(about) 1 # Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) 2 *.o 3 *.a 4 *.so 5 6 # Folders 7 _obj 8 _test 9 .DS_Store 10 bin 11 out-* 12 tools 13 14 15 # Architecture specific extensions/prefixes 16 *.[568vq] 17 [568vq].out 18 19 *.cgo1.go 20 *.cgo2.c 21 _cgo_defun.c 22 _cgo_gotypes.go 23 _cgo_export.* 24 25 _testmain.go 26 27 *.exe 28 *.test 29 *.prof 30 31 # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE 32 *.out 33 34 # IDE specific files 35 .vscode 36 *.iml 37 .idea 38 *.swp 39 40 /ansible/tls/*.pem 41 /ansible/tls/*.csr 42 /ansible/tls/kubernetes-*-csr.json 43 /ansible/tls/servers 44 /ansible/inventory.ini 45 /ansible/inventory-repo.ini 46 47 kismatic-cluster.yaml 48 .vagrant 49 vendor/* 50 package/source 51 package/out 52 integration-tests/vendor 53 vendor-* 54 .glide 55 pkg/server/server 56 kismatic-*.tar.gz 57 tmp