
     1  //
     2  // Copyright 2015 Google Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
     3  //
     4  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7  //
     8  // or in the the file LICENSE-2.0.txt in the top level sourcedirectory
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License
    14  //
    15  // Portions of this code were derived TPM2.0-TSS published
    16  // by Intel under the license set forth in intel_license.txt
    17  // and downloaded on or about August 6, 2015.
    18  // File: tpm2_lib.h
    20  #ifndef _TPM2_LIB_H__
    21  #define _TPM2_LIB_H__
    23  #include <tpm20.h>
    24  #include <tpm2_types.h>
    26  #include <string>
    27  using std::string;
    29  #define NBITSINBYTE 8
    31  // General Utility functions
    32  bool Equal(int size_in1, byte* in1, int size_in2, byte* in2);
    33  void ReverseCpy(int size, byte* in, byte* out);
    34  void PrintBytes(int n, byte* in);
    35  void ChangeEndian16(const uint16_t* in, uint16_t* out);
    36  void ChangeEndian32(const uint32_t* in, uint32_t* out);
    37  void ChangeEndian64(const uint64_t* in, uint64_t* out);
    38  void InitSinglePcrSelection(int pcrNum, TPM_ALG_ID alg,
    39                              TPML_PCR_SELECTION* pcrSelect);
    40  void setPcrBit(int pcrNum, byte* array);
    41  bool testPcrBit(int pcrNum, byte* array);
    43  bool ReadFileIntoBlock(const string& filename, int* size, byte* block);
    44  bool WriteFileFromBlock(const string& filename, int size, byte* block);
    46  void PrintCapabilities(int size, byte* buf);
    47  bool GetReadPublicOut(uint16_t size_in, byte* input, TPM2B_PUBLIC* outPublic);
    48  bool MakeCredential(int size_endorsement_blob, byte* endorsement_cert_blob,
    49                      TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg_id,
    50                      TPM2B_DIGEST& unmarshaled_credential,
    51                      TPM2B_DIGEST& marshaled_credential,
    52                      TPM2B_NAME& unmarshaled_name,
    53                      TPM2B_NAME& marshaled_name,
    54                      int* size_encIdentity, byte* encIdentity,
    55                      TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET* unmarshaled_encrypted_secret,
    56                      TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET* marshaled_encrypted_secret,
    57                      TPM2B_DIGEST* unmarshaled_integrityHmac,
    58                      TPM2B_DIGEST* marshaled_integrityHmac);
    59  bool EncryptDataWithCredential(bool encrypt_flag, TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg_id,
    60                                 TPM2B_DIGEST unmarshaled_credential,
    61                                 TPM2B_DIGEST marshaled_credential,
    62                                 int size_input_data, byte* input_data,
    63                                 int* size_hmac, byte* encrypted_data_hmac,
    64                                 int* size_output_data, byte* output_data);
    66  // Local Tpm interaction
    67  class LocalTpm {
    69  private:
    70    int tpm_fd_;
    72  public:
    73    LocalTpm();
    74    ~LocalTpm();
    76    bool OpenTpm(const char* device);
    77    void CloseTpm();
    78    bool SendCommand(int size, byte* command);
    79    bool GetResponse(int* size, byte* response);
    80  };
    82  // Helpers
    83  int Tpm2_SetCommand(TPM_ST tag, uint32_t cmd, byte* buf,
    84                      int size_param, byte* params);
    85  void Tpm2_IntepretResponse(int out_size, byte* out_buf,
    86                             int16_t* cap, uint32_t* responseSize,
    87                             uint32_t* responseCode);
    88  int Tpm2_Set_OwnerAuthHandle(int size, byte* buf);
    89  int Tpm2_Set_OwnerAuthData(int size, byte* buf);
    91  TPM_HANDLE GetNvHandle(uint32_t slot);
    94  bool FillTpmPcrData(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMS_PCR_SELECTION pcrSelection,
    95                      int* size, byte* buf);
    96  bool ComputePcrDigest(TPM_ALG_ID hash, int size_in, byte* in_buf,
    97                        int* size_out, byte* out);
    99  // TPM Commands
   100  bool Tpm2_Startup(LocalTpm& tpm);
   101  bool Tpm2_Shutdown(LocalTpm& tpm);
   102  bool Tpm2_GetCapability(LocalTpm& tpm, uint32_t cap, uint32_t start,
   103                          int* size, byte* buf);
   104  bool Tpm2_GetRandom(LocalTpm& tpm, int numBytes, byte* buf);
   106  bool Tpm2_ReadClock(LocalTpm& tpm, uint64_t* current_time,
   107                      uint64_t* current_clock);
   108  bool Tpm2_ReadPcrs(LocalTpm& tpm, TPML_PCR_SELECTION pcrSelect,
   109                     uint32_t* updateCounter,
   110                     TPML_PCR_SELECTION* pcrSelectOut, TPML_DIGEST* values);
   111  bool Tpm2_ReadPcr(LocalTpm& tpm, int pcrNum, uint32_t* updateCounter,
   112                    TPML_PCR_SELECTION* pcrSelectOut, TPML_DIGEST* digest);
   113  bool Tpm2_CreatePrimary(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE owner, string& authString,
   114                          TPML_PCR_SELECTION& pcr_selection,
   115                          TPM_ALG_ID enc_alg, TPM_ALG_ID int_alg,
   116                          TPMA_OBJECT& flags, TPM_ALG_ID sym_alg,
   117                          TPMI_AES_KEY_BITS sym_key_size,
   118                          TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE sym_mode, TPM_ALG_ID sig_scheme,
   119                          int mod_size, uint32_t exp,
   120                          TPM_HANDLE* handle, TPM2B_PUBLIC* pub_out);
   121  bool Tpm2_Load(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE parent_handle, string& parentAuth,
   122                 int size_public, byte* inPublic,
   123                 int size_private, byte* inPrivate,
   124                 TPM_HANDLE* new_handle, TPM2B_NAME* name);
   125  bool Tpm2_Save(LocalTpm& tpm);
   126  bool Tpm2_PolicyPassword(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle);
   127  bool Tpm2_PCR_Event(LocalTpm& tpm, int pcr_num,
   128                      uint16_t size, byte* eventData);
   129  bool Tpm2_PolicyGetDigest(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle,
   130                            TPM2B_DIGEST* digest_out);
   131  bool Tpm2_StartAuthSession(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_RH tpm_obj, TPM_RH bind_obj,
   132                             TPM2B_NONCE& initial_nonce,
   133                             TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET& salt,
   134                             TPM_SE session_type, TPMT_SYM_DEF& symmetric,
   135                             TPMI_ALG_HASH hash_alg, TPM_HANDLE* session_handle,
   136                             TPM2B_NONCE* nonce_obj);
   137  bool Tpm2_PolicyPcr(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE session_handle,
   138                      TPM2B_DIGEST& expected_digest, TPML_PCR_SELECTION& pcr);
   139  bool Tpm2_PolicySecret(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle,
   140                         TPM2B_DIGEST* policy_digest,
   141                         TPM2B_TIMEOUT* timeout,
   142                         TPMT_TK_AUTH* ticket);
   144  bool Tpm2_CreateSealed(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE parent_handle,
   145                         int size_policy_digest, byte* policy_digest,
   146                         string& parentAuth,
   147                         int size_to_seal, byte* to_seal,
   148                         TPML_PCR_SELECTION& pcr_selection,
   149                         TPM_ALG_ID int_alg,
   150                         TPMA_OBJECT& flags, TPM_ALG_ID sym_alg,
   151                         TPMI_AES_KEY_BITS sym_key_size,
   152                         TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE sym_mode, TPM_ALG_ID sig_scheme,
   153                         int mod_size, uint32_t exp,
   154                         int* size_public, byte* out_public,
   155                         int* size_private, byte* out_private,
   156                         TPM2B_CREATION_DATA* creation_out,
   157                         TPM2B_DIGEST* digest_out,
   158                         TPMT_TK_CREATION* creation_ticket);
   159  bool Tpm2_CreateKey(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE parent_handle,
   160                      string& parentAuth, string& authString,
   161                      TPML_PCR_SELECTION& pcr_selection,
   162                      TPM_ALG_ID enc_alg, TPM_ALG_ID int_alg,
   163                      TPMA_OBJECT& flags, TPM_ALG_ID sym_alg,
   164                      TPMI_AES_KEY_BITS sym_key_size,
   165                      TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE sym_mode, TPM_ALG_ID sig_scheme,
   166                      int mod_size, uint32_t exp,
   167                      int* size_public, byte* out_public,
   168                      int* size_private, byte* out_private,
   169                      TPM2B_CREATION_DATA* creation_out,
   170                      TPM2B_DIGEST* digest_out, TPMT_TK_CREATION* creation_ticket);
   172  bool Tpm2_Unseal(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE item_handle, string& parentAuth,
   173                   TPM_HANDLE session_handle, TPM2B_NONCE& nonce,
   174                   byte session_attributes, TPM2B_DIGEST& hmac_digest,
   175                   int* out_size, byte* sealed);
   176  bool Tpm2_Quote(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE signingHandle, string& parentAuth,
   177                  int quote_size, byte* toQuote,
   178                  TPMT_SIG_SCHEME scheme, TPML_PCR_SELECTION& pcr_selection,
   179                  TPM_ALG_ID sig_alg, TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg, 
   180                  int* attest_size, byte* attest, int* sig_size, byte* sig);
   181  bool Tpm2_LoadContext(LocalTpm& tpm, uint16_t size, byte* saveArea,
   182                        TPM_HANDLE* handle);
   183  bool Tpm2_SaveContext(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle, uint16_t* size,
   184                        byte* saveArea);
   185  bool Tpm2_FlushContext(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle);
   187  bool Tpm2_IncrementNv(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index, string& authString);
   188  bool Tpm2_ReadNv(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index, 
   189                   string& authString, uint16_t* size, byte* data);
   190  bool Tpm2_WriteNv(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index, string& authString,
   191                    uint16_t size, byte* data);
   192  bool Tpm2_DefineSpace(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE owner, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index,
   193                        string& authString, uint16_t authPolicySize,
   194                        byte* authPolicy, uint32_t attributes, uint16_t size_data);
   195  bool Tpm2_UndefineSpace(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE owner, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index);
   196  bool Tpm2_Flushall(LocalTpm& tpm, uint32_t start);
   198  bool Tpm2_MakeCredential(LocalTpm& tpm,
   199                           TPM_HANDLE keyHandle,
   200                           TPM2B_DIGEST& credential,
   201                           TPM2B_NAME& objectName,
   202                           TPM2B_ID_OBJECT* credentialBlob,
   203                           TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET* secret);
   204  bool Tpm2_ActivateCredential(LocalTpm& tpm,
   205                               TPM_HANDLE activeHandle,
   206                               TPM_HANDLE keyHandle,
   207                               string& activeAuth, string& keyAuth,
   208                               TPM2B_ID_OBJECT& credentialBlob,
   209                               TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET& secret,
   210                               TPM2B_DIGEST* certInfo);
   211  bool Tpm2_Certify(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE signedKey, TPM_HANDLE signingKey,
   212                    string& auth_signed_key, string& auth_signing_key,
   213                    TPM2B_DATA& qualifyingData,
   214                    TPM2B_ATTEST* attest, TPMT_SIGNATURE* sig);
   215  bool Tpm2_ReadPublic(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle, 
   216                       uint16_t* pub_blob_size, byte* pub_blob,
   217                       TPM2B_PUBLIC* outPublic,
   218                       TPM2B_NAME* name, TPM2B_NAME* qualifiedName);
   220  bool Tpm2_Rsa_Encrypt(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE handle, string& authString,
   221                        TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA& in, TPMT_RSA_DECRYPT& scheme,
   222                        TPM2B_DATA& label, TPM2B_PUBLIC_KEY_RSA* out);
   223  bool Tpm2_EvictControl(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMI_RH_PROVISION owner, TPM_HANDLE handle,
   224                         string& authString,
   225                         TPMI_DH_PERSISTENT persistantHandle);
   227  bool Tpm2_DictionaryAttackLockReset(LocalTpm& tpm);
   229  #define NV_PLATFORMCREATE 0x40000000
   230  #define NV_AUTHWRITE      0x00000004
   231  #define NV_COUNTER        0x00000010
   232  #define NV_EXTEND         0x00000040
   233  #define NV_POLICY_DELETE  0x00000400
   234  #define NV_AUTHREAD       0x00040000
   235  #define NV_WRITTEN        0x20000000
   237  #define CONTINUESESSION 0x01
   239  class ProtectedSessionAuthInfo {
   240  public:
   241    TPMI_ALG_HASH hash_alg_;
   242    TPM2B_NONCE oldNonce_;
   243    TPM2B_NONCE newNonce_;
   244    TPM_HANDLE sessionHandle_;
   245    TPM_HANDLE protectedHandle_;
   246    uint32_t protectedAttributes_;
   247    uint16_t protectedSize_;
   248    TPM2B_NAME nameProtected_;
   249    TPM2B_DIGEST targetAuthValue_;
   250    byte tpmSessionAttributes_;
   251    int sessionKeySize_;
   252    byte sessionKey_[64];
   253  };
   255  bool CalculateNvName(ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& in, TPM_HANDLE nv_handle,
   256           uint16_t nv_hash_alg, uint32_t nv_attributes,
   257           uint16_t data_size, bool wasWritten, byte* out);
   258  bool CalculateSessionKey(ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& in, TPM2B_DIGEST& rawSalt);
   259  bool CalculateSessionHmac(ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& in, bool dir, uint32_t cmd,
   260  		int size_parms, byte* parms, int* size_hmac, byte* hmac);
   261  void RollNonces(ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& in, TPM2B_NONCE& newNonce);
   262  bool Tpm2_StartProtectedAuthSession(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_RH tpm_obj, TPM_RH bind_obj,
   263                             ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& authInfo,
   264                             TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET& salt,
   265                             TPM_SE session_type, TPMT_SYM_DEF& symmetric,
   266                             TPMI_ALG_HASH hash_alg, TPM_HANDLE* session_handle);
   267  bool Tpm2_IncrementProtectedNv(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index,
   268            ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& authInfo);
   269  bool Tpm2_ReadProtectedNv(LocalTpm& tpm, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index,
   270                   ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& authInfo, uint16_t* size, byte* data);
   271  bool Tpm2_DefineProtectedSpace(LocalTpm& tpm, TPM_HANDLE owner, TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX index,
   272                        ProtectedSessionAuthInfo& authInfo, uint32_t attributes,
   273                        uint16_t size_data);
   274  #endif