
     1  // Copyright ©2016 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package gonum
     7  import (
     8  	"math"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // Dhseqr computes the eigenvalues of an n×n Hessenberg matrix H and,
    15  // optionally, the matrices T and Z from the Schur decomposition
    16  //  H = Z T Zᵀ,
    17  // where T is an n×n upper quasi-triangular matrix (the Schur form), and Z is
    18  // the n×n orthogonal matrix of Schur vectors.
    19  //
    20  // Optionally Z may be postmultiplied into an input orthogonal matrix Q so that
    21  // this routine can give the Schur factorization of a matrix A which has been
    22  // reduced to the Hessenberg form H by the orthogonal matrix Q:
    23  //  A = Q H Qᵀ = (QZ) T (QZ)ᵀ.
    24  //
    25  // If job == lapack.EigenvaluesOnly, only the eigenvalues will be computed.
    26  // If job == lapack.EigenvaluesAndSchur, the eigenvalues and the Schur form T will
    27  // be computed.
    28  // For other values of job Dhseqr will panic.
    29  //
    30  // If compz == lapack.SchurNone, no Schur vectors will be computed and Z will not be
    31  // referenced.
    32  // If compz == lapack.SchurHess, on return Z will contain the matrix of Schur
    33  // vectors of H.
    34  // If compz == lapack.SchurOrig, on entry z is assumed to contain the orthogonal
    35  // matrix Q that is the identity except for the submatrix
    36  // Q[ilo:ihi+1,ilo:ihi+1]. On return z will be updated to the product Q*Z.
    37  //
    38  // ilo and ihi determine the block of H on which Dhseqr operates. It is assumed
    39  // that H is already upper triangular in rows and columns [0:ilo] and [ihi+1:n],
    40  // although it will be only checked that the block is isolated, that is,
    41  //  ilo == 0   or H[ilo,ilo-1] == 0,
    42  //  ihi == n-1 or H[ihi+1,ihi] == 0,
    43  // and Dhseqr will panic otherwise. ilo and ihi are typically set by a previous
    44  // call to Dgebal, otherwise they should be set to 0 and n-1, respectively. It
    45  // must hold that
    46  //  0 <= ilo <= ihi < n     if n > 0,
    47  //  ilo == 0 and ihi == -1  if n == 0.
    48  //
    49  // wr and wi must have length n.
    50  //
    51  // work must have length at least lwork and lwork must be at least max(1,n)
    52  // otherwise Dhseqr will panic. The minimum lwork delivers very good and
    53  // sometimes optimal performance, although lwork as large as 11*n may be
    54  // required. On return, work[0] will contain the optimal value of lwork.
    55  //
    56  // If lwork is -1, instead of performing Dhseqr, the function only estimates the
    57  // optimal workspace size and stores it into work[0]. Neither h nor z are
    58  // accessed.
    59  //
    60  // unconverged indicates whether Dhseqr computed all the eigenvalues.
    61  //
    62  // If unconverged == 0, all the eigenvalues have been computed and their real
    63  // and imaginary parts will be stored on return in wr and wi, respectively. If
    64  // two eigenvalues are computed as a complex conjugate pair, they are stored in
    65  // consecutive elements of wr and wi, say the i-th and (i+1)th, with wi[i] > 0
    66  // and wi[i+1] < 0.
    67  //
    68  // If unconverged == 0 and job == lapack.EigenvaluesAndSchur, on return H will
    69  // contain the upper quasi-triangular matrix T from the Schur decomposition (the
    70  // Schur form). 2×2 diagonal blocks (corresponding to complex conjugate pairs of
    71  // eigenvalues) will be returned in standard form, with
    72  //  H[i,i] == H[i+1,i+1],
    73  // and
    74  //  H[i+1,i]*H[i,i+1] < 0.
    75  // The eigenvalues will be stored in wr and wi in the same order as on the
    76  // diagonal of the Schur form returned in H, with
    77  //  wr[i] = H[i,i],
    78  // and, if H[i:i+2,i:i+2] is a 2×2 diagonal block,
    79  //  wi[i]   = sqrt(-H[i+1,i]*H[i,i+1]),
    80  //  wi[i+1] = -wi[i].
    81  //
    82  // If unconverged == 0 and job == lapack.EigenvaluesOnly, the contents of h
    83  // on return is unspecified.
    84  //
    85  // If unconverged > 0, some eigenvalues have not converged, and the blocks
    86  // [0:ilo] and [unconverged:n] of wr and wi will contain those eigenvalues which
    87  // have been successfully computed. Failures are rare.
    88  //
    89  // If unconverged > 0 and job == lapack.EigenvaluesOnly, on return the
    90  // remaining unconverged eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of the upper Hessenberg
    91  // matrix H[ilo:unconverged,ilo:unconverged].
    92  //
    93  // If unconverged > 0 and job == lapack.EigenvaluesAndSchur, then on
    94  // return
    95  //  (initial H) U = U (final H),   (*)
    96  // where U is an orthogonal matrix. The final H is upper Hessenberg and
    97  // H[unconverged:ihi+1,unconverged:ihi+1] is upper quasi-triangular.
    98  //
    99  // If unconverged > 0 and compz == lapack.SchurOrig, then on return
   100  //  (final Z) = (initial Z) U,
   101  // where U is the orthogonal matrix in (*) regardless of the value of job.
   102  //
   103  // If unconverged > 0 and compz == lapack.SchurHess, then on return
   104  //  (final Z) = U,
   105  // where U is the orthogonal matrix in (*) regardless of the value of job.
   106  //
   107  // References:
   108  //  [1] R. Byers. LAPACK 3.1 xHSEQR: Tuning and Implementation Notes on the
   109  //      Small Bulge Multi-Shift QR Algorithm with Aggressive Early Deflation.
   110  //      LAPACK Working Note 187 (2007)
   111  //      URL:
   112  //  [2] K. Braman, R. Byers, R. Mathias. The Multishift QR Algorithm. Part I:
   113  //      Maintaining Well-Focused Shifts and Level 3 Performance. SIAM J. Matrix
   114  //      Anal. Appl. 23(4) (2002), pp. 929—947
   115  //      URL:
   116  //  [3] K. Braman, R. Byers, R. Mathias. The Multishift QR Algorithm. Part II:
   117  //      Aggressive Early Deflation. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 23(4) (2002), pp. 948—973
   118  //      URL:
   119  //
   120  // Dhseqr is an internal routine. It is exported for testing purposes.
   121  func (impl Implementation) Dhseqr(job lapack.SchurJob, compz lapack.SchurComp, n, ilo, ihi int, h []float64, ldh int, wr, wi []float64, z []float64, ldz int, work []float64, lwork int) (unconverged int) {
   122  	wantt := job == lapack.EigenvaluesAndSchur
   123  	wantz := compz == lapack.SchurHess || compz == lapack.SchurOrig
   125  	switch {
   126  	case job != lapack.EigenvaluesOnly && job != lapack.EigenvaluesAndSchur:
   127  		panic(badSchurJob)
   128  	case compz != lapack.SchurNone && compz != lapack.SchurHess && compz != lapack.SchurOrig:
   129  		panic(badSchurComp)
   130  	case n < 0:
   131  		panic(nLT0)
   132  	case ilo < 0 || max(0, n-1) < ilo:
   133  		panic(badIlo)
   134  	case ihi < min(ilo, n-1) || n <= ihi:
   135  		panic(badIhi)
   136  	case ldh < max(1, n):
   137  		panic(badLdH)
   138  	case ldz < 1, wantz && ldz < n:
   139  		panic(badLdZ)
   140  	case lwork < max(1, n) && lwork != -1:
   141  		panic(badLWork)
   142  	case len(work) < max(1, lwork):
   143  		panic(shortWork)
   144  	}
   146  	// Quick return if possible.
   147  	if n == 0 {
   148  		work[0] = 1
   149  		return 0
   150  	}
   152  	// Quick return in case of a workspace query.
   153  	if lwork == -1 {
   154  		impl.Dlaqr04(wantt, wantz, n, ilo, ihi, h, ldh, wr, wi, ilo, ihi, z, ldz, work, -1, 1)
   155  		work[0] = math.Max(float64(n), work[0])
   156  		return 0
   157  	}
   159  	switch {
   160  	case len(h) < (n-1)*ldh+n:
   161  		panic(shortH)
   162  	case wantz && len(z) < (n-1)*ldz+n:
   163  		panic(shortZ)
   164  	case len(wr) < n:
   165  		panic(shortWr)
   166  	case len(wi) < n:
   167  		panic(shortWi)
   168  	}
   170  	const (
   171  		// Matrices of order ntiny or smaller must be processed by
   172  		// Dlahqr because of insufficient subdiagonal scratch space.
   173  		// This is a hard limit.
   174  		ntiny = 11
   176  		// nl is the size of a local workspace to help small matrices
   177  		// through a rare Dlahqr failure. nl > ntiny is required and
   178  		// nl <= nmin = Ilaenv(ispec=12,...) is recommended (the default
   179  		// value of nmin is 75). Using nl = 49 allows up to six
   180  		// simultaneous shifts and a 16×16 deflation window.
   181  		nl = 49
   182  	)
   184  	// Copy eigenvalues isolated by Dgebal.
   185  	for i := 0; i < ilo; i++ {
   186  		wr[i] = h[i*ldh+i]
   187  		wi[i] = 0
   188  	}
   189  	for i := ihi + 1; i < n; i++ {
   190  		wr[i] = h[i*ldh+i]
   191  		wi[i] = 0
   192  	}
   194  	// Initialize Z to identity matrix if requested.
   195  	if compz == lapack.SchurHess {
   196  		impl.Dlaset(blas.All, n, n, 0, 1, z, ldz)
   197  	}
   199  	// Quick return if possible.
   200  	if ilo == ihi {
   201  		wr[ilo] = h[ilo*ldh+ilo]
   202  		wi[ilo] = 0
   203  		return 0
   204  	}
   206  	// Dlahqr/Dlaqr04 crossover point.
   207  	nmin := impl.Ilaenv(12, "DHSEQR", string(job)+string(compz), n, ilo, ihi, lwork)
   208  	nmin = max(ntiny, nmin)
   210  	if n > nmin {
   211  		// Dlaqr0 for big matrices.
   212  		unconverged = impl.Dlaqr04(wantt, wantz, n, ilo, ihi, h, ldh, wr[:ihi+1], wi[:ihi+1],
   213  			ilo, ihi, z, ldz, work, lwork, 1)
   214  	} else {
   215  		// Dlahqr for small matrices.
   216  		unconverged = impl.Dlahqr(wantt, wantz, n, ilo, ihi, h, ldh, wr[:ihi+1], wi[:ihi+1],
   217  			ilo, ihi, z, ldz)
   218  		if unconverged > 0 {
   219  			// A rare Dlahqr failure! Dlaqr04 sometimes succeeds
   220  			// when Dlahqr fails.
   221  			kbot := unconverged
   222  			if n >= nl {
   223  				// Larger matrices have enough subdiagonal
   224  				// scratch space to call Dlaqr04 directly.
   225  				unconverged = impl.Dlaqr04(wantt, wantz, n, ilo, kbot, h, ldh,
   226  					wr[:ihi+1], wi[:ihi+1], ilo, ihi, z, ldz, work, lwork, 1)
   227  			} else {
   228  				// Tiny matrices don't have enough subdiagonal
   229  				// scratch space to benefit from Dlaqr04. Hence,
   230  				// tiny matrices must be copied into a larger
   231  				// array before calling Dlaqr04.
   232  				var hl [nl * nl]float64
   233  				impl.Dlacpy(blas.All, n, n, h, ldh, hl[:], nl)
   234  				impl.Dlaset(blas.All, nl, nl-n, 0, 0, hl[n:], nl)
   235  				var workl [nl]float64
   236  				unconverged = impl.Dlaqr04(wantt, wantz, nl, ilo, kbot, hl[:], nl,
   237  					wr[:ihi+1], wi[:ihi+1], ilo, ihi, z, ldz, workl[:], nl, 1)
   238  				work[0] = workl[0]
   239  				if wantt || unconverged > 0 {
   240  					impl.Dlacpy(blas.All, n, n, hl[:], nl, h, ldh)
   241  				}
   242  			}
   243  		}
   244  	}
   245  	// Zero out under the first subdiagonal, if necessary.
   246  	if (wantt || unconverged > 0) && n > 2 {
   247  		impl.Dlaset(blas.Lower, n-2, n-2, 0, 0, h[2*ldh:], ldh)
   248  	}
   250  	work[0] = math.Max(float64(n), work[0])
   251  	return unconverged
   252  }