
     1  // Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  package tests
    19  import (
    20  	"bufio"
    21  	"bytes"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"math/big"
    24  	"os"
    25  	"path/filepath"
    26  	"reflect"
    27  	"strings"
    28  	"testing"
    29  	"time"
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  )
    38  func TestState(t *testing.T) {
    39  	t.Parallel()
    41  	st := new(testMatcher)
    42  	// Long tests:
    43  	st.slow(`^stAttackTest/ContractCreationSpam`)
    44  	st.slow(`^stBadOpcode/badOpcodes`)
    45  	st.slow(`^stPreCompiledContracts/modexp`)
    46  	st.slow(`^stQuadraticComplexityTest/`)
    47  	st.slow(`^stStaticCall/static_Call50000`)
    48  	st.slow(`^stStaticCall/static_Return50000`)
    49  	st.slow(`^stSystemOperationsTest/CallRecursiveBomb`)
    50  	st.slow(`^stTransactionTest/Opcodes_TransactionInit`)
    52  	// Very time consuming
    53  	st.skipLoad(`^stTimeConsuming/`)
    54  	st.skipLoad(`.*vmPerformance/loop.*`)
    56  	// Uses 1GB RAM per tested fork
    57  	st.skipLoad(`^stStaticCall/static_Call1MB`)
    59  	// Not yet supported TODO
    60  	st.skipLoad(`^stEIP3540/`)
    61  	st.skipLoad(`^stEIP3860/`)
    63  	// Broken tests:
    64  	// Expected failures:
    66  	// For Istanbul, older tests were moved into LegacyTests
    67  	for _, dir := range []string{
    68  		stateTestDir,
    69  		legacyStateTestDir,
    70  		benchmarksDir,
    71  	} {
    72  		st.walk(t, dir, func(t *testing.T, name string, test *StateTest) {
    73  			for _, subtest := range test.Subtests() {
    74  				subtest := subtest
    75  				key := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", subtest.Fork, subtest.Index)
    77  				t.Run(key+"/trie", func(t *testing.T) {
    78  					withTrace(t, test.gasLimit(subtest), func(vmconfig vm.Config) error {
    79  						_, _, err := test.Run(subtest, vmconfig, false)
    80  						return st.checkFailure(t, err)
    81  					})
    82  				})
    83  				t.Run(key+"/snap", func(t *testing.T) {
    84  					withTrace(t, test.gasLimit(subtest), func(vmconfig vm.Config) error {
    85  						snaps, statedb, err := test.Run(subtest, vmconfig, true)
    86  						if snaps != nil && statedb != nil {
    87  							if _, err := snaps.Journal(statedb.IntermediateRoot(false)); err != nil {
    88  								return err
    89  							}
    90  						}
    91  						return st.checkFailure(t, err)
    92  					})
    93  				})
    94  			}
    95  		})
    96  	}
    97  }
    99  // Transactions with gasLimit above this value will not get a VM trace on failure.
   100  const traceErrorLimit = 400000
   102  func withTrace(t *testing.T, gasLimit uint64, test func(vm.Config) error) {
   103  	// Use config from command line arguments.
   104  	config := vm.Config{}
   105  	err := test(config)
   106  	if err == nil {
   107  		return
   108  	}
   110  	// Test failed, re-run with tracing enabled.
   111  	t.Error(err)
   112  	if gasLimit > traceErrorLimit {
   113  		t.Log("gas limit too high for EVM trace")
   114  		return
   115  	}
   116  	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
   117  	w := bufio.NewWriter(buf)
   118  	tracer := logger.NewJSONLogger(&logger.Config{}, w)
   119  	config.Debug, config.Tracer = true, tracer
   120  	err2 := test(config)
   121  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, err2) {
   122  		t.Errorf("different error for second run: %v", err2)
   123  	}
   124  	w.Flush()
   125  	if buf.Len() == 0 {
   126  		t.Log("no EVM operation logs generated")
   127  	} else {
   128  		t.Log("EVM operation log:\n" + buf.String())
   129  	}
   130  	// t.Logf("EVM output: 0x%x", tracer.Output())
   131  	// t.Logf("EVM error: %v", tracer.Error())
   132  }
   134  func BenchmarkEVM(b *testing.B) {
   135  	// Walk the directory.
   136  	dir := benchmarksDir
   137  	dirinfo, err := os.Stat(dir)
   138  	if os.IsNotExist(err) || !dirinfo.IsDir() {
   139  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "can't find test files in %s, did you clone the evm-benchmarks submodule?\n", dir)
   140  		b.Skip("missing test files")
   141  	}
   142  	err = filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
   143  		if info.IsDir() {
   144  			return nil
   145  		}
   146  		if ext := filepath.Ext(path); ext == ".json" {
   147  			name := filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(path, ext), dir+string(filepath.Separator)))
   148  			b.Run(name, func(b *testing.B) { runBenchmarkFile(b, path) })
   149  		}
   150  		return nil
   151  	})
   152  	if err != nil {
   153  		b.Fatal(err)
   154  	}
   155  }
   157  func runBenchmarkFile(b *testing.B, path string) {
   158  	m := make(map[string]StateTest)
   159  	if err := readJSONFile(path, &m); err != nil {
   160  		b.Fatal(err)
   161  		return
   162  	}
   163  	if len(m) != 1 {
   164  		b.Fatal("expected single benchmark in a file")
   165  		return
   166  	}
   167  	for _, t := range m {
   168  		t := t
   169  		runBenchmark(b, &t)
   170  	}
   171  }
   173  func runBenchmark(b *testing.B, t *StateTest) {
   174  	for _, subtest := range t.Subtests() {
   175  		subtest := subtest
   176  		key := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", subtest.Fork, subtest.Index)
   178  		b.Run(key, func(b *testing.B) {
   179  			vmconfig := vm.Config{}
   181  			config, eips, err := GetChainConfig(subtest.Fork)
   182  			if err != nil {
   183  				b.Error(err)
   184  				return
   185  			}
   186  			var rules = config.Rules(new(big.Int), false, new(big.Int))
   188  			vmconfig.ExtraEips = eips
   189  			block := t.genesis(config).ToBlock()
   190  			_, statedb := MakePreState(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), t.json.Pre, false)
   192  			var baseFee *big.Int
   193  			if rules.IsLondon {
   194  				baseFee = t.json.Env.BaseFee
   195  				if baseFee == nil {
   196  					// Retesteth uses `0x10` for genesis baseFee. Therefore, it defaults to
   197  					// parent - 2 : 0xa as the basefee for 'this' context.
   198  					baseFee = big.NewInt(0x0a)
   199  				}
   200  			}
   201  			post := t.json.Post[subtest.Fork][subtest.Index]
   202  			msg, err := t.json.Tx.toMessage(post, baseFee)
   203  			if err != nil {
   204  				b.Error(err)
   205  				return
   206  			}
   208  			// Try to recover tx with current signer
   209  			if len(post.TxBytes) != 0 {
   210  				var ttx types.Transaction
   211  				err := ttx.UnmarshalBinary(post.TxBytes)
   212  				if err != nil {
   213  					b.Error(err)
   214  					return
   215  				}
   217  				if _, err := types.Sender(types.LatestSigner(config), &ttx); err != nil {
   218  					b.Error(err)
   219  					return
   220  				}
   221  			}
   223  			// Prepare the EVM.
   224  			txContext := core.NewEVMTxContext(msg)
   225  			context := core.NewEVMBlockContext(block.Header(), nil, &t.json.Env.Coinbase)
   226  			context.GetHash = vmTestBlockHash
   227  			context.BaseFee = baseFee
   228  			evm := vm.NewEVM(context, txContext, statedb, config, vmconfig)
   230  			// Create "contract" for sender to cache code analysis.
   231  			sender := vm.NewContract(vm.AccountRef(msg.From()), vm.AccountRef(msg.From()),
   232  				nil, 0)
   234  			var (
   235  				gasUsed uint64
   236  				elapsed uint64
   237  				refund  uint64
   238  			)
   239  			b.ResetTimer()
   240  			for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
   241  				snapshot := statedb.Snapshot()
   242  				statedb.Prepare(rules, msg.From(), context.Coinbase, msg.To(), vm.ActivePrecompiles(rules), msg.AccessList())
   243  				b.StartTimer()
   244  				start := time.Now()
   246  				// Execute the message.
   247  				_, leftOverGas, err := evm.Call(sender, *msg.To(), msg.Data(), msg.Gas(), msg.Value())
   248  				if err != nil {
   249  					b.Error(err)
   250  					return
   251  				}
   253  				b.StopTimer()
   254  				elapsed += uint64(time.Since(start))
   255  				refund += statedb.GetRefund()
   256  				gasUsed += msg.Gas() - leftOverGas
   258  				statedb.RevertToSnapshot(snapshot)
   259  			}
   260  			if elapsed < 1 {
   261  				elapsed = 1
   262  			}
   263  			// Keep it as uint64, multiply 100 to get two digit float later
   264  			mgasps := (100 * 1000 * (gasUsed - refund)) / elapsed
   265  			b.ReportMetric(float64(mgasps)/100, "mgas/s")
   266  		})
   267  	}
   268  }