(about) 1 // To compile: protoc -I=. --go_out=. service.proto 2 3 // Definition of protobufs for directives. 4 syntax = "proto2"; 5 6 // TODO: fix this: import ""; 7 8 package secret_service; 9 10 // Epochs must increase monotonically and be > 0 11 message object_id_message { 12 required string obj_name = 1; 13 optional int32 obj_epoch = 2; 14 } 15 16 message secret_service_request { 17 18 enum operation_type { 19 READ = 1; 20 WRITE = 2; 21 CREATE = 3; 22 DELETE = 4; 23 } 24 optional operation_type op = 1; 25 26 optional object_id_message secret_id = 2; 27 28 // Fields for type: WRITE. 29 optional string new_secret_type = 3; 30 optional bytes new_secret_val = 4; 31 32 // Fields for type: CREATE (in addition to above fields). 33 optional object_id_message new_secret_id = 5; 34 optional object_id_message protector_id = 6; 35 } 36 37 message secret_service_response { 38 optional string error_message = 1; 39 40 // Fields for response to READ. 41 optional string secret_type = 2; 42 optional bytes secret_val = 3; 43 }