item := range resultItems {
   964  		if item.Name != "" {
   965  			assert.Zero(t, len(item.Properties))
   966  			continue
   967  		}
   968  		properties := item.Properties
   969  		assert.Equal(t, 3, len(properties))
   971  		// Sort the properties alphabetically by key and value to make the comparison easier
   972  		sort.Slice(properties, func(i, j int) bool {
   973  			if properties[i].Key == properties[j].Key {
   974  				return properties[i].Value < properties[j].Value
   975  			}
   976  			return properties[i].Key < properties[j].Key
   977  		})
   978  		assert.Contains(t, properties, rtutils.Property{Key: "k1", Value: "v11"})
   979  		assert.Contains(t, properties, rtutils.Property{Key: "k1", Value: "v12"})
   980  		assert.Contains(t, properties, rtutils.Property{Key: "k2", Value: "v2"})
   981  	}
   983  	// Check the files inside the archives by downloading and exploding them
   984  	downloadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadAndExplodeArchives)
   985  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   986  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+downloadSpecFile)
   987  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
   988  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   989  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(tests.GetDownloadArchiveAndExplode(), paths, t)
   991  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
   992  }
   994  func TestArtifactoryUploadAsArchiveWithExplodeAndSymlinks(t *testing.T) {
   995  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
   997  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadAsArchive)
   998  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   999  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile, "--symlinks", "--explode")
  1000  	assert.Error(t, err)
  1002  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1003  }
  1005  func TestArtifactoryUploadAsArchiveToDir(t *testing.T) {
  1006  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1008  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadAsArchiveToDir)
  1009  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1010  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
  1011  	assert.Error(t, err)
  1013  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1014  }
  1016  func TestArtifactoryDownloadAndSyncDeletes(t *testing.T) {
  1017  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1019  	outDirPath := tests.Out + string(os.PathSeparator)
  1020  	// Upload all testdata/a/ to repo1/syncDir/
  1021  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "a", "*"), tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--flat=false")
  1022  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  1023  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1024  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadExpectedRepo1SyncDeleteStep1(), searchFilePath, t)
  1026  	// Download repo1/syncDir/ to out/
  1027  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", tests.Out+"/")
  1028  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  1029  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1030  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(tests.GetExpectedSyncDeletesDownloadStep2(), paths, t)
  1032  	// Download repo1/syncDir/ to out/ with flat=true and sync out/
  1033  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", outDirPath, "--flat=true", "--sync-deletes="+outDirPath)
  1034  	paths, err = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  1035  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1036  	checkSyncedDirContent(tests.GetExpectedSyncDeletesDownloadStep3(), paths, t)
  1038  	// Download all files ended with from repo1/syncDir/ to out/ and sync out/
  1039  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/*", outDirPath, "--flat=true", "--sync-deletes="+outDirPath)
  1040  	paths, err = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  1041  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1042  	checkSyncedDirContent(tests.GetExpectedSyncDeletesDownloadStep4(), paths, t)
  1044  	// Download repo1/syncDir/ to out/, exclude the pattern "*c*.in" and sync out/
  1045  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", outDirPath, "--sync-deletes="+outDirPath+"syncDir"+string(os.PathSeparator), "--exclude-patterns=syncDir/testdata/*c*in")
  1046  	paths, err = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out+string(os.PathSeparator)+"syncDir"+string(os.PathSeparator), false)
  1047  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1048  	checkSyncedDirContent(tests.GetSyncExpectedDeletesDownloadStep5(), paths, t)
  1050  	// Delete all files from repo1/syncDir/
  1051  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/")
  1052  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  1053  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1054  	verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(searchFilePath, t)
  1056  	// Upload all testdata/archives/ to repo1/syncDir/
  1057  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", path.Join("testdata", "archives", "*"), tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", "--flat=false")
  1058  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  1059  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1060  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSyncExpectedDeletesDownloadStep6(), searchFilePath, t)
  1062  	// Download repo1/syncDir/ to out/ and sync out/
  1063  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/syncDir/", outDirPath, "--sync-deletes="+outDirPath+"syncDir"+string(os.PathSeparator))
  1064  	paths, err = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out+string(os.PathSeparator)+"syncDir"+string(os.PathSeparator), false)
  1065  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1066  	checkSyncedDirContent(tests.GetSyncExpectedDeletesDownloadStep7(), paths, t)
  1068  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1069  }
  1071  // After syncDeletes we must make sure that the content of the synced directory contains the last operation result only.
  1072  // Therefore we verify that there are no other files in the synced directory, other than the list of the expected files.
  1073  func checkSyncedDirContent(expected, actual []string, t *testing.T) {
  1074  	// Check if all expected files are actually exist
  1075  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(expected, actual, t)
  1076  	// Check if all the existing files were expected
  1077  	err := isExclusivelyExistLocally(expected, actual)
  1078  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1079  }
  1081  // Check if only the files we were expect, exist locally, i.e return an error if there is a local file we didn't expect.
  1082  // Since the "actual" list contains paths of both directories and files, for each element in the "actual" list:
  1083  // Check if the path equals to an existing file (for a file) OR
  1084  // if the path is a prefix of some path of an existing file (for a dir).
  1085  func isExclusivelyExistLocally(expected, actual []string) error {
  1086  	expectedLastIndex := len(expected) - 1
  1087  	for _, v := range actual {
  1088  		for i, r := range expected {
  1089  			if strings.HasPrefix(r, v) || v == r {
  1090  				break
  1091  			}
  1092  			if i == expectedLastIndex {
  1093  				return errors.New("Should not have : " + v)
  1094  			}
  1095  		}
  1096  	}
  1097  	return nil
  1098  }
  1100  // Test self-signed certificates with Artifactory. For the test, we set up a reverse proxy server.
  1101  func TestArtifactorySelfSignedCert(t *testing.T) {
  1102  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1103  	tempDirPath, err := fileutils.CreateTempDir()
  1104  	err = errorutils.CheckError(err)
  1105  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1106  	defer fileutils.RemoveTempDir(tempDirPath)
  1107  	os.Setenv(coreutils.HomeDir, tempDirPath)
  1108  	os.Setenv(tests.HttpsProxyEnvVar, "1024")
  1109  	go cliproxy.StartLocalReverseHttpProxy(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, false)
  1111  	// The two certificate files are created by the reverse proxy on startup in the current directory.
  1112  	defer os.Remove(certificate.KEY_FILE)
  1113  	defer os.Remove(certificate.CERT_FILE)
  1114  	// Let's wait for the reverse proxy to start up.
  1115  	err = checkIfServerIsUp(cliproxy.GetProxyHttpsPort(), "https", false)
  1116  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1118  	fileSpec := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1 + "/*.zip").Recursive(true).BuildSpec()
  1119  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1120  	parsedUrl, err := url.Parse(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl)
  1121  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = "" + cliproxy.GetProxyHttpsPort() + parsedUrl.RequestURI()
  1123  	// The server is using self-signed certificates
  1124  	// Without loading the certificates (or skipping verification) we expect all actions to fail due to error: "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
  1125  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1126  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(fileSpec)
  1127  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  1128  	if reader != nil {
  1129  		assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1130  	}
  1131  	_, isUrlErr := err.(*url.Error)
  1132  	assert.True(t, isUrlErr, "Expected a connection failure, since reverse proxy didn't load self-signed-certs. Connection however is successful", err)
  1134  	// Set insecureTls to true and run again. We expect the command to succeed.
  1135  	serverDetails.InsecureTls = true
  1136  	searchCmd = generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1137  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(fileSpec)
  1138  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  1139  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1140  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1142  	// Set insecureTls back to false.
  1143  	// Copy the server certificates to the CLI security dir and run again. We expect the command to succeed.
  1144  	serverDetails.InsecureTls = false
  1145  	certsPath, err := coreutils.GetJfrogCertsDir()
  1146  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1147  	err = fileutils.CopyFile(certsPath, certificate.KEY_FILE)
  1148  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1149  	err = fileutils.CopyFile(certsPath, certificate.CERT_FILE)
  1150  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1151  	searchCmd = generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1152  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(fileSpec)
  1153  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  1154  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1155  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1157  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = artAuth.GetUrl()
  1158  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1159  }
  1161  func TestArtifactoryUploadAsArchiveWithIncludeDirs(t *testing.T) {
  1162  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1163  	assert.NoError(t, createEmptyTestDir())
  1164  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadAsArchiveEmptyDirs)
  1165  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1166  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
  1167  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1169  	// Check the empty directories inside the archive by downloading and exploding it.
  1170  	downloadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadAndExplodeArchives)
  1171  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1172  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+downloadSpecFile)
  1173  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  1174  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1175  	downloadedEmptyDirs := tests.GetDownloadArchiveAndExplodeWithIncludeDirs()
  1176  	// Verify dirs exists.
  1177  	tests.VerifyExistLocally(downloadedEmptyDirs, paths, t)
  1178  	// Verify empty dirs.
  1179  	for _, path := range downloadedEmptyDirs {
  1180  		empty, err := fileutils.IsDirEmpty(path)
  1181  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  1182  		assert.True(t, empty)
  1183  	}
  1184  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1185  }
  1187  func createEmptyTestDir() error {
  1188  	dirInnerPath := filepath.Join("empty", "folder")
  1189  	canonicalPath := tests.GetTestResourcesPath() + dirInnerPath
  1190  	return os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  1191  }
  1193  // Test client certificates with Artifactory. For the test, we set up a reverse proxy server.
  1194  func TestArtifactoryClientCert(t *testing.T) {
  1195  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1196  	tempDirPath, err := fileutils.CreateTempDir()
  1197  	err = errorutils.CheckError(err)
  1198  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1199  	defer fileutils.RemoveTempDir(tempDirPath)
  1200  	os.Setenv(coreutils.HomeDir, tempDirPath)
  1201  	os.Setenv(tests.HttpsProxyEnvVar, "1025")
  1202  	go cliproxy.StartLocalReverseHttpProxy(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, true)
  1204  	// The two certificate files are created by the reverse proxy on startup in the current directory.
  1205  	defer os.Remove(certificate.KEY_FILE)
  1206  	defer os.Remove(certificate.CERT_FILE)
  1207  	// Let's wait for the reverse proxy to start up.
  1208  	err = checkIfServerIsUp(cliproxy.GetProxyHttpsPort(), "https", true)
  1209  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1211  	fileSpec := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1 + "/*.zip").Recursive(true).BuildSpec()
  1212  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1213  	parsedUrl, err := url.Parse(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl)
  1214  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = "" + cliproxy.GetProxyHttpsPort() + parsedUrl.RequestURI()
  1215  	serverDetails.InsecureTls = true
  1217  	// The server is requiring client certificates
  1218  	// Without loading a valid client certificate, we expect all actions to fail due to error: "tls: bad certificate"
  1219  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1220  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(fileSpec)
  1221  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  1222  	if reader != nil {
  1223  		assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1224  	}
  1225  	_, isUrlErr := err.(*url.Error)
  1226  	assert.True(t, isUrlErr, "Expected a connection failure, since client did not provide a client certificate. Connection however is successful")
  1228  	// Inject client certificates, we expect the search to succeed
  1229  	serverDetails.ClientCertPath = certificate.CERT_FILE
  1230  	serverDetails.ClientCertKeyPath = certificate.KEY_FILE
  1232  	searchCmd = generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1233  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(fileSpec)
  1234  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  1235  	if reader != nil {
  1236  		assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1237  	}
  1238  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1240  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = artAuth.GetUrl()
  1241  	serverDetails.InsecureTls = false
  1242  	serverDetails.ClientCertPath = ""
  1243  	serverDetails.ClientCertKeyPath = ""
  1244  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1245  }
  1247  func getExternalIP() (string, error) {
  1248  	ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
  1249  	if err != nil {
  1250  		return "", err
  1251  	}
  1252  	for _, iface := range ifaces {
  1253  		if iface.Flags&net.FlagUp == 0 {
  1254  			continue // interface down
  1255  		}
  1256  		if iface.Flags&net.FlagLoopback != 0 {
  1257  			continue // loopback interface
  1258  		}
  1259  		addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
  1260  		if err != nil {
  1261  			return "", err
  1262  		}
  1263  		for _, addr := range addrs {
  1264  			var ip net.IP
  1265  			switch v := addr.(type) {
  1266  			case *net.IPNet:
  1267  				ip = v.IP
  1268  			case *net.IPAddr:
  1269  				ip = v.IP
  1270  			}
  1271  			if ip == nil || ip.IsLoopback() {
  1272  				continue
  1273  			}
  1274  			ip = ip.To4()
  1275  			if ip == nil {
  1276  				continue // not an ipv4 address
  1277  			}
  1278  			return ip.String(), nil
  1279  		}
  1280  	}
  1281  	return "", errors.New("check connection to the network")
  1282  }
  1284  // Due the fact that go read the HTTP_PROXY and the HTTPS_PROXY
  1285  // argument only once we can't set the env var for specific test.
  1286  // We need to start a new process with the env var set to the value we want.
  1287  // We decide which var to set by the rtUrl scheme.
  1288  func TestArtifactoryProxy(t *testing.T) {
  1289  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1290  	rtUrl, err := url.Parse(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl)
  1291  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1292  	var proxyTestArgs []string
  1293  	var httpProxyEnv string
  1294  	testArgs := []string{"-test.artifactoryProxy=true", "-rt.url=" + *tests.RtUrl, "-rt.user=" + *tests.RtUser, "-rt.password=" + *tests.RtPassword, "-rt.apikey=" + *tests.RtApiKey, "-rt.sshKeyPath=" + *tests.RtSshKeyPath, "-rt.sshPassphrase=" + *tests.RtSshPassphrase, "-rt.accessToken=" + *tests.RtAccessToken}
  1295  	if rtUrl.Scheme == "https" {
  1296  		os.Setenv(tests.HttpsProxyEnvVar, "1026")
  1297  		proxyTestArgs = append([]string{"test", "-run=TestArtifactoryHttpsProxyEnvironmentVariableDelegator"}, testArgs...)
  1298  		httpProxyEnv = "HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:" + cliproxy.GetProxyHttpsPort()
  1299  	} else {
  1300  		proxyTestArgs = append([]string{"test", "-run=TestArtifactoryHttpProxyEnvironmentVariableDelegator"}, testArgs...)
  1301  		httpProxyEnv = "HTTP_PROXY=localhost:" + cliproxy.GetProxyHttpPort()
  1302  	}
  1303  	runProxyTest(t, proxyTestArgs, httpProxyEnv)
  1304  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1305  }
  1307  func runProxyTest(t *testing.T, proxyTestArgs []string, httpProxyEnv string) {
  1308  	cmd := exec.Command("go", proxyTestArgs...)
  1309  	cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), httpProxyEnv)
  1311  	tempDirPath, err := tests.GetTestsLogsDir()
  1312  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1313  	f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(tempDirPath, "artifactory_proxy_tests.log"))
  1314  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1316  	cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = f, f
  1317  	assert.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "Artifactory proxy tests failed, full report available at the following path:", f.Name())
  1318  	log.Info("Full Artifactory proxy testing report available at the following path:", f.Name())
  1319  }
  1321  // Should be run only by @TestArtifactoryProxy test.
  1322  func TestArtifactoryHttpProxyEnvironmentVariableDelegator(t *testing.T) {
  1323  	testArtifactoryProxy(t, false)
  1324  }
  1326  // Should be run only by @TestArtifactoryProxy test.
  1327  func TestArtifactoryHttpsProxyEnvironmentVariableDelegator(t *testing.T) {
  1328  	testArtifactoryProxy(t, true)
  1329  }
  1331  func testArtifactoryProxy(t *testing.T, isHttps bool) {
  1332  	// Value is set to 'true' via testArgs @TestArtifactoryProxy
  1333  	if !*tests.TestArtifactoryProxy {
  1334  		t.SkipNow()
  1335  	}
  1336  	authenticate(true)
  1337  	proxyRtUrl := prepareArtifactoryUrlForProxyTest(t)
  1338  	spec := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1 + "/*.zip").Recursive(true).BuildSpec()
  1339  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = proxyRtUrl
  1340  	checkForErrDueToMissingProxy(spec, t)
  1341  	var port string
  1342  	if isHttps {
  1343  		go cliproxy.StartHttpsProxy()
  1344  		port = cliproxy.GetProxyHttpsPort()
  1345  	} else {
  1346  		go cliproxy.StartHttpProxy()
  1347  		port = cliproxy.GetProxyHttpPort()
  1348  	}
  1349  	// Let's wait for the reverse proxy to start up.
  1350  	err := checkIfServerIsUp(port, "http", false)
  1351  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1352  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1353  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(spec)
  1354  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  1355  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1356  	if reader != nil {
  1357  		assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1358  	}
  1359  	serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl = artAuth.GetUrl()
  1360  }
  1362  func prepareArtifactoryUrlForProxyTest(t *testing.T) string {
  1363  	rtUrl, err := url.Parse(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl)
  1364  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1365  	rtHost, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(rtUrl.Host)
  1366  	if rtHost == "localhost" || rtHost == "" {
  1367  		externalIp, err := getExternalIP()
  1368  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  1369  		rtUrl.Host = externalIp + ":" + port
  1370  	}
  1371  	return rtUrl.String()
  1372  }
  1374  func checkForErrDueToMissingProxy(spec *spec.SpecFiles, t *testing.T) {
  1375  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  1376  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(spec)
  1377  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  1378  	if reader != nil {
  1379  		assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  1380  	}
  1381  	_, isUrlErr := err.(*url.Error)
  1382  	assert.True(t, isUrlErr, "Expected the request to fails, since the proxy is down.", err)
  1383  }
  1385  func checkIfServerIsUp(port, proxyScheme string, useClientCerts bool) error {
  1386  	tr := &http.Transport{
  1387  		TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
  1388  	}
  1390  	if useClientCerts {
  1391  		for attempt := 0; attempt < 10; attempt++ {
  1392  			if _, err := os.Stat(certificate.CERT_FILE); os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1393  				log.Info("Waiting for certificate to appear...")
  1394  				time.Sleep(time.Second)
  1395  				continue
  1396  			}
  1398  			if _, err := os.Stat(certificate.KEY_FILE); os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1399  				log.Info("Waiting for key to appear...")
  1400  				time.Sleep(time.Second)
  1401  				continue
  1402  			}
  1404  			break
  1405  		}
  1407  		cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certificate.CERT_FILE, certificate.KEY_FILE)
  1408  		if err != nil {
  1409  			return fmt.Errorf("failed loading client certificate")
  1410  		}
  1411  		tr.TLSClientConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
  1412  	}
  1413  	client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  1415  	for attempt := 0; attempt < 20; attempt++ {
  1416  		log.Info("Checking if proxy server is up and running.", strconv.Itoa(attempt+1), "attempt.", "URL:", proxyScheme+"://localhost:"+port)
  1417  		resp, err := client.Get(proxyScheme + "://localhost:" + port)
  1418  		if err != nil {
  1419  			time.Sleep(time.Second)
  1420  			continue
  1421  		}
  1422  		resp.Body.Close()
  1423  		if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
  1424  			time.Sleep(time.Second)
  1425  			continue
  1426  		}
  1427  		return nil
  1428  	}
  1429  	return fmt.Errorf("failed while waiting for the proxy server to be accessible")
  1430  }
  1432  func TestXrayScanBuild(t *testing.T) {
  1433  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1434  	xrayServerPort := xray.StartXrayMockServer()
  1435  	serverUrl := "--url=http://localhost:" + strconv.Itoa(xrayServerPort)
  1436  	artifactoryCommandExecutor := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", serverUrl+getArtifactoryTestCredentials())
  1437  	artifactoryCommandExecutor.Exec("build-scan", xray.CleanScanBuildName, "3")
  1439  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1440  }
  1442  func TestArtifactorySetProperties(t *testing.T) {
  1443  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1444  	// Upload a file.
  1445  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/")
  1446  	// Set the 'prop=red' property to the file.
  1447  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a.*", "prop=red")
  1448  	// Now let's change the property value, by searching for the 'prop=red'.
  1449  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SetDeletePropsSpec)
  1450  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1451  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", "prop=green", "--spec="+specFile)
  1453  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1454  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  1455  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1456  		properties := item.Properties
  1457  		assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(properties), 1, "Failed setting properties on item:", item.GetItemRelativePath())
  1458  		for i, prop := range properties {
  1459  			assert.Zero(t, i, "Expected a single property.")
  1460  			assert.Equal(t, "prop", prop.Key, "Wrong property key")
  1461  			assert.Equal(t, "green", prop.Value, "Wrong property value")
  1462  		}
  1463  	}
  1464  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1465  }
  1467  func TestArtifactorySetPropertiesOnSpecialCharsArtifact(t *testing.T) {
  1468  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1469  	targetPath := path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "a$+~&^a#")
  1470  	// Upload a file with special chars.
  1471  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", targetPath)
  1472  	// Set the 'prop=red' property to the file.
  1473  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", targetPath, "prop=red")
  1475  	searchSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  1476  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1477  	resultItems, err := searchInArtifactory(searchSpec, t)
  1478  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1480  	assert.Equal(t, len(resultItems), 1)
  1481  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1482  		properties := item.Props
  1483  		assert.Equal(t, len(properties), 1)
  1484  		for k, v := range properties {
  1485  			assert.Equal(t, "prop", k, "Wrong property key")
  1486  			assert.Len(t, v, 1)
  1487  			assert.Equal(t, "red", v[0], "Wrong property value")
  1488  		}
  1489  	}
  1490  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1491  }
  1493  func TestArtifactorySetPropertiesExcludeByCli(t *testing.T) {
  1494  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1495  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*.in", tests.RtRepo1+"/")
  1496  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "prop=val", "--exclude-patterns=*;*")
  1497  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1498  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  1499  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1500  		if item.Name != "" {
  1501  			continue
  1502  		}
  1503  		properties := item.Properties
  1504  		assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(properties), 1, "Failed setting properties on item:", item.GetItemRelativePath())
  1505  		for i, prop := range properties {
  1506  			assert.Zero(t, i, "Expected single property.")
  1507  			assert.Equal(t, "prop", prop.Key, "Wrong property key")
  1508  			assert.Equal(t, "val", prop.Value, "Wrong property value")
  1509  		}
  1510  	}
  1511  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1512  }
  1514  func TestArtifactorySetPropertiesExclusionsByCli(t *testing.T) {
  1515  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1516  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*.in", tests.RtRepo1+"/")
  1517  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "prop=val", "--exclusions=*/*;*/*")
  1518  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1519  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  1520  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1521  		if item.Name != "" {
  1522  			continue
  1523  		}
  1524  		properties := item.Properties
  1525  		assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(properties), 1, "Failed setting properties on item:", item.GetItemRelativePath())
  1526  		for i, prop := range properties {
  1527  			assert.Zero(t, i, "Expected single property.")
  1528  			assert.Equal(t, "prop", prop.Key, "Wrong property key")
  1529  			assert.Equal(t, "val", prop.Value, "Wrong property value")
  1530  		}
  1531  	}
  1532  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1533  }
  1535  func TestArtifactoryDeleteProperties(t *testing.T) {
  1536  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1537  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*.in", tests.RtRepo1+"/a/")
  1538  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a/*", "color=yellow;prop=red;status=ok")
  1539  	// Delete the 'color' property.
  1540  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a/*", "color")
  1541  	// Delete the 'status' property, by a spec which filters files by 'prop=red'.
  1542  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SetDeletePropsSpec)
  1543  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1544  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delp", "status", "--spec="+specFile)
  1546  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1547  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  1549  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1550  		properties := item.Properties
  1551  		for _, prop := range properties {
  1552  			assert.False(t, prop.Key == "color" || prop.Key == "status", "Properties 'color' and/or 'status' were not deleted from artifact", item.Name)
  1553  		}
  1554  	}
  1555  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1556  }
  1558  func TestArtifactoryDeletePropertiesWithExclude(t *testing.T) {
  1559  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1560  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*.in", tests.RtRepo1+"/")
  1561  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "prop=val")
  1563  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "prop", "--exclude-patterns=*;*")
  1564  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1565  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  1567  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1568  		properties := item.Properties
  1569  		for _, prop := range properties {
  1570  			if item.Name == "" || item.Name == "" {
  1571  				// Check that properties were not removed.
  1572  				assert.Equal(t, "prop", prop.Key, "Wrong property key")
  1573  				assert.Equal(t, "val", prop.Value, "Wrong property value")
  1574  			}
  1575  		}
  1576  	}
  1577  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1578  }
  1580  func TestArtifactoryDeletePropertiesWithExclusions(t *testing.T) {
  1581  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1582  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*.in", tests.RtRepo1+"/")
  1583  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "prop=val")
  1585  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delp", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "prop", "--exclusions=*/*;*/*")
  1586  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1587  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  1589  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  1590  		properties := item.Properties
  1591  		for _, prop := range properties {
  1592  			if item.Name == "" || item.Name == "" {
  1593  				// Check that properties were not removed.
  1594  				assert.False(t, prop.Key != "prop" || prop.Value != "val", "Wrong properties")
  1595  			}
  1596  		}
  1597  	}
  1598  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1599  }
  1601  func TestArtifactoryUploadFromHomeDir(t *testing.T) {
  1602  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1603  	testFileRel, testFileAbs := createFileInHomeDir(t, "cliTestFile.txt")
  1604  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", testFileRel, tests.RtRepo1, "--recursive=false")
  1605  	searchTxtPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchTxt)
  1606  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1607  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetTxtUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchTxtPath, t)
  1608  	os.Remove(testFileAbs)
  1609  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1610  }
  1612  func createFileInHomeDir(t *testing.T, fileName string) (testFileRelPath string, testFileAbsPath string) {
  1613  	testFileRelPath = filepath.Join("~", fileName)
  1614  	testFileAbsPath = filepath.Join(fileutils.GetHomeDir(), fileName)
  1615  	d1 := []byte("test file")
  1616  	err := os.WriteFile(testFileAbsPath, d1, 0644)
  1617  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create file")
  1618  	return
  1619  }
  1621  func TestArtifactoryUploadLegacyProps(t *testing.T) {
  1622  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1623  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--props=key1=val1;key2=val2,val3")
  1624  	verifyExistInArtifactoryByProps(tests.GetUploadLegacyPropsExpected(), tests.RtRepo1, "key1=val1;key2=val2;key2=val3", t)
  1625  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1626  }
  1628  func TestArtifactoryUploadExcludeByCli1Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
  1629  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1630  	// Upload files
  1631  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a*", tests.RtRepo1, "--exclusions=*a2*;*")
  1632  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1633  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1635  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  1636  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1637  }
  1639  func TestArtifactoryUploadExcludeByCli1Regex(t *testing.T) {
  1640  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1641  	// Upload files
  1642  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/a(.*)", tests.RtRepo1, "--exclusions=(.*)a2.*;.*", "--regexp=true")
  1643  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1644  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1645  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  1646  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1647  }
  1649  func TestArtifactoryUploadExcludeByCli2Wildcard(t *testing.T) {
  1650  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1652  	// Create temp dir
  1653  	absDirPath, err := fileutils.CreateTempDir()
  1654  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create dir")
  1655  	defer fileutils.RemoveTempDir(absDirPath)
  1657  	// Create temp files
  1658  	d1 := []byte("test file")
  1659  	err = os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(absDirPath, ""), d1, 0644)
  1660  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create file")
  1661  	err = os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(absDirPath, ""), d1, 0644)
  1662  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create file")
  1664  	// Upload files
  1665  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filepath.ToSlash(absDirPath)+"/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--exclusions=*cliTestFile1*")
  1667  	// Check files exists in artifactory
  1668  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1669  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1671  	verifyExistInArtifactory([]string{tests.RtRepo1 + "/"}, searchFilePath, t)
  1673  	// Cleanup
  1674  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1675  }
  1677  func TestArtifactoryUploadExcludeByCli2Regex(t *testing.T) {
  1678  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1680  	// Create temp dir
  1681  	absDirPath, err := fileutils.CreateTempDir()
  1682  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create dir")
  1683  	defer fileutils.RemoveTempDir(absDirPath)
  1685  	// Create temp files
  1686  	d1 := []byte("test file")
  1687  	err = os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(absDirPath, ""), d1, 0644)
  1688  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create file")
  1689  	err = os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(absDirPath, ""), d1, 0644)
  1690  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Couldn't create file")
  1692  	// Upload files
  1693  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filepath.ToSlash(absDirPath)+"(.*)", tests.RtRepo1, "--exclusions=(.*c)liTestFile1.*", "--regexp=true")
  1695  	// Check files exists in artifactory
  1696  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1697  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1699  	verifyExistInArtifactory([]string{tests.RtRepo1 + "/"}, searchFilePath, t)
  1701  	// Cleanup
  1702  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1703  }
  1705  func TestArtifactoryUploadExcludeBySpecWildcard(t *testing.T) {
  1706  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1708  	// Upload files
  1709  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadSpecExclude)
  1710  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1711  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  1713  	// Validate files are moved by build number
  1714  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1715  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1717  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadSpecExcludeRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  1719  	// Cleanup
  1720  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1721  }
  1723  func TestArtifactoryUploadExcludeBySpecRegex(t *testing.T) {
  1724  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1726  	// Upload files
  1727  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadSpecExcludeRegex)
  1728  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1729  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  1731  	// Validate files are moved by build number
  1732  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  1733  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1735  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetUploadSpecExcludeRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  1737  	// Cleanup
  1738  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1739  }
  1741  func TestArtifactoryUploadWithRegexEscaping(t *testing.T) {
  1742  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1743  	// Upload files
  1744  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/regexp"+"(.*)"+"\\."+".*", tests.RtRepo1, "--regexp=true")
  1745  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  1746  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1748  	verifyExistInArtifactory([]string{tests.RtRepo1 + "/"}, searchFilePath, t)
  1749  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1750  }
  1752  func TestArtifactoryCopySpec(t *testing.T) {
  1753  	testMoveCopySpec("copy", t)
  1754  }
  1756  func TestArtifactoryMoveSpec(t *testing.T) {
  1757  	testMoveCopySpec("move", t)
  1758  }
  1760  func testMoveCopySpec(command string, t *testing.T) {
  1761  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1762  	preUploadBasicTestResources()
  1763  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyMoveSimpleSpec)
  1764  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1765  	artifactoryCli.Exec(command, "--spec="+specFile)
  1767  	// Verify files exist in target location successfully
  1768  	searchMovedCopiedSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchTargetInRepo2)
  1769  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1770  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetMoveCopySpecExpected(), searchMovedCopiedSpec, t)
  1772  	searchOriginalSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1TestResources)
  1773  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1775  	if command == "copy" {
  1776  		// Verify original files still exist
  1777  		verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetRepo1TestResourcesExpected(), searchOriginalSpec, t)
  1778  	} else {
  1779  		// Verify original files were moved
  1780  		verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(searchOriginalSpec, t)
  1781  	}
  1783  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1784  }
  1786  // Upload symlink by full path to Artifactory and the link content checksum
  1787  // Download the symlink which was uploaded.
  1788  // validate the symlink content checksum
  1789  func TestValidateValidSymlink(t *testing.T) {
  1790  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1791  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1792  	}
  1793  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1794  	// Path to local file
  1795  	localFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a", "")
  1796  	// Path to valid symLink
  1797  	validLink := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a", "link")
  1799  	// Link valid symLink to local file
  1800  	err := os.Symlink(localFile, validLink)
  1801  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1803  	// Upload symlink to artifactory
  1804  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", validLink, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true")
  1806  	// Delete the local symlink
  1807  	err = os.Remove(validLink)
  1808  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1810  	// Download symlink from artifactory
  1811  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "--validate-symlinks=true")
  1813  	// Should be valid if successful
  1814  	validateSymLink(validLink, localFile, t)
  1816  	// Delete symlink and clean
  1817  	os.Remove(validLink)
  1818  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1819  }
  1821  // Upload symlink by full path to Artifactory and the link content checksum
  1822  // Unlink and delete the pointed file.
  1823  // Download the symlink which was uploaded with validation. The command should failed.
  1824  func TestValidateBrokenSymlink(t *testing.T) {
  1825  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1826  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1827  	}
  1828  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1829  	// Create temporary file in resourcesPath/a/
  1830  	tmpFile, err := os.CreateTemp(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "")
  1831  	if assert.NoError(t, err) {
  1832  		tmpFile.Close()
  1833  	}
  1834  	localFile := tmpFile.Name()
  1836  	// Path to the symLink
  1837  	linkPath := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link")
  1838  	// Link to the temporary file
  1839  	err = os.Symlink(localFile, linkPath)
  1840  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1842  	// Upload symlink to artifactory
  1843  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", linkPath, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true")
  1845  	// Delete the local symlink and the temporary file
  1846  	err = os.Remove(linkPath)
  1847  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1848  	err = os.Remove(localFile)
  1849  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1851  	// Try downloading symlink from artifactory. Since the link should be broken, it shouldn't be downloaded
  1852  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "--validate-symlinks=true")
  1853  	if !assert.Error(t, err, "A broken symLink was downloaded although validate-symlinks flag was set to true") {
  1854  		os.Remove(linkPath)
  1855  	}
  1857  	// Clean
  1858  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1859  }
  1861  // Testing exclude pattern with symlinks.
  1862  // This test should not upload any files.
  1863  func TestExcludeBrokenSymlink(t *testing.T) {
  1864  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1865  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1866  	}
  1867  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1869  	// Creating broken symlink
  1870  	os.Mkdir(tests.Out, 0777)
  1871  	linkToNonExistingPath := filepath.Join(tests.Out, "link_to_non_existing_path")
  1872  	err := os.Symlink("non_existing_path", linkToNonExistingPath)
  1873  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1875  	// This command should succeed because all artifacts are excluded.
  1876  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", filepath.Join(tests.Out, "*"), tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true", "--exclusions=*")
  1877  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1878  }
  1880  // Upload symlink to Artifactory using wildcard pattern and the link content checksum
  1881  // Download the symlink which was uploaded.
  1882  // validate the symlink content checksum.
  1883  func TestSymlinkWildcardPathHandling(t *testing.T) {
  1884  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1885  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1886  	}
  1887  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1888  	localFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "")
  1889  	link := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link")
  1890  	err := os.Symlink(localFile, link)
  1891  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1892  	link1 := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link*")
  1893  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", link1, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true")
  1894  	err = os.Remove(link)
  1895  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1896  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "--validate-symlinks=true")
  1897  	validateSymLink(link, localFile, t)
  1898  	os.Remove(link)
  1899  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1900  }
  1902  func TestUploadWithArchiveAndSymlink(t *testing.T) {
  1903  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1904  	symlinkTarget := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), "a", "")
  1905  	// Path to local file with a different name from symlinkTarget
  1906  	testFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), "a", "")
  1907  	tmpDir, err := fileutils.CreateTempDir()
  1908  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1909  	defer func() { assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)) }()
  1910  	// Link valid symLink to local file
  1911  	err = os.Symlink(symlinkTarget, filepath.Join(tmpDir, "symlink"))
  1912  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1913  	err = fileutils.CopyFile(tmpDir, testFile)
  1914  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1915  	// Upload symlink and local file to artifactory
  1916  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("u", tmpDir+"/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/", "--archive=zip", "--symlinks=true"))
  1917  	assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(tmpDir))
  1918  	assert.NoError(t, os.Mkdir(tmpDir, 0777))
  1919  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/", tmpDir+"/", "--explode=true"))
  1920  	// Validate
  1921  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(filepath.Join(tmpDir, ""), false), "Failed to download file from Artifactory")
  1922  	validateSymLink(filepath.Join(tmpDir, "symlink"), symlinkTarget, t)
  1924  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1925  }
  1927  // Upload symlink pointing to directory to Artifactory.
  1928  // Download the symlink which was uploaded.
  1929  func TestSymlinkToDirHandling(t *testing.T) {
  1930  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1931  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1932  	}
  1933  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1934  	localFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), "a")
  1935  	link := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link")
  1936  	err := os.Symlink(localFile, link)
  1937  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1938  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", link, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true", "--recursive=true")
  1939  	err = os.Remove(link)
  1940  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1941  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/")
  1942  	validateSymLink(link, localFile, t)
  1943  	os.Remove(link)
  1944  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1945  }
  1947  // Upload symlink pointing to directory using wildcard path to Artifactory.
  1948  // Download the symlink which was uploaded.
  1949  func TestSymlinkToDirWildcardHandling(t *testing.T) {
  1950  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1951  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1952  	}
  1953  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1954  	localFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), "a")
  1955  	link := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link")
  1956  	err := os.Symlink(localFile, link)
  1957  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1958  	link1 := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "lin*")
  1959  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", link1, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true", "--recursive=true")
  1960  	err = os.Remove(link)
  1961  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1962  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/")
  1963  	validateSymLink(link, localFile, t)
  1964  	os.Remove(link)
  1965  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1966  }
  1968  // Upload symlink pointing to directory using wildcard path to Artifactory.
  1969  // Download the symlink which was uploaded.
  1970  // The test create circular links and the test suppose to prune the circular searching.
  1971  func TestSymlinkInsideSymlinkDirWithRecursionIssueUpload(t *testing.T) {
  1972  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  1973  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  1974  	}
  1975  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  1976  	localDirPath := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), "a")
  1977  	link1 := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link1")
  1978  	err := os.Symlink(localDirPath, link1)
  1979  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1980  	localFilePath := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "")
  1981  	link2 := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "link2")
  1982  	err = os.Symlink(localFilePath, link2)
  1983  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1985  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", localDirPath+"/link*", tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true", "--recursive=true")
  1986  	err = os.Remove(link1)
  1987  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1989  	err = os.Remove(link2)
  1990  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1992  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link*", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/")
  1993  	validateSymLink(link1, localDirPath, t)
  1994  	os.Remove(link1)
  1995  	validateSymLink(link2, localFilePath, t)
  1996  	os.Remove(link2)
  1997  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  1998  }
  2000  func validateSymLink(localLinkPath, localFilePath string, t *testing.T) {
  2001  	exists := fileutils.IsPathSymlink(localLinkPath)
  2002  	assert.True(t, exists, "failed to download symlinks from artifactory")
  2003  	symlinks, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(localLinkPath)
  2004  	assert.NoError(t, err, "can't eval symlinks")
  2005  	assert.Equal(t, localFilePath, symlinks, "Symlinks wasn't created as expected")
  2006  }
  2008  func TestArtifactoryDeleteNoSpec(t *testing.T) {
  2009  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2010  	testArtifactorySimpleDelete(t, "")
  2011  }
  2013  func TestArtifactoryDeleteBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  2014  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2015  	deleteSpecPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DeleteSimpleSpec)
  2016  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2017  	testArtifactorySimpleDelete(t, deleteSpecPath)
  2018  }
  2020  func testArtifactorySimpleDelete(t *testing.T, deleteSpecPath string) {
  2021  	preUploadBasicTestResources()
  2023  	// Verify exists before deleting
  2024  	searchSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1TestResources)
  2025  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2026  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetRepo1TestResourcesExpected(), searchSpec, t)
  2028  	if deleteSpecPath != "" {
  2029  		artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", "--spec="+deleteSpecPath)
  2030  	} else {
  2031  		artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/test_resources/b/*")
  2032  	}
  2034  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleDelete(), searchSpec, t)
  2035  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2036  }
  2038  func TestArtifactoryDeleteFolderWithWildcard(t *testing.T) {
  2039  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2040  	preUploadBasicTestResources()
  2042  	// Verify exists before deleting
  2043  	searchSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1TestResources)
  2044  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2045  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetRepo1TestResourcesExpected(), searchSpec, t)
  2047  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/test_resources/*/c")
  2049  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetDeleteFolderWithWildcard(), searchSpec, t)
  2050  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2051  }
  2053  func TestArtifactoryDeleteFolderCompletelyNoSpec(t *testing.T) {
  2054  	testArtifactoryDeleteFoldersNoSpec(t, false)
  2055  }
  2057  func TestArtifactoryDeleteFolderContentNoSpec(t *testing.T) {
  2058  	testArtifactoryDeleteFoldersNoSpec(t, true)
  2059  }
  2061  func testArtifactoryDeleteFoldersNoSpec(t *testing.T, contentOnly bool) {
  2062  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2063  	preUploadBasicTestResources()
  2065  	// Verify exists before deleting
  2066  	searchSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1TestResources)
  2067  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2068  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetRepo1TestResourcesExpected(), searchSpec, t)
  2070  	// Delete folder
  2071  	deletePath := tests.RtRepo1 + "/test_resources"
  2072  	// End with separator if content only
  2073  	if contentOnly {
  2074  		deletePath += "/"
  2075  	}
  2076  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", deletePath)
  2078  	client, err := httpclient.ClientBuilder().Build()
  2079  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2081  	// Verify folder exists only if content only
  2082  	var expectedStatusCode int
  2083  	if contentOnly {
  2084  		expectedStatusCode = http.StatusOK
  2085  	} else {
  2086  		expectedStatusCode = http.StatusNotFound
  2087  	}
  2088  	resp, body, _, err := client.SendGet(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl+"api/storage/"+tests.RtRepo1+"/test_resources", true, artHttpDetails, "")
  2089  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2090  	assert.Equal(t, expectedStatusCode, resp.StatusCode, "test_resources shouldn't be deleted: "+tests.RtRepo1+"/test_resources/ "+string(body))
  2092  	// Verify no content exists
  2093  	verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(searchSpec, t)
  2094  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2095  }
  2097  func TestArtifactoryDeleteFoldersBySpecAllRepo(t *testing.T) {
  2098  	testArtifactoryDeleteFoldersBySpec(t, tests.DeleteSpec)
  2099  }
  2101  func TestArtifactoryDeleteFoldersBySpecWildcardInRepo(t *testing.T) {
  2102  	testArtifactoryDeleteFoldersBySpec(t, tests.DeleteSpecWildcardInRepo)
  2103  }
  2105  func testArtifactoryDeleteFoldersBySpec(t *testing.T, specPath string) {
  2106  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2107  	preUploadBasicTestResources()
  2109  	// Verify exists before deleting
  2110  	searchSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1TestResources)
  2111  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2112  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetRepo1TestResourcesExpected(), searchSpec, t)
  2114  	deleteSpecPath, err := tests.CreateSpec(specPath)
  2115  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2116  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", "--spec="+deleteSpecPath)
  2118  	completeSearchSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  2119  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2120  	verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(completeSearchSpec, t)
  2121  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2122  }
  2124  func TestArtifactoryDeleteExcludeByCli(t *testing.T) {
  2125  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2127  	// Upload files
  2128  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2129  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2130  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2131  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2133  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  2134  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  2136  	// Delete by pattern
  2137  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--exclude-patterns=*;*;*;*")
  2139  	// Validate files are deleted
  2140  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  2141  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2143  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildDeleteExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  2145  	// Cleanup
  2146  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2147  }
  2149  func TestArtifactoryDeleteExclusionsByCli(t *testing.T) {
  2150  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2152  	// Upload files
  2153  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2154  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2155  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2156  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2158  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  2159  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  2161  	// Delete by pattern
  2162  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--exclusions=*/*;*/*;*/*;*/*")
  2164  	// Validate files are deleted
  2165  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  2166  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2168  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildDeleteExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  2170  	// Cleanup
  2171  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2172  }
  2174  func TestArtifactoryDeleteExcludeBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  2175  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2176  	// Upload files
  2177  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2178  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2179  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2180  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2181  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  2182  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  2184  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DelSpecExclude)
  2185  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2187  	// Delete by pattern
  2188  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", "--spec="+specFile)
  2190  	// Validate files are deleted
  2191  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  2192  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2194  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildDeleteExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  2196  	// Cleanup
  2197  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2198  }
  2200  func TestArtifactoryDeleteExclusionsBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  2201  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2202  	// Upload files
  2203  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2204  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2205  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2206  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2207  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  2208  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  2210  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DelSpecExclusions)
  2211  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2213  	// Delete by pattern
  2214  	artifactoryCli.Exec("del", "--spec="+specFile)
  2216  	// Validate files are deleted
  2217  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  2218  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2220  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildDeleteExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  2222  	// Cleanup
  2223  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2224  }
  2226  // Deleting files when one file name is a prefix to another in the same dir
  2227  func TestArtifactoryDeletePrefixFiles(t *testing.T) {
  2228  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2230  	// Prepare search command
  2231  	searchSpecBuilder := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1).Recursive(true)
  2232  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  2233  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails)
  2234  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.BuildSpec())
  2236  	// Upload files
  2237  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadPrefixFiles)
  2238  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2239  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  2241  	// Delete by pattern
  2242  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/*")
  2244  	// Validate files are deleted
  2245  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  2246  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2247  	length, err := reader.Length()
  2248  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2249  	assert.Equal(t, 0, length)
  2250  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  2252  	// Cleanup
  2253  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2254  }
  2256  func TestArtifactoryDeleteByProps(t *testing.T) {
  2257  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2259  	// Upload files
  2260  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadWithPropsSpec)
  2261  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2262  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  2264  	// Set properties to the directories as well (and their content)
  2265  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a/b/", "D=5", "--include-dirs")
  2266  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a/b/c/", "D=2", "--include-dirs")
  2268  	//  Set the property D=5 to, which is a different value then its directory c/
  2269  	artifactoryCli.Exec("sp", tests.RtRepo1+"/a/b/c/", "D=5")
  2271  	// Prepare search command
  2272  	searchSpecBuilder := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1).Recursive(true)
  2273  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  2274  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails)
  2275  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.BuildSpec())
  2277  	// Delete all artifacts with D=5 but without c=3
  2278  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "--props=D=5", "--exclude-props=c=3")
  2280  	// Search all artifacts in repo1
  2281  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  2282  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2283  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  2284  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  2285  	}
  2286  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  2287  	reader.Reset()
  2289  	var resultItems []utils.SearchResult
  2290  	readerNoDate, err := utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  2291  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2292  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  2293  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  2294  	}
  2295  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  2296  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchResultAfterDeleteByPropsStep1())
  2297  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  2298  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  2300  	// Delete all artifacts with c=3 but without a=1
  2301  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "--props=c=3", "--exclude-props=a=1")
  2303  	// Search all artifacts in repo1
  2304  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  2305  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2306  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  2307  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  2308  	}
  2309  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  2310  	reader.Reset()
  2312  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  2313  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  2314  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2315  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  2316  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  2317  	}
  2318  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  2319  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchResultAfterDeleteByPropsStep2())
  2320  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  2321  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  2323  	// Delete all artifacts with a=1 but without b=3&c=3
  2324  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "--props=a=1", "--exclude-props=b=3;c=3")
  2326  	// Search all artifacts in repo1
  2327  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  2328  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2329  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  2330  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  2331  	}
  2332  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  2333  	reader.Reset()
  2335  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  2336  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  2337  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2338  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  2339  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  2340  	}
  2341  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  2342  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchResultAfterDeleteByPropsStep3())
  2343  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  2344  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  2346  	// Cleanup
  2347  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2348  }
  2350  func TestArtifactoryMultipleFileSpecsUpload(t *testing.T) {
  2351  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2352  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadMultipleFileSpecs)
  2353  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2354  	resultSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchAllRepo1)
  2355  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2356  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  2358  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetMultipleFileSpecs(), resultSpecFile, t)
  2359  	verifyExistInArtifactoryByProps([]string{tests.RtRepo1 + "/multiple/properties/testdata/a/b/"}, tests.RtRepo1+"/*/properties/*.in", "searchMe=true", t)
  2360  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2361  }
  2363  func TestArtifactorySimplePlaceHolders(t *testing.T) {
  2364  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2365  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadSimplePlaceholders)
  2366  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2368  	resultSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchSimplePlaceholders)
  2369  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2371  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  2373  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimplePlaceholders(), resultSpecFile, t)
  2374  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2375  }
  2377  func TestArtifactoryFolderUploadRecursiveNonFlat(t *testing.T) {
  2378  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2379  	dirInnerPath := fileutils.GetFileSeparator() + filepath.Join("inner", "folder")
  2380  	canonicalPath := tests.Out + dirInnerPath
  2382  	err := os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  2383  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2384  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/(*)", tests.RtRepo1+"/{1}/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  2385  	err = os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
  2386  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2387  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true")
  2388  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "inner", "folder", "out", "inner", "folder"), false), "Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2389  	// Cleanup
  2390  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2391  }
  2393  func TestArtifactoryFlatFolderUpload(t *testing.T) {
  2394  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2395  	dirInnerPath := fileutils.GetFileSeparator() + filepath.Join("inner", "folder")
  2396  	canonicalPath := tests.Out + dirInnerPath
  2397  	err := os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  2398  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2399  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/(*)", tests.RtRepo1+"/{1}/", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2400  	err = os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
  2401  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2402  	// Non flat download
  2403  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true")
  2404  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(filepath.Join(canonicalPath, "folder"), false), "Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2405  	// Cleanup
  2406  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2407  }
  2409  // Test the definition of bottom chain directories - Directories which do not include other directories that match the pattern
  2410  func TestArtifactoryIncludeDirFlatNonEmptyFolderUpload(t *testing.T) {
  2411  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2412  	// 'c' folder is defined as bottom chain directory therefore should be uploaded when using flat=true even though 'c' is not empty
  2413  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/b/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2414  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true")
  2415  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/c", false), "Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2416  	// Cleanup
  2417  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2418  }
  2420  // Test the definition of bottom chain directories - Directories which do not include other directories that match the pattern
  2421  func TestArtifactoryDownloadNotIncludeDirs(t *testing.T) {
  2422  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2423  	// 'c' folder is defined as bottom chain directory therefore should be uploaded when using flat=true even though 'c' is not empty
  2424  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"*/c", tests.RtRepo1, "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2425  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--recursive=true")
  2426  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/c", false), "Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2427  	// Cleanup
  2428  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2429  }
  2431  // Test the definition of bottom chain directories - Directories which do not include other directories that match the pattern
  2432  func TestArtifactoryDownloadFlatTrue(t *testing.T) {
  2433  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2434  	canonicalPath := tests.GetTestResourcesPath() + path.Join("an", "empty", "folder")
  2435  	err := os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  2436  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2438  	// 'c' folder is defined as bottom chain directory therefore should be uploaded when using flat=true even though 'c' is not empty
  2439  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"(a*)/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/{1}/", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2440  	// Download without include-dirs
  2441  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--recursive=true", "--flat=true")
  2442  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/c", false), "'c' folder shouldn't exist.")
  2444  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true", "--flat=true")
  2445  	// Inner folder with files in it
  2446  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/c", false), "'c' folder should exist.")
  2447  	// Empty inner folder
  2448  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/folder", false), "'folder' folder should exist.")
  2449  	// Folder on root with files
  2450  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/a$+~&^a#", false), "'a$+~&^a#' folder should exist.")
  2451  	// None bottom directory - shouldn't exist.
  2452  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/a", false), "'a' folder shouldn't exist.")
  2453  	// None bottom directory - shouldn't exist.
  2454  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/b", false), "'b' folder shouldn't exist.")
  2455  	// Cleanup
  2456  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2457  }
  2459  func TestArtifactoryIncludeDirFlatNonEmptyFolderUploadMatchingPattern(t *testing.T) {
  2460  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2461  	// 'c' folder is defined as bottom chain directory therefore should be uploaded when using flat=true even though 'c' is not empty
  2462  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"*/c", tests.RtRepo1, "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2463  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true")
  2464  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/c", false), "Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2465  	// Cleanup
  2466  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2467  }
  2469  // Test the definition of bottom chain directories - Directories which do not include other directories that match the pattern
  2470  func TestArtifactoryUploadFlatFolderWithFileAndInnerEmptyMatchingPattern(t *testing.T) {
  2471  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2472  	newFolderPath := tests.GetTestResourcesPath() + "a/b/c/d"
  2473  	err := os.MkdirAll(newFolderPath, 0777)
  2474  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2475  	// We created an empty child folder to 'c' therefore 'c' is not longer a bottom chain and new 'd' inner directory is indeed bottom chain directory.
  2476  	// 'd' should uploaded and 'c' shouldn't
  2477  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/b/*", tests.RtRepo1, "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2478  	err = os.RemoveAll(newFolderPath)
  2479  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2480  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true")
  2481  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/c", false), "'c' folder shouldn't exist")
  2482  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/d", false), "bottom chain directory, 'd', is missing")
  2483  	// Cleanup
  2484  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2485  }
  2487  // Test the definition of bottom chain directories - Directories which do not include other directories that match the pattern
  2488  func TestArtifactoryUploadFlatFolderWithFileAndInnerEmptyMatchingPatternWithPlaceHolders(t *testing.T) {
  2489  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2490  	relativePath := "/b/c/d"
  2491  	fullPath := tests.GetTestResourcesPath() + "a/" + relativePath
  2492  	err := os.MkdirAll(fullPath, 0777)
  2493  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2494  	// We created a empty child folder to 'c' therefore 'c' is not longer a bottom chain and new 'd' inner directory is indeed bottom chain directory.
  2495  	// 'd' should uploaded and 'c' shouldn't
  2496  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/(*)/*", tests.RtRepo1+"/{1}/", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2497  	err = os.RemoveAll(fullPath)
  2498  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2499  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--recursive=true")
  2500  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+relativePath, false), "bottom chain directory, 'd', is missing")
  2502  	// Cleanup
  2503  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2504  }
  2506  func TestArtifactoryFlatFolderDownload1(t *testing.T) {
  2507  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2508  	dirInnerPath := fileutils.GetFileSeparator() + filepath.Join("inner", "folder")
  2509  	canonicalPath := tests.Out + dirInnerPath
  2510  	err := os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  2511  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2512  	// Flat true by default for upload, by using placeholder we indeed create folders hierarchy in Artifactory inner/folder/folder
  2513  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/(*)", tests.RtRepo1+"/{1}/", "--include-dirs=true")
  2514  	err = os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
  2515  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2516  	// Only the inner folder should be downland e.g 'folder'
  2517  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  2518  	assert.False(t, !fileutils.IsPathExists(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "folder"), false) &&
  2519  		fileutils.IsPathExists(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "inner"), false),
  2520  		"Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2521  	// Cleanup
  2522  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2523  }
  2525  func TestArtifactoryFolderUploadRecursiveUsingSpec(t *testing.T) {
  2526  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2527  	assert.NoError(t, createEmptyTestDir())
  2528  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadEmptyDirs)
  2529  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2530  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  2532  	specFile, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadEmptyDirs)
  2533  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2534  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2535  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/folder", false), "Failed to download folders from Artifactory")
  2536  	// Cleanup
  2537  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2538  }
  2540  func TestArtifactoryFolderUploadNonRecursive(t *testing.T) {
  2541  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2542  	canonicalPath := filepath.Join(tests.Out, "inner", "folder")
  2543  	err := os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  2544  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2545  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/", tests.RtRepo1, "--recursive=true", "--include-dirs=true")
  2546  	err = os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
  2547  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2548  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, tests.Out+"/", "--include-dirs=true")
  2549  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out+"/folder", false), "Failed to download folder from Artifactory")
  2550  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(canonicalPath, false), "Path should be flat ")
  2551  	// Cleanup
  2552  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2553  }
  2555  func TestArtifactoryFolderDownloadNonRecursive(t *testing.T) {
  2556  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2557  	canonicalPath := filepath.Join(tests.Out, "inner", "folder")
  2558  	err := os.MkdirAll(canonicalPath, 0777)
  2559  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2560  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", tests.Out+"/", tests.RtRepo1, "--recursive=true", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=false")
  2561  	err = os.RemoveAll(tests.Out)
  2562  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2563  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "--recursive=false", "--include-dirs=true")
  2564  	assert.True(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(tests.Out, false), "Failed to download folder from Artifactory")
  2565  	assert.False(t, fileutils.IsPathExists(canonicalPath, false), "Path should be flat. ")
  2566  	// Cleanup
  2567  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2568  }
  2570  func TestArtifactoryChecksumDownload(t *testing.T) {
  2571  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2573  	var filePath = "testdata/a/"
  2574  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1)
  2575  	testChecksumDownload(t, "/")
  2576  	// Cleanup
  2577  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2578  }
  2580  func TestArtifactoryChecksumDownloadRenameFileName(t *testing.T) {
  2581  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2583  	var filePath = "testdata/a/"
  2584  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1)
  2585  	testChecksumDownload(t, "/a1.out")
  2586  	// Cleanup
  2587  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2588  }
  2590  func testChecksumDownload(t *testing.T, outFileName string) {
  2591  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/", tests.Out+outFileName)
  2593  	exists, err := fileutils.IsFileExists(tests.Out+outFileName, false)
  2594  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2595  	assert.True(t, exists, "Failed to download file from Artifactory")
  2597  	firstFileInfo, _ := os.Stat(tests.Out + outFileName)
  2598  	firstDownloadTime := firstFileInfo.ModTime()
  2600  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/", tests.Out+outFileName)
  2601  	secondFileInfo, _ := os.Stat(tests.Out + outFileName)
  2602  	secondDownloadTime := secondFileInfo.ModTime()
  2604  	assert.Equal(t, firstDownloadTime, secondDownloadTime, "Checksum download failed, the file was downloaded twice")
  2605  }
  2607  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByPatternAndBuildUsingSpec(t *testing.T) {
  2608  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2609  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  2610  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2611  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpec)
  2612  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2613  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  2614  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2615  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2616  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2617  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2618  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  2619  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  2621  	// Publish buildInfo
  2622  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  2623  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  2625  	// Download by build number
  2626  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2628  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  2629  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2630  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownload(), paths)
  2631  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2633  	// Cleanup
  2634  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2635  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2636  }
  2638  func TestArtifactoryGenericBuildnameAndNumberFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
  2639  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2640  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  2641  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2642  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpec)
  2643  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2644  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  2645  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2646  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2647  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2648  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2649  	os.Setenv(coreutils.BuildName, tests.RtBuildName1)
  2650  	os.Setenv(coreutils.BuildNumber, buildNumberA)
  2651  	defer os.Unsetenv(coreutils.BuildName)
  2652  	defer os.Unsetenv(coreutils.BuildNumber)
  2653  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  2654  	os.Setenv(coreutils.BuildNumber, "11")
  2655  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  2657  	// Publish buildInfo
  2658  	os.Setenv(coreutils.BuildNumber, buildNumberA)
  2659  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish")
  2660  	os.Setenv(coreutils.BuildNumber, buildNumberB)
  2661  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish")
  2663  	// Download by build number
  2664  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2666  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  2667  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2668  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownload(), paths)
  2669  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2671  	// Cleanup
  2672  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2673  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2674  }
  2676  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByBuildNoPatternUsingSpec(t *testing.T) {
  2677  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2678  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  2679  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2680  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecNoPattern)
  2681  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2682  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  2683  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2684  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2685  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2686  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2687  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  2688  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  2690  	// Publish buildInfo
  2691  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  2692  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  2694  	// Download by build number
  2695  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2697  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  2698  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2699  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownload(), paths)
  2700  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2702  	// Cleanup
  2703  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2704  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2705  }
  2707  func prepareDownloadByBuildWithDependenciesTests(t *testing.T) {
  2708  	// Init
  2709  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2710  	buildNumber := "1337"
  2711  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2713  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  2714  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2715  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2716  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2717  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2719  	// Add build artifacts.
  2720  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumber)
  2721  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  2723  	// Add build dependencies.
  2724  	artifactoryCliNoCreds := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", "")
  2725  	artifactoryCliNoCreds.Exec("bad", "--spec="+specFileB, tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumber)
  2727  	// Publish build.
  2728  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumber)
  2729  }
  2731  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByBuildWithDependenciesSpecNoPattern(t *testing.T) {
  2732  	prepareDownloadByBuildWithDependenciesTests(t)
  2734  	// Download with exclude-artifacts.
  2735  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecExcludeArtifacts)
  2736  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2737  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2738  	// Validate.
  2739  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2740  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownloadDoesntExist(), paths)
  2741  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2743  	// Download deps-only.
  2744  	specFile, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecDepsOnly)
  2745  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2746  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2747  	// Validate.
  2748  	paths, _ = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2749  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetDownloadByBuildOnlyDeps(), paths)
  2750  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2752  	// Download artifacts and deps.
  2753  	specFile, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecIncludeDeps)
  2754  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2755  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2756  	// Validate.
  2757  	paths, _ = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out+string(os.PathSeparator)+"download"+string(os.PathSeparator)+"download_build_with_dependencies", false)
  2758  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetDownloadByBuildIncludeDeps(), paths)
  2759  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2761  	// Cleanup
  2762  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2763  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2764  }
  2766  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByBuildWithDependencies(t *testing.T) {
  2767  	prepareDownloadByBuildWithDependenciesTests(t)
  2769  	// Download with exclude-artifacts.
  2770  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, "out/download/download_build_with_dependencies/", "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--exclude-artifacts=true", "--flat=true")
  2771  	// Validate.
  2772  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2773  	err := tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownloadDoesntExist(), paths)
  2774  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2776  	// Download deps-only.
  2777  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, "out/download/download_build_only_dependencies/", "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--exclude-artifacts=true", "--include-deps=true", "--flat=true")
  2778  	// Validate.
  2779  	paths, _ = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2780  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetDownloadByBuildOnlyDeps(), paths)
  2781  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2783  	// Download artifacts and deps.
  2784  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, "out/download/download_build_with_dependencies/", "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--include-deps=true", "--flat=true")
  2785  	// Validate.
  2786  	paths, _ = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out+string(os.PathSeparator)+"download"+string(os.PathSeparator)+"download_build_with_dependencies", false)
  2787  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetDownloadByBuildIncludeDeps(), paths)
  2788  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2790  	// Cleanup
  2791  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2792  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2793  }
  2795  // Upload a file to build A.
  2796  // Verify that it doesn't exist in B.
  2797  func TestArtifactoryDownloadArtifactDoesntExistInBuild(t *testing.T) {
  2798  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2799  	buildNumber := "10"
  2800  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2801  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecNoBuildNumber)
  2802  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2803  	// Upload a file
  2804  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumber)
  2806  	// Publish buildInfo
  2807  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumber)
  2809  	// Download from different build number
  2810  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2812  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2813  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownloadDoesntExist(), paths)
  2814  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2816  	// Cleanup
  2817  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2818  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2819  }
  2821  // Upload a file to 2 different builds.
  2822  // Verify that we don't download files with same sha and different build name and build number.
  2823  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByShaAndBuild(t *testing.T) {
  2824  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2825  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB, buildNumberC := "10", "11", "12"
  2826  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2827  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName2, artHttpDetails)
  2828  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecNoBuildNumber)
  2829  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2831  	// Upload 3 similar files to 3 different builds
  2832  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName2, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  2833  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  2834  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberC)
  2836  	// Publish buildInfo
  2837  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName2, buildNumberA)
  2838  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  2839  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberC)
  2841  	// Download by build number
  2842  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2844  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2845  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownloadByShaAndBuild(), paths)
  2846  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2848  	// Cleanup
  2849  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2850  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName2, artHttpDetails)
  2851  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2852  }
  2854  // Upload a file to 2 different builds.
  2855  // Verify that we don't download files with same sha and build name and different build number.
  2856  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByShaAndBuildName(t *testing.T) {
  2857  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2858  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB, buildNumberC := "10", "11", "12"
  2859  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2860  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName2, artHttpDetails)
  2861  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecNoBuildNumber)
  2862  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2864  	// Upload 3 similar files to 2 different builds
  2865  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName2, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  2866  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName2, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  2867  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberC)
  2869  	// Publish buildInfo
  2870  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberC)
  2871  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName2, buildNumberA)
  2872  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName2, buildNumberB)
  2874  	// Download by build number
  2875  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  2877  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2878  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownloadByShaAndBuildName(), paths)
  2879  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2881  	// Cleanup
  2882  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2883  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName2, artHttpDetails)
  2884  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2885  }
  2887  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByBuildUsingSimpleDownload(t *testing.T) {
  2888  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2889  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "a", "b"
  2890  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2892  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  2893  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2894  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2895  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2896  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2897  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA))
  2898  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB))
  2900  	// Publish buildInfo
  2901  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA))
  2902  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB))
  2904  	// Download by build number, a1 should not be downloaded, b1 should
  2905  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", filepath.Join(tests.Out, "download", "simple_by_build")+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1))
  2906  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", filepath.Join(tests.Out, "download", "simple_by_build")+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1))
  2908  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  2909  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2910  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildSimpleDownload(), paths)
  2911  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2913  	// Cleanup
  2914  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2915  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2916  }
  2918  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByBuildUsingSimpleDownloadWithProject(t *testing.T) {
  2919  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2920  	accessManager, err := utils.CreateAccessServiceManager(serverDetails, false)
  2921  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2922  	timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
  2923  	projectKey := "jc" + timestamp[len(timestamp)-4:]
  2925  	// Delete the project if already exists
  2926  	_ = accessManager.DeleteProject(projectKey)
  2928  	// Create new project
  2929  	projectParams := accessServices.ProjectParams{
  2930  		ProjectDetails: accessServices.Project{
  2931  			ProjectKey:  projectKey,
  2932  			DisplayName: "JFrog CLI Tests " + projectKey,
  2933  			Description: "Project created by JFrog CLI tests suite",
  2934  		},
  2935  	}
  2936  	err = accessManager.CreateProject(projectParams)
  2937  	if err != nil {
  2938  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  2939  		return
  2940  	}
  2941  	defer func() {
  2942  		assert.NoError(t, accessManager.DeleteProject(projectKey))
  2943  	}()
  2945  	// Assign the repository to the project
  2946  	assert.NoError(t, accessManager.AssignRepoToProject(tests.RtRepo1, projectKey, true))
  2947  	defer func() {
  2948  		assert.NoError(t, accessManager.UnassignRepoFromProject(tests.RtRepo1))
  2949  	}()
  2951  	// Delete the build if exists
  2952  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2954  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2955  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2956  	buildNumberA := "123"
  2958  	// Upload files with buildName, buildNumber and project flags
  2959  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA, "--project="+projectKey))
  2961  	// Publish buildInfo with project flag
  2962  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA, "--project="+projectKey))
  2964  	// Download by project, b1 should be downloaded
  2965  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", filepath.Join(tests.Out, "download", "simple_by_build")+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(),
  2966  		"--build="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--project="+projectKey))
  2968  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  2969  	paths, err := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  2970  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2971  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildSimpleDownload(), paths)
  2972  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2974  	// Cleanup
  2975  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2976  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  2977  }
  2979  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByBuildNoPatternUsingSimpleDownload(t *testing.T) {
  2980  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  2981  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "a", "b"
  2982  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  2984  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  2985  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  2986  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2987  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  2988  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  2990  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA))
  2991  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB))
  2993  	// Publish buildInfo
  2994  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA))
  2995  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB))
  2997  	// Download by build number, a1 should not be downloaded, b1 should
  2998  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "*", filepath.Join(tests.Out, "download", "simple_by_build")+fileutils.GetFileSeparator(), "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1+"/"+buildNumberA))
  3000  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  3001  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3002  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildSimpleDownloadNoPattern(), paths)
  3003  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3005  	// Cleanup
  3006  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3007  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3008  }
  3010  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByArchiveEntriesCli(t *testing.T) {
  3011  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3012  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.ArchiveEntriesUpload)
  3013  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3015  	// Upload archives
  3016  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
  3018  	// Create executor for running with retries
  3019  	retryExecutor := createRetryExecutorForArchiveEntries(tests.GetBuildArchiveEntriesDownloadCli(),
  3020  		[]string{"dl", tests.RtRepo1, "out/", "--archive-entries=(*)", "--flat=true"})
  3022  	// Perform download by archive-entries only the archives containing, and validate results
  3023  	assert.NoError(t, retryExecutor.Execute())
  3025  	// Cleanup
  3026  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3027  }
  3029  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByArchiveEntriesSpecificPathCli(t *testing.T) {
  3030  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3031  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.ArchiveEntriesUpload)
  3032  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3034  	// Upload archives
  3035  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
  3037  	// Create executor for running with retries
  3038  	retryExecutor := createRetryExecutorForArchiveEntries(tests.GetBuildArchiveEntriesSpecificPathDownload(),
  3039  		[]string{"dl", tests.RtRepo1, "out/", "--archive-entries=b/c/", "--flat=true"})
  3041  	// Perform download by archive-entries only the archives containing, and validate results
  3042  	assert.NoError(t, retryExecutor.Execute())
  3044  	// Cleanup
  3045  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3046  }
  3048  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByArchiveEntriesSpec(t *testing.T) {
  3049  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3050  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.ArchiveEntriesUpload)
  3051  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3052  	downloadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.ArchiveEntriesDownload)
  3053  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3055  	// Upload archives
  3056  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
  3058  	// Create executor for running with retries
  3059  	retryExecutor := createRetryExecutorForArchiveEntries(tests.GetBuildArchiveEntriesDownloadSpec(),
  3060  		[]string{"dl", "--spec=" + downloadSpecFile})
  3062  	// Perform download by archive-entries only the archives containing, and validate results
  3063  	assert.NoError(t, retryExecutor.Execute())
  3065  	// Cleanup
  3066  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3067  }
  3069  func createRetryExecutorForArchiveEntries(expected []string, args []string) *clientutils.RetryExecutor {
  3070  	return &clientutils.RetryExecutor{
  3071  		MaxRetries:      120,
  3072  		RetriesInterval: 1,
  3073  		ErrorMessage:    "Waiting for Artifactory to index archives...",
  3074  		ExecutionHandler: func() (bool, error) {
  3075  			err := validateDownloadByArchiveEntries(expected, args)
  3076  			if err != nil {
  3077  				return true, err
  3078  			}
  3080  			return false, nil
  3081  		},
  3082  	}
  3083  }
  3085  func validateDownloadByArchiveEntries(expected []string, args []string) error {
  3086  	// Execute the requested cli command
  3087  	artifactoryCli.Exec(args...)
  3089  	// Validate files are downloaded as expected
  3090  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3091  	return tests.ValidateListsIdentical(expected, paths)
  3092  }
  3094  func TestArtifactoryDownloadExcludeByCli(t *testing.T) {
  3095  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3097  	// Upload files
  3098  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3099  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3100  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3101  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3102  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive=true")
  3103  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--recursive=true")
  3105  	// Download by pattern
  3106  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, "out/download/aql_by_artifacts/", "--exclude-patterns=*/;*a2.*;data/")
  3108  	// Validate files are excluded
  3109  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3110  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildExcludeDownload(), paths)
  3111  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3113  	// Cleanup
  3114  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3115  }
  3117  func TestArtifactoryDownloadExclusionsByCli(t *testing.T) {
  3118  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3120  	// Upload files
  3121  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3122  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3123  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3124  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3125  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive=true")
  3126  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--recursive=true")
  3128  	// Download by pattern
  3129  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1, "out/download/aql_by_artifacts/", "--exclusions=*/*/;*/*a2.*;*/data/")
  3131  	// Validate files are excluded
  3132  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3133  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildExcludeDownload(), paths)
  3134  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3136  	// Cleanup
  3137  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3138  }
  3140  func TestArtifactoryDownloadExcludeBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  3141  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3142  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadSpecExclude)
  3143  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3145  	// Upload files
  3146  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3147  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3148  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3149  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3150  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3151  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3153  	// Download by spec
  3154  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  3156  	// Validate files are excluded
  3157  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3158  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildExcludeDownloadBySpec(), paths)
  3159  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3161  	// Cleanup
  3162  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3163  }
  3165  func TestArtifactoryDownloadExclusionsBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  3166  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3167  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadSpecExclusions)
  3168  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3170  	// Upload files
  3171  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3172  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3173  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3174  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3175  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3176  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3178  	// Download by spec
  3179  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  3181  	// Validate files are excluded
  3182  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3183  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildExcludeDownloadBySpec(), paths)
  3184  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3186  	// Cleanup
  3187  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3188  }
  3190  func TestArtifactoryDownloadExcludeBySpecOverride(t *testing.T) {
  3191  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3193  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  3194  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3195  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3196  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3197  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3198  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3199  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3201  	// Download by spec
  3202  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadSpecExclude)
  3203  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3204  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile, "--exclude-patterns=*;*;*")
  3206  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  3207  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3208  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildExcludeDownload(), paths)
  3209  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3211  	// Cleanup
  3212  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3213  }
  3215  func TestArtifactoryDownloadExclusionsBySpecOverride(t *testing.T) {
  3216  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3218  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  3219  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3220  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3221  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3222  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3223  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3224  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--recursive=true", "--flat=false")
  3226  	// Download by spec
  3227  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadSpecExclusions)
  3228  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3229  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile, "--exclusions=*;*;*")
  3231  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  3232  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3233  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildExcludeDownload(), paths)
  3234  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3236  	// Cleanup
  3237  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3238  }
  3240  // Sort and limit changes the way properties are used so this should be tested with symlinks and search by build
  3242  // Upload symlink by full path to Artifactory and the link content checksum
  3243  // Download the symlink which was uploaded with limit param.
  3244  // validate the symlink content checksum.
  3245  func TestArtifactoryLimitWithSymlink(t *testing.T) {
  3246  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  3247  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  3248  	}
  3249  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3250  	localFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a", "")
  3251  	link := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a", "link")
  3252  	err := os.Symlink(localFile, link)
  3253  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3254  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", link, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true")
  3255  	err = os.Remove(link)
  3256  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3257  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "--validate-symlinks=true", "--limit=1")
  3258  	validateSortLimitWithSymLink(link, localFile, t)
  3259  	os.Remove(link)
  3260  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3261  }
  3263  // Upload symlink by full path to Artifactory and the link content checksum
  3264  // Download the symlink which was uploaded with limit param.
  3265  // validate the symlink content checksum.
  3266  func TestArtifactorySortWithSymlink(t *testing.T) {
  3267  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  3268  		t.Skip("Running on windows, skipping...")
  3269  	}
  3270  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3271  	localFile := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a", "")
  3272  	link := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a", "link")
  3273  	err := os.Symlink(localFile, link)
  3274  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3275  	artifactoryCli.Exec("u", link, tests.RtRepo1, "--symlinks=true")
  3276  	err = os.Remove(link)
  3277  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3278  	artifactoryCli.Exec("dl", tests.RtRepo1+"/link", tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"a/", "--validate-symlinks=true", "--sort-by=created")
  3279  	validateSortLimitWithSymLink(link, localFile, t)
  3280  	os.Remove(link)
  3281  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3282  }
  3284  func validateSortLimitWithSymLink(localLinkPath, localFilePath string, t *testing.T) {
  3285  	exists := fileutils.IsPathSymlink(localLinkPath)
  3286  	assert.True(t, exists, "failed to download symlinks from artifactory with Sort/Limit flag")
  3287  	symlinks, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(localLinkPath)
  3288  	assert.NoError(t, err, "can't eval symlinks with Sort/Limit flag")
  3289  	assert.Equal(t, localFilePath, symlinks, "Symlinks wasn't created as expected with Sort/Limit flag")
  3290  }
  3292  // Upload a file to 2 different builds.
  3293  // Verify that we don't download files with same sha and build name and different build number when sort is configured.
  3294  func TestArtifactoryDownloadByShaAndBuildNameWithSort(t *testing.T) {
  3295  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3296  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB, buildNumberC := "10", "11", "12"
  3297  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3298  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName2, artHttpDetails)
  3299  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.BuildDownloadSpecNoBuildNumberWithSort)
  3300  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3301  	// Upload 3 similar files to 2 different builds
  3302  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName2, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  3303  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName2, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  3304  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberC)
  3306  	// Publish buildInfo
  3307  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberC)
  3308  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName2, buildNumberA)
  3309  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName2, buildNumberB)
  3311  	// Download by build number
  3312  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--sort-by=created", "--spec="+specFile)
  3314  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(filepath.Join(tests.Out, "download", "sort_limit_by_build"), false)
  3315  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetBuildDownloadByShaAndBuildNameWithSort(), paths)
  3316  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3318  	// Cleanup
  3319  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3320  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName2, artHttpDetails)
  3321  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3322  }
  3324  func TestArtifactoryCopyByBuildUsingSpec(t *testing.T) {
  3325  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3326  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  3327  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3328  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyByBuildSpec)
  3329  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3330  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber: a* uploaded with build number "10", b* uploaded with build number "11"
  3331  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3332  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3333  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3334  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3335  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  3336  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  3338  	// Publish buildInfo
  3339  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  3340  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  3342  	// Copy by build name "cli-test-build" and build number "10" from spec, a* should be copied
  3343  	artifactoryCli.Exec("copy", "--spec="+specFile)
  3345  	// Validate files are Copied by build number
  3346  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3347  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3348  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildCopyExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3350  	// Cleanup
  3351  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3352  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3353  }
  3355  func TestArtifactoryCopyByBuildPatternAllUsingSpec(t *testing.T) {
  3356  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3357  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  3358  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3359  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyByBuildPatternAllSpec)
  3360  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3361  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber: a* uploaded with build number "10", b* uploaded with build number "11"
  3362  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3363  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3364  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3365  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3366  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  3367  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  3369  	// Publish buildInfo
  3370  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  3371  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  3373  	// Copy by build name "cli-test-build" and build number "10" from spec, a* should be copied
  3374  	artifactoryCli.Exec("copy", "--spec="+specFile)
  3376  	// Validate files are Copied by build number
  3377  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3378  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3379  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildCopyExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3381  	// Cleanup
  3382  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3383  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3384  }
  3386  func TestArtifactorySortAndLimit(t *testing.T) {
  3387  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3389  	// Upload all testdata/a/ files
  3390  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/(*)", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/{1}")
  3392  	// Download 1 sorted by name asc
  3393  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "out/download/sort_limit/", "--sort-by=name", "--limit=1")
  3395  	// Download 3 sorted by depth desc
  3396  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "out/download/sort_limit/", "--sort-by=depth", "--limit=3", "--sort-order=desc")
  3398  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3399  	err := tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetSortAndLimit(), paths)
  3400  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3402  	// Cleanup
  3403  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3404  }
  3406  func TestArtifactorySortByCreated(t *testing.T) {
  3407  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3409  	// Upload files separately so we can sort by created.
  3410  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/created/or", tests.RtRepo1, `--target-props=k1=v1`)
  3411  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/created/o", tests.RtRepo1)
  3412  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/created/org", tests.RtRepo1)
  3414  	// Prepare search command
  3415  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  3416  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails)
  3417  	searchSpecBuilder := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1).SortBy([]string{"created"}).SortOrder("asc").Limit(3)
  3418  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.BuildSpec())
  3419  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  3420  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3421  	reader, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3422  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3424  	var resultItems []utils.SearchResult
  3425  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3426  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3428  	}
  3429  	assert.Len(t, resultItems, 3)
  3430  	// Verify the sort by checking if the item results are ordereds by asc.
  3431  	assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(resultItems[0], tests.GetFirstSearchResultSortedByAsc()))
  3432  	assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(resultItems[1], tests.GetSecondSearchResultSortedByAsc()))
  3433  	assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(resultItems[2], tests.GetThirdSearchResultSortedByAsc()))
  3435  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3436  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.SortOrder("desc").BuildSpec())
  3437  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  3438  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3439  	reader, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3440  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3441  	resultItems = nil
  3442  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3443  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3444  	}
  3445  	assert.Len(t, resultItems, 3)
  3446  	// Verify the sort by checking if the item results are ordered by desc.
  3447  	assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(resultItems[2], tests.GetFirstSearchResultSortedByAsc()))
  3448  	assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(resultItems[1], tests.GetSecondSearchResultSortedByAsc()))
  3449  	assert.True(t, reflect.DeepEqual(resultItems[0], tests.GetThirdSearchResultSortedByAsc()))
  3450  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3452  	// Cleanup
  3453  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3454  }
  3455  func TestArtifactoryOffset(t *testing.T) {
  3456  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3458  	// Upload all testdata/a/ files
  3459  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/*", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "offset_test")+"/", "--flat=true")
  3461  	// Downloading files one by one, to check that the offset is working as expected.
  3462  	// Download only the first file, expecting to download
  3463  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/offset_test/", tests.Out+"/", "--flat=true", "--sort-by=name", "--limit=1", "--offset=0")
  3464  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3465  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, "")}, paths, t)
  3467  	// Download the second file, expecting to download
  3468  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/offset_test/", tests.Out+"/", "--flat=true", "--sort-by=name", "--limit=1", "--offset=1")
  3469  	paths, _ = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3470  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, "")}, paths, t)
  3472  	// Download the third file, expecting to download
  3473  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/offset_test/", tests.Out+"/", "--flat=true", "--sort-by=name", "--limit=1", "--offset=2")
  3474  	paths, _ = fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3475  	tests.VerifyExistLocally([]string{filepath.Join(tests.Out, "")}, paths, t)
  3477  	// Cleanup
  3478  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3479  }
  3481  func TestArtifactoryCopyByBuildOverridingByInlineFlag(t *testing.T) {
  3482  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3483  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  3484  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3485  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyByBuildSpec)
  3486  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3488  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber: b* uploaded with build number "10", a* uploaded with build number "11"
  3489  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3490  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3491  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3492  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3493  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  3494  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  3496  	// Publish buildInfo
  3497  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  3498  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  3500  	// Copy by build number: using override of build by flag from inline (no number set so LATEST build should be copied), a* should be copied
  3501  	artifactoryCli.Exec("copy", "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--spec="+specFile)
  3503  	// Validate files are Copied by build number
  3504  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3505  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3507  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildCopyExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3509  	// Cleanup
  3510  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3511  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3512  }
  3514  func TestArtifactoryMoveByBuildUsingFlags(t *testing.T) {
  3515  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3516  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  3517  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3518  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyByBuildSpec)
  3519  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3521  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  3522  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3523  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3524  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3525  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3526  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  3527  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  3529  	// Publish buildInfo
  3530  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  3531  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  3533  	// Move by build name and number
  3534  	artifactoryCli.Exec("move", "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1+"/11", "--spec="+specFile)
  3536  	// Validate files are moved by build number
  3537  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3538  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3540  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildMoveExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3542  	// Cleanup
  3543  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3544  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3545  }
  3547  func TestArtifactoryMoveNoSpec(t *testing.T) {
  3548  	testCopyMoveNoSpec("mv", tests.GetBuildBeforeMoveExpected(), tests.GetBuildMoveExpected(), t)
  3549  }
  3551  func TestArtifactoryMoveExcludeByCli(t *testing.T) {
  3552  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3554  	// Upload files
  3555  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3556  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3557  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3558  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3559  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  3560  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  3562  	// Move by pattern
  3563  	artifactoryCli.Exec("move", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", tests.RtRepo2+"/", "--exclude-patterns=*b*;*c*")
  3565  	// Validate excluded files didn't move
  3566  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3567  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3569  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildMoveExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3571  	// Cleanup
  3572  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3573  }
  3575  func TestArtifactoryMoveExclusionsByCli(t *testing.T) {
  3576  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3578  	// Upload files
  3579  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3580  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3581  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3582  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3583  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  3584  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  3586  	// Move by pattern
  3587  	artifactoryCli.Exec("move", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", tests.RtRepo2+"/", "--exclusions=*/*b*;*/*c*")
  3589  	// Validate excluded files didn't move
  3590  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3591  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3593  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildMoveExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3595  	// Cleanup
  3596  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3597  }
  3599  func TestArtifactoryMoveExcludeBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  3600  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3601  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.MoveCopySpecExclude)
  3602  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3604  	// Upload files
  3605  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3606  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3607  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3608  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3609  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  3610  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  3612  	// Move by spec
  3613  	artifactoryCli.Exec("move", "--spec="+specFile)
  3615  	// Validate excluded files didn't move
  3616  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3617  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3619  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildMoveExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3621  	// Cleanup
  3622  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3623  }
  3625  func TestArtifactoryMoveExclusionsBySpec(t *testing.T) {
  3626  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3627  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.MoveCopySpecExclusions)
  3628  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3630  	// Upload files
  3631  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3632  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3633  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3634  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3635  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  3636  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  3638  	// Move by spec
  3639  	artifactoryCli.Exec("move", "--spec="+specFile)
  3641  	// Validate excluded files didn't move
  3642  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3643  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3645  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildMoveExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3647  	// Cleanup
  3648  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3649  }
  3651  func TestArtifactoryDeleteByLatestBuild(t *testing.T) {
  3652  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3653  	buildNumberA, buildNumberB := "10", "11"
  3654  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3655  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CopyByBuildSpec)
  3656  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3658  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  3659  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3660  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3661  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  3662  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3663  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberA)
  3664  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+buildNumberB)
  3666  	// Publish buildInfo
  3667  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberA)
  3668  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, buildNumberB)
  3670  	// Delete by build name and LATEST
  3671  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", "--build="+tests.RtBuildName1+"/LATEST", "--spec="+specFile)
  3673  	// Validate files are deleted by build number
  3674  	cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  3675  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3677  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetBuildDeleteExpected(), cpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec, t)
  3679  	// Cleanup
  3680  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3681  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3682  }
  3684  func TestGitLfsCleanup(t *testing.T) {
  3685  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3686  	var filePath = "testdata/gitlfs/(4b)(*)"
  3687  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtLfsRepo+"/objects/4b/f4/{2}{1}")
  3688  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtLfsRepo+"/objects/4b/f4/")
  3689  	refs := filepath.Join("refs", "heads", "*")
  3690  	dotGitPath := getCliDotGitPath(t)
  3691  	artifactoryCli.Exec("glc", dotGitPath, "--repo="+tests.RtLfsRepo, "--refs=HEAD,"+refs)
  3692  	gitlfsSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.GitLfsAssertSpec)
  3693  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3694  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetGitLfsExpected(), gitlfsSpecFile, t)
  3695  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3696  }
  3698  func TestPing(t *testing.T) {
  3699  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3700  	artifactoryCli.Exec("ping")
  3701  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3702  }
  3704  func TestSummaryReport(t *testing.T) {
  3705  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3707  	buffer, previousLog := tests.RedirectLogOutputToBuffer()
  3708  	// Restore previous logger when the function returns
  3709  	defer log.SetLogger(previousLog)
  3711  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadFlatNonRecursive)
  3712  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3713  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  3714  	verifySummary(t, buffer, 3, 0, previousLog)
  3716  	artifactoryCli.Exec("move", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "*.in"), tests.RtRepo2+"/")
  3717  	verifySummary(t, buffer, 3, 0, previousLog)
  3719  	artifactoryCli.Exec("copy", path.Join(tests.RtRepo2, "*.in"), tests.RtRepo1+"/")
  3720  	verifySummary(t, buffer, 3, 0, previousLog)
  3722  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", path.Join(tests.RtRepo2, "*.in"))
  3723  	verifySummary(t, buffer, 3, 0, previousLog)
  3725  	artifactoryCli.Exec("set-props", path.Join(tests.RtRepo1, "*.in"), "prop=val")
  3726  	verifySummary(t, buffer, 3, 0, previousLog)
  3728  	specFile, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.DownloadAllRepo1TestResources)
  3729  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3730  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+specFile)
  3731  	verifySummary(t, buffer, 3, 0, previousLog)
  3733  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3734  }
  3736  func TestUploadDetailedSummary(t *testing.T) {
  3737  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3738  	uploadCmd := generic.NewUploadCommand()
  3739  	fileSpec := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(filepath.Join("testdata", "a", "a*.in")).Target(tests.RtRepo1).BuildSpec()
  3740  	uploadCmd.SetUploadConfiguration(createUploadConfiguration()).SetSpec(fileSpec).SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetDetailedSummary(true)
  3741  	commands.Exec(uploadCmd)
  3742  	result := uploadCmd.Result()
  3743  	reader := result.Reader()
  3744  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3745  	defer reader.Close()
  3746  	var files []clientutils.FileTransferDetails
  3747  	for transferDetails := new(clientutils.FileTransferDetails); reader.NextRecord(transferDetails) == nil; transferDetails = new(clientutils.FileTransferDetails) {
  3748  		files = append(files, *transferDetails)
  3749  	}
  3750  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, files, tests.GetExpectedUploadSummaryDetails(*tests.RtUrl))
  3751  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3752  }
  3754  func createUploadConfiguration() *utils.UploadConfiguration {
  3755  	uploadConfiguration := new(utils.UploadConfiguration)
  3756  	uploadConfiguration.Threads = cliutils.Threads
  3757  	return uploadConfiguration
  3758  }
  3760  func TestArtifactoryBuildDiscard(t *testing.T) {
  3761  	// Initialize
  3762  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3763  	client, err := httpclient.ClientBuilder().Build()
  3764  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3766  	// Upload files with buildName and buildNumber
  3767  	for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
  3768  		artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/", tests.RtRepo1+"/data/", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number="+strconv.Itoa(i))
  3769  		artifactoryCli.Exec("build-publish", tests.RtBuildName1, strconv.Itoa(i))
  3770  	}
  3772  	// Test discard by max-builds
  3773  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-discard", tests.RtBuildName1, "--max-builds=3")
  3774  	jsonResponse := getAllBuildsByBuildName(client, tests.RtBuildName1, t, http.StatusOK)
  3775  	assert.Len(t, jsonResponse.Builds, 3, "Incorrect operation of build-discard by max-builds.")
  3777  	// Test discard with exclusion
  3778  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-discard", tests.RtBuildName1, "--max-days=-1", "--exclude-builds=3,5")
  3779  	jsonResponse = getAllBuildsByBuildName(client, tests.RtBuildName1, t, http.StatusOK)
  3780  	assert.Len(t, jsonResponse.Builds, 2, "Incorrect operation of build-discard with exclusion.")
  3782  	// Test discard by max-days
  3783  	artifactoryCli.Exec("build-discard", tests.RtBuildName1, "--max-days=-1")
  3784  	jsonResponse = getAllBuildsByBuildName(client, tests.RtBuildName1, t, http.StatusNotFound)
  3785  	assert.Zero(t, jsonResponse, "Incorrect operation of build-discard by max-days.")
  3787  	//Cleanup
  3788  	inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  3789  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3790  }
  3792  // Tests compatibility to file paths with windows separators.
  3793  // Verifies the upload and download commands work as expected for inputs of both arguments and spec files.
  3794  func TestArtifactoryWinBackwardsCompatibility(t *testing.T) {
  3795  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3796  	if !coreutils.IsWindows() {
  3797  		t.Skip("Not running on Windows, skipping...")
  3798  	}
  3799  	uploadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.WinSimpleUploadSpec)
  3800  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3801  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+uploadSpecFile)
  3802  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata\\\\a\\\\b\\\\*", tests.RtRepo1+"/compatibility_arguments/", "--exclusions=*;*c*")
  3804  	downloadSpecFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.WinSimpleDownloadSpec)
  3805  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3806  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", "--spec="+downloadSpecFile)
  3807  	artifactoryCli.Exec("download", tests.RtRepo1+"/*arguments*", "out\\\\win\\\\", "--flat=true")
  3809  	// Validate files are downloaded by build number
  3810  	paths, _ := fileutils.ListFilesRecursiveWalkIntoDirSymlink(tests.Out, false)
  3811  	err = tests.ValidateListsIdentical(tests.GetWinCompatibility(), paths)
  3812  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3813  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3814  }
  3816  func TestArtifactorySearchIncludeDir(t *testing.T) {
  3817  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3819  	// Upload files
  3820  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  3821  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3822  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA, "--recursive", "--flat=false")
  3824  	// Prepare search command
  3825  	searchSpecBuilder := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1).Recursive(true)
  3826  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  3827  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails)
  3828  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.IncludeDirs(false).BuildSpec())
  3829  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  3830  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3832  	// Search without IncludeDirs
  3833  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3834  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3835  	}
  3836  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3837  	reader.Reset()
  3839  	var resultItems []utils.SearchResult
  3840  	readerNoDate, err := utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3841  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3842  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3843  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3844  	}
  3845  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3846  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchNotIncludeDirsFiles())
  3847  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3848  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3850  	// Search with IncludeDirs
  3851  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.IncludeDirs(true).BuildSpec())
  3852  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  3853  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3855  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3856  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3857  	}
  3858  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3859  	reader.Reset()
  3861  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  3862  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3863  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3864  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3865  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3866  	}
  3867  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3868  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchIncludeDirsFiles())
  3869  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3870  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3872  	// Cleanup
  3873  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  3874  }
  3876  func TestArtifactorySearchProps(t *testing.T) {
  3877  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  3879  	// Upload files
  3880  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadWithPropsSpec)
  3881  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3882  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile, "--recursive")
  3884  	// Prepare search command
  3885  	searchSpecBuilder := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1).Recursive(true)
  3886  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  3887  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails)
  3889  	// Search artifacts with c=3
  3890  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.Props("c=3").BuildSpec())
  3891  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  3892  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3893  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3894  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3895  	}
  3896  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3897  	reader.Reset()
  3899  	var resultItems []utils.SearchResult
  3900  	readerNoDate, err := utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3901  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3902  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3903  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3904  	}
  3905  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3906  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchPropsStep1())
  3907  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3908  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3910  	// Search artifacts without c=3
  3911  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.Props("").ExcludeProps("c=3").BuildSpec())
  3912  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  3913  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3915  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3916  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3917  	}
  3918  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3919  	reader.Reset()
  3921  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  3922  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3923  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3924  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3925  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3926  	}
  3927  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3928  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchPropsStep2())
  3929  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3930  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3932  	// Search artifacts without a=1&b=2
  3933  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.Props("").ExcludeProps("a=1;b=2").BuildSpec())
  3934  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  3935  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3937  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3938  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3939  	}
  3940  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3941  	reader.Reset()
  3943  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  3944  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3945  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3946  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3947  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3948  	}
  3949  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3950  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchPropsStep3())
  3951  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3952  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3954  	// Search artifacts without a=1&b=2 and with c=3
  3955  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.Props("c=3").ExcludeProps("a=1;b=2").BuildSpec())
  3956  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  3957  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3959  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3960  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3961  	}
  3962  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3963  	reader.Reset()
  3965  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  3966  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3967  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3968  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3969  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3970  	}
  3971  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3972  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchPropsStep4())
  3973  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3974  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3976  	// Search artifacts without a=1 and with c=5
  3977  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.Props("c=5").ExcludeProps("a=1").BuildSpec())
  3978  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  3979  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3981  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3982  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  3983  	}
  3984  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  3985  	reader.Reset()
  3987  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  3988  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  3989  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  3990  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  3991  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  3992  	}
  3993  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  3994  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchPropsStep5())
  3995  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  3996  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  3998  	// Search artifacts by pattern "*b*", exclude pattern "*3*", with "b=1" and without "c=3"
  3999  	pattern := tests.RtRepo1 + "/*b*"
  4000  	exclusions := []string{tests.RtRepo1 + "/*3*"}
  4001  	searchSpecBuilder = spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(pattern).Recursive(true).Exclusions(exclusions).Props("b=1").ExcludeProps("c=3")
  4002  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.BuildSpec())
  4003  	reader, err = searchCmd.Search()
  4004  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4006  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  4007  		assert.NoError(t, assertDateInSearchResult(*resultItem))
  4008  	}
  4009  	assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  4010  	reader.Reset()
  4012  	resultItems = []utils.SearchResult{}
  4013  	readerNoDate, err = utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  4014  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4015  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  4016  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  4017  	}
  4018  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  4019  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchPropsStep6())
  4020  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  4021  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  4023  	// Cleanup
  4024  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4025  }
  4027  // Remove not to be deleted dirs from delete command from path to delete.
  4028  func TestArtifactoryDeleteExcludeProps(t *testing.T) {
  4029  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4031  	// Upload files
  4032  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadWithPropsSpecdeleteExcludeProps)
  4033  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4034  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile, "--recursive")
  4036  	// Prepare search command
  4037  	searchSpecBuilder := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(tests.RtRepo1).Recursive(true)
  4038  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  4039  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails)
  4041  	// Delete all artifacts without c=1 but keep dirs that has at least one artifact with c=1 props
  4042  	artifactoryCli.Exec("delete", tests.RtRepo1+"/*", "--exclude-props=c=1")
  4044  	// Search artifacts with c=1
  4045  	searchCmd.SetSpec(searchSpecBuilder.BuildSpec())
  4046  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  4047  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4048  	resultItems := []utils.SearchResult{}
  4049  	readerNoDate, err := utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  4050  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4051  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  4052  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  4053  	}
  4054  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  4055  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, resultItems, tests.GetSearchAfterDeleteWithExcludeProps())
  4056  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  4057  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  4059  	// Cleanup
  4060  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4061  }
  4063  func getAllBuildsByBuildName(client *httpclient.HttpClient, buildName string, t *testing.T, expectedHttpStatusCode int) buildsApiResponseStruct {
  4064  	resp, body, _, _ := client.SendGet(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl+"api/build/"+buildName, true, artHttpDetails, "")
  4065  	assert.Equal(t, expectedHttpStatusCode, resp.StatusCode, "Failed retrieving build information from artifactory.")
  4067  	buildsApiResponse := &buildsApiResponseStruct{}
  4068  	err := json.Unmarshal(body, buildsApiResponse)
  4069  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unmarshaling failed with an error")
  4070  	return *buildsApiResponse
  4071  }
  4073  type buildsApiInnerBuildsStruct struct {
  4074  	Uri     string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
  4075  	Started string `json:"started,omitempty"`
  4076  }
  4078  type buildsApiResponseStruct struct {
  4079  	Uri    string                       `json:"uri,omitempty"`
  4080  	Builds []buildsApiInnerBuildsStruct `json:"buildsNumbers,omitempty"`
  4081  }
  4083  func verifySummary(t *testing.T, buffer *bytes.Buffer, success, failure int64, logger log.Log) {
  4084  	content := buffer.Bytes()
  4085  	buffer.Reset()
  4086  	logger.Output(string(content))
  4088  	status, err := jsonparser.GetString(content, "status")
  4089  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4090  	assert.Equal(t, "success", status, "Summary validation failed")
  4092  	resultSuccess, err := jsonparser.GetInt(content, "totals", "success")
  4093  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4095  	resultFailure, err := jsonparser.GetInt(content, "totals", "failure")
  4096  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4098  	assert.Equal(t, success, resultSuccess, "Summary validation failed")
  4099  	assert.Equal(t, failure, resultFailure, "Summary validation failed")
  4100  }
  4102  func CleanArtifactoryTests() {
  4103  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4104  	deleteCreatedRepos()
  4105  }
  4107  func initArtifactoryTest(t *testing.T) {
  4108  	if !*tests.TestArtifactory {
  4109  		t.Skip("Skipping artifactory test. To run artifactory test add the '-test.artifactory=true' option.")
  4110  	}
  4111  }
  4113  func cleanArtifactoryTest() {
  4114  	if !*tests.TestArtifactory {
  4115  		return
  4116  	}
  4117  	os.Unsetenv(coreutils.HomeDir)
  4118  	os.Unsetenv(coreutils.BuildName)
  4119  	os.Unsetenv(coreutils.BuildNumber)
  4120  	log.Info("Cleaning test data...")
  4121  	cleanArtifactory()
  4122  	tests.CleanFileSystem()
  4123  }
  4125  func preUploadBasicTestResources() {
  4126  	uploadPath := tests.GetTestResourcesPath() + "a/(.*)"
  4127  	targetPath := tests.RtRepo1 + "/test_resources/{1}"
  4128  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", uploadPath, targetPath,
  4129  		"--threads=10", "--regexp=true", "--target-props=searchMe=true", "--flat=false")
  4130  }
  4132  func execDeleteRepo(repoName string) {
  4133  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("repo-delete", repoName, "--quiet")
  4134  	if err != nil {
  4135  		log.Warn(err)
  4136  	}
  4137  }
  4139  func execDeleteUser(username string) {
  4140  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("users-delete", username, "--quiet")
  4141  	if err != nil {
  4142  		log.Error(err)
  4143  		os.Exit(1)
  4144  	}
  4145  }
  4147  func getAllRepos() (repositoryKeys []string, err error) {
  4148  	servicesManager, err := utils.CreateServiceManager(serverDetails, -1, false)
  4149  	if err != nil {
  4150  		return nil, err
  4151  	}
  4152  	repos, err := servicesManager.GetAllRepositories()
  4153  	if err != nil {
  4154  		return nil, err
  4155  	}
  4156  	for _, repo := range *repos {
  4157  		repositoryKeys = append(repositoryKeys, repo.Key)
  4158  	}
  4159  	return
  4160  }
  4162  func execListBuildNamesRest() ([]string, error) {
  4163  	var buildNames []string
  4165  	// Build http client
  4166  	client, err := httpclient.ClientBuilder().Build()
  4167  	if err != nil {
  4168  		return nil, err
  4169  	}
  4171  	// Send get request
  4172  	resp, body, _, err := client.SendGet(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl+"api/build", true, artHttpDetails, "")
  4173  	if err != nil {
  4174  		return nil, err
  4175  	}
  4176  	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
  4177  		return nil, errors.New("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + clientutils.IndentJson(body))
  4178  	}
  4180  	builds, _, _, err := jsonparser.Get(body, "builds")
  4181  	if err != nil {
  4182  		return nil, err
  4183  	}
  4185  	// Extract repository keys from the json response
  4186  	var keyError error
  4187  	_, err = jsonparser.ArrayEach(builds, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
  4188  		if err != nil || keyError != nil {
  4189  			return
  4190  		}
  4191  		buildName, err := jsonparser.GetString(value, "uri")
  4192  		if err != nil {
  4193  			keyError = err
  4194  			return
  4195  		}
  4196  		buildNames = append(buildNames, strings.TrimPrefix(buildName, "/"))
  4197  	})
  4198  	if keyError != nil {
  4199  		return nil, err
  4200  	}
  4202  	return buildNames, err
  4203  }
  4205  func execCreateRepoRest(repoConfig, repoName string) {
  4206  	content, err := os.ReadFile(repoConfig)
  4207  	if err != nil {
  4208  		log.Error(err)
  4209  		os.Exit(1)
  4210  	}
  4211  	rtutils.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", &artHttpDetails.Headers)
  4212  	client, err := httpclient.ClientBuilder().Build()
  4213  	if err != nil {
  4214  		log.Error(err)
  4215  		os.Exit(1)
  4216  	}
  4217  	resp, body, err := client.SendPut(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl+"api/repositories/"+repoName, content, artHttpDetails, "")
  4218  	if err != nil {
  4219  		log.Error(err)
  4220  		os.Exit(1)
  4221  	}
  4222  	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
  4223  		log.Error(errors.New("Artifactory response: " + resp.Status + "\n" + clientutils.IndentJson(body)))
  4224  		os.Exit(1)
  4225  	}
  4226  	log.Info("Repository", repoName, "created.")
  4227  }
  4229  func getAllUsernames() (usersnames []string, err error) {
  4230  	servicesManager, err := utils.CreateServiceManager(serverDetails, -1, false)
  4231  	if err != nil {
  4232  		return nil, err
  4233  	}
  4234  	users, err := servicesManager.GetAllUsers()
  4235  	if err != nil {
  4236  		return nil, err
  4237  	}
  4238  	for _, user := range users {
  4239  		usersnames = append(usersnames, user.Name)
  4240  	}
  4241  	return
  4242  }
  4244  func createRequiredRepos() {
  4245  	tests.CreatedNonVirtualRepositories = tests.GetNonVirtualRepositories()
  4246  	createRepos(tests.CreatedNonVirtualRepositories)
  4247  	tests.CreatedVirtualRepositories = tests.GetVirtualRepositories()
  4248  	createRepos(tests.CreatedVirtualRepositories)
  4249  }
  4251  func cleanUpOldBuilds() {
  4252  	tests.CleanUpOldItems(tests.GetBuildNames(), execListBuildNamesRest, func(buildName string) {
  4253  		inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, buildName, artHttpDetails)
  4254  		log.Info("Build", buildName, "deleted.")
  4255  	})
  4256  }
  4258  func cleanUpOldRepositories() {
  4259  	tests.CleanUpOldItems(tests.GetAllRepositoriesNames(), getAllRepos, execDeleteRepo)
  4260  }
  4262  func cleanUpOldUsers() {
  4263  	tests.CleanUpOldItems(tests.GetTestUsersNames(), getAllUsernames, execDeleteUser)
  4264  }
  4266  func createRepos(repos map[*string]string) {
  4267  	for repoName, configFile := range repos {
  4268  		if !isRepoExist(*repoName) {
  4269  			repoConfig := tests.GetTestResourcesPath() + configFile
  4270  			repoConfig, err := tests.ReplaceTemplateVariables(repoConfig, "")
  4271  			if err != nil {
  4272  				log.Error(err)
  4273  				os.Exit(1)
  4274  			}
  4275  			execCreateRepoRest(repoConfig, *repoName)
  4276  		}
  4277  	}
  4278  }
  4280  func deleteCreatedRepos() {
  4281  	// Important - Virtual repositories most be deleted first
  4282  	deleteRepos(tests.CreatedVirtualRepositories)
  4283  	deleteRepos(tests.CreatedNonVirtualRepositories)
  4284  }
  4286  func deleteRepos(repos map[*string]string) {
  4287  	for repoName := range repos {
  4288  		if isRepoExist(*repoName) {
  4289  			execDeleteRepo(*repoName)
  4290  		}
  4291  	}
  4292  }
  4294  func cleanArtifactory() {
  4295  	deleteSpecFile := tests.GetFilePathForArtifactory(tests.DeleteSpec)
  4296  	fmt.Println(deleteSpecFile)
  4297  	deleteSpecFile, err := tests.ReplaceTemplateVariables(deleteSpecFile, "")
  4298  	fmt.Println(deleteSpecFile)
  4299  	if err != nil {
  4300  		log.Error(err)
  4301  		os.Exit(1)
  4302  	}
  4303  	deleteSpec, _ := spec.CreateSpecFromFile(deleteSpecFile, nil)
  4304  	tests.DeleteFiles(deleteSpec, serverDetails)
  4305  }
  4307  func searchInArtifactory(specFile string, t *testing.T) ([]utils.SearchResult, error) {
  4308  	searchSpec, _ := spec.CreateSpecFromFile(specFile, nil)
  4309  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  4310  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(searchSpec)
  4311  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  4312  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4313  	var resultItems []utils.SearchResult
  4314  	readerNoDate, err := utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  4315  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4316  	for searchResult := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(searchResult) == nil; searchResult = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  4317  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *searchResult)
  4318  	}
  4319  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  4320  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  4321  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  4322  	return resultItems, err
  4323  }
  4325  func getSpecAndCommonFlags(specFile string) (*spec.SpecFiles, rtutils.CommonConf) {
  4326  	searchFlags, _ := rtutils.NewCommonConfImpl(artAuth)
  4327  	searchSpec, _ := spec.CreateSpecFromFile(specFile, nil)
  4328  	return searchSpec, searchFlags
  4329  }
  4331  func verifyExistInArtifactory(expected []string, specFile string, t *testing.T) {
  4332  	results, _ := searchInArtifactory(specFile, t)
  4333  	tests.CompareExpectedVsActual(expected, results, t)
  4334  }
  4336  func verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(specFile string, t *testing.T) {
  4337  	verifyExistInArtifactory([]string{}, specFile, t)
  4338  }
  4340  func verifyExistInArtifactoryByProps(expected []string, pattern, props string, t *testing.T) {
  4341  	searchSpec := spec.NewBuilder().Pattern(pattern).Props(props).Recursive(true).BuildSpec()
  4342  	searchCmd := generic.NewSearchCommand()
  4343  	searchCmd.SetServerDetails(serverDetails).SetSpec(searchSpec)
  4344  	reader, err := searchCmd.Search()
  4345  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4346  	var resultItems []utils.SearchResult
  4347  	readerNoDate, err := utils.SearchResultNoDate(reader)
  4348  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4349  	for resultItem := new(utils.SearchResult); readerNoDate.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(utils.SearchResult) {
  4350  		resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  4351  	}
  4352  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.GetError())
  4353  	tests.CompareExpectedVsActual(expected, resultItems, t)
  4354  	assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  4355  	assert.NoError(t, readerNoDate.Close())
  4356  }
  4358  func isRepoExist(repoName string) bool {
  4359  	client, err := httpclient.ClientBuilder().Build()
  4360  	if err != nil {
  4361  		log.Error(err)
  4362  		os.Exit(1)
  4363  	}
  4364  	resp, _, _, err := client.SendGet(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl+tests.RepoDetailsUrl+repoName, true, artHttpDetails, "")
  4365  	if err != nil {
  4366  		log.Error(err)
  4367  		os.Exit(1)
  4368  	}
  4370  	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest {
  4371  		return true
  4372  	}
  4373  	return false
  4374  }
  4376  func getCliDotGitPath(t *testing.T) string {
  4377  	dotGitPath, err := os.Getwd()
  4378  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to get current dir.")
  4379  	dotGitExists, err := fileutils.IsDirExists(filepath.Join(dotGitPath, ".git"), false)
  4380  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4381  	assert.True(t, dotGitExists, "Can't find .git")
  4382  	return dotGitPath
  4383  }
  4385  func deleteServerConfig() {
  4386  	configCli.WithoutCredentials().Exec("rm", tests.RtServerId, "--quiet")
  4387  }
  4389  // This function will create server config and return the entire passphrase flag if it needed.
  4390  // For example if passphrase is needed it will return "--ssh-passphrase=${theConfiguredPassphrase}" or empty string.
  4391  func createServerConfigAndReturnPassphrase() (passphrase string, err error) {
  4392  	deleteServerConfig()
  4393  	if *tests.RtSshPassphrase != "" {
  4394  		passphrase = "--ssh-passphrase=" + *tests.RtSshPassphrase
  4395  	}
  4396  	return passphrase, configCli.Exec("add", tests.RtServerId)
  4397  }
  4399  func testCopyMoveNoSpec(command string, beforeCommandExpected, afterCommandExpected []string, t *testing.T) {
  4400  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4402  	// Upload files
  4403  	specFileA, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecA)
  4404  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4405  	specFileB, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SplitUploadSpecB)
  4406  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4408  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileA)
  4409  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFileB)
  4411  	// Run command with dry-run
  4412  	artifactoryCli.Exec(command, tests.RtRepo1+"/data/*a*", tests.RtRepo2+"/", "--dry-run")
  4414  	// Validate files weren't affected
  4415  	cpMvSpecFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.CpMvDlByBuildAssertSpec)
  4416  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4417  	verifyExistInArtifactory(beforeCommandExpected, cpMvSpecFilePath, t)
  4419  	// Run command
  4420  	artifactoryCli.Exec(command, tests.RtRepo1+"/data/*a*", tests.RtRepo2+"/")
  4422  	// Validate files were affected
  4423  	verifyExistInArtifactory(afterCommandExpected, cpMvSpecFilePath, t)
  4425  	// Cleanup
  4426  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4427  }
  4429  func searchItemsInArtifactory(t *testing.T, specSource string) []rtutils.ResultItem {
  4430  	fileSpec, err := tests.CreateSpec(specSource)
  4431  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4432  	spec, flags := getSpecAndCommonFlags(fileSpec)
  4433  	var resultItems []rtutils.ResultItem
  4434  	for i := 0; i < len(spec.Files); i++ {
  4435  		searchParams, err := utils.GetSearchParams(spec.Get(i))
  4436  		assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed Searching files")
  4437  		reader, err := services.SearchBySpecFiles(searchParams, flags, rtutils.ALL)
  4438  		assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed Searching files")
  4439  		for resultItem := new(rtutils.ResultItem); reader.NextRecord(resultItem) == nil; resultItem = new(rtutils.ResultItem) {
  4440  			resultItems = append(resultItems, *resultItem)
  4441  		}
  4442  		assert.NoError(t, reader.GetError())
  4443  		assert.NoError(t, reader.Close())
  4444  	}
  4445  	return resultItems
  4446  }
  4448  func assertDateInSearchResult(searchResult utils.SearchResult) error {
  4449  	if searchResult.Created == "" || searchResult.Modified == "" {
  4450  		message, err := json.Marshal(&searchResult)
  4451  		if err != nil {
  4452  			return errors.New("failed to process search result to assert it includes date: " + err.Error())
  4453  		}
  4454  		return errors.New("search result does not include date: " + string(message))
  4455  	}
  4456  	return nil
  4457  }
  4459  func TestArtifactoryUploadInflatedPath(t *testing.T) {
  4460  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4461  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/a/../a/a1.*", tests.RtRepo1)
  4462  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/./a/a1.*", tests.RtRepo1)
  4463  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  4464  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4465  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  4467  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "testdata/./a/../a/././././a2.*", tests.RtRepo1)
  4468  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  4469  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4470  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpected2filesRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  4471  	if coreutils.IsWindows() {
  4472  		artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", `testdata\\a\\..\\a\\a1.*`, tests.RtRepo2)
  4473  		artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", `testdata\\.\\\a\a1.*`, tests.RtRepo2)
  4474  		searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
  4475  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4476  		verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpectedRepo2(), searchFilePath, t)
  4478  		artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", `testdata\\.\\a\\..\\a\\.\\.\\.\\.\\a2.*`, tests.RtRepo2)
  4479  		searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo2)
  4480  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4481  		verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleUploadSpecialCharNoRegexExpected2filesRepo2(), searchFilePath, t)
  4482  	}
  4483  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4484  }
  4486  func TestGetExtractorsRemoteDetails(t *testing.T) {
  4487  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4488  	_, err := createServerConfigAndReturnPassphrase()
  4489  	defer deleteServerConfig()
  4490  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4492  	unsetEnvVars := func() {
  4493  		err := os.Unsetenv(utils.JCenterRemoteServerEnv)
  4494  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4495  		err = os.Unsetenv(utils.JCenterRemoteRepoEnv)
  4496  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4497  		err = os.Unsetenv(utils.ExtractorsRemoteEnv)
  4498  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4499  	}
  4500  	unsetEnvVars()
  4501  	defer unsetEnvVars()
  4503  	// Make sure extractor1.jar downloaded from
  4504  	downloadPath := "org/jfrog/buildinfo/build-info-extractor/extractor1.jar"
  4505  	expectedRemotePath := path.Join("oss-release-local", downloadPath)
  4506  	validateExtractorRemoteDetails(t, downloadPath, expectedRemotePath)
  4508  	// Make sure extractor2.jar also downloaded from
  4509  	downloadPath = "org/jfrog/buildinfo/build-info-extractor/extractor2.jar"
  4510  	expectedRemotePath = path.Join("oss-release-local", downloadPath)
  4511  	validateExtractorRemoteDetails(t, downloadPath, expectedRemotePath)
  4513  	// Set 'JFROG_CLI_EXTRACTORS_REMOTE' and make sure extractor3.jar downloaded from a remote repo 'test-remote-repo' in RtServerId.
  4514  	testRemoteRepo := "test-remote-repo"
  4515  	err = os.Setenv(utils.ExtractorsRemoteEnv, tests.RtServerId+"/"+testRemoteRepo)
  4516  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4517  	downloadPath = "org/jfrog/buildinfo/build-info-extractor/extractor3.jar"
  4518  	expectedRemotePath = path.Join(testRemoteRepo, downloadPath)
  4519  	validateExtractorRemoteDetails(t, downloadPath, expectedRemotePath)
  4520  	err = os.Unsetenv(utils.ExtractorsRemoteEnv)
  4521  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4523  	// Set 'JFROG_CLI_JCENTER_REMOTE_SERVER' and make sure extractor4.jar downloaded from the default 'jcenter' repo in RtServerId.
  4524  	err = os.Setenv(utils.JCenterRemoteServerEnv, tests.RtServerId)
  4525  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4526  	downloadPath = "org/jfrog/buildinfo/build-info-extractor/extractor4.jar"
  4527  	expectedRemotePath = path.Join("jcenter", downloadPath)
  4528  	validateExtractorRemoteDetails(t, downloadPath, expectedRemotePath)
  4530  	// Set 'JFROG_CLI_JCENTER_REMOTE_REPO' to 'test-remote-repo' and make sure extractor5.jar downloaded from this repository.
  4531  	err = os.Setenv(utils.JCenterRemoteRepoEnv, testRemoteRepo)
  4532  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4533  	downloadPath = "org/jfrog/buildinfo/build-info-extractor/extractor5.jar"
  4534  	expectedRemotePath = path.Join(testRemoteRepo, downloadPath)
  4535  	validateExtractorRemoteDetails(t, downloadPath, expectedRemotePath)
  4537  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4538  }
  4540  func validateExtractorRemoteDetails(t *testing.T, downloadPath, expectedRemotePath string) {
  4541  	serverDetails, remotePath, err := utils.GetExtractorsRemoteDetails(downloadPath)
  4542  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4543  	assert.Equal(t, expectedRemotePath, remotePath)
  4544  	assert.False(t, os.Getenv(utils.JCenterRemoteServerEnv) != "" && serverDetails == nil, "Expected a server to be returned")
  4545  }
  4547  func TestVcsProps(t *testing.T) {
  4548  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4549  	defer inttestutils.DeleteBuild(serverDetails.ArtifactoryUrl, tests.RtBuildName1, artHttpDetails)
  4550  	testDir := initVcsTestDir(t)
  4551  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filepath.Join(testDir, "*"), tests.RtRepo1, "--flat=false", "--build-name="+tests.RtBuildName1, "--build-number=2020")
  4552  	resultItems := searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  4553  	assert.NotZero(t, len(resultItems), "No artifacts were found.")
  4554  	for _, item := range resultItems {
  4555  		properties := item.Properties
  4556  		foundUrl, foundRevision := false, false
  4557  		for _, prop := range properties {
  4558  			if item.Name == "" || item.Name == "" {
  4559  				// Check that properties were not removed.
  4560  				if prop.Key == "vcs.url" && prop.Value == "" {
  4561  					assert.False(t, foundUrl, "Found duplicate VCS property(url) in artifact")
  4562  					foundUrl = true
  4563  				}
  4564  				if prop.Key == "vcs.revision" && prop.Value == "d63c5957ad6819f4c02a817abe757f210d35ff92" {
  4565  					assert.False(t, foundRevision, "Found duplicate VCS property(revision) in artifact")
  4566  					foundRevision = true
  4567  				}
  4568  			}
  4569  			if item.Name == "" || item.Name == "" {
  4570  				if prop.Key == "vcs.url" && prop.Value == "" {
  4571  					assert.False(t, foundUrl, "Found duplicate VCS property(url) in artifact")
  4572  					foundUrl = true
  4573  				}
  4574  				if prop.Key == "vcs.revision" && prop.Value == "ad99b6c068283878fde4d49423728f0bdc00544a" {
  4575  					assert.False(t, foundRevision, "Found duplicate VCS property(revision) in artifact")
  4576  					foundRevision = true
  4577  				}
  4578  			}
  4579  		}
  4580  		assert.True(t, foundUrl && foundRevision, "VCS property was not found on artifact: "+item.Name)
  4581  	}
  4582  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4583  }
  4585  func initVcsTestDir(t *testing.T) string {
  4586  	testdataSrc := filepath.Join(filepath.FromSlash(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()), "vcs")
  4587  	testdataTarget := tests.Temp
  4588  	err := fileutils.CopyDir(testdataSrc, testdataTarget, true, nil)
  4589  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4590  	if found, err := fileutils.IsDirExists(filepath.Join(testdataTarget, "gitdata"), false); found {
  4591  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4592  		coretests.RenamePath(filepath.Join(testdataTarget, "gitdata"), filepath.Join(testdataTarget, ".git"), t)
  4593  	}
  4594  	if found, err := fileutils.IsDirExists(filepath.Join(testdataTarget, "OtherGit", "gitdata"), false); found {
  4595  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4596  		coretests.RenamePath(filepath.Join(testdataTarget, "OtherGit", "gitdata"), filepath.Join(testdataTarget, "OtherGit", ".git"), t)
  4597  	}
  4598  	path, err := filepath.Abs(tests.Temp)
  4599  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4600  	return path
  4601  }
  4603  func TestConfigAddOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
  4604  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4605  	// Add a new instance.
  4606  	err := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog config", "").Exec("add", tests.RtServerId, "--artifactory-url="+*tests.RtUrl, "--user=admin", "--password=password", "--enc-password=false")
  4607  	// Remove the instance at the end of the test.
  4608  	defer tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog config", "").Exec("rm", tests.RtServerId, "--quiet")
  4609  	// Expect no error, because the instance we created has a unique ID.
  4610  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4611  	// Try creating an instance with the same ID, and expect to fail, because an instance with the
  4612  	// same ID already exists.
  4613  	err = tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog config", "").Exec("add", tests.RtServerId, "--artifactory-url="+*tests.RtUrl, "--user=admin", "--password=password", "--enc-password=false")
  4614  	assert.Error(t, err)
  4615  	// Now create it again, this time with the --overwrite option and expect no error.
  4616  	err = tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog config", "").Exec("add", tests.RtServerId, "--overwrite", "--artifactory-url="+*tests.RtUrl, "--user=admin2", "--password=password", "--enc-password=false")
  4617  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4618  }
  4620  func TestArtifactoryReplicationCreate(t *testing.T) {
  4621  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4622  	// Configure server with dummy credentials
  4623  	err := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog config", "").Exec("add", tests.RtServerId, "--artifactory-url="+*tests.RtUrl, "--user=admin", "--password=password", "--enc-password=false")
  4624  	defer deleteServerConfig()
  4625  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4627  	// Init tmp dir
  4628  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.ReplicationTempCreate)
  4629  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4631  	// Create push replication
  4632  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("rplc", specFile)
  4633  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4635  	// Validate create replication
  4636  	servicesManager, err := utils.CreateServiceManager(serverDetails, -1, false)
  4637  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4638  	result, err := servicesManager.GetReplication(tests.RtRepo1)
  4639  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4640  	// The Replicator may encrypt the password internally, therefore we should only check that the password is not empty
  4641  	assert.NotEmpty(t, result[0].Password)
  4642  	result[0].Password = ""
  4643  	assert.ElementsMatch(t, result, tests.GetReplicationConfig())
  4645  	// Delete replication
  4646  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("rpldel", tests.RtRepo1)
  4647  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4649  	// Validate delete replication
  4650  	result, err = servicesManager.GetReplication(tests.RtRepo1)
  4651  	assert.Error(t, err)
  4652  	// Cleanup
  4653  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4654  }
  4656  func TestAccessTokenCreate(t *testing.T) {
  4657  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4659  	buffer, previousLog := tests.RedirectLogOutputToBuffer()
  4660  	// Restore previous logger when the function returns
  4661  	defer log.SetLogger(previousLog)
  4663  	// Create access token for current user, implicitly
  4664  	if *tests.RtAccessToken != "" {
  4665  		// Use Artifactory CLI with basic auth to allow running `jfrog rt atc` without arguments
  4666  		origAccessToken := *tests.RtAccessToken
  4667  		origUsername, origPassword := tests.SetBasicAuthFromAccessToken(t)
  4668  		defer func() {
  4669  			*tests.RtUser = origUsername
  4670  			*tests.RtPassword = origPassword
  4671  			*tests.RtAccessToken = origAccessToken
  4672  		}()
  4673  		*tests.RtAccessToken = ""
  4674  		err := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", authenticate(false)).Exec("atc")
  4675  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4676  	} else {
  4677  		err := artifactoryCli.Exec("atc")
  4678  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4679  	}
  4681  	// Check access token
  4682  	checkAccessToken(t, buffer)
  4684  	// Create access token for current user, explicitly
  4685  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("atc", *tests.RtUser)
  4686  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4688  	// Check access token
  4689  	checkAccessToken(t, buffer)
  4691  	// Cleanup
  4692  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4693  }
  4695  func checkAccessToken(t *testing.T, buffer *bytes.Buffer) {
  4696  	// Write the command output to the origin
  4697  	content := buffer.Bytes()
  4698  	buffer.Reset()
  4700  	// Extract the the token from the output
  4701  	token, err := jsonparser.GetString(content, "access_token")
  4702  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4704  	// Try ping with the new token
  4705  	err = tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", "--url="+*tests.RtUrl+" --access-token="+token).Exec("ping")
  4706  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4707  }
  4709  func TestRefreshableTokens(t *testing.T) {
  4710  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4712  	if *tests.RtAccessToken != "" {
  4713  		t.Skip("Test only with username and password / APIkey, skipping...")
  4714  	}
  4716  	// Create server with initialized refreshable tokens.
  4717  	_, err := createServerConfigAndReturnPassphrase()
  4718  	defer deleteServerConfig()
  4719  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4721  	// Upload a file and assert the refreshable tokens were generated.
  4722  	artifactoryCommandExecutor := tests.NewJfrogCli(execMain, "jfrog rt", "")
  4723  	uploadedFiles := 1
  4724  	err = uploadWithSpecificServerAndVerify(t, artifactoryCommandExecutor, tests.RtServerId, "testdata/a/", uploadedFiles)
  4725  	if err != nil {
  4726  		return
  4727  	}
  4728  	curAccessToken, curRefreshToken, err := getTokensFromConfig(t, tests.RtServerId)
  4729  	if err != nil {
  4730  		return
  4731  	}
  4732  	assert.NotEmpty(t, curAccessToken)
  4733  	assert.NotEmpty(t, curRefreshToken)
  4735  	// Make the token always refresh.
  4736  	auth.RefreshBeforeExpiryMinutes = 60
  4738  	// Upload a file and assert tokens were refreshed.
  4739  	uploadedFiles++
  4740  	err = uploadWithSpecificServerAndVerify(t, artifactoryCommandExecutor, tests.RtServerId, "testdata/a/", uploadedFiles)
  4741  	if err != nil {
  4742  		return
  4743  	}
  4744  	curAccessToken, curRefreshToken, err = assertTokensChanged(t, tests.RtServerId, curAccessToken, curRefreshToken)
  4745  	if err != nil {
  4746  		return
  4747  	}
  4749  	// Make refresh token invalid. Refreshing using tokens should fail, so new tokens should be generated using credentials.
  4750  	err = setRefreshTokenInConfig(t, tests.RtServerId, "invalid-token")
  4751  	if err != nil {
  4752  		return
  4753  	}
  4754  	uploadedFiles++
  4755  	err = uploadWithSpecificServerAndVerify(t, artifactoryCommandExecutor, tests.RtServerId, "testdata/a/", uploadedFiles)
  4756  	if err != nil {
  4757  		return
  4758  	}
  4759  	curAccessToken, curRefreshToken, err = assertTokensChanged(t, tests.RtServerId, curAccessToken, curRefreshToken)
  4760  	if err != nil {
  4761  		return
  4762  	}
  4764  	// Make password invalid. Refreshing should succeed, and new token should be obtained.
  4765  	err = setPasswordInConfig(t, tests.RtServerId, "invalid-pass")
  4766  	if err != nil {
  4767  		return
  4768  	}
  4769  	uploadedFiles++
  4770  	err = uploadWithSpecificServerAndVerify(t, artifactoryCommandExecutor, tests.RtServerId, "testdata/a/b/", uploadedFiles)
  4771  	if err != nil {
  4772  		return
  4773  	}
  4774  	curAccessToken, curRefreshToken, err = assertTokensChanged(t, tests.RtServerId, curAccessToken, curRefreshToken)
  4775  	if err != nil {
  4776  		return
  4777  	}
  4779  	// Make the token not refresh. Verify Tokens did not refresh.
  4780  	auth.RefreshBeforeExpiryMinutes = 0
  4781  	uploadedFiles++
  4782  	err = uploadWithSpecificServerAndVerify(t, artifactoryCommandExecutor, tests.RtServerId, "testdata/a/b/", uploadedFiles)
  4783  	if err != nil {
  4784  		return
  4785  	}
  4786  	newAccessToken, newRefreshToken, err := getTokensFromConfig(t, tests.RtServerId)
  4787  	if err != nil {
  4788  		return
  4789  	}
  4790  	assert.Equal(t, curAccessToken, newAccessToken)
  4791  	assert.Equal(t, curRefreshToken, newRefreshToken)
  4793  	// Cleanup
  4794  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4795  }
  4797  func setRefreshTokenInConfig(t *testing.T, serverId, token string) error {
  4798  	details, err := config.GetAllServersConfigs()
  4799  	if err != nil {
  4800  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4801  		return err
  4802  	}
  4803  	for _, server := range details {
  4804  		if server.ServerId == serverId {
  4805  			server.SetRefreshToken(token)
  4806  		}
  4807  	}
  4808  	assert.NoError(t, config.SaveServersConf(details))
  4809  	return nil
  4810  }
  4812  func setPasswordInConfig(t *testing.T, serverId, password string) error {
  4813  	details, err := config.GetAllServersConfigs()
  4814  	if err != nil {
  4815  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4816  		return err
  4817  	}
  4818  	for _, server := range details {
  4819  		if server.ServerId == serverId {
  4820  			server.SetPassword(password)
  4821  		}
  4822  	}
  4823  	assert.NoError(t, config.SaveServersConf(details))
  4824  	return nil
  4825  }
  4827  func getTokensFromConfig(t *testing.T, serverId string) (accessToken, refreshToken string, err error) {
  4828  	details, err := config.GetSpecificConfig(serverId, false, false)
  4829  	if err != nil {
  4830  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4831  		return "", "", err
  4832  	}
  4833  	return details.AccessToken, details.RefreshToken, nil
  4834  }
  4836  func assertTokensChanged(t *testing.T, serverId, curAccessToken, curRefreshToken string) (newAccessToken, newRefreshToken string, err error) {
  4837  	newAccessToken, newRefreshToken, err = getTokensFromConfig(t, serverId)
  4838  	if err != nil {
  4839  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4840  		return "", "", err
  4841  	}
  4842  	assert.NotEqual(t, curAccessToken, newAccessToken)
  4843  	assert.NotEqual(t, curRefreshToken, newRefreshToken)
  4844  	return newAccessToken, newRefreshToken, nil
  4845  }
  4847  func uploadWithSpecificServerAndVerify(t *testing.T, cli *tests.JfrogCli, serverId string, source string, expectedResults int) error {
  4848  	err := cli.Exec("upload", source, tests.RtRepo1, "--server-id="+serverId)
  4849  	if err != nil {
  4850  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4851  		return err
  4852  	}
  4853  	assert.Len(t, searchItemsInArtifactory(t, tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix), expectedResults)
  4854  	return nil
  4855  }
  4857  func TestArtifactorySimpleUploadAntPattern(t *testing.T) {
  4858  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4860  	// --ant and --regexp together: should get an error
  4861  	uploadUsingAntAndRegexpTogether(t)
  4862  	// Upload empty dir
  4863  	uploadUsingAntAIncludeDirsAndFlat(t)
  4864  	// Simple uploads
  4865  	simpleUploadAntIsTrueRegexpIsFalse(t)
  4866  	simpleUploadWithAntPatternSpec(t)
  4868  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4869  }
  4871  func uploadUsingAntAndRegexpTogether(t *testing.T) {
  4872  	filePath := getAntPatternFilePath()
  4873  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1, "--regexp", "--ant")
  4874  	assert.Error(t, err)
  4875  }
  4877  func simpleUploadAntIsTrueRegexpIsFalse(t *testing.T) {
  4878  	filePath := getAntPatternFilePath()
  4879  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1, "--ant", "--regexp=false")
  4880  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4881  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  4882  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4883  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleAntPatternUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  4884  }
  4886  func simpleUploadWithAntPatternSpec(t *testing.T) {
  4887  	// Init tmp dir
  4888  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadAntPattern)
  4889  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4890  	err = fileutils.CopyDir(tests.GetTestResourcesPath()+"cache", filepath.Dir(specFile), true, nil)
  4891  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4892  	// Upload
  4893  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  4894  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  4895  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4896  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetSimpleAntPatternUploadExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  4897  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1NonExistFile)
  4898  	verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(searchFilePath, t)
  4899  }
  4901  func uploadUsingAntAIncludeDirsAndFlat(t *testing.T) {
  4902  	filePath := "testdata/*/empt?/**"
  4903  	err := artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1, "--ant", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=true")
  4904  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4905  	err = artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", filePath, tests.RtRepo1, "--ant", "--include-dirs=true", "--flat=false")
  4906  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4907  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1IncludeDirs)
  4908  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4909  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAntPatternUploadWithIncludeDirsExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  4910  }
  4912  func TestUploadWithAntPatternAndExclusionsSpec(t *testing.T) {
  4913  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4914  	// Init tmp dir
  4915  	specFile, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.UploadAntPatternExclusions)
  4916  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4917  	err = fileutils.CopyDir(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), filepath.Dir(specFile), true, nil)
  4918  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4919  	// Upload
  4920  	artifactoryCli.Exec("upload", "--spec="+specFile)
  4921  	searchFilePath, err := tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1ByInSuffix)
  4922  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4923  	verifyExistInArtifactory(tests.GetAntPatternUploadWithExclusionsExpectedRepo1(), searchFilePath, t)
  4924  	searchFilePath, err = tests.CreateSpec(tests.SearchRepo1NonExistFileAntExclusions)
  4925  	verifyDoesntExistInArtifactory(searchFilePath, t)
  4926  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4927  }
  4929  func TestPermissionTargets(t *testing.T) {
  4930  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4931  	servicesManager, err := utils.CreateServiceManager(serverDetails, -1, false)
  4932  	if err != nil {
  4933  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4934  		return
  4935  	}
  4936  	templatePath := filepath.Join(tests.GetTestResourcesPath(), "permissiontarget", "template")
  4938  	// Create permission target on specific repo.
  4939  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("ptc", templatePath, createPermissionTargetsTemplateVars(tests.RtRepo1)))
  4940  	assertPermissionTarget(t, servicesManager, tests.RtRepo1)
  4942  	// Update permission target to ANY repo.
  4943  	any := "ANY"
  4944  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("ptu", templatePath, createPermissionTargetsTemplateVars(any)))
  4945  	assertPermissionTarget(t, servicesManager, any)
  4947  	// Delete permission target.
  4948  	assert.NoError(t, artifactoryCli.Exec("ptdel", tests.RtPermissionTargetName))
  4949  	assertPermissionTargetDeleted(t, servicesManager)
  4951  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4952  }
  4954  func createPermissionTargetsTemplateVars(reposValue string) string {
  4955  	ptNameVarKey := "pt_name"
  4956  	reposVarKey := "repos_var"
  4957  	return fmt.Sprintf("--vars=%s=%s;%s=%s", ptNameVarKey, tests.RtPermissionTargetName, reposVarKey, reposValue)
  4958  }
  4960  func assertPermissionTarget(t *testing.T, manager artifactory.ArtifactoryServicesManager, repoValue string) {
  4961  	actual, err := manager.GetPermissionTarget(tests.RtPermissionTargetName)
  4962  	if err != nil {
  4963  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  4964  		return
  4965  	}
  4966  	expected := tests.GetExpectedPermissionTarget(repoValue)
  4967  	assert.EqualValues(t, expected, *actual)
  4968  }
  4970  func assertPermissionTargetDeleted(t *testing.T, manager artifactory.ArtifactoryServicesManager) {
  4971  	permission, err := manager.GetPermissionTarget(tests.RtPermissionTargetName)
  4972  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4973  	assert.Nil(t, permission)
  4974  }
  4976  func cleanPermissionTarget() {
  4977  	_ = artifactoryCli.Exec("ptdel", tests.RtPermissionTargetName)
  4978  }
  4980  func TestArtifactoryCurl(t *testing.T) {
  4981  	initArtifactoryTest(t)
  4982  	_, err := createServerConfigAndReturnPassphrase()
  4983  	defer deleteServerConfig()
  4984  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4985  	// Check curl command with config default server
  4986  	err = artifactoryCli.WithoutCredentials().Exec("curl", "-XGET", "/api/system/version")
  4987  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4988  	// Check curl command with '--server-id' flag
  4989  	err = artifactoryCli.WithoutCredentials().Exec("curl", "-XGET", "/api/system/version", "--server-id="+tests.RtServerId)
  4990  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  4991  	// Check curl command with invalid server id - should get an error.
  4992  	err = artifactoryCli.WithoutCredentials().Exec("curl", "-XGET", "/api/system/version", "--server-id=not_configured_name_"+tests.RtServerId)
  4993  	assert.Error(t, err)
  4995  	cleanArtifactoryTest()
  4996  }