
     1  ## Advanced Options
     3  This document shows the advanced options available to a developer of an ansible operator.
     5  ### Watches File Options
     7  The advanced features can be enabled by adding them to your watches file per GVK.
     8  They can go below the `group`, `version`, `kind` and `playbook` or `role`.
    10  Some features can be overridden per resource via an annotation on that CR. The options that are overridable will have the annotation specified below.
    12  | Feature | Yaml Key | Description| Annotation for override | default |
    13  |--------|----------|------------|-------------------------| --------|
    14  | Reconcile Period | `reconcilePeriod`  | time between reconcile runs for a particular CR  | ansbile.operator-sdk/reconcile-period  | 1m |
    15  | Manage Status | `manageStatus` | Allows the ansible operator to manage the conditions section of each resource's status section. | | true |
    16  | Watching Dependent Resources | `watchDependentResources` | Allows the ansible operator to dynamically watch resources that are created by ansible | | true |
    17  | Watching Cluster-Scoped Resources | `watchClusterScopedResources` | Allows the ansible operator to watch cluster-scoped resources that are created by ansible | | false |
    18  | Max Runner Artifacts | `maxRunnerArtifacts` | Manages the number of [artifact directories]( that ansible runner will keep in the operator container for each individual resource. | ansible.operator-sdk/max-runner-artifacts | 20 |
    21  #### Example
    22  ```YaML
    23  ---
    24  - version: v1alpha1
    25    group:
    26    kind: AppService
    27    playbook: /opt/ansible/playbook.yml
    28    maxRunnerArtifacts: 30
    29    reconcilePeriod: 5s
    30    manageStatus: False
    31    watchDependentResources: False
    32  ```
    35  ### Runner Directory
    37  The ansible runner will keep information about the ansible run in the container.  This is located `/tmp/ansible-operator/runner/<group>/<version>/<kind>/<namespace>/<name>`. To learn more  about the runner directory you can read the [ansible-runner docs](