
     1  package integration_tests
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"time"
     8  	. ""
     9  	. ""
    10  )
    12  const (
    13  	proxyPort          = 3128
    14  	dockerRegistryPort = 8443
    15  )
    17  var _ = Describe("disconnected installation", func() {
    18  	BeforeEach(func() {
    19  		dir := setupTestWorkingDir()
    20  		os.Chdir(dir)
    21  	})
    23  	Context("with an existing package mirror and image registry", func() {
    24  		Context("on CentOS", func() {
    25  			ItOnAWS("should install successfully [slow]", func(aws infrastructureProvisioner) {
    26  				distro := CentOS7
    27  				WithInfrastructure(NodeCount{1, 1, 2, 1, 1}, distro, aws, func(nodes provisionedNodes, sshKey string) {
    28  					// One of the workers is used as the repository and registry
    29  					repoNode := nodes.worker[1]
    30  					nodes.worker = nodes.worker[0:1]
    32  					By("Creating a package repository")
    33  					err := createPackageRepositoryMirror(repoNode, distro, sshKey)
    34  					FailIfError(err, "Error creating local package repo")
    36  					By("Deploying a docker registry")
    37  					caFile, err := deployAuthenticatedDockerRegistry(repoNode, dockerRegistryPort, sshKey)
    38  					FailIfError(err, "Failed to deploy docker registry")
    40  					By("Seeding the local registry")
    41  					err = seedRegistry(repoNode, caFile, dockerRegistryPort, sshKey)
    42  					FailIfError(err, "Error seeding local registry")
    44  					By("Disabling internet access")
    45  					err = disableInternetAccess(nodes.allNodes(), sshKey)
    46  					FailIfError(err, "Failed to create iptable rule")
    48  					// Configure the repos on the nodes
    49  					By("Configuring repository on nodes")
    50  					for _, n := range nodes.allNodes() {
    51  						err = copyFileToRemote("test-resources/disconnected-installation/", "/tmp/", n, sshKey, 15*time.Second)
    52  						FailIfError(err, "Failed to copy script to nodes")
    53  					}
    54  					cmds := []string{
    55  						"chmod +x /tmp/",
    56  						fmt.Sprintf("sudo /tmp/ http://%s", repoNode.PrivateIP),
    57  					}
    58  					err = runViaSSH(cmds, nodes.allNodes(), sshKey, 5*time.Minute)
    59  					FailIfError(err, "Failed to run mirror configuration script")
    61  					installOpts := installOptions{
    62  						disablePackageInstallation: false,
    63  						disconnectedInstallation:   true,
    64  						modifyHostsFiles:           true,
    65  						dockerRegistryCAPath:       caFile,
    66  						dockerRegistryServer:       fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", repoNode.PrivateIP, dockerRegistryPort),
    67  						dockerRegistryUsername:     "kismaticuser",
    68  						dockerRegistryPassword:     "kismaticpassword",
    69  					}
    71  					// installOpts.disableRegistrySeeding = true
    72  					By("Running kismatic install apply")
    73  					err = installKismatic(nodes, installOpts, sshKey)
    74  					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
    75  				})
    76  			})
    77  		})
    79  		Context("on Ubuntu", func() {
    80  			ItOnAWS("should install successfully [slow]", func(aws infrastructureProvisioner) {
    81  				distro := Ubuntu1604LTS
    82  				WithInfrastructure(NodeCount{1, 1, 2, 1, 1}, distro, aws, func(nodes provisionedNodes, sshKey string) {
    83  					// One of the workers is used as the repository and registry
    84  					repoNode := nodes.worker[1]
    85  					nodes.worker = nodes.worker[0:1]
    87  					By("Creating a package repository")
    88  					err := createPackageRepositoryMirror(repoNode, distro, sshKey)
    89  					FailIfError(err, "Error creating local package repo")
    91  					// Deploy a docker registry on the node
    92  					By("Deploying a docker registry")
    93  					caFile, err := deployAuthenticatedDockerRegistry(repoNode, dockerRegistryPort, sshKey)
    94  					FailIfError(err, "Failed to deploy docker registry")
    96  					By("Seeding the local registry")
    97  					err = seedRegistry(repoNode, caFile, dockerRegistryPort, sshKey)
    98  					FailIfError(err, "Error seeding local registry")
   100  					By("Disabling internet access")
   101  					err = disableInternetAccess(nodes.allNodes(), sshKey)
   102  					FailIfError(err, "Failed to create iptable rule")
   104  					// Configure the repos on the nodes
   105  					By("Configuring repository on nodes")
   106  					for _, n := range nodes.allNodes() {
   107  						err = copyFileToRemote("test-resources/disconnected-installation/", "/tmp/", n, sshKey, 15*time.Second)
   108  						FailIfError(err, "Failed to copy script to nodes")
   109  					}
   110  					cmds := []string{
   111  						"chmod +x /tmp/",
   112  						fmt.Sprintf("sudo /tmp/ http://%s", repoNode.PrivateIP),
   113  					}
   114  					err = runViaSSH(cmds, nodes.allNodes(), sshKey, 5*time.Minute)
   115  					FailIfError(err, "Failed to run mirror configuration script")
   117  					installOpts := installOptions{
   118  						disablePackageInstallation: false,
   119  						disconnectedInstallation:   true,
   120  						modifyHostsFiles:           true,
   121  						dockerRegistryCAPath:       caFile,
   122  						dockerRegistryServer:       fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", repoNode.PrivateIP, dockerRegistryPort),
   123  						dockerRegistryUsername:     "kismaticuser",
   124  						dockerRegistryPassword:     "kismaticpassword",
   125  					}
   127  					// installOpts.disableRegistrySeeding = true
   128  					By("Running kismatic install apply")
   129  					err = installKismatic(nodes, installOpts, sshKey)
   130  					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   131  				})
   132  			})
   133  		})
   134  	})
   136  	Context("when there is a proxy between the nodes and the internet", func() {
   137  		ItOnAWS("should install successfully [slow]", func(aws infrastructureProvisioner) {
   138  			WithInfrastructure(NodeCount{2, 1, 1, 1, 1}, CentOS7, aws, func(nodes provisionedNodes, sshKey string) {
   139  				// setup cluster nodes, and a proxy node
   140  				clusterNodes := provisionedNodes{}
   141  				clusterNodes.etcd = []NodeDeets{nodes.etcd[1]}
   142  				clusterNodes.master = nodes.master
   143  				clusterNodes.worker = nodes.worker
   144  				clusterNodes.ingress = nodes.ingress
   145 =
   146  				proxyNode := nodes.etcd[0]
   148  				By("Installing the proxy")
   149  				err := runViaSSH([]string{"sudo yum update -y openssl"}, []NodeDeets{proxyNode}, sshKey, 5*time.Minute)
   150  				FailIfError(err, "Failed update openssl")
   151  				err = runViaSSH([]string{"sudo yum install -y squid"}, []NodeDeets{proxyNode}, sshKey, 5*time.Minute)
   152  				FailIfError(err, "Failed install proxy")
   153  				err = runViaSSH([]string{"sudo sed -i -e 's/http_access deny all/http_access allow all/g' /etc/squid/squid.conf"}, []NodeDeets{proxyNode}, sshKey, 5*time.Minute)
   154  				FailIfError(err, "Failed modify squif.conf")
   155  				err = runViaSSH([]string{"sudo systemctl restart squid"}, []NodeDeets{proxyNode}, sshKey, 5*time.Minute)
   156  				FailIfError(err, "Failed restart proxy")
   158  				By("Disabling internet access")
   159  				err = disableInternetAccess(clusterNodes.allNodes(), sshKey)
   160  				FailIfError(err, "Failed to create iptable rules")
   162  				if err = verifyNoInternetAccess(clusterNodes.allNodes(), sshKey); err == nil {
   163  					Fail("was able to ping google with outgoing connections blocked")
   164  				}
   166  				By("Enabling proxy access")
   167  				err = enableProxyConnection(clusterNodes.allNodes(), sshKey)
   168  				FailIfError(err, "Failed to create iptable rules")
   170  				By("Verifying connectivity to")
   171  				err = runViaSSH([]string{fmt.Sprintf("export http_proxy=%s:%d && curl --head", proxyNode.PrivateIP, proxyPort)}, clusterNodes.allNodes(), sshKey, 1*time.Minute)
   172  				FailIfError(err, "Failed to curl google with proxy")
   174  				By("Running kismatic install apply")
   175  				// don't use the proxy for cluster communication
   177  				installOpts := installOptions{
   178  					modifyHostsFiles: true,
   179  					httpProxy:        fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", proxyNode.PrivateIP, proxyPort),
   180  					httpsProxy:       fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", proxyNode.PrivateIP, proxyPort),
   181  					noProxy:          fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", "", ""),
   182  				}
   183  				err = installKismatic(clusterNodes, installOpts, sshKey)
   184  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   185  			})
   186  		})
   187  	})
   188  })
   190  func disableInternetAccess(nodes []NodeDeets, sshKey string) error {
   191  	By("Blocking all outbound connections")
   192  	allowSourcePorts := "8888,2379,6666,2380,6660,6443,8443,80,443,10256,10250,10251,10252,10254" // ports needed/checked by inspector
   193  	allowDestPorts := "8888,2379,6666,2380,6660,6443,8443,80,443,10256,10250,10251,10252,10254"
   194  	allowedStorgePorts := "8081,111,2049,38465,38466,38467"
   195  	cmd := []string{
   196  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT",                                                                 // allow loopback
   197  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT",                        // allow SSH
   198  		fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match multiport --sports %s -j ACCEPT", allowSourcePorts),   // allow inspector
   199  		fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports %s -j ACCEPT", allowDestPorts),     // allow internal traffic for: inspector, etcd, docker registry
   200  		fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match multiport --sports %s -j ACCEPT", allowedStorgePorts), // storage
   201  		fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports %s -j ACCEPT", allowedStorgePorts), // storage
   202  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j ACCEPT",
   203  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT", // Allow pod network
   204  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j ACCEPT",
   205  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT",                 // Allow pod service network
   206  		"sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT",  // ping outside to inside
   207  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT",   // ping outside to inside
   208  		"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT", // ping inside to outside
   209  		"sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT",    // ping inside to outside
   210  		"sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP",                                       // drop everything else
   211  	}
   212  	return runViaSSH(cmd, nodes, sshKey, 1*time.Minute)
   213  }
   215  func enableProxyConnection(nodes []NodeDeets, sshKey string) error {
   216  	By("Allowing connection to proxy")
   217  	// proxy server running on 3128
   218  	cmd := []string{
   219  		fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match multiport --sports %d -j ACCEPT", proxyPort),
   220  		fmt.Sprintf("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports %d -j ACCEPT", proxyPort),
   221  	}
   222  	return runViaSSH(cmd, nodes, sshKey, 1*time.Minute)
   223  }
   225  func verifyNoInternetAccess(nodes []NodeDeets, sshKey string) error {
   226  	By("Verifying that connections are blocked")
   227  	return runViaSSH([]string{"curl --head"}, nodes, sshKey, 1*time.Minute)
   228  }