
     1  # Notes on Bayer and Groth's verifiable shuffle
     3  **Bayer and Groth Verifiable Shuffles:**
     4  Stephanie Bayer and Jens Groth. _Efficient zero-knowledge argument for correctness of a shuffle_. EUROCRYPT 2012.
     6  The original version of the verifiable shuffle is [here]( Our modified version of the verified shuffle is [here]( and mirrored [here]( 
     8  We modified Bayer and Groth's verifiable shuffle, decreasing latency by more than an order of magnitude. We optimized the shuffle by applying the following improvements:
    10  - Added OpenMP directives to optimize key operations, such as Brickell et al.'s multi-exponentiation routines.
    11  - Replaced the use of integers with Moon and Langley's implementation of Bernstein's curve25519 group. (We avoid point compression and decompression in intermediary operations to improve speed.)
    12  - Improved point serialization and deserialization with byte-level representations of the data.
    13  - Taking into account different performance profile of curve25519, replaced some multi-exponentiation routines with naive version and tweaked multi-exponentiation window sizes. The bottleneck for the shuffle is currently in multi-exponentiation routines.
    14  - Added some more small optimizations (e.g. powers of 2, reduce dynamic memory allocations, etc.)
    16  ## Stadium
    18  **SOSP Paper:**
    19  Nirvan Tyagi, Yossi Gilad, Derek Leung, Matei Zaharia, and Nickolai Zeldovich. _Stadium: A Distributed Metadata-Private Messaging System_. SOSP 2017.
    21  **ePrint:**
    22  Nirvan Tyagi, Yossi Gilad, Derek Leung, Matei Zaharia, and Nickolai Zeldovich. _Stadium: A Distributed Metadata-Private Messaging System_. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2016/943. 2016.
    24  This version of the shuffle library was used to implement verifiable shuffles in [Stadium](