
     1  ---
     2    - hosts: all
     3      any_errors_fatal: true
     4      name: "{{ play_name | default('Install Docker') }}"
     5      serial: "{{ serial_count | default('100%') }}"
     6      become: yes
     7      vars_files:
     8        - group_vars/all.yaml
    10      roles:
    11        - role: packages-docker
    12          when: allow_package_installation|bool == true
    13        - role: docker-registry-cert
    14          when: configure_docker_with_private_registry is defined and configure_docker_with_private_registry|bool == true
    15        - role: docker-proxy
    16          when: >
    17            (https_proxy is defined and https_proxy != "") or
    18            (http_proxy is defined and http_proxy != "") or
    19            (no_proxy is defined and no_proxy != "")
    20        - role: docker