
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  var serverExample = `# Run the inspector in server mode
    12  kismatic-inspector server --node-roles master,worker
    14  # Run the inspector in server mode, in a specific port
    15  kismatic-inspector server --port 9000 --node-roles master
    16  `
    18  type serverOpts struct {
    19  	commandName                 string
    20  	port                        int
    21  	nodeRoles                   string
    22  	packageInstallationDisabled bool
    23  	dockerInstallationDisabled  bool
    24  	disconnectedInstallation    bool
    25  }
    27  // NewCmdServer returns the "server" command
    28  func NewCmdServer(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
    29  	opts := serverOpts{}
    30  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
    31  		Use:     "server",
    32  		Short:   "Stand up the inspector server for running checks remotely",
    33  		Example: serverExample,
    34  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    35  			opts.commandName = cmd.Parent().Name()
    36  			return runServer(out, opts)
    37  		},
    38  	}
    39  	cmd.Flags().IntVar(&opts.port, "port", 9090, "the port number for standing up the Inspector server")
    40  	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&opts.nodeRoles, "node-roles", "", "comma-separated list of the node's roles. Valid roles are 'etcd', 'master', 'worker', 'ingress', 'storage'")
    41  	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&opts.packageInstallationDisabled, "pkg-installation-disabled", false, "when true, the inspector will ensure that the necessary packages are installed on the node")
    42  	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&opts.dockerInstallationDisabled, "docker-installation-disabled", false, "when true, the inspector will check for docker packages to be installed")
    43  	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&opts.disconnectedInstallation, "disconnected-installation", false, "when true will check for the required packages needed during a disconnected install")
    44  	return cmd
    45  }
    47  func runServer(out io.Writer, opts serverOpts) error {
    48  	if opts.nodeRoles == "" {
    49  		return fmt.Errorf("--node-roles is required")
    50  	}
    51  	nodeFacts, err := getNodeRoles(opts.nodeRoles)
    52  	if err != nil {
    53  		return err
    54  	}
    55  	if opts.disconnectedInstallation {
    56  		nodeFacts = append(nodeFacts, "disconnected")
    57  	}
    58  	s, err := inspector.NewServer(nodeFacts, opts.port, opts.packageInstallationDisabled, opts.dockerInstallationDisabled, opts.disconnectedInstallation)
    59  	if err != nil {
    60  		return fmt.Errorf("error starting up inspector server: %v", err)
    61  	}
    62  	fmt.Fprintf(out, "Inspector is listening on port %d\n", opts.port)
    63  	fmt.Fprintf(out, "Node roles: %s\n", opts.nodeRoles)
    64  	fmt.Fprintf(out, "Package installation disabled: %v\n", opts.packageInstallationDisabled)
    65  	fmt.Fprintf(out, "Docker installation disabled: %v\n", opts.dockerInstallationDisabled)
    66  	fmt.Fprintf(out, "Disconnected installation: %v\n", opts.disconnectedInstallation)
    67  	fmt.Fprintf(out, "Run %s from another node to run checks remotely: %[1]s client [NODE_IP]:%d\n", opts.commandName, opts.port)
    68  	return s.Start()
    69  }