
     1  //
     2  // Copyright 2016, Google Corporation , All Rights Reserved.
     3  //
     4  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7  //
     8  // or in the the file LICENSE-2.0.txt in the top level sourcedirectory
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License
    14  // File:
    16  #include "gtest/gtest.h"
    18  #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    19  #include <gflags/gflags.h>
    20  #include <stdio.h>
    21  #include <string>
    23  #include "helpers.h"
    25  #if 0
    26  // For testing.
    28  #include <netinet/in.h>
    29  #include <sys/socket.h>
    30  #include <arpa/inet.h>
    31  void FakeServer(string& network, string& address, string& port) {
    32    int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    33    struct sockaddr_in dest_addr;
    34    uint16_t s_port = atoi(port.c_str());
    35    dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    36    dest_addr.sin_port = htons(s_port);
    37    inet_aton(address.c_str(), &dest_addr.sin_addr);
    39    if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr)) < 0) {
    40      printf("Unable to bind\n");
    41      return;
    42    }
    44    if (listen(sockfd, 1) < 0) {
    45      printf("Unable to listen\n");
    46      return;
    47    }
    49    byte request[4096];
    50    byte reply[4096];
    52    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    53    uint len = sizeof(addr);
    55    int client = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len);
    56    if (client < 0) {
    57      printf("Unable to accept\n");
    58    }
    59    for(;;) {
    60      int in_size = read(client, request, 4096);
    61      if (in_size <= 0) {
    62        printf("server read failed\n");
    63        return;
    64      }
    65      printf("Server received: %s\n", (const char*)request);
    66      const char* r = "This is a stupid reply";
    67      memcpy(reply, r, strlen(r) + 1);
    68      printf("Server sending: %s\n", (const char*)reply);
    69      write(client, reply, strlen(r) + 1);
    70      break;
    71    }
    72  }
    73  #endif
    75  bool ProcessRequest (int request_number, int request_size, byte* request,
    76                       int* reply_size, byte* reply) {
    77    printf("\nProcessRequest %s\n", (const char*)request);
    78    memset(reply, 0, *reply_size);
    79    sprintf((char*)reply, "This is a stupid reply %d\n", request_number);
    80    *reply_size = strlen((const char*)reply) + 1;
    81    if (request_number > 2)
    82      return false;
    83    return true;
    84  }
    86  void HandleConnection(SslChannel* channel,  SSL* ssl, int client) {
    87    byte request[4096];
    88    int request_size = 0;
    89    byte reply[4096];
    90    int reply_size;
    91    bool fContinue;
    92    int request_number = 0;
    94    printf("\nHandleConnection\n");
    95    for (;;) {
    96      memset(request, 0, 4096);
    97      request_size = SSL_read(ssl, request, 4096);
    98      printf("request %d: %s\n", request_size, (const char*)request);
   100      reply_size = 4096;
   101      fContinue = ProcessRequest(request_number++, request_size, request,
   102                       &reply_size, reply);
   103      SSL_write(ssl, reply, reply_size);
   104      if (!fContinue)
   105        break;
   106    }
   107    // SSL_free(ssl);
   108    // close(client);
   109  }
   111  DEFINE_string(key_type, "ECC", "key type for generated keys");
   113  int main(int an, char** av) {
   114    SslChannel channel;
   115    string path;
   116    string policy_cert_file_name(
   117        "/Domains/domain.simpleexample/policy_keys/cert");
   118    string policy_cert;
   119    string network("tcp");
   120    string address("");
   121    string port("2015");
   123  #ifdef __linux__
   124    gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&an, &av, true);
   125  #else
   126    google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&an, &av, true);
   127  #endif
   129    // key type
   130    string key_type;
   131    int key_size;
   132    if(FLAGS_key_type == "ECC") {
   133      key_type = "ECC";
   134      key_size = 256;
   135    } else if (FLAGS_key_type == "RSA") {
   136      key_type = "RSA";
   137      key_size = 2048;
   138    } else {
   139      printf("Invalid key type\n");
   140      return 1;
   141    }
   142    printf("Key type is %s\n", key_type.c_str()); 
   144    // Self signed cert.
   145    X509_REQ* req = X509_REQ_new();;
   146    X509* cert = X509_new();
   147    string common_name("Fred");
   148    string issuer("Fred");
   149    string keyUsage("critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign");
   150    string extendedKeyUsage("serverAuth,clientAuth");
   152    EVP_PKEY* self = GenerateKey(key_type, key_size);
   153    if (!GenerateX509CertificateRequest(key_type, common_name, self,
   154            false, req)) {
   155      printf("Can't generate x509 request\n");
   156      return 1;
   157    }
   159    // EC_KEY_METHOD* meth = EC_KEY_get_method(EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(self));
   161    if (!SignX509Certificate(self, true, true, issuer, keyUsage,
   162                             extendedKeyUsage, 86400,
   163                             self, req, false, cert)) {
   164      printf("Can't sign x509 request\n");
   165      return 1;
   166    }
   168    printf("Calling InitServerSslChannel\n");
   169    if (!channel.InitServerSslChannel(network, address, port, cert,
   170                                      cert, key_type, self,
   171                                      SSL_NO_SERVER_VERIFY_NO_CLIENT_AUTH)) {
   172      printf("Can't InitServerSslChannel\n");
   173      return 1;
   174    }
   175    printf("Calling ServerLoop\n\n");
   176    channel.ServerLoop(&HandleConnection);
   177    return 0;
   178  }