
     1  <!DOCTYPE html>
     2  <html>
     3    <head>
     4      <meta charset="utf-8">
     5      <title>Go Performance Result Dashboard</title>
     6      <style type="text/css">
     7  #header h1 {
     8    display: inline;
     9  }
    10  #search {
    11    padding: 1em .5em;
    12    width: 100%;
    13  }
    14  input[type="text"] {
    15    font-size: 100%;
    16  }
    17  #results {
    18    border-top: 1px solid black;
    19  }
    20      </style>
    21    </head>
    22    <body>
    23      <div id="header">
    24        <h1>Go Performance Dashboard</h1>
    25        <a href="/">about</a>
    26      </div>
    27      <div id="search">
    28        <form action="/search">
    29          <input type="text" name="q" size="120">
    30          <input type="submit" value="Search">
    31        </form>
    32      </div>
    33      <div id="results">
    34        <p>The Go Performance Dashboard provides a centralized
    35          resource for sharing and analyzing benchmark results. To get
    36          started, upload benchmark results using
    37          <code>go get -u</code>
    38          and
    39          <code>benchsave old.txt new.txt</code>
    40          or upload via the web at
    41          <a href=""></a>.</p>
    42        {{with .RecentUploads}}
    43          <h2>Recent Uploads</h2>
    44          <table>
    45            <thead>
    46              <tr><th>Records</th><th>Upload</th><th>By</th></tr>
    47            </thead>
    48            <tbody>
    49              {{range .}}
    50                <tr>
    51                  <td>{{.Count}}</td>
    52                  <td><a href="/search?q=upload:{{.UploadID}}">{{index .LabelValues "upload-time"}}</a></td>
    53                  <td>{{}}</td>
    54                </tr>
    55              {{end}}
    56            </tbody>
    57          </table>
    58        {{end}}
    59      </div>
    60    </body>
    61  </html>