
     1  version: 2
     2  defaults: &defaults
     3    working_directory: /go/src/
     4    docker:
     5      - image: circleci/golang:1.9.4
     7  jobs:
     8    build:
     9      <<: *defaults
    10      steps:
    11        - checkout
    12        - run:
    13            name: Install glide packages
    14            command: make vendor && make glide-install-host
    15        - run:
    16            name: Unit tests
    17            command: make TEST_OPTS="-v" test-host
    18        - run:
    19            name: Verify gofmt
    20            command: diff -u <(echo -n) <(gofmt -d ./pkg ./cmd)
    21        - run:
    22            name: Verify reference documentation is up to date
    23            command: diff -u <(cat docs/ <(make docs/
    24        - run:
    25            name: Create release directory # Used for releasing to GH
    26            command: mkdir release
    27        - run:
    28            name: Darwin, Linux dists
    29            command: make all-host
    30        - run:
    31            name: Darwin tarball
    32            command: GOOS=darwin make tarball
    33        - run:
    34            name: Linux tarball
    35            command: GOOS=linux make tarball
    36        - store_artifacts:
    37            path: kismatic-darwin.tar.gz
    38            destination: kismatic-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
    39        - run:
    40            name: Copy darwin pkg to release dir
    41            command: mv kismatic-darwin.tar.gz release/kismatic-${CIRCLE_TAG}-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
    42        - store_artifacts:
    43            path: kismatic-linux.tar.gz
    44            destination: kismatic-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    45        - run:
    46            name: Copy linux pkg to release dir # Used for releasing to GH
    47            command: cp kismatic-linux.tar.gz release/kismatic-${CIRCLE_TAG}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    48        - run:
    49            name: Set integration test SSH Key 
    50            command: echo "$KISMATIC_INT_TEST_KEY" | base64 -d > ~/.ssh/kismatic-integration-testing.pem
    51        - run:
    52            name: Set permissions on SSH key
    53            command: chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/kismatic-integration-testing.pem
    54        - run:
    55            name: Focused tests
    56            command: |
    57              if [[ -n "$FOCUS" ]]
    58              then
    59                  make focus-integration-test-host
    60              fi
    61            no_output_timeout: 30m
    62            environment:
    63              GINKGO_OPTS: "-nodes=32 --flakeAttempts=2"
    64              ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH: "/tmp/ssh-%%r-%%h-%%p"
    65              ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS: "-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=1800s -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-%r-%h-%p"    
    66        - run:
    67            name: Integration tests
    68            command: |
    69              if [[ -z "$FOCUS" ]]
    70              then
    71                  make integration-test-host
    72              fi 
    73            no_output_timeout: 30m
    74            environment:
    75              GINKGO_OPTS: "-nodes=32 --flakeAttempts=2"
    76              ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH: "/tmp/ssh-%%r-%%h-%%p"
    77              ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS: "-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=1800s -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-%r-%h-%p"    
    78        - run:
    79            name: Slow integration tests
    80            command: |
    81              if [[ -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" || -n "$RUN_SLOW_TESTS" ]]
    82              then
    83                make slow-integration-test-host
    84              fi
    85            no_output_timeout: 90m
    86            environment:
    87              GINKGO_OPTS: "-nodes=32 --flakeAttempts=2"
    88              ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH: "/tmp/ssh-%%r-%%h-%%p"
    89              ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS: "-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=1800s -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-%r-%h-%p"
    90        - store_test_results:
    91            path: /tmp/ket-junit-results
    92        - run:
    93            name: Create draft release on GitHub
    94            command: | 
    95              if [[ -n "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]]
    96              then
    97                apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip
    98                wget
    99                unzip
   100                ./ghr -draft -u "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME" "${CIRCLE_TAG}-draft" release/
   101              fi
   103  deployment:
   104    fake_deploy_for_cci2:
   105      tag: /.*/
   106      commands:
   107        - echo "make tags run in 2.0"