
     1  {{ define "main" }}
     2  <div class="w-100 ph4 pb5 pb6-ns pt1 mt4 pt3-ns">
     3      <div class="flex-l">
     4          <div class="order-2 w-100 w-20-l ph5-m ph0-l mb4 sticky">
     5              <aside class="fixed-lTK mw5-l right-0 f6 bl-l b--moon-gray pv4 pv0-ns ph4-l nested-list-reset nested-links nested-copy-line-height">
     6                  <p class="b">What's on this Page</p>
     7                  <ul>
     8                      <li><a href="#last-updated">Last Updated</a></li>
     9                      <li><a href="#least-recently-updated">Least Recently Updated</a></li>
    10                       <li><a href="#todos">Pages marked with TODO</a></li>
    11                  </ul>
    12              </aside>
    13          </div>
    14          <div class="w-100">
    15              {{ $byLastMod :=  .Site.RegularPages.ByLastmod  }}
    16              {{ $recent := ($byLastMod | last 30).Reverse }}
    17              {{ $leastRecent := $byLastMod | first 10 }}            
    18              <h2 id="last-updated">Last Updated</h2>
    19              {{ partial "maintenance-pages-table" $recent }}
    20              <h2 id="least-recently-updated">Least Recently Updated</h2>
    21              {{ partial "maintenance-pages-table" $leastRecent }}
    23              {{/* Don't think this is possible with where directly. Should investigate. */}}
    24              {{ .Scratch.Set "todos" slice }}
    25              {{ range .Site.RegularPages }}
    26                   {{ if .HasShortcode "todo" }}
    27                   {{ $.Scratch.Add "todos" . }}
    28                   {{ end }}
    29              {{ end }}
    30              <h2 id="todos">Pages marked with TODO</h2>
    31              {{ partial "maintenance-pages-table" (.Scratch.Get "todos") }}
    33          </div>
    34      </div>
    35  </div>
    36  {{ end }}