(about) 1 // Copyright (c) 2014, Google Inc. All rights reserved. 2 // 3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 #include <string> 14 #include <vector> 15 #include <stdlib.h> 16 17 #include <gflags/gflags.h> 18 #include <glog/logging.h> 19 20 #include "tao/fd_message_channel.h" 21 #include "tao/tao_rpc.h" 22 #include "tao/util.h" 23 24 #include "agile_crypto_support.h" 25 #include "ssl_helpers.h" 26 #include "taosupport.h" 27 28 #include <openssl/ssl.h> 29 #include <openssl/rsa.h> 30 #include <openssl/x509.h> 31 #include <openssl/x509v3.h> 32 #include <openssl/rand.h> 33 34 #include "keys.pb.h" 35 #include "domain_policy.pb.h" 36 #include "auth.h" 37 38 using std::string; 39 using std::unique_ptr; 40 41 using tao::Base64WDecode; 42 using tao::Base64WEncode; 43 using tao::FDMessageChannel; 44 using tao::InitializeApp; 45 using tao::MarshalSpeaksfor; 46 using tao::Tao; 47 using tao::TaoRPC; 48 49 #include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h> 50 #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h> 51 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h> 52 using google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream; 53 using google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream; 54 using google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream; 55 using google::protobuf::io::ArrayInputStream; 56 using tao::MarshalSpeaksfor; 57 58 #define BUFSIZE 8192 59 60 void SerializeTermToString(tao::Term* term, string* name) { 61 if (dynamic_cast<tao::Prin*> (term)) { 62 tao::Prin* prin = dynamic_cast<tao::Prin*>(term); 63 *name += prin->type_ + "("; 64 SerializeTermToString(prin->keyhash_.get(), name); 65 *name += ")"; 66 tao::SubPrin* w = prin->ext_.get(); 67 for (std::vector<std::unique_ptr<tao::PrinExt>>::iterator 68 it = w->elts_.begin(); it != w->elts_.end(); ++it) { 69 *name += "."; 70 tao::PrinExt* prinExt = (*it).get(); 71 *name += prinExt->name_ + "("; 72 SerializeTermToString(prinExt->args_[0].get(), name); 73 *name += ")"; 74 } 75 } else if (dynamic_cast<tao::Bytes*> (term)) { 76 tao::Bytes* bytes = dynamic_cast<tao::Bytes*> (term); 77 string* hex = ByteToHexLeftToRight((int)bytes->elt_.size(), (byte*)bytes->; 78 *name += *hex; 79 delete hex; 80 } 81 } 82 83 TaoChannel::~TaoChannel() { 84 } 85 86 void TaoProgramData::ClearProgramData() { 87 initialized_ = false; 88 marshalled_tao_name_.clear(); 89 tao_name_.clear(); 90 policy_cert_.clear(); 91 92 tao_ = nullptr; 93 94 // Clear keys 95 memset((byte*)verifying_key_, 0, sizeof(*verifying_key_)); 96 memset((byte*)program_signing_key_, 0, sizeof(*program_signing_key_)); 97 memset((byte*)crypting_key_, 0, sizeof(*crypting_key_)); 98 99 if (policy_certificate_ != nullptr) { 100 X509_free(policy_certificate_); 101 } 102 policy_certificate_ = nullptr; 103 } 104 105 TaoProgramData::TaoProgramData() { 106 initialized_ = false; 107 tao_ = nullptr; 108 cipher_suite_.clear(); 109 tao_name_.clear(); 110 policy_cert_.clear(); 111 policy_certificate_ = nullptr; 112 program_signing_key_ = nullptr; 113 verifying_key_ = nullptr; 114 crypting_key_ = nullptr; 115 program_cert_.clear(); 116 program_certificate_ = nullptr; 117 } 118 119 TaoProgramData::~TaoProgramData() { 120 ClearProgramData(); 121 } 122 123 void TaoProgramData::SetPolicyCertificate(X509* c) { 124 policy_certificate_ = c; 125 } 126 127 bool TaoProgramData::GetTaoName(string* name) { 128 if (!initialized_) 129 return false; 130 *name = tao_name_; 131 return true; 132 } 133 134 bool TaoProgramData::GetPolicyCert(string* cert) { 135 if (!initialized_) 136 return false; 137 *cert = policy_cert_; 138 return true; 139 } 140 141 X509* TaoProgramData::GetPolicyCertificate() { 142 if (!initialized_) 143 return nullptr; 144 return policy_certificate_; 145 } 146 147 bool TaoProgramData::GetCipherSuite(string* keyType) { 148 if (!initialized_) 149 return false; 150 *keyType = cipher_suite_; 151 return true; 152 } 153 154 void TaoProgramData::SetProgramCertificate(X509* certificate) { 155 program_certificate_ = certificate; 156 } 157 158 EVP_PKEY* TaoProgramData::GetProgramKey() { 159 return program_signing_key_->sk_; 160 } 161 162 bool TaoProgramData::GetProgramKeyType(string* key_type) { 163 if (!SignerAlgorithmNameFromCipherSuite(cipher_suite_, key_type)) { 164 return false; 165 } 166 return true; 167 } 168 169 bool TaoProgramData::GetProgramCert(string* cert) { 170 *cert = program_cert_; 171 return true; 172 } 173 174 X509* TaoProgramData::GetProgramCertificate() { 175 return program_certificate_; 176 } 177 178 std::list<string>* TaoProgramData::GetProgramCertChain() { 179 if (!initialized_) 180 return nullptr; 181 return &program_cert_chain_; 182 } 183 184 void TaoProgramData::Print() { 185 if (!initialized_) { 186 printf("Program object is NOT initialized\n"); 187 return; 188 } 189 printf("Program object is initialized\n"); 190 printf("Cipher suite: %s\n", cipher_suite_.c_str()); 191 printf("Tao name: %s\n", marshalled_tao_name_.c_str()); 192 printf("Policy cert: "); 193 PrintBytes(policy_cert_.size(), (byte*);printf("\n"); 194 printf("Program key: "); printf("TODO"); printf("\n"); 195 printf("Program cert: ");PrintBytes(program_cert_.size(), (byte*);printf("\n"); 196 printf("Program path: %s\n", program_path_.c_str()); 197 } 198 199 void TaoChannel::Print() { 200 printf("Peer name: %s\n", peer_name_.c_str()); 201 } 202 203 bool TaoProgramData::Attest(string& to_attest, string* attested) { 204 return tao_->Attest(to_attest, attested); 205 } 206 207 bool TaoProgramData::SealMaterial(string& data, string* sealed) { 208 return tao_->Seal(data, Tao::SealPolicyDefault, sealed); 209 } 210 211 bool TaoProgramData::UnsealMaterial(string& sealed, string* unsealed) { 212 string policy; 213 return tao_->Unseal(sealed, unsealed, &policy); 214 } 215 216 bool TaoProgramData::InitCounter(string& label, int64_t& c) { 217 printf("Calling tao_->TaoProgramData::InitCounter(%llx)\n", c); 218 return tao_->InitCounter(label, c); 219 } 220 221 bool TaoProgramData::GetCounter(string& label, int64_t* c) { 222 return tao_->GetCounter(label, c); 223 } 224 225 bool TaoProgramData::RollbackProtectedSeal(string& label, string& data, string* sealed) { 226 return tao_->RollbackProtectedSeal(label, data, Tao::SealPolicyDefault, sealed); 227 } 228 229 bool TaoProgramData::RollbackProtectedUnseal(string& sealed, string* data, string* policy) { 230 return tao_->RollbackProtectedUnseal(sealed, data, policy); 231 } 232 233 bool TaoProgramData::InitTao(string& cipher_suite, FDMessageChannel* msg, Tao* tao, 234 string& policy_key_path, string& host_key_path, string& program_path, string& network, 235 string& address, string& port, bool useSimpleService) { 236 237 cipher_suite_ = cipher_suite; 238 msg_ = msg; 239 tao_ = tao; 240 program_path_ = program_path; 241 network_ = network; 242 address_ = address; 243 port_ = port; 244 useSimpleService_ = useSimpleService; 245 host_cert_file_name_ = host_key_path + "/cert"; 246 policy_cert_file_name_ = policy_key_path + "/cert"; 247 248 // Read policy cert from config. 249 if (!ReadFile(policy_cert_file_name_, &policy_cert_)) { 250 printf("Can't read policy cert.\n"); 251 return false; 252 } 253 254 // Translate policy cert. 255 policy_verifying_key_ = VerifierFromCertificate(policy_cert_); 256 257 byte* pc = (byte*); 258 policy_certificate_ = d2i_X509(nullptr, (const byte**)&pc, policy_cert_.size()); 259 if (policy_certificate_ == nullptr) { 260 printf("Can't DER parse policy cert.\n"); 261 return false; 262 } 263 264 // Read host cert 265 if (!ReadFile(host_cert_file_name_, &host_cert_)) { 266 printf("Can't read host cert %s.\n", host_cert_file_name_.c_str()); 267 return false; 268 } 269 270 // Read host cert chain 271 272 // Extend principal name, with hash of policy public key. 273 string policy_principal_bytes; 274 if (!UniversalKeyName(policy_verifying_key_, &policy_principal_bytes)) { 275 return false; 276 } 277 278 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<tao::PrinExt>> v; 279 280 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<tao::Term>> w; 281 w.push_back(tao::make_unique<tao::Bytes>(; 282 v.push_back(tao::make_unique<tao::PrinExt> ("PolicyKey", std::move(w))); 283 tao::SubPrin p(std::move(v)); 284 string subprin; 285 { 286 StringOutputStream raw_output_stream(&subprin); 287 CodedOutputStream output_stream(&raw_output_stream); 288 p.Marshal(&output_stream); 289 } 290 291 // Extend Tao name with policy key. 292 if (!tao_->ExtendTaoName(subprin)) { 293 printf("Can't extend name.\n"); 294 return false; 295 } 296 297 // Retrieve extended name. 298 if (!tao->GetTaoName(&marshalled_tao_name_)) { 299 printf("Can't get tao name.\n"); 300 return false; 301 } 302 303 tao::Prin unmarshalled_tao_name; 304 { 305 ArrayInputStream raw_input_stream(, 306 marshalled_tao_name_.size()); 307 CodedInputStream input_stream(&raw_input_stream); 308 if (!unmarshalled_tao_name.Unmarshal(&input_stream)) { 309 printf("Can't unmarshal tao name\n"); 310 } 311 } 312 SerializeTermToString((tao::Term*)&unmarshalled_tao_name, &tao_name_); 313 314 if (!GetProgramData()) { 315 printf("Can't init program keys.\n"); 316 return false; 317 } 318 initialized_ = true; 319 return true; 320 } 321 322 bool TaoProgramData::RequestDomainServiceCert(string& request_string) { 323 324 // Set up a fake SSL channel, key does't matter 325 if (policy_certificate_ == nullptr) { 326 printf("Policy cert is null.\n"); 327 return false; 328 } 329 330 X509_REQ* req = X509_REQ_new();; 331 X509* cert = X509_new(); 332 string common_name("Fred"); 333 string issuer("Self"); 334 string keyUsage("critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign"); 335 string extendedKeyUsage("serverAuth,clientAuth"); 336 337 tao::CryptoKey sck; 338 string key_type; 339 if (!SignerAlgorithmNameFromCipherSuite(cipher_suite_, &key_type)) { 340 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Can't get signer alg name.\n"); 341 return false; 342 } 343 if (!GenerateCryptoKey(key_type, &sck)) { 344 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Can't get signer key.\n"); 345 return false; 346 } 347 Signer* s = CryptoKeyToSigner(sck); 348 if (s == nullptr) { 349 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Can't translate key.\n"); 350 return false; 351 } 352 353 if (!GenerateX509CertificateRequest(s->sk_, common_name, false, req)) { 354 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Can't generate x509 request\n"); 355 return false; 356 } 357 358 if (!SignX509Certificate(s->sk_, true, true, issuer, 359 keyUsage, extendedKeyUsage, 86400, 360 s->sk_, req, false, cert)) { 361 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Can't sign x509 request\n"); 362 return false; 363 } 364 365 // Open request channel. 366 SslChannel domainChannel; 367 if (!domainChannel.InitClientSslChannel(network_, address_, port_, 368 cert, cert, key_type, s->sk_, 369 SSL_NO_SERVER_VERIFY_NO_CLIENT_VERIFY)) { 370 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Can't init ssl channel to domain server.\n"); 371 return false; 372 } 373 374 // Send request to Domain service and get response. 375 int bytes_written = SslMessageWrite(domainChannel.GetSslChannel(), 376 (int)request_string.size(), 377 (byte*); 378 if (bytes_written <= 0) { 379 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Domain channel write failure.\n"); 380 return false; 381 } 382 byte read_buf[BUFSIZE]; 383 string response_buf; 384 int bytes_read = 0; 385 while ((bytes_read = SslMessageRead(domainChannel.GetSslChannel(), BUFSIZE, read_buf)) 386 == 0); 387 if (bytes_read <= 0) { 388 printf("RequestDomainServiceCert: Domain channel read failure (%d).\n", bytes_read); 389 return false; 390 } 391 392 // Get response and populate this with cert and cert chain. 393 response_buf.assign((const char*)read_buf, bytes_read); 394 domain_policy::DomainCertResponse response; 395 if (!response.ParseFromString(response_buf)) { 396 printf("Domain channel parse failure.\n"); 397 return false; 398 } 399 program_cert_.assign((const char*)response.signed_cert().data(), 400 response.signed_cert().size()); 401 for (int j = 0; j < response.cert_chain_size(); j++) { 402 program_cert_chain_.push_back(string(response.cert_chain(j))); 403 } 404 405 return true; 406 } 407 408 bool TaoProgramData::SaveProgramData(tao_support::SavedProgramData& pd, string* out) { 409 // Serialize and Seal 410 string serialized; 411 if (!pd.SerializeToString(&serialized)) { 412 return false; 413 } 414 if (!SealMaterial(serialized, out)) { 415 return false; 416 } 417 return true; 418 } 419 420 bool TaoProgramData::RecoverProgramData(string in, tao_support::SavedProgramData* pd) { 421 // Unseal and deserialize 422 string unsealed; 423 if (!UnsealMaterial(in, &unsealed)) { 424 return false; 425 } 426 if (!pd->ParseFromString(unsealed)) { 427 return false; 428 } 429 return true; 430 } 431 432 bool TaoProgramData::InitProgramKeys(tao_support::SavedProgramData* pd) { 433 string crypter_alg_name; 434 if (!CrypterAlgorithmNameFromCipherSuite(cipher_suite_, &crypter_alg_name)) { 435 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: can't get CrypterAlgorithmNameFromCipherSuite.\n"); 436 return false; 437 } 438 string signer_alg_name; 439 if (!SignerAlgorithmNameFromCipherSuite(cipher_suite_, &signer_alg_name)) { 440 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: Can't get SignerAlgorithmNameFromCipherSuite.\n"); 441 return false; 442 } 443 tao::CryptoKey eck; 444 if (!GenerateCryptoKey(crypter_alg_name, &eck)) { 445 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: Can't generate crypter key.\n"); 446 return false; 447 } 448 tao::CryptoKey sck; 449 if (!GenerateCryptoKey(signer_alg_name, &sck)) { 450 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: Can't generate signer key.\n"); 451 return false; 452 } 453 454 crypting_key_ = CryptoKeyToCrypter(eck); 455 if (crypting_key_ == nullptr) { 456 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: couldn't convert crypter crypto key to crypter.\n"); 457 return false; 458 } 459 program_signing_key_ = CryptoKeyToSigner(sck); 460 if (program_signing_key_ == nullptr) { 461 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: couldn't convert signer crypto key to crypter.\n"); 462 return false; 463 } 464 verifying_key_ = VerifierFromSigner(program_signing_key_); 465 if (verifying_key_ == nullptr) { 466 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: .\n"); 467 return false; 468 } 469 470 string key_bytes; 471 if (!UniversalKeyName(verifying_key_, &key_bytes)) { 472 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: couldn't get KeyPrincipalBytes.\n"); 473 return false; 474 } 475 476 // Construct a delegation statement. 477 string msf; 478 if (!MarshalSpeaksfor(key_bytes, marshalled_tao_name_, &msf)) { 479 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: couldn't MarshalSpeaksfor.\n"); 480 return false; 481 } 482 483 // Get an attestation using delegation and program key; 484 string attestation_string; 485 if (!Attest(msf, &attestation_string)) { 486 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: couldn't Attest.\n"); 487 return false; 488 } 489 490 // Der serialize key 491 byte der_subj_key[8196]; 492 byte* ptr = der_subj_key; 493 int der_subj_key_size = i2d_PUBKEY(GetProgramKey(), &ptr); 494 if (der_subj_key_size <= 0) { 495 printf("Can't i2d ECC public key\n"); 496 return false; 497 } 498 499 // Make cert request. 500 domain_policy::DomainCertRequest request; 501 request.set_attestation(attestation_string); 502 request.set_key_type(signer_alg_name); 503 request.set_subject_public_key(der_subj_key, der_subj_key_size); 504 string* der = request.add_cert_chain(); 505 *der = host_cert_; 506 for (std::list<string>::iterator it = host_cert_chain_.begin(); 507 it != host_cert_chain_.end(); ++it) { 508 string* der = request.add_cert_chain(); 509 *der = *it; 510 } 511 512 513 string request_string; 514 if (!request.SerializeToString(&request_string)) { 515 printf("InitializeProgramKey: couldn't serialize request.\n"); 516 return false; 517 } 518 519 // Get Program Cert. 520 if (!RequestDomainServiceCert(request_string)) { 521 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: couldn't RequestDomainServiceCert.\n"); 522 return false; 523 } 524 525 string crypting_key_blob; 526 string signing_key_blob; 527 528 if (!eck.SerializeToString(&crypting_key_blob)) { 529 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: can't serialize crypting key.\n"); 530 return false; 531 } 532 if (!sck.SerializeToString(&signing_key_blob)) { 533 printf("InitializeProgramKeys: can't serialize crypting key.\n"); 534 return false; 535 } 536 537 byte* pc = (byte*); 538 program_certificate_ = d2i_X509(nullptr, (const byte**)&pc, program_cert_.size()); 539 if (program_certificate_ == nullptr) { 540 printf("Can't DER parse program cert.\n"); 541 return false; 542 } 543 544 pd->set_crypto_suite(cipher_suite_); 545 pd->set_file_path(program_path_); 546 pd->set_policy_cert(policy_cert_); 547 pd->set_program_name(tao_name_); 548 pd->set_signing_key_blob(signing_key_blob); 549 pd->set_crypting_key_blob(crypting_key_blob); 550 pd->set_delegation(attestation_string); 551 pd->set_program_cert(program_cert_); 552 553 // Save program cert chain 554 for (std::list<string>::iterator it = program_cert_chain_.begin(); 555 it != program_cert_chain_.end(); ++it) { 556 string* next = pd->add_signer_cert_chain(); 557 *next = *it; 558 } 559 560 return true; 561 } 562 563 bool TaoProgramData::GetProgramData() { 564 565 string protected_keys_file_name(program_path_); 566 protected_keys_file_name += "/protectedProgramKeys"; 567 string cert_file_name; 568 cert_file_name = protected_keys_file_name + "_cert"; 569 570 string encrypted_saved_program_data; 571 tao_support::SavedProgramData program_data; 572 573 // By now we should have config paths, addresses and tao set. 574 575 if (!ReadFile(protected_keys_file_name, &encrypted_saved_program_data)) { 576 // need to init keys 577 if (!InitProgramKeys(&program_data)) { 578 printf("GetProgramData: can't InitProgramKeys\n"); 579 return false; 580 } 581 if (!SaveProgramData(program_data, &encrypted_saved_program_data)) { 582 printf("GetProgramData: can't SaveProgramData\n"); 583 return false; 584 } 585 if (!WriteFile(protected_keys_file_name, encrypted_saved_program_data)) { 586 printf("GetProgramData: can't write savedProgramData\n"); 587 return false; 588 } 589 // Save cert too. 590 if (!WriteFile(cert_file_name, program_cert_)) { 591 printf("GetProgramData: can't write program cert\n"); 592 return false; 593 } 594 } else { 595 // decrypt program keys 596 if (!RecoverProgramData(encrypted_saved_program_data, &program_data)) { 597 printf("GetProgramData: can't RecoverProgramData\n"); 598 return false; 599 } 600 } 601 602 // Fill corresponding TaoProgramData values 603 if (!program_data.has_file_path()) { 604 printf("GetProgramData: no program path\n"); 605 return false; 606 } 607 if (!program_data.has_policy_cert()) { 608 printf("GetProgramData: no policy certt\n"); 609 return false; 610 } 611 if (!program_data.has_program_name()) { 612 return false; 613 } 614 if (!program_data.has_signing_key_blob()) { 615 printf("GetProgramData: no signing key blob\n"); 616 return false; 617 } 618 if (!program_data.has_crypting_key_blob()) { 619 printf("GetProgramData: no crypting key blob\n"); 620 return false; 621 } 622 if (!program_data.has_crypto_suite()) { 623 printf("GetProgramData: no crypto suite\n"); 624 return false; 625 } 626 if (!program_data.has_program_cert()) { 627 printf("GetProgramData: no program cert\n"); 628 return false; 629 } 630 631 tao::CryptoKey sck; 632 tao::CryptoKey cck; 633 if (!sck.ParseFromString(program_data.signing_key_blob())) { 634 printf("GetProgramData: can't decode signing key blob\n"); 635 return false; 636 } 637 program_signing_key_ = CryptoKeyToSigner(sck); 638 if (program_signing_key_ == nullptr) { 639 printf("GetProgramData: can't convert signer cryptokey to signer\n"); 640 return false; 641 } 642 if (!cck.ParseFromString(program_data.crypting_key_blob())) { 643 printf("GetProgramData: can't decode crypting key blob\n"); 644 return false; 645 } 646 crypting_key_ = CryptoKeyToCrypter(cck); 647 if (crypting_key_ == nullptr) { 648 printf("GetProgramData: can't convert crypter cryptokey to crypter\n"); 649 return false; 650 } 651 verifying_key_ = VerifierFromSigner(program_signing_key_); 652 if (verifying_key_ == nullptr) { 653 printf("GetProgramData: can't get VerifierFromSigner\n"); 654 return false; 655 } 656 657 if (program_data.has_delegation()) { 658 printf("GetProgramData: no delegation\n"); 659 } 660 661 byte* pc = (byte*)program_data.program_cert().data(); 662 program_certificate_ = d2i_X509(nullptr, (const byte**)&pc, program_data.program_cert().size()); 663 if (program_certificate_ == nullptr) { 664 printf("Can't DER parse program cert.\n"); 665 return false; 666 } 667 668 for (int i = 0; i < program_data.signer_cert_chain().size(); i++) { 669 string der_cert = program_data.signer_cert_chain(i); 670 program_cert_chain_.push_back(der_cert); 671 } 672 673 return true; 674 } 675 676 TaoChannel::TaoChannel() { 677 peerCertificate_ = nullptr; 678 } 679 680 bool TaoChannel::OpenTaoChannel(TaoProgramData& client_program_data, 681 string& serverAddress, string& port) { 682 683 string key_type; 684 if (!client_program_data.GetProgramKeyType(&key_type)) { 685 printf("OpenTaoChannel: No private key type.\n"); 686 return false; 687 } 688 689 // Open TLS channel with Program cert. 690 string network("tcp"); 691 if (!peer_channel_.InitClientSslChannel(network, serverAddress, port, 692 client_program_data.GetPolicyCertificate(), 693 client_program_data.GetProgramCertificate(), 694 key_type, 695 client_program_data.GetProgramKey(), 696 SSL_SERVER_VERIFY_CLIENT_VERIFY)) { 697 printf("OpenTaoChannel: Can't Init Ssl channel.\n"); 698 return false; 699 } 700 701 // Get peer name from organizational unit. 702 peerCertificate_ = peer_channel_.GetPeerCert(); 703 if (peerCertificate_ != nullptr) { 704 X509_NAME* name = X509_get_subject_name(peerCertificate_); 705 int nid = OBJ_txt2nid("OU"); 706 char buf[BUFSIZE]; 707 if (X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(name, nid, buf, BUFSIZE) == 1) { 708 peer_name_ = buf ; 709 } 710 } 711 712 return true; 713 } 714 715 void TaoChannel::CloseTaoChannel() { 716 peer_channel_.Close(); 717 } 718 719 bool TaoChannel::SendRequest(int size, byte* out) { 720 int k = SslMessageWrite(peer_channel_.GetSslChannel(), size, out); 721 return k > 0; 722 } 723 724 bool TaoChannel::GetRequest(int* size, byte* in) { 725 int k = SslMessageRead(peer_channel_.GetSslChannel(), *size, in); 726 if (k <= 0) { 727 printf("Can't read request channel.\n"); 728 return false; 729 } 730 *size = k; 731 return true; 732 }