(about) 1 package aws 2 3 import ( 4 "fmt" 5 "testing" 6 7 "" 8 "" 9 "" 10 "" 11 "" 12 ) 13 14 func TestAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroup_basic(t *testing.T) { 15 var v elasticache.CacheParameterGroup 16 17 resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ 18 PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, 19 Providers: testAccProviders, 20 CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupDestroy, 21 Steps: []resource.TestStep{ 22 resource.TestStep{ 23 Config: testAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupConfig, 24 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( 25 testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupExists("", &v), 26 testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupAttributes(&v), 27 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 28 "", "name", "parameter-group-test-terraform"), 29 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 30 "", "family", "redis2.8"), 31 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 32 "", "description", "Test parameter group for terraform"), 33 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 34 "", "", "appendonly"), 35 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 36 "", "parameter.283487565.value", "yes"), 37 ), 38 }, 39 resource.TestStep{ 40 Config: testAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupAddParametersConfig, 41 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( 42 testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupExists("", &v), 43 testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupAttributes(&v), 44 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 45 "", "name", "parameter-group-test-terraform"), 46 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 47 "", "family", "redis2.8"), 48 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 49 "", "description", "Test parameter group for terraform"), 50 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 51 "", "", "appendonly"), 52 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 53 "", "parameter.283487565.value", "yes"), 54 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 55 "", "", "appendfsync"), 56 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 57 "", "parameter.2196914567.value", "always"), 58 ), 59 }, 60 }, 61 }) 62 } 63 64 func TestAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupOnly(t *testing.T) { 65 var v elasticache.CacheParameterGroup 66 67 resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ 68 PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, 69 Providers: testAccProviders, 70 CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupDestroy, 71 Steps: []resource.TestStep{ 72 resource.TestStep{ 73 Config: testAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupOnlyConfig, 74 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( 75 testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupExists("", &v), 76 testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupAttributes(&v), 77 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 78 "", "name", "parameter-group-test-terraform"), 79 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 80 "", "family", "redis2.8"), 81 resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( 82 "", "description", "Test parameter group for terraform"), 83 ), 84 }, 85 }, 86 }) 87 } 88 89 func testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { 90 conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn 91 92 for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources { 93 if rs.Type != "aws_elasticache_parameter_group" { 94 continue 95 } 96 97 // Try to find the Group 98 resp, err := conn.DescribeCacheParameterGroups( 99 &elasticache.DescribeCacheParameterGroupsInput{ 100 CacheParameterGroupName: aws.String(rs.Primary.ID), 101 }) 102 103 if err == nil { 104 if len(resp.CacheParameterGroups) != 0 && 105 *resp.CacheParameterGroups[0].CacheParameterGroupName == rs.Primary.ID { 106 return fmt.Errorf("Cache Parameter Group still exists") 107 } 108 } 109 110 // Verify the error 111 newerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error) 112 if !ok { 113 return err 114 } 115 if newerr.Code() != "InvalidCacheParameterGroup.NotFound" { 116 return err 117 } 118 } 119 120 return nil 121 } 122 123 func testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupAttributes(v *elasticache.CacheParameterGroup) resource.TestCheckFunc { 124 return func(s *terraform.State) error { 125 126 if *v.CacheParameterGroupName != "parameter-group-test-terraform" { 127 return fmt.Errorf("bad name: %#v", v.CacheParameterGroupName) 128 } 129 130 if *v.CacheParameterGroupFamily != "redis2.8" { 131 return fmt.Errorf("bad family: %#v", v.CacheParameterGroupFamily) 132 } 133 134 if *v.Description != "Test parameter group for terraform" { 135 return fmt.Errorf("bad description: %#v", v.Description) 136 } 137 138 return nil 139 } 140 } 141 142 func testAccCheckAWSElasticacheParameterGroupExists(n string, v *elasticache.CacheParameterGroup) resource.TestCheckFunc { 143 return func(s *terraform.State) error { 144 rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[n] 145 if !ok { 146 return fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", n) 147 } 148 149 if rs.Primary.ID == "" { 150 return fmt.Errorf("No Cache Parameter Group ID is set") 151 } 152 153 conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn 154 155 opts := elasticache.DescribeCacheParameterGroupsInput{ 156 CacheParameterGroupName: aws.String(rs.Primary.ID), 157 } 158 159 resp, err := conn.DescribeCacheParameterGroups(&opts) 160 161 if err != nil { 162 return err 163 } 164 165 if len(resp.CacheParameterGroups) != 1 || 166 *resp.CacheParameterGroups[0].CacheParameterGroupName != rs.Primary.ID { 167 return fmt.Errorf("Cache Parameter Group not found") 168 } 169 170 *v = *resp.CacheParameterGroups[0] 171 172 return nil 173 } 174 } 175 176 const testAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupConfig = ` 177 resource "aws_elasticache_parameter_group" "bar" { 178 name = "parameter-group-test-terraform" 179 family = "redis2.8" 180 description = "Test parameter group for terraform" 181 parameter { 182 name = "appendonly" 183 value = "yes" 184 } 185 } 186 ` 187 188 const testAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupAddParametersConfig = ` 189 resource "aws_elasticache_parameter_group" "bar" { 190 name = "parameter-group-test-terraform" 191 family = "redis2.8" 192 description = "Test parameter group for terraform" 193 parameter { 194 name = "appendonly" 195 value = "yes" 196 } 197 parameter { 198 name = "appendfsync" 199 value = "always" 200 } 201 } 202 ` 203 204 const testAccAWSElasticacheParameterGroupOnlyConfig = ` 205 resource "aws_elasticache_parameter_group" "bar" { 206 name = "parameter-group-test-terraform" 207 family = "redis2.8" 208 description = "Test parameter group for terraform" 209 } 210 `