
     1  #include <stdio.h>
     2  #include <stdlib.h>
     3  #include <sys/types.h>
     4  #include <sys/stat.h>
     5  #include <fcntl.h>
     6  #include <unistd.h>
     7  #include <string.h>
     8  #include <tpm20.h>
     9  #include <tpm2_lib.h>
    10  #include <errno.h>
    12  #include <tpm2.pb.h>
    14  #include <openssl_helpers.h>
    15  #include <openssl/rsa.h>
    16  #include <openssl/x509.h>
    17  #include <openssl/ssl.h>
    18  #include <openssl/evp.h>
    19  #include <openssl/asn1.h>
    20  #include <openssl/err.h>
    21  #include <openssl/aes.h>
    22  #include <openssl/hmac.h>
    23  #include <openssl/rand.h>
    25  #include <string>
    26  using std::string;
    28  //
    29  // Copyright 2015 Google Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
    30  //
    31  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    32  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    33  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    34  //
    35  // or in the the file LICENSE-2.0.txt in the top level sourcedirectory
    36  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    37  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    38  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    39  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    40  // limitations under the License
    41  //
    42  // Portions of this code were derived TPM2.0-TSS published
    43  // by Intel under the license set forth in intel_license.txt
    44  // and downloaded on or about August 6, 2015.
    45  // File:
    47  // standard buffer size
    48  #define MAX_SIZE_PARAMS 4096
    50  void print_cert_request_message(x509_cert_request_parameters_message& req_message) {
    51    if (req_message.has_common_name()) {
    52      printf("common name: %s\n", req_message.common_name().c_str());
    53    }
    54    if (req_message.has_country_name()) {
    55      printf("country name: %s\n", req_message.country_name().c_str());
    56    }
    57    if (req_message.has_state_name()) {
    58      printf("state name: %s\n", req_message.state_name().c_str());
    59    }
    60    if (req_message.has_locality_name()) {
    61      printf("locality name: %s\n", req_message.locality_name().c_str());
    62    }
    63    if (req_message.has_organization_name()) {
    64      printf("organization name: %s\n", req_message.organization_name().c_str());
    65    }
    66    if (req_message.has_suborganization_name()) {
    67      printf("suborganization name: %s\n",
    68          req_message.suborganization_name().c_str());
    69    }
    70    if (!req_message.has_key())
    71      return;
    72    if (req_message.key().has_key_type()) {
    73      printf("key_type name: %s\n", req_message.key().key_type().c_str());
    74    }
    75    if (req_message.key().rsa_key().has_key_name()) {
    76      printf("key name: %s\n", req_message.key().rsa_key().key_name().c_str());
    77    }
    78    if (req_message.key().rsa_key().has_bit_modulus_size()) {
    79      printf("modulus bit size: %d\n",
    80             req_message.key().rsa_key().bit_modulus_size());
    81    }
    82    if (req_message.key().rsa_key().has_exponent()) {
    83      string exp = req_message.key().rsa_key().exponent();
    84      printf("exponent: ");
    85      PrintBytes(exp.size(), (byte*);
    86      printf("\n");
    87    }
    88    if (req_message.key().rsa_key().has_modulus()) {
    89      string mod = req_message.key().rsa_key().modulus();
    90      printf("modulus : ");
    91      PrintBytes(mod.size(), (byte*);
    92      printf("\n");
    93    }
    94  }
    96  void print_internal_private_key(RSA& key) {
    97    if (key.n != nullptr) {
    98      printf("\nModulus: \n");
    99      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.n);
   100      printf("\n");
   101    }
   102    if (key.e != nullptr) {
   103      printf("\ne: \n");
   104      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.e);
   105      printf("\n");
   106    }
   107    if (key.d != nullptr) {
   108      printf("\nd: \n");
   109      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.d);
   110      printf("\n");
   111    }
   112    if (key.p != nullptr) {
   113      printf("\np: \n");
   114      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.p);
   115      printf("\n");
   116    }
   117    if (key.q != nullptr) {
   118      printf("\nq: \n");
   119      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.q);
   120      printf("\n");
   121    }
   122  #if 0
   123    if (key.dmp1 != nullptr) {
   124      printf("\ndmp1: \n");
   125      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.dmp1);
   126      printf("\n");
   127    }
   128    if (key.dmq1 != nullptr) {
   129      printf("\ndmq1: \n");
   130      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.dmq1);
   131      printf("\n");
   132    }
   133    if (key.iqmp != nullptr) {
   134      printf("\niqmp: \n");
   135      BN_print_fp(stdout, key.iqmp);
   136      printf("\n");
   137    }
   138  #endif
   139  }
   141  BIGNUM* bin_to_BN(int len, byte* buf) {
   142    BIGNUM* bn = BN_bin2bn(buf, len, nullptr);
   143    return bn;
   144  }
   146  string* BN_to_bin(BIGNUM& n) {
   147    byte buf[MAX_SIZE_PARAMS];
   149    int len = BN_bn2bin(&n, buf);
   150    return new string((const char*)buf, len);
   151  }
   153  bool GenerateX509CertificateRequest(x509_cert_request_parameters_message&
   154          params, bool sign_request, X509_REQ* req) {
   155    RSA*  rsa = RSA_new();
   156    X509_NAME* subject = X509_NAME_new();
   157    EVP_PKEY* pKey = new EVP_PKEY();
   159    X509_REQ_set_version(req, 2L);
   160    if (params.key().key_type() != "RSA") {
   161      printf("Only rsa keys supported %s\n", params.key().key_type().c_str());
   162      return false;
   163    }
   164    if (subject == nullptr) {
   165      printf("Can't alloc x509 name\n");
   166      return false;
   167    }
   168    if (params.has_common_name()) {
   169      int nid = OBJ_txt2nid("CN");
   170      X509_NAME_ENTRY* ent = X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID(nullptr, nid,
   171          MBSTRING_ASC, (byte*)params.common_name().c_str(), -1);
   172      if (ent == nullptr) {
   173        printf("X509_NAME_ENTRY return is null, nid: %d\n", nid);
   174        return false;
   175      }
   176      if (X509_NAME_add_entry(subject, ent, -1, 0) != 1) {
   177        printf("Can't add name ent\n");
   178        return false;
   179      }
   180    }
   181    // TODO: do the foregoing for the other name components
   182    if (X509_REQ_set_subject_name(req, subject) != 1)  {
   183      printf("Can't set x509 subject\n");
   184      return false;
   185    }
   187    if (!GetPublicRsaKeyFromParameters(params.key().rsa_key(), rsa)) {
   188      printf("Can't make rsa key\n");
   189      return false;
   190    }
   192    EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pKey, rsa);
   194    // fill key parameters in request
   195    if (sign_request) {
   196      const EVP_MD* digest = EVP_sha256();
   197      if (!X509_REQ_sign(req, pKey, digest)) {
   198        printf("Sign request fails\n");
   199        printf("ERR: %s\n", ERR_lib_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
   200      }
   201    }
   202    pKey->type = EVP_PKEY_RSA;
   203    if (X509_REQ_set_pubkey(req, pKey) ==0) {
   204        printf("X509_REQ_set_pubkey failed\n");
   205    }
   207    return true;
   208  }
   210  bool GetPublicRsaKeyFromParameters(const rsa_public_key_message& key_msg,
   211                                     RSA* rsa) {
   212    rsa->e = bin_to_BN(key_msg.exponent().size(), (byte*)key_msg.exponent().data());
   213    rsa->n = bin_to_BN(key_msg.modulus().size(), (byte*)key_msg.modulus().data());
   214    return rsa->e != nullptr && rsa->n != nullptr;
   215  }
   217  bool GetPrivateRsaKeyFromParameters(const rsa_public_key_message& key_msg,
   218                                      RSA* rsa) {
   219    return false;
   220  }
   222  class extEntry {
   223  public:
   224    char* key_;
   225    char* value_;
   227    extEntry(const char* k, const char* v);
   228    extEntry();
   229    char* getKey();
   230    char* getValue();
   231  };
   233  extEntry::extEntry(const char* k, const char* v) {
   234    key_ = (char*)strdup(k);
   235    value_ = (char*)strdup(v);
   236  }
   238  extEntry::extEntry() {
   239    key_ = nullptr;
   240    value_ = nullptr;
   241  }
   243  char* extEntry::getKey() {
   244    return key_;
   245  }
   247  char* extEntry::getValue() {
   248    return value_;
   249  }
   251  bool addExtensionsToCert(int num_entry, extEntry** entries, X509* cert) {
   252  #if 1
   253    // Temporary because of go verification
   254    return true;
   255  #endif
   256    // add extensions
   257    for (int i = 0; i < num_entry; i++) {
   258      int nid = OBJ_txt2nid(entries[i]->getKey());
   259      ASN1_OCTET_STRING* val = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new();
   260      ASN1_STRING_set(val, (const void *)entries[i]->getValue(),
   261                      strlen(entries[i]->getValue()));
   262      X509_EXTENSION* ext = X509_EXTENSION_create_by_NID(NULL, nid, 0, val);
   263      if (ext == 0) {
   264        printf("Bad ext_conf %d\n", i);
   265        printf("ERR: %s\n", ERR_lib_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
   266        return false;
   267      }
   268      if (!X509_add_ext(cert, ext, -1)) {
   269        printf("Bad add ext %d\n", i);
   270        printf("ERR: %s\n", ERR_lib_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
   271        return false;
   272      }
   273      X509_EXTENSION_free(ext);
   274    }
   275    return true;
   276  }
   278  bool SignX509Certificate(RSA* signing_key, bool f_isCa,
   279                           signing_instructions_message& signing_instructions,
   280                           EVP_PKEY* signedKey,
   281                           X509_REQ* req, bool verify_req_sig, X509* cert) {
   282    if (signedKey == nullptr)
   283      signedKey = X509_REQ_get_pubkey(req);
   284    if (signedKey == nullptr) {
   285      printf("Can't get pubkey\n");
   286      return false;
   287    }
   289    if (verify_req_sig) {
   290      if (X509_REQ_verify(req, signedKey) != 1) {
   291        printf("Req does not verify\n");
   292        // return false;
   293      }
   294    }
   296    uint64_t serial = 1;
   297    EVP_PKEY* pSigningKey= EVP_PKEY_new();
   298    const EVP_MD* digest = EVP_sha256();
   299    X509_NAME* name;
   300    EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(pSigningKey, signing_key);
   301    pSigningKey->type = EVP_PKEY_RSA;
   302    X509_set_version(cert, 2L);
   303    ASN1_INTEGER_set(X509_get_serialNumber(cert), serial++);
   305    name = X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req);
   306    if (X509_set_subject_name(cert, name) != 1) {
   307      printf("Can't set subject name\n");
   308      return false;
   309    }
   310    if (X509_set_pubkey(cert, signedKey) != 1) {
   311      printf("Can't set pubkey\n");
   312      return false;
   313    }
   314    if (!X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notBefore(cert), 0)) {
   315      printf("Can't adj notBefore\n");
   316      return false;
   317    }
   318    if (!X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notAfter(cert),
   319                         signing_instructions.duration())) {
   320      printf("Can't adj notAfter\n");
   321      return false;
   322    }
   323    X509_NAME* issuer = X509_NAME_new();
   324    int nid = OBJ_txt2nid("CN");
   325    X509_NAME_ENTRY* ent = X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID(nullptr, nid,
   326        MBSTRING_ASC, (byte*)signing_instructions.issuer().c_str(), -1);
   327    if (X509_NAME_add_entry(issuer, ent, -1, 0) != 1) {
   328      printf("Can't add issuer name ent: %s, %ld\n",
   329             signing_instructions.issuer().c_str(), (long unsigned)ent);
   330      printf("ERR: %s\n", ERR_lib_error_string(ERR_get_error()));
   331      return false;
   332    }
   333    if (X509_set_issuer_name(cert, issuer) != 1) {
   334      printf("Can't set issuer name\n");
   335      return false;
   336    }
   338    // add extensions
   339    extEntry* entries[4];
   340    int n = 0;
   341    if (f_isCa)
   342      entries[n++] = new extEntry("basicConstraints", "critical,CA:TRUE");
   343    // entries[n++] = new extEntry("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash");
   344    entries[n++] = new extEntry("keyUsage", signing_instructions.purpose().c_str());
   345    if (!addExtensionsToCert(n, entries, cert)) {
   346      printf("Can't add extensions\n");
   347      return false;
   348    }
   350    if (!X509_sign(cert, pSigningKey, digest)) {
   351      printf("Bad PKEY type\n");
   352      return false;
   353    }
   355    printf("digest->size: %d\n", digest->md_size);
   356    PrintBytes(digest->md_size, (byte*)digest->final);
   357    printf("\n");
   358    return true;
   359  }
   361  void XorBlocks(int size, byte* in1, byte* in2, byte* out) {
   362    int i;
   364    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
   365      out[i] = in1[i] ^ in2[i];
   366  }
   368  bool KDFa(uint16_t hashAlg, string& key, string& label, string& contextU,
   369            string& contextV, int bits, int out_size, byte* out) {
   370    HMAC_CTX ctx;
   371    uint32_t len = 32;
   372    uint32_t counter = 0;
   373    int bytes_left = (bits + 7) / 8;
   374    byte* current_out = out;
   375    int size_buf = 0;
   376    byte buf[MAX_SIZE_PARAMS];
   377    int n;
   379    memset(buf, 0, 128);
   380    ChangeEndian32(&counter, (uint32_t*)&buf[size_buf]);
   381    size_buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
   382    n = strlen(label.c_str()) + 1;
   383    if ((size_buf + n) > MAX_SIZE_PARAMS) return false;
   384    memcpy(&buf[size_buf],, n);
   385    size_buf += n;
   386    if ((size_buf + contextU.size()) > MAX_SIZE_PARAMS) return false;
   387    memcpy(&buf[size_buf],, contextU.size());
   388    size_buf += contextU.size();
   389    if ((size_buf + contextV.size()) > MAX_SIZE_PARAMS) return false;
   390    memcpy(&buf[size_buf],, contextV.size());
   391    size_buf += contextV.size();
   392    if ((size_buf + sizeof(uint32_t)) > MAX_SIZE_PARAMS) return false;
   393    ChangeEndian32((uint32_t*)&bits, (uint32_t*)&buf[size_buf]);
   394    size_buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
   396    while (bytes_left > 0) {
   397      counter++;
   398      ChangeEndian32(&counter, (uint32_t*)buf);
   400      HMAC_CTX_init(&ctx);
   401      if (hashAlg == TPM_ALG_SHA1 ) {
   402        HMAC_Init_ex(&ctx,, key.size(), EVP_sha1(), nullptr);
   403      } else {
   404        HMAC_Init_ex(&ctx,, key.size(), EVP_sha256(), nullptr);
   405      }
   406      HMAC_Update(&ctx, buf, size_buf);
   407      HMAC_Final(&ctx, current_out, &len);
   408      HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&ctx);
   409      current_out += len;
   410      bytes_left -= len;
   411    }
   412    return true;
   413  }
   415  bool AesCtrCrypt(int key_size_bits, byte* key, int size,
   416                   byte* in, byte* out) {
   417    AES_KEY ectx;
   418    uint64_t ctr[2] = {0ULL, 0ULL};
   419    byte block[32];
   421    if (key_size_bits != 128) {
   422      return false;
   423    }
   425    AES_set_encrypt_key(key, 128, &ectx);
   426    while (size > 0) {
   427      ctr[1]++;
   428      AES_encrypt((byte*)ctr, block, &ectx);
   429      XorBlocks(16, block, in, out);
   430      in += 16;
   431      out += 16;
   432      size -= 16;
   433    }
   434    return true;
   435  }
   437  #define AESBLKSIZE 16
   439  bool AesCFBEncrypt(byte* key, int in_size, byte* in, int iv_size, byte* iv,
   440                     int* out_size, byte* out) {
   441    byte last_cipher[32];
   442    byte cipher_block[32];
   443    int size = 0;
   444    int current_size;
   446    AES_KEY ectx;
   447    AES_set_encrypt_key(key, 128, &ectx);
   449    // Don't write iv, called already knows it
   450    if(iv_size != AESBLKSIZE) return false;
   451    memcpy(last_cipher, iv, AESBLKSIZE);
   453    while (in_size > 0) {
   454      if ((size + AESBLKSIZE) > *out_size) return false; 
   455      // C[0] = IV, C[i] = P[i] ^ E(K, C[i-1])
   456      AES_encrypt(last_cipher, cipher_block, &ectx);
   457      if (in_size >= AESBLKSIZE)
   458        current_size = AESBLKSIZE;
   459      else
   460        current_size = in_size;
   461      XorBlocks(AESBLKSIZE, cipher_block, in, last_cipher);
   462      memcpy(out, last_cipher, current_size);
   463      out += current_size;
   464      size += current_size;
   465      in += current_size;
   466      in_size -= current_size;
   467    }
   468    *out_size = size;
   469    return true;
   470  }
   472  bool AesCFBDecrypt(byte* key, int in_size, byte* in, int iv_size, byte* iv,
   473                     int* out_size, byte* out) {
   474    byte last_cipher[32];
   475    byte cipher_block[32];
   476    int size = 0;
   477    int current_size;
   479    AES_KEY ectx;
   480    AES_set_encrypt_key(key, 128, &ectx);
   482    // Don't write iv, called already knows it
   483    if(iv_size != AESBLKSIZE) return false;
   484    memcpy(last_cipher, iv, AESBLKSIZE);
   486    while (in_size > 0) {
   487      if ((size + AESBLKSIZE) > *out_size) return false; 
   488      // P[i] = C[i] ^ E(K, C[i-1])
   489      AES_encrypt(last_cipher, cipher_block, &ectx);
   490      if (in_size >= AESBLKSIZE)
   491        current_size = AESBLKSIZE;
   492      else
   493        current_size = in_size;
   494      XorBlocks(current_size, cipher_block, in, out);
   495      memcpy(last_cipher, in, current_size);
   496      out += current_size;
   497      size += current_size;
   498      in += current_size;
   499      in_size -= current_size;
   500    }
   501    *out_size = size;
   502    return true;
   503  }
   505  int SizeHash(TPM_ALG_ID hash) {
   506    switch(hash) {
   507    case TPM_ALG_SHA1:
   508      return 20;
   509    case TPM_ALG_SHA256:
   510      return 32;
   511    default:
   512      return -1;
   513    }
   514  }