
     1  apiVersion: batch/v1
     2  kind: Job
     3  metadata:
     4    name: kismatic-reader
     5  spec:
     6    completions: 10
     7    parallelism: 10 # Multiple readers at the same time
     8    activeDeadlineSeconds: 60 # Wait up to a minute for this job to complete
     9    template:
    10      metadata:
    11        name: kismatic-reader
    12      spec:
    13        containers:
    14        - name: writer
    15          image: busybox
    16          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
    17          args:
    18            - "if [ \"`ls /mnt/kismatic-writer* | wc -l`\" = \"10\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi;"
    19          volumeMounts:
    20            - name: test-volume
    21              mountPath: "/mnt"
    22        volumes:
    23          - name: test-volume
    24            persistentVolumeClaim:
    25              claimName: kismatic-integration-claim
    26        restartPolicy: Never