
     1  package consensus
     3  import (
     4  	"math/big"
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  // SurpassThreshold is a percentage that dictates how much heavier a competing
    16  // chain has to be before the node will switch to mining on that chain. This is
    17  // not a consensus rule. This percentage is only applied to the most recent
    18  // block, not the entire chain; see blockNode.heavierThan.
    19  //
    20  // If no threshold were in place, it would be possible to manipulate a block's
    21  // timestamp to produce a sufficiently heavier block.
    22  var SurpassThreshold = big.NewRat(20, 100)
    24  // processedBlock is a copy/rename of blockNode, with the pointers to
    25  // other blockNodes replaced with block ID's, and all the fields
    26  // exported, so that a block node can be marshalled
    27  type processedBlock struct {
    28  	Block       types.Block
    29  	Height      types.BlockHeight
    30  	Depth       types.Target
    31  	ChildTarget types.Target
    33  	DiffsGenerated            bool
    34  	SiacoinOutputDiffs        []modules.SiacoinOutputDiff
    35  	FileContractDiffs         []modules.FileContractDiff
    36  	SiafundOutputDiffs        []modules.SiafundOutputDiff
    37  	DelayedSiacoinOutputDiffs []modules.DelayedSiacoinOutputDiff
    38  	SiafundPoolDiffs          []modules.SiafundPoolDiff
    40  	ConsensusChecksum crypto.Hash
    41  }
    43  // heavierThan returns true if the blockNode is sufficiently heavier than
    44  // 'cmp'. 'cmp' is expected to be the current block node. "Sufficient" means
    45  // that the weight of 'bn' exceeds the weight of 'cmp' by:
    46  //		(the target of 'cmp' * 'Surpass Threshold')
    47  func (pb *processedBlock) heavierThan(cmp *processedBlock) bool {
    48  	requirement := cmp.Depth.AddDifficulties(cmp.ChildTarget.MulDifficulty(SurpassThreshold))
    49  	return requirement.Cmp(pb.Depth) > 0 // Inversed, because the smaller target is actually heavier.
    50  }
    52  // childDepth returns the depth of a blockNode's child nodes. The depth is the
    53  // "sum" of the current depth and current difficulty. See target.Add for more
    54  // detailed information.
    55  func (pb *processedBlock) childDepth() types.Target {
    56  	return pb.Depth.AddDifficulties(pb.ChildTarget)
    57  }
    59  // targetAdjustmentBase returns the magnitude that the target should be
    60  // adjusted by before a clamp is applied.
    61  func (cs *ConsensusSet) targetAdjustmentBase(blockMap *bolt.Bucket, pb *processedBlock) *big.Rat {
    62  	// Grab the block that was generated 'TargetWindow' blocks prior to the
    63  	// parent. If there are not 'TargetWindow' blocks yet, stop at the genesis
    64  	// block.
    65  	var windowSize types.BlockHeight
    66  	parent := pb.Block.ParentID
    67  	current := pb.Block.ID()
    68  	for windowSize = 0; windowSize < types.TargetWindow && parent != (types.BlockID{}); windowSize++ {
    69  		current = parent
    70  		copy(parent[:], blockMap.Get(parent[:])[:32])
    71  	}
    72  	timestamp := types.Timestamp(encoding.DecUint64(blockMap.Get(current[:])[40:48]))
    74  	// The target of a child is determined by the amount of time that has
    75  	// passed between the generation of its immediate parent and its
    76  	// TargetWindow'th parent. The expected amount of seconds to have passed is
    77  	// TargetWindow*BlockFrequency. The target is adjusted in proportion to how
    78  	// time has passed vs. the expected amount of time to have passed.
    79  	//
    80  	// The target is converted to a big.Rat to provide infinite precision
    81  	// during the calculation. The big.Rat is just the int representation of a
    82  	// target.
    83  	timePassed := pb.Block.Timestamp - timestamp
    84  	expectedTimePassed := types.BlockFrequency * windowSize
    85  	return big.NewRat(int64(timePassed), int64(expectedTimePassed))
    86  }
    88  // clampTargetAdjustment returns a clamped version of the base adjustment
    89  // value. The clamp keeps the maximum adjustment to ~7x every 2000 blocks. This
    90  // ensures that raising and lowering the difficulty requires a minimum amount
    91  // of total work, which prevents certain classes of difficulty adjusting
    92  // attacks.
    93  func clampTargetAdjustment(base *big.Rat) *big.Rat {
    94  	if base.Cmp(types.MaxAdjustmentUp) > 0 {
    95  		return types.MaxAdjustmentUp
    96  	} else if base.Cmp(types.MaxAdjustmentDown) < 0 {
    97  		return types.MaxAdjustmentDown
    98  	}
    99  	return base
   100  }
   102  // setChildTarget computes the target of a blockNode's child. All children of a node
   103  // have the same target.
   104  func (cs *ConsensusSet) setChildTarget(blockMap *bolt.Bucket, pb *processedBlock) {
   105  	// Fetch the parent block.
   106  	var parent processedBlock
   107  	parentBytes := blockMap.Get(pb.Block.ParentID[:])
   108  	err := encoding.Unmarshal(parentBytes, &parent)
   109  	if build.DEBUG && err != nil {
   110  		panic(err)
   111  	}
   113  	if pb.Height%(types.TargetWindow/2) != 0 {
   114  		pb.ChildTarget = parent.ChildTarget
   115  		return
   116  	}
   117  	adjustment := clampTargetAdjustment(cs.targetAdjustmentBase(blockMap, pb))
   118  	adjustedRatTarget := new(big.Rat).Mul(parent.ChildTarget.Rat(), adjustment)
   119  	pb.ChildTarget = types.RatToTarget(adjustedRatTarget)
   120  }
   122  // newChild creates a blockNode from a block and adds it to the parent's set of
   123  // children. The new node is also returned. It necessairly modifies the database
   124  func (cs *ConsensusSet) newChild(tx *bolt.Tx, pb *processedBlock, b types.Block) *processedBlock {
   125  	// Create the child node.
   126  	childID := b.ID()
   127  	child := &processedBlock{
   128  		Block:  b,
   129  		Height: pb.Height + 1,
   130  		Depth:  pb.childDepth(),
   131  	}
   132  	blockMap := tx.Bucket(BlockMap)
   133  	cs.setChildTarget(blockMap, child)
   134  	err := blockMap.Put(childID[:], encoding.Marshal(*child))
   135  	if build.DEBUG && err != nil {
   136  		panic(err)
   137  	}
   138  	return child
   139  }