
     1  // To compile: protoc -I=. --cpp_out=. tpm2.proto
     3  // Definition of protobufs for tpm2 applications
     4  syntax = "proto2";
     6  message private_key_blob_message {
     7    required string key_type                    = 1;
     8    optional string key_name                    = 2;
     9    optional bytes blob                         = 3;
    10  }
    12  message rsa_public_key_message {
    13    optional string key_name                    = 1;
    14    required int32  bit_modulus_size            = 2;
    15    required bytes  exponent                    = 3;
    16    required bytes  modulus                     = 4;
    17  }
    19  message rsa_private_key_message {
    20    required rsa_public_key_message public_key  = 1;
    21    optional bytes  d                           = 2;
    22    optional bytes  p                           = 3;
    23    optional bytes  q                           = 4;
    24    optional bytes  dp                          = 5;
    25    optional bytes  dq                          = 6;
    26  }
    28  message asymmetric_key_message {
    29    optional rsa_private_key_message key        = 1;
    30  }
    32  message public_key_message {
    33    optional string key_type                    = 1;
    34    optional rsa_public_key_message rsa_key     = 2;
    35  }
    37  message endorsement_key_message {
    38    optional string machine_identifier          = 1;
    39    optional bytes tpm2b_blob                   = 2;
    40    optional bytes tpm2_name                    = 3;
    41  }
    43  message signing_instructions_message {
    44    optional string issuer                      = 1;
    45    optional int64 duration                     = 2;
    46    optional string purpose                     = 3;
    47    optional string date                        = 4;
    48    optional string time                        = 5;
    49    optional string sign_alg                    = 6;
    50    optional string hash_alg                    = 7;
    51    optional bool isCA                          = 8;
    52    optional bool can_sign                      = 9;
    53  }
    55  message x509_cert_request_parameters_message {
    56    required string common_name                 = 1;
    57    optional string country_name                = 2;
    58    optional string state_name                  = 3;
    59    optional string locality_name               = 4;
    60    optional string organization_name           = 5;
    61    optional string suborganization_name        = 6;
    62    optional public_key_message key             = 7;
    63  }
    65  message x509_cert_issuer_parameters_message {
    66    required string common_name                 = 1;
    67    optional string country_name                = 2;
    68    optional string state_name                  = 3;
    69    optional string locality_name               = 4;
    70    optional string organization_name           = 5;
    71    optional string suborganization_name        = 6;
    72    optional string purpose                     = 7;
    73    optional public_key_message key             = 8;
    74  }
    76  message cert_parameters_message {
    77    optional x509_cert_request_parameters_message request = 1;
    78    optional x509_cert_issuer_parameters_message signer   = 2;
    79    optional string not_before                            = 3;
    80    optional string not_after                             = 4;
    81  }
    83  message quote_key_info_message {
    84    // public key parameters of "quote-key"
    85    optional public_key_message public_key      = 1;
    86    // Tpm2 name (hash) of the "quote-key" info
    87    optional bytes  name                        = 2;
    88    // objectAttributes of the "quote key"
    89    optional int32  properties                  = 3;
    90  }
    92  message program_key_parameters {
    93    optional string program_name                = 1;
    94    optional string program_key_type            = 2;
    95    optional int32 program_bit_modulus_size     = 3;
    96    optional bytes program_key_exponent         = 4;
    97    optional bytes program_key_modulus          = 5;
    98  };
   100  message program_cert_request_message {
   101    optional string request_id                     = 1;
   102    optional bytes endorsement_cert_blob           = 2;
   103    optional program_key_parameters program_key    = 3;
   104    optional string quote_sign_alg                 = 4;
   105    optional string quote_sign_hash_alg            = 5;
   106    optional bytes quote_signature                = 6;
   107    optional quote_key_info_message quote_key_info = 7;
   108    optional bytes quoted_blob                     = 8;
   109  }
   111  message program_cert_response_message {
   112    optional string request_id                  = 1;
   113    optional string program_name                = 2;
   114    optional string integrity_alg               = 3;
   115    // outer HMAC, does not include size in buffer
   116    // HMAC key is KDFa derived from seed and "INTEGRITY"
   117    // This is a TPM2B_DIGEST and has a size.
   118    optional bytes integrityHMAC                = 4;
   119    // encIdentity, does not include size of encIdentity in buffer.
   120    // encIdentity should be an encrypted correctly marshalled
   121    // This is an encrypted TPM2B_DIGEST and has a size.
   122    // encIdentity is always CFB Aes-128 encrypted
   123    // with KDFa derived key derived from the "seed," "STORAGE" and
   124    // the name of the quote key.
   125    optional bytes encIdentity                  = 5;
   126    // protector-key private-key encrypted seed || "IDENTITY" buffer
   127    optional bytes secret                       = 6;
   128    // Signed, der-encoded program cert CTR encrypted with
   129    // secret in credential buffer.  TODO(jlm): should also
   130    // contain an HMAC.
   131    optional bytes encrypted_cert               = 7;
   132    optional bytes encrypted_cert_hmac          = 8;
   133  }
   135  message certificate_chain_entry_message {
   136    optional string subject_key_name            = 1;
   137    optional string issuer_key_name             = 2;
   138    optional string cert_type                   = 3;
   139    optional bytes cert_blob                    = 4;
   140  }
   142  message certificate_chain_message {
   143    repeated certificate_chain_entry_message entry  = 1;
   144  }
   146  message quote_certification_information {
   147    optional bytes magic                        = 1;
   148    optional bytes type                         = 2;
   149    optional bytes qualifiedsigner              = 3;
   150    optional bytes extraData                    = 4;
   151    optional bytes clockinfo                    = 5;
   152    optional int64 firmwareversion              = 6;
   153    optional bytes pcr_selection                = 7;
   154    optional bytes digest                       = 8;
   155  }