
     1  // Package daemon exposes the functions that occur on the host server
     2  // that the Docker daemon is running.
     3  //
     4  // In implementing the various functions of the daemon, there is often
     5  // a method-specific struct for configuring the runtime behavior.
     6  package daemon
     8  import (
     9  	"context"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"io/ioutil"
    12  	"net"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"path"
    15  	"path/filepath"
    16  	"runtime"
    17  	"strings"
    18  	"sync"
    19  	"time"
    21  	""
    22  	containerd ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	containertypes ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	// register graph drivers
    33  	_ ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	dmetadata ""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	refstore ""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  	volumedrivers ""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  	""
    60  	nwconfig ""
    61  	""
    62  	""
    63  )
    65  var (
    66  	// DefaultRuntimeBinary is the default runtime to be used by
    67  	// containerd if none is specified
    68  	DefaultRuntimeBinary = "docker-runc"
    70  	errSystemNotSupported = errors.New("The Docker daemon is not supported on this platform.")
    71  )
    73  // Daemon holds information about the Docker daemon.
    74  type Daemon struct {
    75  	ID                        string
    76  	repository                string
    77  	containers                container.Store
    78  	execCommands              *exec.Store
    79  	referenceStore            refstore.Store
    80  	downloadManager           *xfer.LayerDownloadManager
    81  	uploadManager             *xfer.LayerUploadManager
    82  	distributionMetadataStore dmetadata.Store
    83  	trustKey                  libtrust.PrivateKey
    84  	idIndex                   *truncindex.TruncIndex
    85  	configStore               *config.Config
    86  	statsCollector            *stats.Collector
    87  	defaultLogConfig          containertypes.LogConfig
    88  	RegistryService           registry.Service
    89  	EventsService             *events.Events
    90  	netController             libnetwork.NetworkController
    91  	volumes                   *store.VolumeStore
    92  	discoveryWatcher          discovery.Reloader
    93  	root                      string
    94  	seccompEnabled            bool
    95  	apparmorEnabled           bool
    96  	shutdown                  bool
    97  	idMappings                *idtools.IDMappings
    98  	layerStore                layer.Store
    99  	imageStore                image.Store
   100  	PluginStore               *plugin.Store // todo: remove
   101  	pluginManager             *plugin.Manager
   102  	nameIndex                 *registrar.Registrar
   103  	linkIndex                 *linkIndex
   104  	containerd                libcontainerd.Client
   105  	containerdRemote          libcontainerd.Remote
   106  	defaultIsolation          containertypes.Isolation // Default isolation mode on Windows
   107  	clusterProvider           cluster.Provider
   108  	cluster                   Cluster
   109  	metricsPluginListener     net.Listener
   111  	machineMemory uint64
   113  	seccompProfile     []byte
   114  	seccompProfilePath string
   116  	diskUsageRunning int32
   117  	pruneRunning     int32
   118  	hosts            map[string]bool // hosts stores the addresses the daemon is listening on
   119  }
   121  // StoreHosts stores the addresses the daemon is listening on
   122  func (daemon *Daemon) StoreHosts(hosts []string) {
   123  	if daemon.hosts == nil {
   124  		daemon.hosts = make(map[string]bool)
   125  	}
   126  	for _, h := range hosts {
   127  		daemon.hosts[h] = true
   128  	}
   129  }
   131  // HasExperimental returns whether the experimental features of the daemon are enabled or not
   132  func (daemon *Daemon) HasExperimental() bool {
   133  	if daemon.configStore != nil && daemon.configStore.Experimental {
   134  		return true
   135  	}
   136  	return false
   137  }
   139  func (daemon *Daemon) restore() error {
   140  	var (
   141  		currentDriver = daemon.GraphDriverName()
   142  		containers    = make(map[string]*container.Container)
   143  	)
   145  	logrus.Info("Loading containers: start.")
   147  	dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(daemon.repository)
   148  	if err != nil {
   149  		return err
   150  	}
   152  	for _, v := range dir {
   153  		id := v.Name()
   154  		container, err := daemon.load(id)
   155  		if err != nil {
   156  			logrus.Errorf("Failed to load container %v: %v", id, err)
   157  			continue
   158  		}
   160  		// Ignore the container if it does not support the current driver being used by the graph
   161  		if (container.Driver == "" && currentDriver == "aufs") || container.Driver == currentDriver {
   162  			rwlayer, err := daemon.layerStore.GetRWLayer(container.ID)
   163  			if err != nil {
   164  				logrus.Errorf("Failed to load container mount %v: %v", id, err)
   165  				continue
   166  			}
   167  			container.RWLayer = rwlayer
   168  			logrus.Debugf("Loaded container %v", container.ID)
   170  			containers[container.ID] = container
   171  		} else {
   172  			logrus.Debugf("Cannot load container %s because it was created with another graph driver.", container.ID)
   173  		}
   174  	}
   176  	removeContainers := make(map[string]*container.Container)
   177  	restartContainers := make(map[*container.Container]chan struct{})
   178  	activeSandboxes := make(map[string]interface{})
   179  	for id, c := range containers {
   180  		if err := daemon.registerName(c); err != nil {
   181  			logrus.Errorf("Failed to register container %s: %s", c.ID, err)
   182  			delete(containers, id)
   183  			continue
   184  		}
   185  		daemon.Register(c)
   187  		// verify that all volumes valid and have been migrated from the pre-1.7 layout
   188  		if err := daemon.verifyVolumesInfo(c); err != nil {
   189  			// don't skip the container due to error
   190  			logrus.Errorf("Failed to verify volumes for container '%s': %v", c.ID, err)
   191  		}
   193  		// The LogConfig.Type is empty if the container was created before docker 1.12 with default log driver.
   194  		// We should rewrite it to use the daemon defaults.
   195  		// Fixes
   196  		if c.HostConfig.LogConfig.Type == "" {
   197  			if err := daemon.mergeAndVerifyLogConfig(&c.HostConfig.LogConfig); err != nil {
   198  				logrus.Errorf("Failed to verify log config for container %s: %q", c.ID, err)
   199  				continue
   200  			}
   201  		}
   202  	}
   204  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   205  	var mapLock sync.Mutex
   206  	for _, c := range containers {
   207  		wg.Add(1)
   208  		go func(c *container.Container) {
   209  			defer wg.Done()
   210  			daemon.backportMountSpec(c)
   211  			if err := c.ToDiskLocking(); err != nil {
   212  				logrus.WithError(err).WithField("container", c.ID).Error("error saving backported mountspec to disk")
   213  			}
   215  			daemon.setStateCounter(c)
   216  			if c.IsRunning() || c.IsPaused() {
   217  				c.RestartManager().Cancel() // manually start containers because some need to wait for swarm networking
   218  				if err := daemon.containerd.Restore(c.ID, c.InitializeStdio); err != nil {
   219  					logrus.Errorf("Failed to restore %s with containerd: %s", c.ID, err)
   220  					return
   221  				}
   223  				// we call Mount and then Unmount to get BaseFs of the container
   224  				if err := daemon.Mount(c); err != nil {
   225  					// The mount is unlikely to fail. However, in case mount fails
   226  					// the container should be allowed to restore here. Some functionalities
   227  					// (like docker exec -u user) might be missing but container is able to be
   228  					// stopped/restarted/removed.
   229  					// See #29365 for related information.
   230  					// The error is only logged here.
   231  					logrus.Warnf("Failed to mount container on getting BaseFs path %v: %v", c.ID, err)
   232  				} else {
   233  					if err := daemon.Unmount(c); err != nil {
   234  						logrus.Warnf("Failed to umount container on getting BaseFs path %v: %v", c.ID, err)
   235  					}
   236  				}
   238  				c.ResetRestartManager(false)
   239  				if !c.HostConfig.NetworkMode.IsContainer() && c.IsRunning() {
   240  					options, err := daemon.buildSandboxOptions(c)
   241  					if err != nil {
   242  						logrus.Warnf("Failed build sandbox option to restore container %s: %v", c.ID, err)
   243  					}
   244  					mapLock.Lock()
   245  					activeSandboxes[c.NetworkSettings.SandboxID] = options
   246  					mapLock.Unlock()
   247  				}
   249  			}
   250  			// fixme: only if not running
   251  			// get list of containers we need to restart
   252  			if !c.IsRunning() && !c.IsPaused() {
   253  				// Do not autostart containers which
   254  				// has endpoints in a swarm scope
   255  				// network yet since the cluster is
   256  				// not initialized yet. We will start
   257  				// it after the cluster is
   258  				// initialized.
   259  				if daemon.configStore.AutoRestart && c.ShouldRestart() && !c.NetworkSettings.HasSwarmEndpoint {
   260  					mapLock.Lock()
   261  					restartContainers[c] = make(chan struct{})
   262  					mapLock.Unlock()
   263  				} else if c.HostConfig != nil && c.HostConfig.AutoRemove {
   264  					mapLock.Lock()
   265  					removeContainers[c.ID] = c
   266  					mapLock.Unlock()
   267  				}
   268  			}
   270  			if c.RemovalInProgress {
   271  				// We probably crashed in the middle of a removal, reset
   272  				// the flag.
   273  				//
   274  				// We DO NOT remove the container here as we do not
   275  				// know if the user had requested for either the
   276  				// associated volumes, network links or both to also
   277  				// be removed. So we put the container in the "dead"
   278  				// state and leave further processing up to them.
   279  				logrus.Debugf("Resetting RemovalInProgress flag from %v", c.ID)
   280  				c.ResetRemovalInProgress()
   281  				c.SetDead()
   282  				c.ToDisk()
   283  			}
   284  		}(c)
   285  	}
   286  	wg.Wait()
   287  	daemon.netController, err = daemon.initNetworkController(daemon.configStore, activeSandboxes)
   288  	if err != nil {
   289  		return fmt.Errorf("Error initializing network controller: %v", err)
   290  	}
   292  	// Now that all the containers are registered, register the links
   293  	for _, c := range containers {
   294  		if err := daemon.registerLinks(c, c.HostConfig); err != nil {
   295  			logrus.Errorf("failed to register link for container %s: %v", c.ID, err)
   296  		}
   297  	}
   299  	group := sync.WaitGroup{}
   300  	for c, notifier := range restartContainers {
   301  		group.Add(1)
   303  		go func(c *container.Container, chNotify chan struct{}) {
   304  			defer group.Done()
   306  			logrus.Debugf("Starting container %s", c.ID)
   308  			// ignore errors here as this is a best effort to wait for children to be
   309  			//   running before we try to start the container
   310  			children := daemon.children(c)
   311  			timeout := time.After(5 * time.Second)
   312  			for _, child := range children {
   313  				if notifier, exists := restartContainers[child]; exists {
   314  					select {
   315  					case <-notifier:
   316  					case <-timeout:
   317  					}
   318  				}
   319  			}
   321  			// Make sure networks are available before starting
   322  			daemon.waitForNetworks(c)
   323  			if err := daemon.containerStart(c, "", "", true); err != nil {
   324  				logrus.Errorf("Failed to start container %s: %s", c.ID, err)
   325  			}
   326  			close(chNotify)
   327  		}(c, notifier)
   329  	}
   330  	group.Wait()
   332  	removeGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
   333  	for id := range removeContainers {
   334  		removeGroup.Add(1)
   335  		go func(cid string) {
   336  			if err := daemon.ContainerRm(cid, &types.ContainerRmConfig{ForceRemove: true, RemoveVolume: true}); err != nil {
   337  				logrus.Errorf("Failed to remove container %s: %s", cid, err)
   338  			}
   339  			removeGroup.Done()
   340  		}(id)
   341  	}
   342  	removeGroup.Wait()
   344  	// any containers that were started above would already have had this done,
   345  	// however we need to now prepare the mountpoints for the rest of the containers as well.
   346  	// This shouldn't cause any issue running on the containers that already had this run.
   347  	// This must be run after any containers with a restart policy so that containerized plugins
   348  	// can have a chance to be running before we try to initialize them.
   349  	for _, c := range containers {
   350  		// if the container has restart policy, do not
   351  		// prepare the mountpoints since it has been done on restarting.
   352  		// This is to speed up the daemon start when a restart container
   353  		// has a volume and the volume driver is not available.
   354  		if _, ok := restartContainers[c]; ok {
   355  			continue
   356  		} else if _, ok := removeContainers[c.ID]; ok {
   357  			// container is automatically removed, skip it.
   358  			continue
   359  		}
   361  		group.Add(1)
   362  		go func(c *container.Container) {
   363  			defer group.Done()
   364  			if err := daemon.prepareMountPoints(c); err != nil {
   365  				logrus.Error(err)
   366  			}
   367  		}(c)
   368  	}
   370  	group.Wait()
   372  	logrus.Info("Loading containers: done.")
   374  	return nil
   375  }
   377  // RestartSwarmContainers restarts any autostart container which has a
   378  // swarm endpoint.
   379  func (daemon *Daemon) RestartSwarmContainers() {
   380  	group := sync.WaitGroup{}
   381  	for _, c := range daemon.List() {
   382  		if !c.IsRunning() && !c.IsPaused() {
   383  			// Autostart all the containers which has a
   384  			// swarm endpoint now that the cluster is
   385  			// initialized.
   386  			if daemon.configStore.AutoRestart && c.ShouldRestart() && c.NetworkSettings.HasSwarmEndpoint {
   387  				group.Add(1)
   388  				go func(c *container.Container) {
   389  					defer group.Done()
   390  					if err := daemon.containerStart(c, "", "", true); err != nil {
   391  						logrus.Error(err)
   392  					}
   393  				}(c)
   394  			}
   395  		}
   397  	}
   398  	group.Wait()
   399  }
   401  // waitForNetworks is used during daemon initialization when starting up containers
   402  // It ensures that all of a container's networks are available before the daemon tries to start the container.
   403  // In practice it just makes sure the discovery service is available for containers which use a network that require discovery.
   404  func (daemon *Daemon) waitForNetworks(c *container.Container) {
   405  	if daemon.discoveryWatcher == nil {
   406  		return
   407  	}
   408  	// Make sure if the container has a network that requires discovery that the discovery service is available before starting
   409  	for netName := range c.NetworkSettings.Networks {
   410  		// If we get `ErrNoSuchNetwork` here, we can assume that it is due to discovery not being ready
   411  		// Most likely this is because the K/V store used for discovery is in a container and needs to be started
   412  		if _, err := daemon.netController.NetworkByName(netName); err != nil {
   413  			if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ErrNoSuchNetwork); !ok {
   414  				continue
   415  			}
   416  			// use a longish timeout here due to some slowdowns in libnetwork if the k/v store is on anything other than --net=host
   417  			// FIXME: why is this slow???
   418  			logrus.Debugf("Container %s waiting for network to be ready", c.Name)
   419  			select {
   420  			case <-daemon.discoveryWatcher.ReadyCh():
   421  			case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
   422  			}
   423  			return
   424  		}
   425  	}
   426  }
   428  func (daemon *Daemon) children(c *container.Container) map[string]*container.Container {
   429  	return daemon.linkIndex.children(c)
   430  }
   432  // parents returns the names of the parent containers of the container
   433  // with the given name.
   434  func (daemon *Daemon) parents(c *container.Container) map[string]*container.Container {
   435  	return daemon.linkIndex.parents(c)
   436  }
   438  func (daemon *Daemon) registerLink(parent, child *container.Container, alias string) error {
   439  	fullName := path.Join(parent.Name, alias)
   440  	if err := daemon.nameIndex.Reserve(fullName, child.ID); err != nil {
   441  		if err == registrar.ErrNameReserved {
   442  			logrus.Warnf("error registering link for %s, to %s, as alias %s, ignoring: %v", parent.ID, child.ID, alias, err)
   443  			return nil
   444  		}
   445  		return err
   446  	}
   447, child, fullName)
   448  	return nil
   449  }
   451  // DaemonJoinsCluster informs the daemon has joined the cluster and provides
   452  // the handler to query the cluster component
   453  func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonJoinsCluster(clusterProvider cluster.Provider) {
   454  	daemon.setClusterProvider(clusterProvider)
   455  }
   457  // DaemonLeavesCluster informs the daemon has left the cluster
   458  func (daemon *Daemon) DaemonLeavesCluster() {
   459  	// Daemon is in charge of removing the attachable networks with
   460  	// connected containers when the node leaves the swarm
   461  	daemon.clearAttachableNetworks()
   462  	// We no longer need the cluster provider, stop it now so that
   463  	// the network agent will stop listening to cluster events.
   464  	daemon.setClusterProvider(nil)
   465  	// Wait for the networking cluster agent to stop
   466  	daemon.netController.AgentStopWait()
   467  	// Daemon is in charge of removing the ingress network when the
   468  	// node leaves the swarm. Wait for job to be done or timeout.
   469  	// This is called also on graceful daemon shutdown. We need to
   470  	// wait, because the ingress release has to happen before the
   471  	// network controller is stopped.
   472  	if done, err := daemon.ReleaseIngress(); err == nil {
   473  		select {
   474  		case <-done:
   475  		case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
   476  			logrus.Warnf("timeout while waiting for ingress network removal")
   477  		}
   478  	} else {
   479  		logrus.Warnf("failed to initiate ingress network removal: %v", err)
   480  	}
   481  }
   483  // setClusterProvider sets a component for querying the current cluster state.
   484  func (daemon *Daemon) setClusterProvider(clusterProvider cluster.Provider) {
   485  	daemon.clusterProvider = clusterProvider
   486  	daemon.netController.SetClusterProvider(clusterProvider)
   487  }
   489  // IsSwarmCompatible verifies if the current daemon
   490  // configuration is compatible with the swarm mode
   491  func (daemon *Daemon) IsSwarmCompatible() error {
   492  	if daemon.configStore == nil {
   493  		return nil
   494  	}
   495  	return daemon.configStore.IsSwarmCompatible()
   496  }
   498  // NewDaemon sets up everything for the daemon to be able to service
   499  // requests from the webserver.
   500  func NewDaemon(config *config.Config, registryService registry.Service, containerdRemote libcontainerd.Remote, pluginStore *plugin.Store) (daemon *Daemon, err error) {
   501  	setDefaultMtu(config)
   503  	// Ensure that we have a correct root key limit for launching containers.
   504  	if err := ModifyRootKeyLimit(); err != nil {
   505  		logrus.Warnf("unable to modify root key limit, number of containers could be limited by this quota: %v", err)
   506  	}
   508  	// Ensure we have compatible and valid configuration options
   509  	if err := verifyDaemonSettings(config); err != nil {
   510  		return nil, err
   511  	}
   513  	// Do we have a disabled network?
   514  	config.DisableBridge = isBridgeNetworkDisabled(config)
   516  	// Verify the platform is supported as a daemon
   517  	if !platformSupported {
   518  		return nil, errSystemNotSupported
   519  	}
   521  	// Validate platform-specific requirements
   522  	if err := checkSystem(); err != nil {
   523  		return nil, err
   524  	}
   526  	idMappings, err := setupRemappedRoot(config)
   527  	if err != nil {
   528  		return nil, err
   529  	}
   530  	rootIDs := idMappings.RootPair()
   531  	if err := setupDaemonProcess(config); err != nil {
   532  		return nil, err
   533  	}
   535  	// set up the tmpDir to use a canonical path
   536  	tmp, err := prepareTempDir(config.Root, rootIDs)
   537  	if err != nil {
   538  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the TempDir under %s: %s", config.Root, err)
   539  	}
   540  	realTmp, err := fileutils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(tmp)
   541  	if err != nil {
   542  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the full path to the TempDir (%s): %s", tmp, err)
   543  	}
   544  	os.Setenv("TMPDIR", realTmp)
   546  	d := &Daemon{configStore: config}
   547  	// Ensure the daemon is properly shutdown if there is a failure during
   548  	// initialization
   549  	defer func() {
   550  		if err != nil {
   551  			if err := d.Shutdown(); err != nil {
   552  				logrus.Error(err)
   553  			}
   554  		}
   555  	}()
   557  	// set up SIGUSR1 handler on Unix-like systems, or a Win32 global event
   558  	// on Windows to dump Go routine stacks
   559  	stackDumpDir := config.Root
   560  	if execRoot := config.GetExecRoot(); execRoot != "" {
   561  		stackDumpDir = execRoot
   562  	}
   563  	d.setupDumpStackTrap(stackDumpDir)
   565  	if err := d.setupSeccompProfile(); err != nil {
   566  		return nil, err
   567  	}
   569  	// Set the default isolation mode (only applicable on Windows)
   570  	if err := d.setDefaultIsolation(); err != nil {
   571  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting default isolation mode: %v", err)
   572  	}
   574  	logrus.Debugf("Using default logging driver %s", config.LogConfig.Type)
   576  	if err := configureMaxThreads(config); err != nil {
   577  		logrus.Warnf("Failed to configure golang's threads limit: %v", err)
   578  	}
   580  	if err := ensureDefaultAppArmorProfile(); err != nil {
   581  		logrus.Errorf(err.Error())
   582  	}
   584  	daemonRepo := filepath.Join(config.Root, "containers")
   585  	if err := idtools.MkdirAllAndChown(daemonRepo, 0700, rootIDs); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
   586  		return nil, err
   587  	}
   589  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   590  		if err := system.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(config.Root, "credentialspecs"), 0); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
   591  			return nil, err
   592  		}
   593  	}
   595  	driverName := os.Getenv("DOCKER_DRIVER")
   596  	if driverName == "" {
   597  		driverName = config.GraphDriver
   598  	}
   600  	d.RegistryService = registryService
   601  	d.PluginStore = pluginStore
   602  	logger.RegisterPluginGetter(d.PluginStore)
   604  	metricsSockPath, err := d.listenMetricsSock()
   605  	if err != nil {
   606  		return nil, err
   607  	}
   608  	registerMetricsPluginCallback(d.PluginStore, metricsSockPath)
   610  	// Plugin system initialization should happen before restore. Do not change order.
   611  	d.pluginManager, err = plugin.NewManager(plugin.ManagerConfig{
   612  		Root:               filepath.Join(config.Root, "plugins"),
   613  		ExecRoot:           getPluginExecRoot(config.Root),
   614  		Store:              d.PluginStore,
   615  		Executor:           containerdRemote,
   616  		RegistryService:    registryService,
   617  		LiveRestoreEnabled: config.LiveRestoreEnabled,
   618  		LogPluginEvent:     d.LogPluginEvent, // todo: make private
   619  		AuthzMiddleware:    config.AuthzMiddleware,
   620  	})
   621  	if err != nil {
   622  		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't create plugin manager")
   623  	}
   625  	d.layerStore, err = layer.NewStoreFromOptions(layer.StoreOptions{
   626  		StorePath:                 config.Root,
   627  		MetadataStorePathTemplate: filepath.Join(config.Root, "image", "%s", "layerdb"),
   628  		GraphDriver:               driverName,
   629  		GraphDriverOptions:        config.GraphOptions,
   630  		IDMappings:                idMappings,
   631  		PluginGetter:              d.PluginStore,
   632  		ExperimentalEnabled:       config.Experimental,
   633  	})
   634  	if err != nil {
   635  		return nil, err
   636  	}
   638  	graphDriver := d.layerStore.DriverName()
   639  	imageRoot := filepath.Join(config.Root, "image", graphDriver)
   641  	// Configure and validate the kernels security support
   642  	if err := configureKernelSecuritySupport(config, graphDriver); err != nil {
   643  		return nil, err
   644  	}
   646  	logrus.Debugf("Max Concurrent Downloads: %d", *config.MaxConcurrentDownloads)
   647  	d.downloadManager = xfer.NewLayerDownloadManager(d.layerStore, *config.MaxConcurrentDownloads)
   648  	logrus.Debugf("Max Concurrent Uploads: %d", *config.MaxConcurrentUploads)
   649  	d.uploadManager = xfer.NewLayerUploadManager(*config.MaxConcurrentUploads)
   651  	ifs, err := image.NewFSStoreBackend(filepath.Join(imageRoot, "imagedb"))
   652  	if err != nil {
   653  		return nil, err
   654  	}
   656  	d.imageStore, err = image.NewImageStore(ifs, d.layerStore)
   657  	if err != nil {
   658  		return nil, err
   659  	}
   661  	// Configure the volumes driver
   662  	volStore, err := d.configureVolumes(rootIDs)
   663  	if err != nil {
   664  		return nil, err
   665  	}
   667  	trustKey, err := api.LoadOrCreateTrustKey(config.TrustKeyPath)
   668  	if err != nil {
   669  		return nil, err
   670  	}
   672  	trustDir := filepath.Join(config.Root, "trust")
   674  	if err := system.MkdirAll(trustDir, 0700); err != nil {
   675  		return nil, err
   676  	}
   678  	distributionMetadataStore, err := dmetadata.NewFSMetadataStore(filepath.Join(imageRoot, "distribution"))
   679  	if err != nil {
   680  		return nil, err
   681  	}
   683  	eventsService := events.New()
   685  	referenceStore, err := refstore.NewReferenceStore(filepath.Join(imageRoot, "repositories.json"))
   686  	if err != nil {
   687  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create Tag store repositories: %s", err)
   688  	}
   690  	migrationStart := time.Now()
   691  	if err := v1.Migrate(config.Root, graphDriver, d.layerStore, d.imageStore, referenceStore, distributionMetadataStore); err != nil {
   692  		logrus.Errorf("Graph migration failed: %q. Your old graph data was found to be too inconsistent for upgrading to content-addressable storage. Some of the old data was probably not upgraded. We recommend starting over with a clean storage directory if possible.", err)
   693  	}
   694  	logrus.Infof("Graph migration to content-addressability took %.2f seconds", time.Since(migrationStart).Seconds())
   696  	// Discovery is only enabled when the daemon is launched with an address to advertise.  When
   697  	// initialized, the daemon is registered and we can store the discovery backend as it's read-only
   698  	if err := d.initDiscovery(config); err != nil {
   699  		return nil, err
   700  	}
   702  	sysInfo := sysinfo.New(false)
   703  	// Check if Devices cgroup is mounted, it is hard requirement for container security,
   704  	// on Linux.
   705  	if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && !sysInfo.CgroupDevicesEnabled {
   706  		return nil, errors.New("Devices cgroup isn't mounted")
   707  	}
   709  	d.ID = trustKey.PublicKey().KeyID()
   710  	d.repository = daemonRepo
   711  	d.containers = container.NewMemoryStore()
   712  	d.execCommands = exec.NewStore()
   713  	d.referenceStore = referenceStore
   714  	d.distributionMetadataStore = distributionMetadataStore
   715  	d.trustKey = trustKey
   716  	d.idIndex = truncindex.NewTruncIndex([]string{})
   717  	d.statsCollector = d.newStatsCollector(1 * time.Second)
   718  	d.defaultLogConfig = containertypes.LogConfig{
   719  		Type:   config.LogConfig.Type,
   720  		Config: config.LogConfig.Config,
   721  	}
   722  	d.EventsService = eventsService
   723  	d.volumes = volStore
   724  	d.root = config.Root
   725  	d.idMappings = idMappings
   726  	d.seccompEnabled = sysInfo.Seccomp
   727  	d.apparmorEnabled = sysInfo.AppArmor
   729  	d.nameIndex = registrar.NewRegistrar()
   730  	d.linkIndex = newLinkIndex()
   731  	d.containerdRemote = containerdRemote
   733  	go d.execCommandGC()
   735  	d.containerd, err = containerdRemote.Client(d)
   736  	if err != nil {
   737  		return nil, err
   738  	}
   740  	if err := d.restore(); err != nil {
   741  		return nil, err
   742  	}
   744  	// FIXME: this method never returns an error
   745  	info, _ := d.SystemInfo()
   747  	engineInfo.WithValues(
   748  		dockerversion.Version,
   749  		dockerversion.GitCommit,
   750  		info.Architecture,
   751  		info.Driver,
   752  		info.KernelVersion,
   753  		info.OperatingSystem,
   754  		info.OSType,
   755  		info.ID,
   756  	).Set(1)
   757  	engineCpus.Set(float64(info.NCPU))
   758  	engineMemory.Set(float64(info.MemTotal))
   760  	return d, nil
   761  }
   763  func (daemon *Daemon) shutdownContainer(c *container.Container) error {
   764  	stopTimeout := c.StopTimeout()
   765  	// TODO(windows): Handle docker restart with paused containers
   766  	if c.IsPaused() {
   767  		// To terminate a process in freezer cgroup, we should send
   768  		// SIGTERM to this process then unfreeze it, and the process will
   769  		// force to terminate immediately.
   770  		logrus.Debugf("Found container %s is paused, sending SIGTERM before unpausing it", c.ID)
   771  		sig, ok := signal.SignalMap["TERM"]
   772  		if !ok {
   773  			return errors.New("System does not support SIGTERM")
   774  		}
   775  		if err := daemon.kill(c, int(sig)); err != nil {
   776  			return fmt.Errorf("sending SIGTERM to container %s with error: %v", c.ID, err)
   777  		}
   778  		if err := daemon.containerUnpause(c); err != nil {
   779  			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to unpause container %s with error: %v", c.ID, err)
   780  		}
   782  		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(stopTimeout)*time.Second)
   783  		defer cancel()
   785  		// Wait with timeout for container to exit.
   786  		if status := <-c.Wait(ctx, container.WaitConditionNotRunning); status.Err() != nil {
   787  			logrus.Debugf("container %s failed to exit in %d second of SIGTERM, sending SIGKILL to force", c.ID, stopTimeout)
   788  			sig, ok := signal.SignalMap["KILL"]
   789  			if !ok {
   790  				return errors.New("System does not support SIGKILL")
   791  			}
   792  			if err := daemon.kill(c, int(sig)); err != nil {
   793  				logrus.Errorf("Failed to SIGKILL container %s", c.ID)
   794  			}
   795  			// Wait for exit again without a timeout.
   796  			// Explicitly ignore the result.
   797  			_ = <-c.Wait(context.Background(), container.WaitConditionNotRunning)
   798  			return status.Err()
   799  		}
   800  	}
   801  	// If container failed to exit in stopTimeout seconds of SIGTERM, then using the force
   802  	if err := daemon.containerStop(c, stopTimeout); err != nil {
   803  		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stop container %s with error: %v", c.ID, err)
   804  	}
   806  	// Wait without timeout for the container to exit.
   807  	// Ignore the result.
   808  	_ = <-c.Wait(context.Background(), container.WaitConditionNotRunning)
   809  	return nil
   810  }
   812  // ShutdownTimeout returns the shutdown timeout based on the max stopTimeout of the containers,
   813  // and is limited by daemon's ShutdownTimeout.
   814  func (daemon *Daemon) ShutdownTimeout() int {
   815  	// By default we use daemon's ShutdownTimeout.
   816  	shutdownTimeout := daemon.configStore.ShutdownTimeout
   818  	graceTimeout := 5
   819  	if daemon.containers != nil {
   820  		for _, c := range daemon.containers.List() {
   821  			if shutdownTimeout >= 0 {
   822  				stopTimeout := c.StopTimeout()
   823  				if stopTimeout < 0 {
   824  					shutdownTimeout = -1
   825  				} else {
   826  					if stopTimeout+graceTimeout > shutdownTimeout {
   827  						shutdownTimeout = stopTimeout + graceTimeout
   828  					}
   829  				}
   830  			}
   831  		}
   832  	}
   833  	return shutdownTimeout
   834  }
   836  // Shutdown stops the daemon.
   837  func (daemon *Daemon) Shutdown() error {
   838  	daemon.shutdown = true
   839  	// Keep mounts and networking running on daemon shutdown if
   840  	// we are to keep containers running and restore them.
   842  	if daemon.configStore.LiveRestoreEnabled && daemon.containers != nil {
   843  		// check if there are any running containers, if none we should do some cleanup
   844  		if ls, err := daemon.Containers(&types.ContainerListOptions{}); len(ls) != 0 || err != nil {
   845  			// metrics plugins still need some cleanup
   846  			daemon.cleanupMetricsPlugins()
   847  			return nil
   848  		}
   849  	}
   851  	if daemon.containers != nil {
   852  		logrus.Debugf("start clean shutdown of all containers with a %d seconds timeout...", daemon.configStore.ShutdownTimeout)
   853  		daemon.containers.ApplyAll(func(c *container.Container) {
   854  			if !c.IsRunning() {
   855  				return
   856  			}
   857  			logrus.Debugf("stopping %s", c.ID)
   858  			if err := daemon.shutdownContainer(c); err != nil {
   859  				logrus.Errorf("Stop container error: %v", err)
   860  				return
   861  			}
   862  			if mountid, err := daemon.layerStore.GetMountID(c.ID); err == nil {
   863  				daemon.cleanupMountsByID(mountid)
   864  			}
   865  			logrus.Debugf("container stopped %s", c.ID)
   866  		})
   867  	}
   869  	if daemon.volumes != nil {
   870  		if err := daemon.volumes.Shutdown(); err != nil {
   871  			logrus.Errorf("Error shutting down volume store: %v", err)
   872  		}
   873  	}
   875  	if daemon.layerStore != nil {
   876  		if err := daemon.layerStore.Cleanup(); err != nil {
   877  			logrus.Errorf("Error during layer Store.Cleanup(): %v", err)
   878  		}
   879  	}
   881  	// If we are part of a cluster, clean up cluster's stuff
   882  	if daemon.clusterProvider != nil {
   883  		logrus.Debugf("start clean shutdown of cluster resources...")
   884  		daemon.DaemonLeavesCluster()
   885  	}
   887  	daemon.cleanupMetricsPlugins()
   889  	// Shutdown plugins after containers and layerstore. Don't change the order.
   890  	daemon.pluginShutdown()
   892  	// trigger libnetwork Stop only if it's initialized
   893  	if daemon.netController != nil {
   894  		daemon.netController.Stop()
   895  	}
   897  	if err := daemon.cleanupMounts(); err != nil {
   898  		return err
   899  	}
   901  	return nil
   902  }
   904  // Mount sets container.BaseFS
   905  // (is it not set coming in? why is it unset?)
   906  func (daemon *Daemon) Mount(container *container.Container) error {
   907  	dir, err := container.RWLayer.Mount(container.GetMountLabel())
   908  	if err != nil {
   909  		return err
   910  	}
   911  	logrus.Debugf("container mounted via layerStore: %v", dir)
   913  	if container.BaseFS != dir {
   914  		// The mount path reported by the graph driver should always be trusted on Windows, since the
   915  		// volume path for a given mounted layer may change over time.  This should only be an error
   916  		// on non-Windows operating systems.
   917  		if container.BaseFS != "" && runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
   918  			daemon.Unmount(container)
   919  			return fmt.Errorf("Error: driver %s is returning inconsistent paths for container %s ('%s' then '%s')",
   920  				daemon.GraphDriverName(), container.ID, container.BaseFS, dir)
   921  		}
   922  	}
   923  	container.BaseFS = dir // TODO: combine these fields
   924  	return nil
   925  }
   927  // Unmount unsets the container base filesystem
   928  func (daemon *Daemon) Unmount(container *container.Container) error {
   929  	if err := container.RWLayer.Unmount(); err != nil {
   930  		logrus.Errorf("Error unmounting container %s: %s", container.ID, err)
   931  		return err
   932  	}
   934  	return nil
   935  }
   937  // Subnets return the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets of networks that are manager by Docker.
   938  func (daemon *Daemon) Subnets() ([]net.IPNet, []net.IPNet) {
   939  	var v4Subnets []net.IPNet
   940  	var v6Subnets []net.IPNet
   942  	managedNetworks := daemon.netController.Networks()
   944  	for _, managedNetwork := range managedNetworks {
   945  		v4infos, v6infos := managedNetwork.Info().IpamInfo()
   946  		for _, info := range v4infos {
   947  			if info.IPAMData.Pool != nil {
   948  				v4Subnets = append(v4Subnets, *info.IPAMData.Pool)
   949  			}
   950  		}
   951  		for _, info := range v6infos {
   952  			if info.IPAMData.Pool != nil {
   953  				v6Subnets = append(v6Subnets, *info.IPAMData.Pool)
   954  			}
   955  		}
   956  	}
   958  	return v4Subnets, v6Subnets
   959  }
   961  // GraphDriverName returns the name of the graph driver used by the layer.Store
   962  func (daemon *Daemon) GraphDriverName() string {
   963  	return daemon.layerStore.DriverName()
   964  }
   966  // prepareTempDir prepares and returns the default directory to use
   967  // for temporary files.
   968  // If it doesn't exist, it is created. If it exists, its content is removed.
   969  func prepareTempDir(rootDir string, rootIDs idtools.IDPair) (string, error) {
   970  	var tmpDir string
   971  	if tmpDir = os.Getenv("DOCKER_TMPDIR"); tmpDir == "" {
   972  		tmpDir = filepath.Join(rootDir, "tmp")
   973  		newName := tmpDir + "-old"
   974  		if err := os.Rename(tmpDir, newName); err == nil {
   975  			go func() {
   976  				if err := os.RemoveAll(newName); err != nil {
   977  					logrus.Warnf("failed to delete old tmp directory: %s", newName)
   978  				}
   979  			}()
   980  		} else {
   981  			logrus.Warnf("failed to rename %s for background deletion: %s. Deleting synchronously", tmpDir, err)
   982  			if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpDir); err != nil {
   983  				logrus.Warnf("failed to delete old tmp directory: %s", tmpDir)
   984  			}
   985  		}
   986  	}
   987  	// We don't remove the content of tmpdir if it's not the default,
   988  	// it may hold things that do not belong to us.
   989  	return tmpDir, idtools.MkdirAllAndChown(tmpDir, 0700, rootIDs)
   990  }
   992  func (daemon *Daemon) setupInitLayer(initPath string) error {
   993  	rootIDs := daemon.idMappings.RootPair()
   994  	return initlayer.Setup(initPath, rootIDs)
   995  }
   997  func setDefaultMtu(conf *config.Config) {
   998  	// do nothing if the config does not have the default 0 value.
   999  	if conf.Mtu != 0 {
  1000  		return
  1001  	}
  1002  	conf.Mtu = config.DefaultNetworkMtu
  1003  }
  1005  func (daemon *Daemon) configureVolumes(rootIDs idtools.IDPair) (*store.VolumeStore, error) {
  1006  	volumesDriver, err := local.New(daemon.configStore.Root, rootIDs)
  1007  	if err != nil {
  1008  		return nil, err
  1009  	}
  1011  	volumedrivers.RegisterPluginGetter(daemon.PluginStore)
  1013  	if !volumedrivers.Register(volumesDriver, volumesDriver.Name()) {
  1014  		return nil, errors.New("local volume driver could not be registered")
  1015  	}
  1016  	return store.New(daemon.configStore.Root)
  1017  }
  1019  // IsShuttingDown tells whether the daemon is shutting down or not
  1020  func (daemon *Daemon) IsShuttingDown() bool {
  1021  	return daemon.shutdown
  1022  }
  1024  // initDiscovery initializes the discovery watcher for this daemon.
  1025  func (daemon *Daemon) initDiscovery(conf *config.Config) error {
  1026  	advertise, err := config.ParseClusterAdvertiseSettings(conf.ClusterStore, conf.ClusterAdvertise)
  1027  	if err != nil {
  1028  		if err == discovery.ErrDiscoveryDisabled {
  1029  			return nil
  1030  		}
  1031  		return err
  1032  	}
  1034  	conf.ClusterAdvertise = advertise
  1035  	discoveryWatcher, err := discovery.Init(conf.ClusterStore, conf.ClusterAdvertise, conf.ClusterOpts)
  1036  	if err != nil {
  1037  		return fmt.Errorf("discovery initialization failed (%v)", err)
  1038  	}
  1040  	daemon.discoveryWatcher = discoveryWatcher
  1041  	return nil
  1042  }
  1044  func isBridgeNetworkDisabled(conf *config.Config) bool {
  1045  	return conf.BridgeConfig.Iface == config.DisableNetworkBridge
  1046  }
  1048  func (daemon *Daemon) networkOptions(dconfig *config.Config, pg plugingetter.PluginGetter, activeSandboxes map[string]interface{}) ([]nwconfig.Option, error) {
  1049  	options := []nwconfig.Option{}
  1050  	if dconfig == nil {
  1051  		return options, nil
  1052  	}
  1054  	options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionExperimental(dconfig.Experimental))
  1055  	options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDataDir(dconfig.Root))
  1056  	options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionExecRoot(dconfig.GetExecRoot()))
  1058  	dd := runconfig.DefaultDaemonNetworkMode()
  1059  	dn := runconfig.DefaultDaemonNetworkMode().NetworkName()
  1060  	options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDefaultDriver(string(dd)))
  1061  	options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDefaultNetwork(dn))
  1063  	if strings.TrimSpace(dconfig.ClusterStore) != "" {
  1064  		kv := strings.Split(dconfig.ClusterStore, "://")
  1065  		if len(kv) != 2 {
  1066  			return nil, errors.New("kv store daemon config must be of the form KV-PROVIDER://KV-URL")
  1067  		}
  1068  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionKVProvider(kv[0]))
  1069  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionKVProviderURL(kv[1]))
  1070  	}
  1071  	if len(dconfig.ClusterOpts) > 0 {
  1072  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionKVOpts(dconfig.ClusterOpts))
  1073  	}
  1075  	if daemon.discoveryWatcher != nil {
  1076  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDiscoveryWatcher(daemon.discoveryWatcher))
  1077  	}
  1079  	if dconfig.ClusterAdvertise != "" {
  1080  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionDiscoveryAddress(dconfig.ClusterAdvertise))
  1081  	}
  1083  	options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionLabels(dconfig.Labels))
  1084  	options = append(options, driverOptions(dconfig)...)
  1086  	if daemon.configStore != nil && daemon.configStore.LiveRestoreEnabled && len(activeSandboxes) != 0 {
  1087  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionActiveSandboxes(activeSandboxes))
  1088  	}
  1090  	if pg != nil {
  1091  		options = append(options, nwconfig.OptionPluginGetter(pg))
  1092  	}
  1094  	return options, nil
  1095  }
  1097  func copyBlkioEntry(entries []*containerd.BlkioStatsEntry) []types.BlkioStatEntry {
  1098  	out := make([]types.BlkioStatEntry, len(entries))
  1099  	for i, re := range entries {
  1100  		out[i] = types.BlkioStatEntry{
  1101  			Major: re.Major,
  1102  			Minor: re.Minor,
  1103  			Op:    re.Op,
  1104  			Value: re.Value,
  1105  		}
  1106  	}
  1107  	return out
  1108  }
  1110  // GetCluster returns the cluster
  1111  func (daemon *Daemon) GetCluster() Cluster {
  1112  	return daemon.cluster
  1113  }
  1115  // SetCluster sets the cluster
  1116  func (daemon *Daemon) SetCluster(cluster Cluster) {
  1117  	daemon.cluster = cluster
  1118  }
  1120  func (daemon *Daemon) pluginShutdown() {
  1121  	manager := daemon.pluginManager
  1122  	// Check for a valid manager object. In error conditions, daemon init can fail
  1123  	// and shutdown called, before plugin manager is initialized.
  1124  	if manager != nil {
  1125  		manager.Shutdown()
  1126  	}
  1127  }
  1129  // PluginManager returns current pluginManager associated with the daemon
  1130  func (daemon *Daemon) PluginManager() *plugin.Manager { // set up before daemon to avoid this method
  1131  	return daemon.pluginManager
  1132  }
  1134  // PluginGetter returns current pluginStore associated with the daemon
  1135  func (daemon *Daemon) PluginGetter() *plugin.Store {
  1136  	return daemon.PluginStore
  1137  }
  1139  // CreateDaemonRoot creates the root for the daemon
  1140  func CreateDaemonRoot(config *config.Config) error {
  1141  	// get the canonical path to the Docker root directory
  1142  	var realRoot string
  1143  	if _, err := os.Stat(config.Root); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1144  		realRoot = config.Root
  1145  	} else {
  1146  		realRoot, err = fileutils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(config.Root)
  1147  		if err != nil {
  1148  			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the full path to root (%s): %s", config.Root, err)
  1149  		}
  1150  	}
  1152  	idMappings, err := setupRemappedRoot(config)
  1153  	if err != nil {
  1154  		return err
  1155  	}
  1156  	return setupDaemonRoot(config, realRoot, idMappings.RootPair())
  1157  }