
     1  // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package godoc
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"go/build"
    10  	"io/ioutil"
    11  	"os"
    12  	"path/filepath"
    13  	"reflect"
    14  	"regexp"
    15  	"runtime"
    16  	"testing"
    17  	"text/template"
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  // setupGoroot creates temporary directory to act as GOROOT when running tests
    24  // that depend upon the build package.  It updates build.Default to point to the
    25  // new GOROOT.
    26  // It returns a function that can be called to reset build.Default and remove
    27  // the temporary directory.
    28  func setupGoroot(t *testing.T) (cleanup func()) {
    29  	var stdLib = map[string]string{
    30  		"src/fmt/fmt.go": `// Package fmt implements formatted I/O.
    31  package fmt
    33  type Stringer interface {
    34  	String() string
    35  }
    36  `,
    37  	}
    38  	goroot, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cmdline_test")
    39  	if err != nil {
    40  		t.Fatal(err)
    41  	}
    42  	origContext := build.Default
    43  	build.Default = build.Context{
    44  		GOROOT:   goroot,
    45  		Compiler: "gc",
    46  	}
    47  	for relname, contents := range stdLib {
    48  		name := filepath.Join(goroot, relname)
    49  		if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(name), 0770); err != nil {
    50  			t.Fatal(err)
    51  		}
    52  		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, []byte(contents), 0770); err != nil {
    53  			t.Fatal(err)
    54  		}
    55  	}
    57  	return func() {
    58  		if err := os.RemoveAll(goroot); err != nil {
    59  			t.Log(err)
    60  		}
    61  		build.Default = origContext
    62  	}
    63  }
    65  func TestPaths(t *testing.T) {
    66  	cleanup := setupGoroot(t)
    67  	defer cleanup()
    69  	pres := &Presentation{
    70  		pkgHandler: handlerServer{
    71  			fsRoot: "/fsroot",
    72  		},
    73  	}
    74  	fs := make(vfs.NameSpace)
    76  	absPath := "/foo/fmt"
    77  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
    78  		absPath = `c:\foo\fmt`
    79  	}
    81  	for _, tc := range []struct {
    82  		desc   string
    83  		path   string
    84  		expAbs string
    85  		expRel string
    86  	}{
    87  		{
    88  			"Absolute path",
    89  			absPath,
    90  			"/target",
    91  			"/target",
    92  		},
    93  		{
    94  			"Local import",
    95  			"../foo/fmt",
    96  			"/target",
    97  			"/target",
    98  		},
    99  		{
   100  			"Import",
   101  			"fmt",
   102  			"/target",
   103  			"fmt",
   104  		},
   105  		{
   106  			"Default",
   107  			"unknownpkg",
   108  			"/fsroot/unknownpkg",
   109  			"unknownpkg",
   110  		},
   111  	} {
   112  		abs, rel := paths(fs, pres, tc.path)
   113  		if abs != tc.expAbs || rel != tc.expRel {
   114  			t.Errorf("%s: paths(%q) = %s,%s; want %s,%s", tc.desc, tc.path, abs, rel, tc.expAbs, tc.expRel)
   115  		}
   116  	}
   117  }
   119  func TestMakeRx(t *testing.T) {
   120  	for _, tc := range []struct {
   121  		desc  string
   122  		names []string
   123  		exp   string
   124  	}{
   125  		{
   126  			desc:  "empty string",
   127  			names: []string{""},
   128  			exp:   `^$`,
   129  		},
   130  		{
   131  			desc:  "simple text",
   132  			names: []string{"a"},
   133  			exp:   `^a$`,
   134  		},
   135  		{
   136  			desc:  "two words",
   137  			names: []string{"foo", "bar"},
   138  			exp:   `^foo$|^bar$`,
   139  		},
   140  		{
   141  			desc:  "word & non-trivial",
   142  			names: []string{"foo", `ab?c`},
   143  			exp:   `^foo$|ab?c`,
   144  		},
   145  		{
   146  			desc:  "bad regexp",
   147  			names: []string{`(."`},
   148  			exp:   `(."`,
   149  		},
   150  	} {
   151  		expRE, expErr := regexp.Compile(tc.exp)
   152  		if re, err := makeRx(tc.names); !reflect.DeepEqual(err, expErr) && !reflect.DeepEqual(re, expRE) {
   153  			t.Errorf("%s: makeRx(%v) = %q,%q; want %q,%q", tc.desc, tc.names, re, err, expRE, expErr)
   154  		}
   155  	}
   156  }
   158  func TestCommandLine(t *testing.T) {
   159  	cleanup := setupGoroot(t)
   160  	defer cleanup()
   161  	mfs := mapfs.New(map[string]string{
   162  		"src/bar/bar.go": `// Package bar is an example.
   163  package bar
   164  `,
   165  		"src/foo/foo.go": `// Package foo.
   166  package foo
   168  // First function is first.
   169  func First() {
   170  }
   172  // Second function is second.
   173  func Second() {
   174  }
   176  // unexported function is third.
   177  func unexported() {
   178  }
   179  `,
   180  		"src/gen/gen.go": `// Package gen
   181  package gen
   183  //line notgen.go:3
   184  // F doc //line 1 should appear
   185  // line 2 should appear
   186  func F()
   187  //line foo.go:100`, // no newline on end to check corner cases!
   188  		"src/vet/vet.go": `// Package vet
   189  package vet
   190  `,
   191  		"src/cmd/go/doc.go": `// The go command
   192  package main
   193  `,
   194  		"src/cmd/gofmt/doc.go": `// The gofmt command
   195  package main
   196  `,
   197  		"src/cmd/vet/vet.go": `// The vet command
   198  package main
   199  `,
   200  	})
   201  	fs := make(vfs.NameSpace)
   202  	fs.Bind("/", mfs, "/", vfs.BindReplace)
   203  	c := NewCorpus(fs)
   204  	p := &Presentation{Corpus: c}
   205  	p.cmdHandler = handlerServer{
   206  		p:       p,
   207  		c:       c,
   208  		pattern: "/cmd/",
   209  		fsRoot:  "/src/cmd",
   210  	}
   211  	p.pkgHandler = handlerServer{
   212  		p:       p,
   213  		c:       c,
   214  		pattern: "/pkg/",
   215  		fsRoot:  "/src",
   216  		exclude: []string{"/src/cmd"},
   217  	}
   218  	p.initFuncMap()
   219  	p.PackageText = template.Must(template.New("PackageText").Funcs(p.FuncMap()).Parse(`{{$info := .}}{{$filtered := .IsFiltered}}{{if $filtered}}{{range .PAst}}{{range .Decls}}{{node $info .}}{{end}}{{end}}{{else}}{{with .PAst}}{{range $filename, $ast := .}}{{$filename}}:
   220  {{node $ $ast}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{with .PDoc}}{{if $.IsMain}}COMMAND {{.Doc}}{{else}}PACKAGE {{.Doc}}{{end}}{{with .Funcs}}
   221  {{range .}}{{node $ .Decl}}
   222  {{comment_text .Doc "    " "\t"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}`))
   224  	for _, tc := range []struct {
   225  		desc string
   226  		args []string
   227  		all  bool
   228  		exp  string
   229  		err  bool
   230  	}{
   231  		{
   232  			desc: "standard package",
   233  			args: []string{"fmt"},
   234  			exp:  "PACKAGE Package fmt implements formatted I/O.\n",
   235  		},
   236  		{
   237  			desc: "package",
   238  			args: []string{"bar"},
   239  			exp:  "PACKAGE Package bar is an example.\n",
   240  		},
   241  		{
   242  			desc: "package w. filter",
   243  			args: []string{"foo", "First"},
   244  			exp:  "PACKAGE \nfunc First()\n    First function is first.\n",
   245  		},
   246  		{
   247  			desc: "package w. bad filter",
   248  			args: []string{"foo", "DNE"},
   249  			exp:  "PACKAGE ",
   250  		},
   251  		{
   252  			desc: "source mode",
   253  			args: []string{"src/bar"},
   254  			exp:  "bar/bar.go:\n// Package bar is an example.\npackage bar\n",
   255  		},
   256  		{
   257  			desc: "source mode w. filter",
   258  			args: []string{"src/foo", "Second"},
   259  			exp:  "// Second function is second.\nfunc Second() {\n}",
   260  		},
   261  		{
   262  			desc: "package w. unexported filter",
   263  			args: []string{"foo", "unexported"},
   264  			all:  true,
   265  			exp:  "PACKAGE \nfunc unexported()\n    unexported function is third.\n",
   266  		},
   267  		{
   268  			desc: "package w. unexported filter",
   269  			args: []string{"foo", "unexported"},
   270  			all:  false,
   271  			exp:  "PACKAGE ",
   272  		},
   273  		{
   274  			desc: "package w. //line comments",
   275  			args: []string{"gen", "F"},
   276  			exp:  "PACKAGE \nfunc F()\n    F doc //line 1 should appear line 2 should appear\n",
   277  		},
   278  		{
   279  			desc: "command",
   280  			args: []string{"go"},
   281  			exp:  "COMMAND The go command\n",
   282  		},
   283  		{
   284  			desc: "forced command",
   285  			args: []string{"cmd/gofmt"},
   286  			exp:  "COMMAND The gofmt command\n",
   287  		},
   288  		{
   289  			desc: "bad arg",
   290  			args: []string{"doesnotexist"},
   291  			err:  true,
   292  		},
   293  		{
   294  			desc: "both command and package",
   295  			args: []string{"vet"},
   296  			exp:  "use 'godoc cmd/vet' for documentation on the vet command \n\nPACKAGE Package vet\n",
   297  		},
   298  		{
   299  			desc: "root directory",
   300  			args: []string{"/"},
   301  			exp:  "",
   302  		},
   303  	} {
   304  		p.AllMode = tc.all
   305  		w := new(bytes.Buffer)
   306  		err := CommandLine(w, fs, p, tc.args)
   307  		if got, want := w.String(), tc.exp; got != want || tc.err == (err == nil) {
   308  			t.Errorf("%s: CommandLine(%v), All(%v) = %q (%v); want %q (%v)",
   309  				tc.desc, tc.args, tc.all, got, err, want, tc.err)
   310  		}
   311  	}
   312  }