(about) 1 --- 2 - hosts: master:worker:ingress:storage 3 any_errors_fatal: true 4 name: "{{ play_name | default('Start Calico Network Components') }}" 5 serial: "{{ serial_count | default('100%') }}" 6 become: yes 7 vars_files: 8 - group_vars/all.yaml 9 - group_vars/container_images.yaml 10 11 pre_tasks: 12 - name: download networking images 13 command: docker pull {{ item }} 14 with_items: 15 - "{{ images.calico_node }}" 16 - "{{ images.calico_cni }}" 17 - "{{ images.calico_ctl }}" 18 register: result 19 until: result|succeeded 20 retries: 2 21 delay: 1 22 23 - name: check if calico-node is active 24 command: systemctl is-active -q calico-node.service 25 register: status 26 failed_when: status.rc !=0 and status.rc != 3 # 0=running, 3=stopped or doesnt exist 27 when: upgrading is defined and upgrading|bool == true 28 29 roles: 30 - calico